Do you have any idea what it means if Democrats get subpoena power?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Republicans better hope they keep the house.

Do you have any idea what it means if Democrats get subpoena power?

Barrack Obama disappointed many, many Democrats by not going after George Bush for everything from his involvement in big company failures, to big tax cuts for the rich to two wars America was tricked in to.

But Obama said that needed to be a time of healing. A fresh start. The beginning of Unity and America coming together.

Well, I don't believe the Democratic base will be satisfied this time. They have already said Nancy Pelosi and Dick Schumer have been way too soft on the Republicans. It's time to find out what they are hiding.

Remember, Republicans used the subpoena power constantly to harass Democrats.
The Watergate Conspiracy
and finally, they got a BJ and that was it.

and under Obama, Benghazi, the server and zero indictments. And don't forget the IRS, which of course stopped immediately when Republicans realized the guy in charge was a holdover from Bush because the GOP wouldn't confirm Obama's pick. Too fuking hilarious!

Currently, we have a corrupt Republican administration with, as Obama said, enough indictments to field a football team. All the scandals in the Trump cabinet. All the scandals in congress. Hunter, running in the house as a Republican, might not even serve. Not with 60 federal charges of corruption. They only need one to stick. And he's already accused his wife.

Republicans better hope they keep the house.

Because the Democratic base is out for justice.

And look at Trump. Does anyone think a man who illegally makes money off foreigners while in office and who sees money pouring in from Russia and whose lawyer and high officials in his company who have been given immunity will be found innocent of all investigations? Mr. Lawsuit? Mrs. Putin?

And what will that do for the next election? If Trump is found to be a money laundering criminal, what will that say about the GOP that protected him from his crimes?

If Republicans don't win the house, it won't all go away. Republicans, like Nunez and Ryan will find themselves under investigation for obstruction.

And what happens if good evidence is put before the Supreme Court? Do you think they will ignore it? From a criminal? I doubt that. They will be desperate to prove they aren't partisan hacks.

Democrats only need to control the house by one. That's it, just one. If they do, it's another completely different ball game.

If they don't, for Trump and the GOP, smooth sailing. Until the next election. When 50 senate seats are up. And the Democratic Majority? If you think they are riled up now, wait until they are riled up then.

Remember, Hillary won by millions and many Democrats didn't even like her. What if they get someone they like?

Two more years of lies and racism? I shudder to think. But if Republicans keep the house? Welcome to two years of Hell.
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Dream on.
You mean nightmare.


Roy Moore in the outhouse.
Yeah, if Democrats get subpoena power, they can waste large amounts of precious tax $$ and government time and energy, doing nothing but trying to bump Republicans out of office (who will be replaced by even more conservative Republicans > ex. Trump and Pence)
Pelosi is nuttier than squirrel shit.
The Dems in insane with hate.
They can’t impeach Trump.
Pretty sure Dems established that they can be ignored at will with their last 2 rounds of lawlessness.
Got plans on abusing power already, interesting.
Democrats are not Republicans. Republicans accuse Democrats of voter suppression or voter fraud, but it seems like it’s always Republicans who end up with Felonies.
It means the country is going down the shitter!
Funny when you look at how Reagan left the country. That was bad enough. Then you look at the mess that bush left. Ruined economy, horrible foreign policy.
Bush was like Midas, except everything Bush touched turned to sh!t.
Thank God we’ve had Democrats to bail the country out again and again and again. If they weren’t around we would be a polluted wasteland.
Republicans better hope they keep the house.

Do you have any idea what it means if Democrats get subpoena power?

Barrack Obama disappointed many, many Democrats by not going after George Bush for everything from his involvement in big company failures, to big tax cuts for the rich to two wars America was tricked in to.

But Obama said that needed to be a time of healing. A fresh start. The beginning of Unity and America coming together.

Well, I don't believe the Democratic base will be satisfied this time. They have already said Nancy Pelosi and Dick Schumer have been way too soft on the Republicans. It's time to find out what they are hiding.

Remember, Republicans used the subpoena power constantly to harass Democrats.
The Watergate Conspiracy
and finally, they got a BJ and that was it.

and under Obama, Benghazi, the server and zero indictments. And don't forget the IRS, which of course stopped immediately when Republicans realized the guy in charge was a holdover from Bush because the GOP wouldn't confirm Obama's pick. Too fuking hilarious!

Currently, we have a corrupt Republican administration with, as Obama said, enough indictments to field a football team. All the scandals in the Trump cabinet. All the scandals in congress. Hunter, running in the house as a Republican, might not even serve. Not with 60 federal charges of corruption. They only need one to stick. And he's already accused his wife.

Republicans better hope they keep the house.

Because the Democratic base is out for justice.

And look at Trump. Does anyone think a man who illegally makes money off foreigners while in office and who sees money pouring in from Russia and whose lawyer and high officials in his company who have been given immunity will be found innocent of all investigations? Mr. Lawsuit? Mrs. Putin?

And what will that do for the next election? If Trump is found to be a money laundering criminal, what will that say about the GOP that protected him from his crimes?

If Republicans don't win the house, it won't all go away. Republicans, like Nunez and Ryan will find themselves under investigation for obstruction.

And what happens if good evidence is put before the Supreme Court? Do you think they will ignore it? From a criminal? I doubt that. They will be desperate to prove they aren't partisan hacks.

Democrats only need to control the house by one. That's it, just one. If they do, it's another completely different ball game.

If they don't, for Trump and the GOP, smooth sailing. Until the next election. When 50 senate seats are up. And the Democratic Majority? If you think they are riled up now, wait until they are riled up then.

Remember, Hillary won by millions and many Democrats didn't even like her. What if they get someone they like?

Two more years of lies and racism? I shudder to think. But if Republicans keep the house? Welcome to two years of Hell.

Fit that on a bumper strip and maybe the Democrat base will be inspired!
Interested Americans know what subpoena power means. It was the only tool the Truman democrats had during the HUAC hearings.
Republicans better hope they keep the house.

Do you have any idea what it means if Democrats get subpoena power?

Barrack Obama disappointed many, many Democrats by not going after George Bush for everything from his involvement in big company failures, to big tax cuts for the rich to two wars America was tricked in to.

But Obama said that needed to be a time of healing. A fresh start. The beginning of Unity and America coming together.

Well, I don't believe the Democratic base will be satisfied this time. They have already said Nancy Pelosi and Dick Schumer have been way too soft on the Republicans. It's time to find out what they are hiding.

Remember, Republicans used the subpoena power constantly to harass Democrats.
The Watergate Conspiracy
and finally, they got a BJ and that was it.

and under Obama, Benghazi, the server and zero indictments. And don't forget the IRS, which of course stopped immediately when Republicans realized the guy in charge was a holdover from Bush because the GOP wouldn't confirm Obama's pick. Too fuking hilarious!

Currently, we have a corrupt Republican administration with, as Obama said, enough indictments to field a football team. All the scandals in the Trump cabinet. All the scandals in congress. Hunter, running in the house as a Republican, might not even serve. Not with 60 federal charges of corruption. They only need one to stick. And he's already accused his wife.

Republicans better hope they keep the house.

Because the Democratic base is out for justice.

And look at Trump. Does anyone think a man who illegally makes money off foreigners while in office and who sees money pouring in from Russia and whose lawyer and high officials in his company who have been given immunity will be found innocent of all investigations? Mr. Lawsuit? Mrs. Putin?

And what will that do for the next election? If Trump is found to be a money laundering criminal, what will that say about the GOP that protected him from his crimes?

If Republicans don't win the house, it won't all go away. Republicans, like Nunez and Ryan will find themselves under investigation for obstruction.

And what happens if good evidence is put before the Supreme Court? Do you think they will ignore it? From a criminal? I doubt that. They will be desperate to prove they aren't partisan hacks.

Democrats only need to control the house by one. That's it, just one. If they do, it's another completely different ball game.

If they don't, for Trump and the GOP, smooth sailing. Until the next election. When 50 senate seats are up. And the Democratic Majority? If you think they are riled up now, wait until they are riled up then.

Remember, Hillary won by millions and many Democrats didn't even like her. What if they get someone they like?

Two more years of lies and racism? I shudder to think. But if Republicans keep the house? Welcome to two years of Hell.

Uhm Watergate was nixion you hack
Do you have any idea what it means if Democrats get subpoena power?

That you will act like a bunch of spoiled children and waste our time and money with unnecessary hearings because you can’t get over the fact you lost an election?
Republicans better hope they keep the house.

Do you have any idea what it means if Democrats get subpoena power?

Barrack Obama disappointed many, many Democrats by not going after George Bush for everything from his involvement in big company failures, to big tax cuts for the rich to two wars America was tricked in to.

But Obama said that needed to be a time of healing. A fresh start. The beginning of Unity and America coming together.

Well, I don't believe the Democratic base will be satisfied this time. They have already said Nancy Pelosi and Dick Schumer have been way too soft on the Republicans. It's time to find out what they are hiding.

Remember, Republicans used the subpoena power constantly to harass Democrats.
The Watergate Conspiracy
and finally, they got a BJ and that was it.

and under Obama, Benghazi, the server and zero indictments. And don't forget the IRS, which of course stopped immediately when Republicans realized the guy in charge was a holdover from Bush because the GOP wouldn't confirm Obama's pick. Too fuking hilarious!

Currently, we have a corrupt Republican administration with, as Obama said, enough indictments to field a football team. All the scandals in the Trump cabinet. All the scandals in congress. Hunter, running in the house as a Republican, might not even serve. Not with 60 federal charges of corruption. They only need one to stick. And he's already accused his wife.

Republicans better hope they keep the house.

Because the Democratic base is out for justice.

And look at Trump. Does anyone think a man who illegally makes money off foreigners while in office and who sees money pouring in from Russia and whose lawyer and high officials in his company who have been given immunity will be found innocent of all investigations? Mr. Lawsuit? Mrs. Putin?

And what will that do for the next election? If Trump is found to be a money laundering criminal, what will that say about the GOP that protected him from his crimes?

If Republicans don't win the house, it won't all go away. Republicans, like Nunez and Ryan will find themselves under investigation for obstruction.

And what happens if good evidence is put before the Supreme Court? Do you think they will ignore it? From a criminal? I doubt that. They will be desperate to prove they aren't partisan hacks.

Democrats only need to control the house by one. That's it, just one. If they do, it's another completely different ball game.

If they don't, for Trump and the GOP, smooth sailing. Until the next election. When 50 senate seats are up. And the Democratic Majority? If you think they are riled up now, wait until they are riled up then.

Remember, Hillary won by millions and many Democrats didn't even like her. What if they get someone they like?

Two more years of lies and racism? I shudder to think. But if Republicans keep the house? Welcome to two years of Hell.

Hey Deanie....

You will get the house. If you don't, you guys are the worst pile of crapp that ever existed.

The GOP is running a stable of losers and you guys are getting better at race baiting.

But it does not matter. They can investigate all they want. We'll make sure that you pay for that in 2020 when the house comes back. You jerks will be back on the sideline for an even longer period of time.

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