Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted

Poor Dinesh

Maybe Trump will pardon him like he did Scooter Libby

Why Dinesh and not Rosie?
Dinesh deserves to be imprisoned
He makes some of the dumbest propaganda films in history

Thanks for admitting what this is really about, his opposition to the Democratic Party/Lib agenda.
He is a shitty film maker. You might not agree with Michael Moore’s political views but he makes entertaining movies

Dinesh spits out propaganda films worthy of 1950s USSR

Jail is too good for him

I'm against jailing people for making movies. I would not support Trump doing this to Michael Moore.

That you admit that you do like this, supports the argument, as if it needs more support at this time,

that lefties like you want to turn America into a Third World Shithole.
Poor Dinesh

Maybe Trump will pardon him like he did Scooter Libby

Why Dinesh and not Rosie?
Dinesh deserves to be imprisoned
He makes some of the dumbest propaganda films in history

Thanks for admitting what this is really about, his opposition to the Democratic Party/Lib agenda.
He is a shitty film maker. You might not agree with Michael Moore’s political views but he makes entertaining movies

Dinesh spits out propaganda films worthy of 1950s USSR

Jail is too good for him

I'm against jailing people for making movies. I would not support Trump doing this to Michael Moore.

That you admit that you do like this, supports the argument, as if it needs more support at this time,

that lefties like you want to turn America into a Third World Shithole.

You waste two hours of my life and charge me for it?

Lock him up
Let me see

Rosie O’Donnell broke the law and Fat Donnie does nothing to prosecute her?

We are supposed to believe that?

Actually yes. Why would you not?

So Rosie is a criminal and Fat Donnie is letting it slide

Have you always been so gullible?

You said that already.

Then I asked you a question about it.

Why would you not believe it?
Damn are you gullible when it comes to Trump
Using straw donors is a felony.

Donating over the limit is not.

I don't know why you and whiny Dinesh are having such a hard time wrapping your heads around that.

So, the problem is not exceeding the campaign limits, but HOW you do it?

So, why have the campaign limits at all, if all you have to do to get around them is spell your name differently on the checks?

I take it you have no problem with exceeding the campaign limits?


We aren't talking about "why", or what my personal views of campaign finance law are. I didn't write the laws.

Of course we aren't,

Because Obama's administration followed the letter of the law, and just happened to imprison a government critic.

Using a law that is rarely enforced.

And you have no problem with that.

HOw very self serving of you.

If a republican president had done this, you would be utterly outraged.

And rightfully so.


You've got a couple of your facts wrong.

First, laws against straw donors are consistently enforced. It's just that they're rarely broken.

Got it. So, it's not about what the law is about, ie limiting contributions, but the letter of the law in HOW the donors get around the law. If they just spell their names differently, that makes it ok.

D'Souza was arrested because he's a fucking moron, not because he was being persecuted. There are countless ways he could have gotten more money to Wendy Long that didn't require him to flagrantly break the law, but he chose to do so anyway.

What ways?

Second, D'Souza wasn't "imprisoned". He was sentenced to probation, community service, a fine and eight months in a half-way house - a surprisingly lenient sentence for the crime.

Considering that he was locked up nightly for doing something that no one seems to think is actually wrong, I think "imprisoned fits the bill nicely.

D'Souza was caught because Wendy Long (the candidate he was donating to) turned him in - after he initially lied to her about it, then finally admitted it to her, claiming that she shouldn't worry about it because she didn't know about it at the time.

NOt sure how this is relevant. But ok.

I know how much D'Souza's painting of himself as a persecuted victim appeals to you guys, since constant victimhood seems to be the new mantra of the American right - but it's really pathetic to watch.

See, on the one hand, you poo poo the idea that there could be anything to the idea of a republican being persecuted by a dem administration.

On the other, your deep hostility, which is obviously shared by so many of your side, makes it very believable that people like you would abuse any power they had to harm their enemies.


My "deep hostility"?

Do you need a safe space, fuckwit?

Jesus Christ, when did you guys become such whiny little bitches?

Its almost unbearably pathetic to watch. Aren't you guys supposed to be all about "personal responsibility"?
D'Souza knowingly and willingly broke the law, lied about it, and tried to cover it up.

There's no crying in baseball. Time for you guys to man the fuck up.
D'Souza was viciously prosecuted by Hussein and his thugs. Why should O'donnell be treated differently?
D'Souza was viciously prosecuted by Hussein and his thugs. Why should O'donnell be treated differently?


"Viciously". You guys sure do have a way with words.

He was turned in by the candidate who he donated to, and plead guilty.

Tell me what was so "vicious" about it.

The sentence......and what Rosie has done is far worse...

The sentence was handed down by a judge, not by the prosecutors - and his sentence was actually surprisingly light, since the crime had a suggested jail term of 10-18 months.

6 months in a halfway house, probation and community service seems like a pretty good deal.
D'Souza was viciously prosecuted by Hussein and his thugs. Why should O'donnell be treated differently?


"Viciously". You guys sure do have a way with words.

He was turned in by the candidate who he donated to, and plead guilty.

Tell me what was so "vicious" about it.

Hussein's thugs showed no mercy. Why should O'Donnell be treated differently?


They "showed no mercy"?

It is truly amazing how you guys can warp reality to fit your delusions.
D'Souza was viciously prosecuted by Hussein and his thugs. Why should O'donnell be treated differently?


"Viciously". You guys sure do have a way with words.

He was turned in by the candidate who he donated to, and plead guilty.

Tell me what was so "vicious" about it.

Hussein's thugs showed no mercy. Why should O'Donnell be treated differently?


They "showed no mercy"?

It is truly amazing how you guys can warp reality to fit your delusions.



His incarceration for this was unusual, because this is a fairly common campaign finance violation. What happens in many cases is the people who do this are fined, and sentenced to probation or community service. It’s also pretty common for the Justice Department to not go after these violators at all. He listed off several campaign donors whose violations were much more flagrant than what he did, and the DOJ hasn’t laid a glove on them for years. His defense counsel was prepared to use the records of these violators as part of his defense, but the judge wouldn’t admit them as evidence.

In his case, he was charged with a felony, which is the maximum sentence under the law. He served his time in a transitional facility, which is a place where convicts who have done hard time for things like rape, larceny, and murder are being prepared to leave prison and re-enter society.

He said that law professor Alan Dershowitz, who is a liberal Democrat, looked at how the DOJ treated his case, and concluded that the prosecution was political. There was no justification for the way the DOJ was behaving. D’Souza claims, with some merit, that he was targeted for this prosecution, because he made a documentary in 2012 that looked into President Obama’s past, which was not vetted by news outlets when he ran for president in 2008. The documentary was also critical of Obama’s political views. He figured he was being punished by the Obama Administration for his speech. He does not excuse his crime in violating campaign finance law, but the sentencing for it was unusually harsh.
D'Souza was (is) a writer, film maker and a vocal critic of Obama and Hillary. Allegedly he wasn't even aware that he violated electoral law by sending a couple of hundred dollars to a republican candidate. The Hussein administration jumped all over the guy and indicted D'Souza and ultimately sentenced him to prison time which he served on weekends. It stands to reason if left wingers are guilty of the same thing they should be indicted.
D'Souza was (is) a writer, film maker and a vocal critic of Obama and Hillary. Allegedly he wasn't even aware that he violated electoral law by sending a couple of hundred dollars to a republican candidate. The Hussein administration jumped all over the guy and indicted D'Souza and ultimately sentenced him to prison time which he served on weekends. It stands to reason if left wingers are guilty of the same thing they should be indicted.

Dinesh is a threat to our great nation and deserved to be incarcerated with the rest of the felons

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