Does Obama represent the will of the people

Why don't we just take hold of our responsibilities and do them instead of expecting a President or a member of Congress doing them?
Obama is for the left-wing fringe and those that are rich supporters of the DNC.

He gives tax money to left-wing fatcats on Wall Street expecting a kickback in the future.

He caters to the hispanic crowd over illegals expecting vote support in the next election.

He takes money from the DoD budget while increasing funding for the arts, as if the Federal Govt should be giving tax money to lazy artists.
Why don't we just take hold of our responsibilities and do them instead of expecting a President or a member of Congress doing them?
You're right! Today, it's your responsibility to negotiate a trade deal with China. Tomorrow, we'll get somebody else to marshal the resources to stem the flooding on the Mississippi. On Wednesday, I'll make the decision about the debt limit and then on Thursday, we'll get Gunny to decide the future of NASA. Later in the week, someone somewhere might take up the challenge of industrial and agricultural pollution. Any volunteers?

Sure would be easy if we just had a system of government to handle these pesky little problems, wouldn't it?
Why don't we just take hold of our responsibilities and do them instead of expecting a President or a member of Congress doing them?

I could not agree more
if we had done that, this mess that The left (and the press) blamed on GWB for so long, any way this mess is just for that reason
We do the right things there is no housing bubble
The govt did not cause it, we did
Obama knew that to
"Never let a crises go to waste"
Why don't we just take hold of our responsibilities and do them instead of expecting a President or a member of Congress doing them?

I could not agree more
if we had done that, this mess that The left (and the press) blamed on GWB for so long, any way this mess is just for that reason
We do the right things there is no housing bubble
The govt did not cause it, we did
Obama knew that to
"Never let a crises go to waste"
So, no government over sight on Wall Street would do the trick? No Securities and Exchange Commission? No F.B.I.?

When Capitalism goes unchecked, the result isn't economic paradise, it's economic catastrophe.
Obama is for the left-wing fringe and those that are rich supporters of the DNC.

He gives tax money to left-wing fatcats on Wall Street expecting a kickback in the future.

He caters to the hispanic crowd over illegals expecting vote support in the next election.

He takes money from the DoD budget while increasing funding for the arts, as if the Federal Govt should be giving tax money to lazy artists.

You are on crack! It is truly troubling to think an idiot like yourself has access to high level military secrets.

Obama has done NOTHING for the far left agenda. NOTHING! And don't bring up repealing don't ask don't tell because many of the gays in congress are republicans. Obama has consistently thrown out safety nets and golden parachutes to the vermin that brought down the economy. That is about all he has done. His(not even HIS) health care legislation was a huge benefit to the HMO's..I suppose you think they are a big bastion of far lefties!! :lol: :lol::lol: AND he agreed to another extension of the tax welfare program for the uber rich. Ya more lefties.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are an idiot.
Trailer trash like you are just too stupid to see what Obama is doing behind your back and many times in the open. He knows you're a kook and too busy with the blow up dolls.

Obama is for the left-wing fringe and those that are rich supporters of the DNC.

He gives tax money to left-wing fatcats on Wall Street expecting a kickback in the future.

He caters to the hispanic crowd over illegals expecting vote support in the next election.

He takes money from the DoD budget while increasing funding for the arts, as if the Federal Govt should be giving tax money to lazy artists.

You are on crack! It is truly troubling to think an idiot like yourself has access to high level military secrets.

Obama has done NOTHING for the far left agenda. NOTHING! And don't bring up repealing don't ask don't tell because many of the gays in congress are republicans. Obama has consistently thrown out safety nets and golden parachutes to the vermin that brought down the economy. That is about all he has done. His(not even HIS) health care legislation was a huge benefit to the HMO's..I suppose you think they are a big bastion of far lefties!! :lol: :lol::lol: AND he agreed to another extension of the tax welfare program for the uber rich. Ya more lefties.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are an idiot.
Trailer trash like you are just too stupid to see what Obama is doing behind your back and many times in the open. He knows you're a kook and too busy with the blow up dolls.

Obama is for the left-wing fringe and those that are rich supporters of the DNC.

He gives tax money to left-wing fatcats on Wall Street expecting a kickback in the future.

He caters to the hispanic crowd over illegals expecting vote support in the next election.

He takes money from the DoD budget while increasing funding for the arts, as if the Federal Govt should be giving tax money to lazy artists.

You are on crack! It is truly troubling to think an idiot like yourself has access to high level military secrets.

Obama has done NOTHING for the far left agenda. NOTHING! And don't bring up repealing don't ask don't tell because many of the gays in congress are republicans. Obama has consistently thrown out safety nets and golden parachutes to the vermin that brought down the economy. That is about all he has done. His(not even HIS) health care legislation was a huge benefit to the HMO's..I suppose you think they are a big bastion of far lefties!! :lol: :lol::lol: AND he agreed to another extension of the tax welfare program for the uber rich. Ya more lefties.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are an idiot.

Gunny really needs to put a minimum age on this site.
Yes, so that idiots like you don't come here claiming Obama isn't left-wing. His connections and appointments to numerous offices are just made up by "FOX News."

Oh, the horror...

I challenge you to go to a Tea Party rally, Republican party, a street corner and tell people Obama isn't liberal, left-wing, etc.:cuckoo:

Trailer trash like you are just too stupid to see what Obama is doing behind your back and many times in the open. He knows you're a kook and too busy with the blow up dolls.

You are on crack! It is truly troubling to think an idiot like yourself has access to high level military secrets.

Obama has done NOTHING for the far left agenda. NOTHING! And don't bring up repealing don't ask don't tell because many of the gays in congress are republicans. Obama has consistently thrown out safety nets and golden parachutes to the vermin that brought down the economy. That is about all he has done. His(not even HIS) health care legislation was a huge benefit to the HMO's..I suppose you think they are a big bastion of far lefties!! :lol: :lol::lol: AND he agreed to another extension of the tax welfare program for the uber rich. Ya more lefties.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are an idiot.

Gunny really needs to put a minimum age on this site.
Yes, so that idiots like you don't come here claiming Obama isn't left-wing. His connections and appointments to numerous offices are just made up by "FOX News."

Oh, the horror...

I challenge you to go to a Tea Party rally, Republican party, a street corner and tell people Obama isn't liberal, left-wing, etc.:cuckoo:

Trailer trash like you are just too stupid to see what Obama is doing behind your back and many times in the open. He knows you're a kook and too busy with the blow up dolls.

Gunny really needs to put a minimum age on this site.

Toddle along junior. You are way out of your league.
The question is poorly aksed.

The President is the Head of State and the Head of Government.
In that, he does not represent the people within the government; Congress does that.
He also does not repreent the people when abroad; in that case, he represents the United States.

The question, I think, should ask instead, "do the President's policies/actions represent the will of the people?"

Given his poll numbers and the recent congressional elections, it's hard to say anything but "no".
Whats with all the anger?
BHO as I see it is along way from what it takes to be the president and that starts by listening to the will of the people
the Failed stimulus was not that
Closing Gitmo (he failed)
After looking at your profile, you're live your meaningless life here, congrats tool. :clap2:

Yes, so that idiots like you don't come here claiming Obama isn't left-wing. His connections and appointments to numerous offices are just made up by "FOX News."

Oh, the horror...

I challenge you to go to a Tea Party rally, Republican party, a street corner and tell people Obama isn't liberal, left-wing, etc.:cuckoo:

Gunny really needs to put a minimum age on this site.

Toddle along junior. You are way out of your league.
The question is poorly aksed.

The President is the Head of State and the Head of Government.
In that, he does not represent the people within the government; Congress does that.
He also does not repreent the people when abroad; in that case, he represents the United States.

The question, I think, should ask instead, "do the President's policies/actions represent the will of the people?"

Given his poll numbers and the recent congressional elections, it's hard to say anything but "no".

There is some truth to your post, there is also some that is not true
The power of bully pulpit
They call it Obama care for a reason
The failed Stimulus was Obama's also
Closing Gitmo was Obama, in fact congress is what sopped him
Obama never intended to represent the will of the people. He had his own agenda and stuck to it. When he was pushing for Health Care Reform, we seldom heard a word about the economy which was the national crisis. The stock market was going crazy and like a fool, he igonored the people and the disaster in the line of fire.

He paid for it in 2010 and will again in 2012. He's running to the middle, but it's too late.

And yet he has managed to keep 135 of his campaign promises in just 2 1/2 years.

I know memories are fickle things, but when President Obama was elected, Health Care was one of the top three issues of concern to the American people.
I know memories are fickle things, but when President Obama was elected, Health Care was one of the top three issues of concern to the American people.

Nope, health care COSTS were. Obama's fascist care has done nothing to contain costs, they still inflate at a rate that would have embarrassed the Weimar Republic...
Even the democrats panned Hillary's Healthcare plan.

I see your another who is living off of others
You Teabaggers "see" a lot o' things....mostly because some hustler has already hit-the-road (with your admission-fee), by the time you realize you've been fucked....again!!


* * * *

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."

Trailer trash like you are just too stupid to see what Obama is doing behind your back and many times in the open. He knows you're a kook and too busy with the blow up dolls.

You are on crack! It is truly troubling to think an idiot like yourself has access to high level military secrets.

Obama has done NOTHING for the far left agenda. NOTHING! And don't bring up repealing don't ask don't tell because many of the gays in congress are republicans. Obama has consistently thrown out safety nets and golden parachutes to the vermin that brought down the economy. That is about all he has done. His(not even HIS) health care legislation was a huge benefit to the HMO's..I suppose you think they are a big bastion of far lefties!! :lol: :lol::lol: AND he agreed to another extension of the tax welfare program for the uber rich. Ya more lefties.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are an idiot.

Gunny really needs to put a minimum age on this site.

[ame=]YouTube - Frank Zappa on Crossfire[/ame]​

I see your another who is living off of others
You Teabaggers "see" a lot o' things....mostly because some hustler has already hit-the-road (with your admission-fee), by the time you realize you've been fucked....again!!


* * * *

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."

As soon as I can find the way to rid your place out of my life, I am with the ignore function
you need help young man
I will pray for you
I have found sense starting to monitor this message board is when the left lost Bush to hate, they lost the ability to debate the issues
all I have done here was ask a question and have yet to get one response

Does Obama support the will of the people
I say no
from OBL pictures to Obama-care to his failed job stimulus

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