Do Christians have more faith in Jesus or those who told the story?


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.
Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

That's one reason the RCC doesn't make a fetish of the Bible and recommends one studies it under the guidance of someone learned in the subject, so that people like Koresh et al. don't lead people astray.
Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

That's one reason the RCC doesn't make a fetish of the Bible and recommends one studies it under the guidance of someone learned in the subject, so that people like Koresh et al. don't lead people astray.

Don't people who become "learned" on the subject do so by reading these old texts?

The texts are old but put this into your own life. Imagine you had family that came over with Christopher Columbus, then the story is told family to family for hundreds of years, then you write it down. Do you think what you wrote down will be exactly what the person said and went through so many hundreds of years ago?

My example doesn't even include the next 1500 years.
Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

no it doesn't. it just means earlier copies didn't survive until now or haven't been found.

Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

no it doesn't. it just means earlier copies didn't survive until now or haven't been found.


So how do you know the pages found 400-500 years later are word for word exactly the same as those older texts that haven't been found? Blind faith right?

Succeed lol
Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

This post screams 'atheist in search of validation'

One of the nice things about God, faith and all that is that there is no rock solid proof one way or the other and so everyone pretty much gets to decide for themselves.

Those who've made peace with their own decision seldom get defensive about it.
Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

no it doesn't. it just means earlier copies didn't survive until now or haven't been found.


So how do you know the pages found 400-500 years later are word for word exactly the same as those older texts that haven't been found? Blind faith right?

Succeed lol

i don't.

neither do i labor under the misapprehension that the absence of proof equals the nonexistence of proof as you seem to.

IIRC, the earliest gospels were written within 50-100 years of the death of christ and the old testament has been continuously published much longer than that. as i'm neither a christian nor a jew, i don't really worry about it.
My faith is in God, and Jesus, not the Bible itself.

They tell me what I need to know directly, the Bible is merely an introduction.

So no....this doesn't affect me in any way.
Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

This post screams 'atheist in search of validation'

One of the nice things about God, faith and all that is that there is no rock solid proof one way or the other and so everyone pretty much gets to decide for themselves.

Those who've made peace with their own decision seldom get defensive about it.

A good swing of the bat with the assumption, but not quite on target. I am atheist but connecting me asking a particular question about one religion of thousands wouldn't be me trying to validate. I'm perfectly validated by science, nothing more necessary. This is a message board to discuss things, that's what I'm doing.
People have faith in Jesus because they know that the men who wrote the stories was given by God,not man. How can you not have faith, when stories that have been told over thousands of years tie in so perfectly. Especially when the Prophets, Daniel (written around 605-536 B.C.) and Ezekiel (written around 592-570 B.C.) ties in beautifully with Revelation (written around 95-96 A.D.).
You see Revelation happening right before our eyes.
And the Bible says that to know when end times are happening is;
One- the good news of Jesus must be preached to the whole world -Done
2nd- that Israel must become a nation again -Done
3rd- That the world will be in a huge climate change -On going.
4th - That the world will be in turmoil -On going
5th - That there will be famines,pestilences, and earthquakes - happening
I believe that we are starting in the 3rd seal of Revelation - where wheat and barley prices will rise so dramatically that it will cost you a day wage. Seems to be starting.
So, each to his or her own. Believe or don't Believe. It's up to you.
My faith is in God, and Jesus, not the Bible itself.

They tell me what I need to know directly, the Bible is merely an introduction.

So no....this doesn't affect me in any way.

This is a good answer, but the Bible itself being the story of God and Jesus seems to make it a little contradictory.
My faith is in God, and Jesus, not the Bible itself.

They tell me what I need to know directly, the Bible is merely an introduction.

So no....this doesn't affect me in any way.

This is a good answer, but the Bible itself being the story of God and Jesus seems to make it a little contradictory.

As you have stated, it is the story as told by men, passed down through generations. It was not meant to be interpreted literally.

When I need an answer about God or Jesus, I ask them, and they answer.

We're tight like that.
Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

This post screams 'atheist in search of validation'

One of the nice things about God, faith and all that is that there is no rock solid proof one way or the other and so everyone pretty much gets to decide for themselves.

Those who've made peace with their own decision seldom get defensive about it.

A good swing of the bat with the assumption, but not quite on target. I am atheist but connecting me asking a particular question about one religion of thousands wouldn't be me trying to validate. I'm perfectly validated by science, nothing more necessary. This is a message board to discuss things, that's what I'm doing.

Why so defensive?
Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

It's all about faith in Jesus Christ and being born again by the Spirit of God. That is, knowing Him. This is not of ourselves, it is of God. Before we had His Holy Spirit, we were blind in sin. We all know that "man" is capable of sin, and we all have sinned, somehow, someway. That's the thing we all have in common. We have a fallen nature. No one can deny that. Thats our one common denominator.

When we believe and finally know that Jesus Christ IS the Lord of all, we are born again and He opens our eyes. He opens our eyes to the world. To the evils around us. To our own sin and He convicts us. We cannot see the difference between the "world" and the kingdom of God until we are born again and it by His Spirit...
John 3:3Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. ”
John 3:6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

Scripture also tells us that faith comes by hearing the message, through the Word about Christ...
Romans 10:7 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

Scripture tells us that all Scripture is God-breathed ...
2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Scripture tells us that God made everything, and even says the "Word was God."
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Scripture tells us that Jesus Christ is the Word of God...
Revelation 19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

Overal, its about Jesus Christ and when we know He truly is Lord of lords, the way, the truth and the life.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Here are some dire warnings for anyone who may try to twist God's Word, add or take away from it:

Proverbs 30: 5 “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. 6 Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.

Revelation 22:18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll.

Looks like you roped a nutter double d.

Have fun with that. :thup:

Haha.. you have no idea! ;) I love our Lord so much and cannot thank Him enough for His love and Grace and guidance. Here's a visual - a video to share more about God's Word from whom you may call another "nutter". :tongue:

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This post screams 'atheist in search of validation'

One of the nice things about God, faith and all that is that there is no rock solid proof one way or the other and so everyone pretty much gets to decide for themselves.

Those who've made peace with their own decision seldom get defensive about it.

A good swing of the bat with the assumption, but not quite on target. I am atheist but connecting me asking a particular question about one religion of thousands wouldn't be me trying to validate. I'm perfectly validated by science, nothing more necessary. This is a message board to discuss things, that's what I'm doing.

Why so defensive?

Interesting you'd take that as me being defensive, you made an assumption and I simply explained why it was wrong.
People have faith in Jesus because they know that the men who wrote the stories was given by God,not man. How can you not have faith, when stories that have been told over thousands of years tie in so perfectly. Especially when the Prophets, Daniel (written around 605-536 B.C.) and Ezekiel (written around 592-570 B.C.) ties in beautifully with Revelation (written around 95-96 A.D.).
You see Revelation happening right before our eyes.
And the Bible says that to know when end times are happening is;
One- the good news of Jesus must be preached to the whole world -Done
2nd- that Israel must become a nation again -Done
3rd- That the world will be in a huge climate change -On going.
4th - That the world will be in turmoil -On going
5th - That there will be famines,pestilences, and earthquakes - happening
I believe that we are starting in the 3rd seal of Revelation - where wheat and barley prices will rise so dramatically that it will cost you a day wage. Seems to be starting.
So, each to his or her own. Believe or don't Believe. It's up to you.
Also - you will be hated for my namesake. Happening.
Looks like you roped a nutter double d.

Have fun with that. :thup:

Haha.. you have no idea! ;) I love our Lord so much and cannot thank Him enough for His love and Grace and guidance. Here's a visual - a video to share more about God's Word from whom you may call another "nutter". :tongue:

Marie the whole purpose of this thread is how do you have so much faith in the people who wrote those words? 400-500 years after the fact some of the stories are found, that would mean at bare minimum over that period of time the words/stories/books passed along are exactly what happened and was said.

Take Jesus out of the equation for the sake of discussion and tell me why you have faith that the people who wrote it hundreds of years after the fact retold the stories exactly word for word accurately.
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Codex Sinaiticus, the world's oldest Bible, unified online for the first time in over a century

Think about it, the oldest biblical writings found were written 400-500 years after the fact. This would mean for all those years the books and stories of the Bible would have had to have been told perfectly person to person with nothing left out.

So this means you have to have 100% faith that a text written 400-500 years after the fact is 100% accurate and for the sections that are missing you have to have complete faith that every word was relayed perfectly and translated exactly from language to language.

I think that takes as much faith as christianity in general.

This post screams 'atheist in search of validation'

One of the nice things about God, faith and all that is that there is no rock solid proof one way or the other and so everyone pretty much gets to decide for themselves.

Those who've made peace with their own decision seldom get defensive about it.

If you'd like, you may want to look up "Universalism". Here's a couple links:

Universalism | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Universalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just wanted to share and/or if you ever want to ask yourself...

If there is a God, do we say Who He is? Do we get to make up what we want about Him? Or... Is He Who He is, and does He tell us Who He is?

Just sayin. :)

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