Does Kwanzaa clash with Christianity??

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Does Kwanzaa clash with the black church?

Some 44 years since its creation, the Kwanzaa celebration continues to stir a bevy of emotions.

Founded in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa was created as a means for African-Americans to reflect on their past, pay homage to their ancestors and connect with their African roots and heritage.

Known by some to be an alternative to Christmas, many Christians have become largely critical of the seven day celebration which begins the day after Christmas. Some consider Kwanzaa to be a non-holiday. However, proponents of Kwanzaa consider its teachings and principles to parallel the same teachings of Christianity and believe it has a place in the church.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson has been a longstanding critic of Kwanzaa. He considers Kwanzaa to be a form of socialism and believes that any church that celebrates Kwanzaa is not of God.

"Kwanzaa is a made up holiday created by a Godless man who is anti-Christian," said Peterson, founder and president of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny. BOND, according to their website, is a national, nonprofit religious organization dedicated to rebuilding the families.

"I would advise the members of a church where the pastor recognizes Kwanzaa to leave," Peterson said. "That pastor is blind and cannot see."

Peterson references an article written in the late 70s as evidence to discredit Karenga and Kwanzaa. He said Karenga told a Washington Post reporter that Kwanzaa is not African by any means, even though many believe it is.

"He says, 'If black people knew Kwanzaa was American they wouldn't celebrate it.'"

Peterson said, adding that Kwanzaa falls around Christmas because, according to the interview with Karenga, a lot of blacks would be out partying.

Peterson believes most black people celebrate Kwanzaa because they believe it to be pro-black. But by celebrating Kwanzaa black people are actually celebrating further segregation, he argues.

"Until black folk wake up, become individuals and stop hating whitey, they will continue to be used by others," he said. "If you believe in God then why would you need a Godless holiday like Kwanzaa that some racist, ex-felon created."

Does Kwanzaa clash with the black church?
It clashes with Christianity about as much as Festivus clashes with Christmas. Kwanzaa and Festivus are equally fictitious.
If there is a conflict, it is an internal matter. Live and let live. ;) The one tool we all have can be applied through Witness, Voice, and Example. Patience, Faith, Trust, Tolerance,are part of the formula.

Because we hold it for a fundamental and undeniable truth, "that religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence." The Religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every man to exercise it as these may dictate. This right is in its nature an unalienable right. It is unalienable, because the opinions of men, depending only on the evidence contemplated by their own minds cannot follow the dictates of other men: It is unalienable also, because what is here a right towards men, is a duty towards the Creator. It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such only as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent, both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society. Before any man can be considerd as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governour of the Universe: And if a member of Civil Society, do it with a saving of his allegiance to the Universal Sovereign. We maintain therefore that in matters of Religion, no man's right is abridged by the institution of Civil Society and that Religion is wholly exempt from its cognizance. True it is, that no other rule exists, by which any question which may divide a Society, can be ultimately determined, but the will of the majority; but it is also true that the majority may trespass on the rights of the minority.

Because Religion be exempt from the authority of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative Body. The latter are but the creatures and vicegerents of the former. Their jurisdiction is both derivative and limited: it is limited with regard to the co-ordinate departments, more necessarily is it limited with regard to the constituents. The preservation of a free Government requires not merely, that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained; but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great Barrier which defends the rights of the people. The Rulers who are guilty of such an encroachment, exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants. The People who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them, and are slaves.

Because we hold it for a fundamental and undeniable truth, "that religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence." The Religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every man to exercise it as these may dictate. This right is in its nature an unalienable right. It is unalienable, because the opinions of men, depending only on the evidence contemplated by their own minds cannot follow the dictates of other men: It is unalienable also, because what is here a right towards men, is a duty towards the Creator. It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such only as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent, both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society. Before any man can be considerd as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governour of the Universe: And if a member of Civil Society, do it with a saving of his allegiance to the Universal Sovereign. We maintain therefore that in matters of Religion, no man's right is abridged by the institution of Civil Society and that Religion is wholly exempt from its cognizance. True it is, that no other rule exists, by which any question which may divide a Society, can be ultimately determined, but the will of the majority; but it is also true that the majority may trespass on the rights of the minority.

Because Religion be exempt from the authority of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative Body. The latter are but the creatures and vicegerents of the former. Their jurisdiction is both derivative and limited: it is limited with regard to the co-ordinate departments, more necessarily is it limited with regard to the constituents. The preservation of a free Government requires not merely, that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained; but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great Barrier which defends the rights of the people. The Rulers who are guilty of such an encroachment, exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants. The People who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them, and are slaves. -Madison
It doesn't clash with my church.

Or if it does my church doesn't apparently carE.

How lame does a church have to be to actually CARE about some other group's religion, anyway?

Other people believe something else and that effects you how, exactly?

It doesn't clash with my church.

Or if it does my church doesn't apparently carE.

How lame does a church have to be to actually CARE about some other group's religion, anyway?

Other people believe something else and that effects you how, exactly?


We are all free to believe or not believe.
If there is a conflict, it is an internal matter. Live and let live. ;) The one tool we all have can be applied through Witness, Voice, and Example. Patience, Faith, Trust, Tolerance,are part of the formula.

Because we hold it for a fundamental and undeniable truth, "that religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence." The Religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every man to exercise it as these may dictate. This right is in its nature an unalienable right. It is unalienable, because the opinions of men, depending only on the evidence contemplated by their own minds cannot follow the dictates of other men: It is unalienable also, because what is here a right towards men, is a duty towards the Creator. It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such only as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent, both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society. Before any man can be considerd as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governour of the Universe: And if a member of Civil Society, do it with a saving of his allegiance to the Universal Sovereign. We maintain therefore that in matters of Religion, no man's right is abridged by the institution of Civil Society and that Religion is wholly exempt from its cognizance. True it is, that no other rule exists, by which any question which may divide a Society, can be ultimately determined, but the will of the majority; but it is also true that the majority may trespass on the rights of the minority.

Because Religion be exempt from the authority of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative Body. The latter are but the creatures and vicegerents of the former. Their jurisdiction is both derivative and limited: it is limited with regard to the co-ordinate departments, more necessarily is it limited with regard to the constituents. The preservation of a free Government requires not merely, that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained; but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great Barrier which defends the rights of the people. The Rulers who are guilty of such an encroachment, exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants. The People who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them, and are slaves.

Because we hold it for a fundamental and undeniable truth, "that religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence." The Religion then of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every man to exercise it as these may dictate. This right is in its nature an unalienable right. It is unalienable, because the opinions of men, depending only on the evidence contemplated by their own minds cannot follow the dictates of other men: It is unalienable also, because what is here a right towards men, is a duty towards the Creator. It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage and such only as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent, both in order of time and in degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society. Before any man can be considerd as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governour of the Universe: And if a member of Civil Society, do it with a saving of his allegiance to the Universal Sovereign. We maintain therefore that in matters of Religion, no man's right is abridged by the institution of Civil Society and that Religion is wholly exempt from its cognizance. True it is, that no other rule exists, by which any question which may divide a Society, can be ultimately determined, but the will of the majority; but it is also true that the majority may trespass on the rights of the minority.

Because Religion be exempt from the authority of the Society at large, still less can it be subject to that of the Legislative Body. The latter are but the creatures and vicegerents of the former. Their jurisdiction is both derivative and limited: it is limited with regard to the co-ordinate departments, more necessarily is it limited with regard to the constituents. The preservation of a free Government requires not merely, that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained; but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great Barrier which defends the rights of the people. The Rulers who are guilty of such an encroachment, exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are Tyrants. The People who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them, and are slaves. -Madison

IOW who gives a shit?
If it makes some little kid happy that they have Kwanza I am all for it.
Does Kwanzaa clash with the black church?

Some 44 years since its creation, the Kwanzaa celebration continues to stir a bevy of emotions.

Founded in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa was created as a means for African-Americans to reflect on their past, pay homage to their ancestors and connect with their African roots and heritage.

Known by some to be an alternative to Christmas, many Christians have become largely critical of the seven day celebration which begins the day after Christmas. Some consider Kwanzaa to be a non-holiday. However, proponents of Kwanzaa consider its teachings and principles to parallel the same teachings of Christianity and believe it has a place in the church.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson has been a longstanding critic of Kwanzaa. He considers Kwanzaa to be a form of socialism and believes that any church that celebrates Kwanzaa is not of God.

"Kwanzaa is a made up holiday created by a Godless man who is anti-Christian," said Peterson, founder and president of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny. BOND, according to their website, is a national, nonprofit religious organization dedicated to rebuilding the families.

"I would advise the members of a church where the pastor recognizes Kwanzaa to leave," Peterson said. "That pastor is blind and cannot see."

Peterson references an article written in the late 70s as evidence to discredit Karenga and Kwanzaa. He said Karenga told a Washington Post reporter that Kwanzaa is not African by any means, even though many believe it is.

"He says, 'If black people knew Kwanzaa was American they wouldn't celebrate it.'"

Peterson said, adding that Kwanzaa falls around Christmas because, according to the interview with Karenga, a lot of blacks would be out partying.

Peterson believes most black people celebrate Kwanzaa because they believe it to be pro-black. But by celebrating Kwanzaa black people are actually celebrating further segregation, he argues.

"Until black folk wake up, become individuals and stop hating whitey, they will continue to be used by others," he said. "If you believe in God then why would you need a Godless holiday like Kwanzaa that some racist, ex-felon created."

Does Kwanzaa clash with the black church?

kwansaa is not a "religious" "holiday" so how can it "clash" with christianity?
Exactly Syrenn. Kwanzaa celebrates African history and culture and has no religious underpinning whatsoever other than whatever religious traditions are included in the culture. Therefore Kwanzaa is not in conflict with Christianity in any manner.

What is silly is when uninformed people think Kwanzaa IS a substitute for Christmas.
Exactly Syrenn. Kwanzaa celebrates African history and culture and has no religious underpinning whatsoever other than whatever religious traditions are included in the culture. Therefore Kwanzaa is not in conflict with Christianity in any manner.

What is silly is when uninformed people think Kwanzaa IS a substitute for Christmas.

The advent of kwanzaa Clause does make it confusing though :lol:
Does Kwanzaa clash with the black church?

Some 44 years since its creation, the Kwanzaa celebration continues to stir a bevy of emotions.

Founded in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa was created as a means for African-Americans to reflect on their past, pay homage to their ancestors and connect with their African roots and heritage.

Known by some to be an alternative to Christmas, many Christians have become largely critical of the seven day celebration which begins the day after Christmas. Some consider Kwanzaa to be a non-holiday. However, proponents of Kwanzaa consider its teachings and principles to parallel the same teachings of Christianity and believe it has a place in the church.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson has been a longstanding critic of Kwanzaa. He considers Kwanzaa to be a form of socialism and believes that any church that celebrates Kwanzaa is not of God.

"Kwanzaa is a made up holiday created by a Godless man who is anti-Christian," said Peterson, founder and president of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny. BOND, according to their website, is a national, nonprofit religious organization dedicated to rebuilding the families.

"I would advise the members of a church where the pastor recognizes Kwanzaa to leave," Peterson said. "That pastor is blind and cannot see."

Peterson references an article written in the late 70s as evidence to discredit Karenga and Kwanzaa. He said Karenga told a Washington Post reporter that Kwanzaa is not African by any means, even though many believe it is.

"He says, 'If black people knew Kwanzaa was American they wouldn't celebrate it.'"

Peterson said, adding that Kwanzaa falls around Christmas because, according to the interview with Karenga, a lot of blacks would be out partying.

Peterson believes most black people celebrate Kwanzaa because they believe it to be pro-black. But by celebrating Kwanzaa black people are actually celebrating further segregation, he argues.

"Until black folk wake up, become individuals and stop hating whitey, they will continue to be used by others," he said. "If you believe in God then why would you need a Godless holiday like Kwanzaa that some racist, ex-felon created."

Does Kwanzaa clash with the black church?

kwansaa is not a "religious" "holiday" so how can it "clash" with christianity?

spot on , its a celebration of a the top of my head karenga created this with an intent, to draw a dividing line via a vis Christan missionary influences and his ideological issues Christianity as 'the political' etc. its also east African, the slaves brought here were western African, they didn't speak or were familiar with even root language of Swahili. Then theres the whole corn thing too....anyway.

If I recall Sharpton had an interest in, and an interesting take on Kwanzaa too.
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I've never been friends with, met, or even known of anyone who celebrates Kwanzaa.
If Kwanzaa is celebrated the day after Christmas, then couldn't someone fully celebrate BOTH Christmas and Kawnzaa--or Christmazaa. :eusa_think:
Sorry bout that,

1. I did a search on it.
2. And guess what they used to have some rituals, that have been gotten rid of.
3. And as far as I know deleted.
4. Anyone know what they were?
5. I bet that they had a *voodoo* slant!!!:eek:
6. You know, *chicken blood* added to the Christmass tree water to ward off evil spirits, or something.

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Muhammadanism clashes with civilization.

Alexis de Toqueville...
I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

[ame=] The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books[/ame]
Does Kwanzaa clash with the black church?

Some 44 years since its creation, the Kwanzaa celebration continues to stir a bevy of emotions.

Is this code for Muzzies now planning to commit jihad against Blacks, Muhammadan?

Aren't the religion of peace'ers busy enough murdering everyone else, including themselves?

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