Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"If the Post story is accurate, federal prosecutors have an obligation to charge O’Donnell with violating campaign finance law and to put her on trial. And if she’s found guilty, my advice to the sentencing judge would be to give her a sentence including confinement and a sizable fine – just as I received for violating campaign finance law."

Obama's DOJ never gave D'Souza a break.
If Rosie is convicted she could always ask Trump to pardon her.

Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"Lots of people in every election give more than they’re supposed to. In other words, campaign finance violations are extremely common. And they are almost never seriously prosecuted.

The New York Post article quoted prominent campaign finance lawyer Jan Witold Baran as saying: “Donors are rarely fined for excess contributions and then only if they are hiding the donations from the recipients.”

So, Baran, why was Douza arrested and convicted and imprisoned?

Because he is a republican?
Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"If the Post story is accurate, federal prosecutors have an obligation to charge O’Donnell with violating campaign finance law and to put her on trial. And if she’s found guilty, my advice to the sentencing judge would be to give her a sentence including confinement and a sizable fine – just as I received for violating campaign finance law."

Obama's DOJ never gave D'Souza a break.
If Rosie is convicted she could always ask Trump to pardon her.

Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
Sounds like the felon has a case of class envy now that he's considered a low life felon...Poor guy...I bet he has a fellow black convict's shoulder to cry upon...
Poor Dinesh

Maybe Trump will pardon him like he did Scooter Libby
Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"If the Post story is accurate, federal prosecutors have an obligation to charge O’Donnell with violating campaign finance law and to put her on trial. And if she’s found guilty, my advice to the sentencing judge would be to give her a sentence including confinement and a sizable fine – just as I received for violating campaign finance law."

Obama's DOJ never gave D'Souza a break.
If Rosie is convicted she could always ask Trump to pardon her.

Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
Sounds like the felon has a case of class envy now that he's considered a low life felon...Poor guy...I bet he has a fellow black convict's shoulder to cry upon...

The article admits that this crime is rarely prosecuted.

So, why was D'Souza prosecuted?

Any class issues was BEFORE he was prosecuted.

So, what was the difference?

Because he's Indian? Does she get a pass cause she's white?
Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"If the Post story is accurate, federal prosecutors have an obligation to charge O’Donnell with violating campaign finance law and to put her on trial. And if she’s found guilty, my advice to the sentencing judge would be to give her a sentence including confinement and a sizable fine – just as I received for violating campaign finance law."

Obama's DOJ never gave D'Souza a break.
If Rosie is convicted she could always ask Trump to pardon her.

Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
Sounds like the felon has a case of class envy now that he's considered a low life felon...Poor guy...I bet he has a fellow black convict's shoulder to cry upon...

The article admits that this crime is rarely prosecuted.

So, why was D'Souza prosecuted?

Any class issues was BEFORE he was prosecuted.

So, what was the difference?

Because he's Indian? Does she get a pass cause she's white?
Ask the Trump DOJ.
Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"If the Post story is accurate, federal prosecutors have an obligation to charge O’Donnell with violating campaign finance law and to put her on trial. And if she’s found guilty, my advice to the sentencing judge would be to give her a sentence including confinement and a sizable fine – just as I received for violating campaign finance law."

Obama's DOJ never gave D'Souza a break.
If Rosie is convicted she could always ask Trump to pardon her.

Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
Sounds like the felon has a case of class envy now that he's considered a low life felon...Poor guy...I bet he has a fellow black convict's shoulder to cry upon...

The article admits that this crime is rarely prosecuted.

So, why was D'Souza prosecuted?

Any class issues was BEFORE he was prosecuted.

So, what was the difference?

Because he's Indian? Does she get a pass cause she's white?

Let's be honest they prosecuted D'Sousa because he was critical of Obama.
D'Souza's book The Roots of Obama's Rage.
Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"If the Post story is accurate, federal prosecutors have an obligation to charge O’Donnell with violating campaign finance law and to put her on trial. And if she’s found guilty, my advice to the sentencing judge would be to give her a sentence including confinement and a sizable fine – just as I received for violating campaign finance law."

Obama's DOJ never gave D'Souza a break.
If Rosie is convicted she could always ask Trump to pardon her.

Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
Sounds like the felon has a case of class envy now that he's considered a low life felon...Poor guy...I bet he has a fellow black convict's shoulder to cry upon...

The article admits that this crime is rarely prosecuted.

So, why was D'Souza prosecuted?

Any class issues was BEFORE he was prosecuted.

So, what was the difference?

Because he's Indian? Does she get a pass cause she's white?

Let's be honest they prosecuted D'Sousa because he was critical of Obama.
D'Souza's book The Roots of Obama's Rage.
View attachment 193185
Maybe if you knew the real reason you wouldn't look so stupid in the first place. DeSouza was using strawmen as contributors, Rosie not so much...Idiots should research before stepping in da poop.
Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"If the Post story is accurate, federal prosecutors have an obligation to charge O’Donnell with violating campaign finance law and to put her on trial. And if she’s found guilty, my advice to the sentencing judge would be to give her a sentence including confinement and a sizable fine – just as I received for violating campaign finance law."

Obama's DOJ never gave D'Souza a break.
If Rosie is convicted she could always ask Trump to pardon her.

Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
Sounds like the felon has a case of class envy now that he's considered a low life felon...Poor guy...I bet he has a fellow black convict's shoulder to cry upon...

The article admits that this crime is rarely prosecuted.

So, why was D'Souza prosecuted?

Any class issues was BEFORE he was prosecuted.

So, what was the difference?

Because he's Indian? Does she get a pass cause she's white?
Ask the Trump DOJ.

NOT prosecuting is the norm.

Why was D'Souza prosecuted? And that was back under Obama.
Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"If the Post story is accurate, federal prosecutors have an obligation to charge O’Donnell with violating campaign finance law and to put her on trial. And if she’s found guilty, my advice to the sentencing judge would be to give her a sentence including confinement and a sizable fine – just as I received for violating campaign finance law."

Obama's DOJ never gave D'Souza a break.
If Rosie is convicted she could always ask Trump to pardon her.

Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
Sounds like the felon has a case of class envy now that he's considered a low life felon...Poor guy...I bet he has a fellow black convict's shoulder to cry upon...

The article admits that this crime is rarely prosecuted.

So, why was D'Souza prosecuted?

Any class issues was BEFORE he was prosecuted.

So, what was the difference?

Because he's Indian? Does she get a pass cause she's white?
He got arrested because he proved Hussein a failure. And the uppity negro didn't like it.
Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
"If the Post story is accurate, federal prosecutors have an obligation to charge O’Donnell with violating campaign finance law and to put her on trial. And if she’s found guilty, my advice to the sentencing judge would be to give her a sentence including confinement and a sizable fine – just as I received for violating campaign finance law."

Obama's DOJ never gave D'Souza a break.
If Rosie is convicted she could always ask Trump to pardon her.

Dinesh D'Souza: Rosie O'Donnell should be prosecuted - like I was - if she violated campaign finance law
Sounds like the felon has a case of class envy now that he's considered a low life felon...Poor guy...I bet he has a fellow black convict's shoulder to cry upon...

The article admits that this crime is rarely prosecuted.

So, why was D'Souza prosecuted?

Any class issues was BEFORE he was prosecuted.

So, what was the difference?

Because he's Indian? Does she get a pass cause she's white?
Ask the Trump DOJ.

NOT prosecuting is the norm.

Why was D'Souza prosecuted? And that was back under Obama.
Giving too much is not a felony, fraud is.
D’Souza pleaded guilty in May 2014 to using straw donors to funnel an estimated $20,000 to a New York Senate candidate. He enlisted the aid of two acquaintances, a friend and a woman with whom he was romantically involved, to carry out the illegal donations. D’Souza promised that he would reimburse them later. This is all illegal, which is why he was sentenced to serve eight months in “community confinement.”
It’s true that O’Donnell has run afoul of Federal Election Commission rules by donating more than the maximum personal amount allowed per election ($2,700) to “at least five Democratic federal candidates,” the New York Post reported this week. It’s also true that her donations were filed from at least five separate New York addresses.

But the people alleging felonious behavior based on the Post reporting the contributions were also filed under “four variations of her name" would do well to look at the actual FEC documents.
Also, as campaign finance lawyer Jan Witold Baran told the paper, “Campaigns generally are not penalized for isolated contributions over a limit. However, multiple excessive donations may lead to an investigation … Fines could result in such cases.”
D’Souza pleaded guilty in May 2014 to using straw donors to funnel an estimated $20,000 to a New York Senate candidate. He enlisted the aid of two acquaintances, a friend and a woman with whom he was romantically involved, to carry out the illegal donations. D’Souza promised that he would reimburse them later. This is all illegal, which is why he was sentenced to serve eight months in “community confinement.”

Rosie, according to the link, used false names.

So, by that standard, Dinesh is right, Rosie should be arrested.

AND the article says this is common. I'd like to see some numbers on what kind of people we would be arresting if their was a crack down.

Do you think Rosie should go to jail for this?
D’Souza pleaded guilty in May 2014 to using straw donors to funnel an estimated $20,000 to a New York Senate candidate. He enlisted the aid of two acquaintances, a friend and a woman with whom he was romantically involved, to carry out the illegal donations. D’Souza promised that he would reimburse them later. This is all illegal, which is why he was sentenced to serve eight months in “community confinement.”

Rosie, according to the link, used false names.

So, by that standard, Dinesh is right, Rosie should be arrested.

AND the article says this is common. I'd like to see some numbers on what kind of people we would be arresting if their was a crack down.

Do you think Rosie should go to jail for this?
No she didn't she used her real name on every contribution I just posted proof.
D'Souza is nothing more than a liar and a cheat. he can't face his rap so he tries to implicate others to come join the misery of his own creation....
D’Souza pleaded guilty in May 2014 to using straw donors to funnel an estimated $20,000 to a New York Senate candidate. He enlisted the aid of two acquaintances, a friend and a woman with whom he was romantically involved, to carry out the illegal donations. D’Souza promised that he would reimburse them later. This is all illegal, which is why he was sentenced to serve eight months in “community confinement.”

Rosie, according to the link, used false names.

So, by that standard, Dinesh is right, Rosie should be arrested.

AND the article says this is common. I'd like to see some numbers on what kind of people we would be arresting if their was a crack down.

Do you think Rosie should go to jail for this?
No she didn't she used her real name on every contribution I just posted proof.

From the op link

"I find this defense implausible because O’Donnell used four different – though similar –variations of her name and five different addresses.

The way O’Donnell choreographed her contributions clearly suggests that she was trying to conceal the fact that they were all coming from the same person. I suspect she knew she was breaking the law.

But even if O’Donnell was telling the truth, the law doesn’t work like that. Her defense is about as logical as the guy who thinks he can go just as fast as he wants on the highway, and believes that if he’s going too fast the cops can stop him and tell him to slow down. Try that the next time you get stopped and you’ll see it’s a futile defense."

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