Does Russia has any real (not a KGB puppet) politician except The Collective Putin now?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Who runs Russia now?
Many believes the true Putin was murdered by KGB in 2006 and the country is hijacked by a gang of international criminals and thieves who hide the stolen Russian money in Africa now. Outwardly the gang presents itself by dozens of Putin doubles who are mostly completely different from the guy we knew in 2000s.
The Collective Putin completely eradicated political system in Russia, all laws are practically abolished, prisons are full of 'extremists' who'd either dared to say a 'wrong' word about the Collective Putin or refused to admire his idiotic war in Ukraine
Strelkow, Surikow, Prigozhin, Navalny, Father Sergy, hundred other patriots who could be new Russian leaders were eliminated or in the best case imprisoned.
Sincerly do know know only one non-controlled by KGB or Mafia politician in Russia who can challenge the Collective Putin even in a small village?
I know no one.
You have been reading those comics again, OP .
Garbage throughout .

Nikolei Patrushev seems a logical successor when the real Putin steps down . Great friend of Volodya .
Against that he is same age but still a baby if he is a clean living Russian .Pals since KGB days .
Lavrov would make a hard bastard of a President but is probably best as an executioner . Same age as the other two .

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