Do you feel sorry for president victim?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The media is so mean to trump even though they gave him nearly $5,000,000,000.00 in free airtime during the election.

Democrats are so mean to Donald Trump even though he calls them names.

All the investigations are people being mean to Donald Trump.

Trump had a foundation that was supposed to help people and the New York Attorney General made him close it. How incredibly mean.

Is trump president victim?

At every press conference, in every rally, Trump claims heā€™s being victimized. Is he president victim? Is he the ultimate snowflake?
The media is so mean to trump even though they gave him nearly $5,000,000,000.00 in free airtime during the election.

Democrats are so mean to Donald Trump even though he calls them names.

All the investigations are people being mean to Donald Trump.

Trump had a foundation that was supposed to help people and the New York Attorney General made him close it. How incredibly mean.

Is trump president victim?

At every press conference, in every rally, Trump claims heā€™s being victimized. Is he president victim? Is he the ultimate snowflake?

The liberals and there paid for media are the problem. The Democrats have fought him for over 3 years, Iā€™d be pissed to. He has a right to call them out and the media to. The Demtards just keep showing how corrupt they are.

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No, Dean, I feel sorry for you. Because you have one of the most pitiful, facile and infantile minds I've ever seen online. Think about it: you spam this GD forum with many, many threads per day filled with your delirious, sadomasochistic fantasies about Donald Trump, you sorry, CLINICALLY SICK piece of crap. GET A LIFE AND GROW UP! I'll bet you think President Trump hides under your bed as your late-night bogeyman.

Instead of bothering the rest of us with your 24/7 Trump obsession, why don't you get a big, life-sized poster of Donald Trump, put it on the wall of your padded cell, and just masturbate to your heart's content? Get all that stressed-filled poison vented out of your system. Just listen to your old buddy WillMunny, this advice is good for you.
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Theyā€™re playing Clips on TV of Donald Trump complaining everything is unfair. Itā€™s all unfair. Itā€™s just unfair unfair unfair.
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You have to admit, it is funny that people who cried when Obama said you didnā€™t do that alone, you had help from your parents, you went to school, and so on. He was totally right.

Trump got $400 million from his dad and yet he feels everything is so unfair.

Republicans are always saying be responsible for yourself and hereā€™s a guy they follow that does nothing but whine that itā€™s all because of other people. The least responsible person you ever saw in your life and now heā€™s president.
the dems, MSM and the FBI are only trying to throw him and his entire family and their pets into prison on fake bullshit charges, why would I feel sorry for him
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the dems, MSM and the FBI are only trying to throw him and his entire family and their pets into prison on fake bullshit charges, why would I feel sorry for him


You think all of trumps criminality is the fault of the Democrats?

Oh how unfair it all is. Itā€™s so unfair.
The media is so mean to trump even though they gave him nearly $5,000,000,000.00 in free airtime during the election.

Democrats are so mean to Donald Trump even though he calls them names.

All the investigations are people being mean to Donald Trump.

Trump had a foundation that was supposed to help people and the New York Attorney General made him close it. How incredibly mean.

Is trump president victim?

At every press conference, in every rally, Trump claims heā€™s being victimized. Is he president victim? Is he the ultimate snowflake?

I feel sorry for you and your obsession with him. Get a hobby.
A lot of the stuff, including the admissions to sexual assaults, occurred before president victim was installed in the Oval Office. He should be held entirely responsible for everything he says and does.

Moreover, did anyone observe his personal behavior during the pre-election debates? He appeared to be stalking Hillary Clinton around the stage. Unbelievable!

In future presidential debates, there should be STRICT rules against leaving from behind one's podium and going over one's allotted time. Each candidate gets one podium and one stationary mike. No traveling mikes.
A lot of the stuff, including the admissions to sexual assaults, occurred before president victim was installed in the Oval Office. He should be held entirely responsible for everything he says and does.

Moreover, did anyone observe his personal behavior during the pre-election debates? He appeared to be stalking Hillary Clinton around the stage. Unbelievable!

In future presidential debates, there should be STRICT rules against leaving from behind one's podium and going over one's allotted time. Each candidate gets one podium and one stationary mike. No traveling mikes.

Wow you're still smarting about the debates after all this time? Geeze you guys really need to get a grip holy shit.
A lot of the stuff, including the admissions to sexual assaults, occurred before president victim was installed in the Oval Office. He should be held entirely responsible for everything he says and does.

Moreover, did anyone observe his personal behavior during the pre-election debates? He appeared to be stalking Hillary Clinton around the stage. Unbelievable!

In future presidential debates, there should be STRICT rules against leaving from behind one's podium and going over one's allotted time. Each candidate gets one podium and one stationary mike. No traveling mikes.
You really ought to get a good laxative and try to pass that load. It canā€™t be helping your butthurt at all I imagine either.
A lot of the stuff, including the admissions to sexual assaults, occurred before president victim was installed in the Oval Office. He should be held entirely responsible for everything he says and does.

Moreover, did anyone observe his personal behavior during the pre-election debates? He appeared to be stalking Hillary Clinton around the stage. Unbelievable!

In future presidential debates, there should be STRICT rules against leaving from behind one's podium and going over one's allotted time. Each candidate gets one podium and one stationary mike. No traveling mikes.

Wow you're still smarting about the debates after all this time? Geeze you guys really need to get a grip holy shit.

Why not? It was way over the top of anything I have seen in my lifetime. Total bad behavior; an insult to Americans and our values. You seem unable to explain trump's behavior, and are trying to deflect discussion of it. Disgusting. Can't you talk.

My above comments regarding debate rules stand. Why oppose them?
A lot of the stuff, including the admissions to sexual assaults, occurred before president victim was installed in the Oval Office. He should be held entirely responsible for everything he says and does.

Moreover, did anyone observe his personal behavior during the pre-election debates? He appeared to be stalking Hillary Clinton around the stage. Unbelievable!

In future presidential debates, there should be STRICT rules against leaving from behind one's podium and going over one's allotted time. Each candidate gets one podium and one stationary mike. No traveling mikes.

Wow you're still smarting about the debates after all this time? Geeze you guys really need to get a grip holy shit.

Why not? It was way over the top of anything I have seen in my lifetime. Total bad behavior; an insult to Americans and our values. You seem unable to explain trump's behavior, and are trying to deflect discussion of it. Disgusting. Can't you talk.

My above comments regarding debate rules stand. Why oppose them?

Yeesh you make it sound as if he was provocatively rubbing up against her saying hubba hubba. He was just standing there. I think maybe Hillary just isn't used to life outside of her bubble and that's why she felt intimidated.

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