CDZ Do you consider a country free when 62% of its people are afraid to express an opinion? Simple Yes or NO please.


of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison
The entire NATION is on edge because of the VIOLENT DEMOCRAT PARTY and their PROPAGANDA WING.

I know it, you it, we all fucking know it.
I'm not on edge.

I say what I want when I want.

Just because other people can tell you what you said was stupid does not mean this is not a relatively free country

Not at a large number of companies right now are you free to speak.. Not that politics is a good work topic, but you can protest if your company is doing work for DOD --- but NOT if they're doing even more evil stuff with China.... Not really "free" to get hired at FB/Google/NBC news/NYTimes either... They won't bring it up in interviews -- because they'll check your social media FIRST !!!

People of faith have a hard time organizing and fighting back against all the abuse that THEY receive.. Because they don't want the soldiers of correctness doxxing or "cancelling" their congregations or churches...

So I'm calling you and JoeB131 on those braveheart rants about "saying what you want --- when you want" claim...

Cato is correct. The dicing and mincing of America is ALMOST complete..
If you are working for a company that you think is is "doing evil stuff" then your ethics are the problem .
If you can not even have a benign image like a MAGA hat which was a campaign slogan without a threat, how free are you? Those who really are in power make the rules. So a campaign hat becomes the worse humanity has to offer. Its just that those who really rule and persecute others, are not that good themselves.
Being free to publicly say you hate this group of people or that group of people without any sort of push back is not the sign of a free country.
Yeah, kind of like the DNC controlled MSM that get away with it all the time with very little pushback.
No. Many Americans have been effectively muzzled by the Democrats' cultural and political "woke" nonsense.

Anyone with even a cursory familiarity with Orwell's fictional Newspeak can see the similarities to what the Democrats are attempting to do here.

The slow destruction of ideas by the destruction (or redefinition) of the words used to express them.
actually the problem is about 30% of the country listens only to right-wing propaganda and has a whole different set of facts from respected media and law enforcement everywhere around the world.. It is also a hateful propaganda. The reason the only spike in violence statistic has been right-wingers against black Jews Muslims gays and now Asians.
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If you are working for a company that you think is is "doing evil stuff" then your ethics are the problem .
No. Many Americans have been effectively muzzled by the Democrats' cultural and political "woke" nonsense.

Anyone with even a cursory familiarity with Orwell's fictional Newspeak can see the similarities to what the Democrats are attempting to do here.

The slow destruction of ideas by the destruction (or redefinition) of the words used to express them.
actually the problem is about 30% of the country listens only to right-wing propaganda and has a whole different set of facts from respected media and law enforcement. It is also a hateful propaganda. The reason the only spike in violence statistic has been right-wingers against black Jews Muslims gays and now Asians.
so that means it’s 70% listen to left-wing propaganda Huh?
If you are working for a company that you think is is "doing evil stuff" then your ethics are the problem .
No. Many Americans have been effectively muzzled by the Democrats' cultural and political "woke" nonsense.

Anyone with even a cursory familiarity with Orwell's fictional Newspeak can see the similarities to what the Democrats are attempting to do here.

The slow destruction of ideas by the destruction (or redefinition) of the words used to express them.
actually the problem is about 30% of the country listens only to right-wing propaganda and has a whole different set of facts from respected media and law enforcement. It is also a hateful propaganda. The reason the only spike in violence statistic has been right-wingers against black Jews Muslims gays and now Asians.
so that means it’s 70% listen to left-wing propaganda Huh?
It's called journalism. The only TV station that doesn't agree belongs to Rupert Murdoch ditto the few newspapers that agree with you around the world. Tiny and incredibly destructive garbage.
It's called journalism. The only TV station that doesn't agree belongs to Rupert Murdoch ditto the few newspapers that agree with you around the world. Tiny and incredibly destructive garbage.
It's called journalism. The only TV station that doesn't agree belongs to Rupert Murdoch ditto the few newspapers that agree with you around the world. Tiny and incredibly destructive garbage.
No Franco, it's 70% Democrat propaganda. You're just too blinded by TDS to see it.
It's called journalism. The only TV station that doesn't agree belongs to Rupert Murdoch ditto the few newspapers that agree with you around the world. Tiny and incredibly destructive garbage.
It's called journalism. The only TV station that doesn't agree belongs to Rupert Murdoch ditto the few newspapers that agree with you around the world. Tiny and incredibly destructive garbage.
No Franco, it's 70% Democrat propaganda. You're just too blinded by TDS to see it.
Yes yes the Democrats totally control the BBC France 24 and all respected media around the world along with law enforcement. Only bought off scumbag ex-cokehead DJ pundits on the right know the truth LOL.....
If you are working for a company that you think is is "doing evil stuff" then your ethics are the problem .
No. Many Americans have been effectively muzzled by the Democrats' cultural and political "woke" nonsense.

Anyone with even a cursory familiarity with Orwell's fictional Newspeak can see the similarities to what the Democrats are attempting to do here.

The slow destruction of ideas by the destruction (or redefinition) of the words used to express them.
actually the problem is about 30% of the country listens only to right-wing propaganda and has a whole different set of facts from respected media and law enforcement. It is also a hateful propaganda. The reason the only spike in violence statistic has been right-wingers against black Jews Muslims gays and now Asians.
so that means it’s 70% listen to left-wing propaganda Huh?
Democrats listen to RW talk radio more than anyone

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

When choosing to say something generic and benign can lead to losing your job and having your family get death threats, that doesn't sound like much of a choice or especially free.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

When choosing to say something generic and benign can lead to losing your job and having your family get death threats, that doesn't sound like much of a choice or especially free.
Why won't these imbeciles just admit it. We have eyes unlike CNN.
No. Many Americans have been effectively muzzled by the Democrats' cultural and political "woke" nonsense.

Anyone with even a cursory familiarity with Orwell's fictional Newspeak can see the similarities to what the Democrats are attempting to do here.

The slow destruction of ideas by the destruction (or redefinition) of the words used to express them.
actually the problem is about 30% of the country listens only to right-wing propaganda and has a whole different set of facts from respected media and law enforcement everywhere around the world.. It is also a hateful propaganda. The reason the only spike in violence statistic has been right-wingers against black Jews Muslims gays and now Asians.
Hey, I just saw the Easter Bunny.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.

Exactly what I was just thinking. The freedom that America was founded to protect is not the most basic "No one can stop you from killing yourself short of killing you first" sort that every martyr in every rebellion against a tyrant has. The whole point of this country was to be able to say what you think and act on your beliefs WITHOUT persecution.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.

using that logic, nazi germany was free. hell, using that logic, the inmates of the death camps were "free".

right up until they were dead.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison

So the great freedom of America is only to not be overtly dragged off to camps, is it? Hey, your life is destroyed, but at least you're not in a gulag. That's the ideals our Founders fought a revolution for? Might as well not have bothered, then.
Being free to publicly say you hate this group of people or that group of people without any sort of push back is not the sign of a free country.
Free speech means people have the right to tell you what you said was stupid

Which is fine. Free speech does NOT mean people have the right to take your livelihood, drag you through the courts, harass you and your family, and make you fear for your lives because they think you're stupid.

If you think all anyone is talking about in this thread is something saying, "No, you're wrong and your opinion is stupid", then you haven't been paying attention for several years now. People aren't afraid to speak their minds because someone might disagree with them; they're afraid to speak their minds because it can destroy your life.

of course it is.

People can CHOOSE whether or not so say what they want.
And get the crap beat out of them if they say an UNAPPROVED thing. Get real.

Yeah OK
Did you see how many kids died this weekend???? You need to get the super glue off your eyelashes.

So all that was the result of political speech?

Are you saying that there are roaming bands of though and speech police killing people in the streets now?

Wear a MAGA hat to a Black Lives Matter protest. I dare you.

Does that answer your question?
Of course not. Between the hyper-partisan political environment we're in, PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture, I can't blame anyone for keeping their mouths shut. Freedom of expression is the most liberal of all American values, and we're going in exactly the opposite direction.
Not on the internet ...people say what they think, and some....
As long as they're anonymous, sure. But if your name is on the screen and you say the wrong thing, you could be the next target.

But I was brought up by my parents, not to discuss politics or religious differences at the dinner table with guests, and at work with coworkers, etc.... So I had a real PC upbringing.... And life was actually good and peaceful, and dems and repubs and protestants and Catholics and Jews and Buddhist all got along...

The internet, has changed all of that.... And not for the good...imho.
I do not think avoiding topics while at work as PC.

And the whole "Don't talk politics or religion" at the table thing has been practiced long before PC was even a thing

The problem is, these days you can lose your job for what you say when you're not at work.
No one is getting gassed in this country for saying what they want.

No one is getting arrested

Talk about a shitty comparison

Folks are getting murdered and beaten for wearing a red baseball cap. Put a Trump bumper sticker on your car at your own peril.

Right, no one is getting arrested...for assault, looting, arson or any of dozens of other felonies.

Is it freedom that I won't get arrested for saying what I think, if the people who beat me to death for saying it don't get arrested either?

I do, just because those people are cowards doesn't change the fact they are free. What we need are people refusing to be cowed by the democrat scum.

Is it cowardice to hope you can find a solution somewhere short of violence? Is it freedom if you have to resort to violence to defend yourself for saying it?

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