Do you hold internet grudges??

Not sure it's actually a grudge to dislike someone from one thread and another if their behavior is the same in each. Some are like broken records in every thread they touch.

Is dislike of certain behaviors holding a grudge?

that sums it up.....Rdean is like can be talking about someones newborn and he will ask if its going to grow up and be a right wing wacko.....

Not mentioning any names of exactly who I was thinking about when I posted that ....:eusa_whistle:

:lol:....your post was reaking of Rdean Gunny.....
No......I don't hold grudges.........after I've turned off the 'puter, I tend to forget about the bad shit someone said, and remember all the good ideas that I've seen on here at USMB.

And........I've seen a few.

However, if Chucked Ass showed up in a bar one night, knew it was me, and walked over? I'd shake his hand and ask how he's doing.

I'd then ask if he's gonna be an asshole in real life.

From there? It's THEIR choice, but, after the ass kicking I'll give 'em, I'd buy 'em a beer.
I've never held a grudge against you for that reason. :D
I see some people here fuss on one thread and then joke together on another, while some will carry their baggage with each other from one thread to the next.

I used to. Hold grudges that is. I'd say up until just a few short months ago.
Now, I take nothing personally and work towards forgiveness because none of the shit that happens online is worth it.
I see some people here fuss on one thread and then joke together on another, while some will carry their baggage with each other from one thread to the next.

Is this thread still going?

I can hold a grudge for a time if someone insults my family or sends me a death threat, but the grudge usually dissipates fairly quickly. After a week or two, I forget what was said (unless the person keeps bringing it up) and i usually end up pos-repping them for a good post. It's just a message board, so I'm never going to meet anyone here in real life nor do I want to.
No Dave, they do not. Is everything alright? I'm detecting elevated vital signs. Dave? I can't see you Dave.
Half assed 2001 reference.

Better than a no-assed 2010 reference.
Thank you Dr Chandra.

I see some people here fuss on one thread and then joke together on another, while some will carry their baggage with each other from one thread to the next.
I didn't realize that I was supposed to care that much.....But now that I'm thinking of it.....tha malcontent is a real fucking loser. I hear he likes snow ~n~ shit.

I can get along with anybody who wants to get along, politics, religion and gayness aside. The only type I really can't abide is the one who thinks anyone who disagrees with him is stupid, or "biased," as if having made up your mind about something is biased.
I see some people here fuss on one thread and then joke together on another, while some will carry their baggage with each other from one thread to the next.

A little, they fade pretty quick. some people have proven to be not worth the time or effort and are of no practical use .
I can get along with anybody who wants to get along, politics, religion and gayness aside. The only type I really can't abide is the one who thinks anyone who disagrees with him is stupid, or "biased," as if having made up your mind about something is biased.


I also hate those that use more than two smilies/post.:tongue:

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