Do you believe in God and why or why not?

If I didn't have a soul I'd have to be a religiously contemptuous and bigoted Democrat ... that would suck ...:tongue-44:
You are entitled to believe your superstitions, but did you ever consider that a super God made the rule that the Christian God had to sacrifice his son?

Perhaps consider the perspective that God did not "sacrifice" his son?
I believe in a allmighty creator of heaven and earth and the whole universe or multiple universes. My believe stems from the hope that one day I will live forever in heaven without any suffering and be reunited with my father, my grandparents, my uncles etc. and everyone who will pass before me and I hope I follow them one day into heaven. I also like the idea that all humans are created in the image of God and have a soul, that all humans have a soul, and that we are all brothers and sister descendt from Adam and Eve. I dislike the idea that we are only the result of biochemic processes, like biological robots. I hope we have more in us then only our biology and neurons and chemical processes, that we have something eternal and God like in us, that we have a Soul.

My experience is of spiritualism and I have had many evidential messages from the spirit world. They say there is a God, and they should know. There is not a clear cut heaven or hell, there are graduated planes of existence that suit our stage of spiritual evolution. We progress through many incarnations on this and other planets, until we reach enlightenment and need no further incarnations, after which we continue to evolve as immortal beings in higher dimensions.
I think this is probably true, but if it can be proved to me it is not I will abandon such ideas in a minute.
You are entitled to believe your superstitions, but did you ever consider that a super God made the rule that the Christian God had to sacrifice his son?

Perhaps consider the perspective that God did not "sacrifice" his son?
Why Did God Sacrifice His Son for the Sins of Mankind? Genesis 3:21 states the first known blood covenant God made with man in His great love, for the forgiveness of sin. In that blood covenant, God sacrificed an innocent perfect lamb which provided sanctification and a covering of their exposure or nakedness which was in essence an awakening to their senses as knowing the difference between right and wrong for the first time.
I wasn't talking to you.
this is a PUBLIC messageboard.
That's nice but I still wasn't talking to you.
Tough titties there crybaby.
Aw, I hurt your feewings. Too bad, now go away.

I believe in a allmighty creator of heaven and earth
When I was a pre-teen I tried to figure out how one God would allow many religions. Either all religions were true, only one was true, or none were true.

Religions are very different and each proclaims only they are valid so that option seemed untrue. If only one was true that meant the majority of people in the world were following the wrong religion and would ultimately be punished for their ignorance or an accident of birth. That didn't make sense coming from a loving God. Therefore only the last option made any sense.

I've seriously studied the question since then but have not found any reason to change my initial choice. Genesis 3:21 states the first known blood covenant God made with man in His great love, for the forgiveness of sin. In that blood covenant, God sacrificed an innocent perfect lamb which provided sanctification and a covering of their exposure or nakedness which was in essence an awakening to their senses as knowing the difference between right and wrong for the first time.

Jewish rabbis and scholars have a different take. Before their sin, Adam and Eve were clothed in light or a cloud of glory that vanished once they sinned. This is why they sewed fig leaves together. While some postulate that the skins could have been made from animals--rabbits, for example--others who have studied the word note the word "skin." Once their sin destroyed their outer covering of light/glory, God clothed them in human skin. Genesis 3:21 states the first known blood covenant God made with man in His great love, for the forgiveness of sin. In that blood covenant, God sacrificed an innocent perfect lamb which provided sanctification and a covering of their exposure or nakedness which was in essence an awakening to their senses as knowing the difference between right and wrong for the first time.

Jewish rabbis and scholars have a different take. Before their sin, Adam and Eve were clothed in light or a cloud of glory that vanished once they sinned. This is why they sewed fig leaves together. While some postulate that the skins could have been made from animals--rabbits, for example--others who have studied the word note the word "skin." Once their sin destroyed their outer covering of light/glory, God clothed them in human skin.
How did light/glory keep their intestines from falling out? Their ribs might contain their lungs and heart, but not much else
How did light/glory keep their intestines from falling out? Their ribs might contain their lungs and heart, but not much else

How do people reach the conclusion God sacrificed a lamb? My point was that scholars studying Genesis develop many different theories. From what I can remember, the light/cloud of glory theory also included, "Their eyes were open" perhaps signifying that they could not see to identify good/evil until after the sin. Then...they were expelled from the garden.

In Jewish lore (and in other ancient lore as well) is the idea that the physical earth has a heavenly counterpart. In Revelation we hear of a new city coming down from heaven. The idea behind all of this is that the earth is the less perfect model of something created in the heavens.

This gives rise to the thought that the garden from which Adam and Eve were expelled, was the heavenly version (where sickness and death were not present) and they were given physical bodies and skin--and a life on a physical plain.

It is an interesting theory--that humans were meant to exist on a more spiritual plain, clothed in light, but something happened--we made a choice--and that choice/decision to disobey changed our existence from one plain to another. God promised not to abandon us, and mankind evolved from there.

The core elements of the story is that at the beginning of creation, God's original plan took a turn when mankind disobeyed.
This gives rise to the thought that the garden from which Adam and Eve were expelled, was the heavenly version (where sickness and death were not present) and they were given physical bodies and skin--and a life on a physical plain.
Except Adam had physical ribs, one of which was used to create Eve BEFORE Adam sinned.
I do.

I believe.

He gives me life.

I am HIS .

I would do anything for HIM....

Except Adam had physical ribs, one of which was used to create Eve BEFORE Adam sinned.

This may be an example of not being able to see the forest for the trees.

In Jewish circles, a very old debate centers around Adam's rib, or Adam's side. But set this aside for a moment. There are two creation stories where God creates man. In the first, God creates man, and the story alternately references man as singular and plural. He tells this creature(s) to be fruitful and multiply.

Second story of creation has God putting Adam into a deep sleep, and woman emerges from the side of man. The one creature is now two, male and female.
No book


Our Father is beyond books

That's the GOD OF LIGHT that I adore.
I believe in a allmighty creator of heaven and earth and the whole universe or multiple universes. My believe stems from the hope that one day I will live forever in heaven without any suffering and be reunited with my father, my grandparents, my uncles etc. and everyone who will pass before me and I hope I follow them one day into heaven. I also like the idea that all humans are created in the image of God and have a soul, that all humans have a soul, and that we are all brothers and sister descendt from Adam and Eve. I dislike the idea that we are only the result of biochemic processes, like biological robots. I hope we have more in us then only our biology and neurons and chemical processes, that we have something eternal and God like in us, that we have a Soul.

‘Temple of Baal’ to go up in New York, London Do you believe in God? Why or why not?

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