Does management here agree that the term "faggot"...

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Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
390 a bigoted, offensive pejorative that has no place on this forum? Or is it permissible to use here? Thanks in advance.
Zone 1 is the only place that doesn't allow insults and flaming. However, it is loosely moderated in Zone 2, and to my knowledge in Zone 3 (Flame Zone, Rubber Room, etc..) it is not even governed. a bigoted, offensive pejorative that has no place on this forum? Or is it permissible to use here? Thanks in advance.
Sorry, but faggot is a word that can't be erased. Good grief, if the word 'faggot' si so bad, then one should really think hard about the consequences of being a faggot

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Sorry, but faggot is a word that can't be erased. Good grief, if the word 'faggot' si so bad, then one should really think hard about the consequences of being a faggot-Geaux

Conservatives that use that terrible word do enormous damage to their own movement.
Sorry, but faggot is a word that can't be erased. Good grief, if the word 'faggot' si so bad, then one should really think hard about the consequences of being a faggot-Geaux

Conservatives that use that terrible word do enormous damage to their own movement.

I don't see what the issue is??


  1. 1.
    NORTH AMERICANinformaloffensive
    a male homosexual.
  2. 2.
    a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel. a bigoted, offensive pejorative that has no place on this forum? Or is it permissible to use here? Thanks in advance.

Is it worse than any other name used here such as libtard, trumpanze, dotard, orange assclown, racist, white bitch, white trash? Why is faggott more bigoted or offensive?
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  • #9 a bigoted, offensive pejorative that has no place on this forum? Or is it permissible to use here? Thanks in advance.

Is it worse than any other name used here such as libtard, trumpanze, dotard, orange assclown, racist, white bitch, white trash? Why is faggott more bigoted or offensive?

Its use implies that there is something wrong with homosexuality and that the one being ridiculed, as well as an entire class of people, are seemingly subhuman. It doesn't belong in polite company. Would you say "Look at that faggot!" to a room full of your co-workers or at the supermarket? It's a disparaging, hateful term and it should not be used. By the way, I'm a white, heterosexual, conservative Christian. a bigoted, offensive pejorative that has no place on this forum? Or is it permissible to use here? Thanks in advance.

Is it worse than any other name used here such as libtard, trumpanze, dotard, orange assclown, racist, white bitch, white trash? Why is faggott more bigoted or offensive?

Its use implies that there is something wrong with homosexuality and that the one being ridiculed, as well as an entire class of people, are seemingly subhuman. It doesn't belong in polite company. Would you say "Look at that faggot!" to a room full of your co-workers or at the supermarket? It's a disparaging, hateful term and it should not be used. By the way, I'm a white, heterosexual, conservative Christian.
I don’t use the term faggot at all. I also don’t call trump supporters white trash! Do you?
I don't believe the term "white trash" and "faggot" are analogous. Calling another "white trash" doesn't implicate an entire segment of people. a bigoted, offensive pejorative that has no place on this forum? Or is it permissible to use here? Thanks in advance.

Is it worse than any other name used here such as libtard, trumpanze, dotard, orange assclown, racist, white bitch, white trash? Why is faggott more bigoted or offensive?

Its use implies that there is something wrong with homosexuality and that the one being ridiculed, as well as an entire class of people, are seemingly subhuman. It doesn't belong in polite company. Would you say "Look at that faggot!" to a room full of your co-workers or at the supermarket? It's a disparaging, hateful term and it should not be used. By the way, I'm a white, heterosexual, conservative Christian.
You read a lot into that... You trying to tell us something about yourself?
There are a whole host of no-no words that are now filtered by the software. From my understanding these decisions are made by the admins. It seems inconsistently silly that the c-word and n-word are blocked, but faggot is not. I don’t care either way b/c I don’t get offended by what internet randoms type on messages boards.
Anyone want to tell me why this thread isn't overrun by posters screaming about the authoritarian squelching of free speech here? About their god given right to express themselves anyway they like?
Some people just want to feel protected and special and still be allowed to insult others. That’s what this is all about.
There are a whole host of no-no words that are now filtered by the software. From my understanding these decisions are made by the admins. It seems inconsistently silly that the c-word and n-word are blocked, but faggot is not. I don’t care either way b/c I don’t get offended by what internet randoms type on messages boards.

I've been reprimanded here for calling someone a "kunt" but I would never call someone a "faggot". Calling someone the "c" word impunes one individual whereas calling someone a "faggot" impunes an entire class of people.
Anyone want to tell me why this thread isn't overrun by posters screaming about the authoritarian squelching of free speech here? About their god given right to express themselves anyway they like?

Well, I asked management what rule, if any, exists for the use of that pejorative. It's their board. If they say it's ok then I guess the rest of us have to live with it.
There are a whole host of no-no words that are now filtered by the software. From my understanding these decisions are made by the admins. It seems inconsistently silly that the c-word and n-word are blocked, but faggot is not. I don’t care either way b/c I don’t get offended by what internet randoms type on messages boards.

I've been reprimanded here for calling someone a "kunt" but I would never call someone a "faggot". Calling someone the "c" word impunes one individual whereas calling someone a "faggot" impunes an entire class of people.
No, actually calling someone a "c" does impugn an entire group of people. Women.
Anyone want to tell me why this thread isn't overrun by posters screaming about the authoritarian squelching of free speech here? About their god given right to express themselves anyway they like?

Well, I asked management what rule, if any, exists for the use of that pejorative. It's their board. If they say it's ok then I guess the rest of us have to live with it.
Never mind. You missed the history on that one. I'm just griping.
I'd be willing not to name call here, if everyone else would, too. As a matter of fact, my delete key does heavy duty on many of my posts, because our opinions are inflammatory enough.
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