Did obama lie? Yes he did.

You employ too many non sequiturs.

Then tell us what the material difference is between a background check to keep a criminal from getting a job and a background check to keep a criminal from buying a gun.

Pedophiles molest children, they don't necessarily own guns or work at day care centers. Sit back and ask yourself if that question made any sense to you. Then ask yourself, does my argument make any sense to me?

Felons try to buy guns when the law has forbidden them to have guns. Convicted pedophiles try to get jobs around children when the law forbids them such jobs.

Background checks are a law enforcement tool. Anyone who opposes them supports making it easier for the criminal to circumvent the law.
yes i want you to tell us why you support, in principle, loopholes for convicted pedophiles to get past background checks to work at daycare centers.

which has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion we were having.


I could have sworn you said background checks don't work, and that's why you oppose them.

If that misrepresents your position, please state your position clearly and I will stand corrected.
When the NRA went insane and started opposing background checks, after having supported them for decades,

they sure did slaughter a lot of sheep in the process. You people could not look more stupid, and have never looked more stupid. Around here that was a pretty high bar for you idiots to leap over.
Yes I want you to tell us why you support, in principle, loopholes for convicted pedophiles to get past background checks to work at daycare centers.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion we were having.

You're not talking about background checks?

LOLOL, another retard soils the forum with his retardation.

You are talking about pedophiles. Which had zero to do with this discussion. Now all you have left is to call me names. Have a seat, along with your strawmen.
Stop being dishonest.

Dishonest? What do you know about honesty?

Well, obviously that if we dont like dishonesty in government we need to cease being dishonest in our own life so there will be honest people in society that we can eventually vote for.

Yes, that is true. Like George Carlin said, where to our politicians come from? American homes, schools, families, churches, universities institutions. THIS is the best we can do?
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion we were having.

You're not talking about background checks?

LOLOL, another retard soils the forum with his retardation.

You are talking about pedophiles. Which had zero to do with this discussion. Now all you have left is to call me names. Have a seat, along with your strawmen.

I want to know why you oppose background checks for hiring at daycare centers etc., to screen out convicted pedophiles and the like.

Give me one good reason such background checks should not occur.
He knows that you and honesty have obviously parted ways.

Na, you just want to highjack this thread and talk about guns.

No I'd rather talk about the dishonesty that comes from you and the left.

I'm not on the left so I can't answer for them. I'm still trying to figure out what I said was dishonest, or is that Hannity's new "catch phrase" instead of "just answer the question?"
Obama criticized for using dated, disputed gun stat to sell background checks | Fox News

As President Obama prepares to head to Colorado on Wednesday to push gun control legislation, some are calling into question the validity of a key statistic he’s using to tout his message on near-universal background checks.
During several speeches, Obama has said 40 percent of all gun purchases were made without a background check.
But that number is nearly two decades old and comes from a poll with a relatively tiny sample size. Gun rights groups like the National Rifle Association, as well as The Washington Post’s “Fact Checker,” are calling out the president’s stat, saying his numbers on background checks need a background check of their own.

The surprise is that we haven't vomited him out by now.

The only people who oppose background checks are the NRA, morons, and people who want to murder someone.
Apparently more than you.

You all go on and debate the obvious - that politicians lie. Tell us all what you discover, groundbreaking genius.

And what makes you the authority on our rights to free speech? We don't stop debating it just because you think it's obvious.

Debate away so long as there's still meat on the bones of that dead horse. I think it's obvious, don't you? Doesn't everyone? What's the big mystery in that simple, VERY obvious statement that gets proven every day?
When the NRA went insane and started opposing background checks, after having supported them for decades,

they sure did slaughter a lot of sheep in the process. You people could not look more stupid, and have never looked more stupid. Around here that was a pretty high bar for you idiots to leap over.

And creating a bill that really does nothing to stem crimes that it's intended to is about as idiotic as it could be....but go ahead and feel good about it. Speaking of stupid, have you looked in the mirror lately?
which has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion we were having.


I could have sworn you said background checks don't work, and that's why you oppose them.

If that misrepresents your position, please state your position clearly and I will stand corrected.

You are the idiot child, aren't you? Criminals won't be getting those background checks....is it really that hard to figure out? They'll just come through the back door their crime.
Like I stated early on, the 2 most previous incidents were with stolen weapons and they circumvented any background check that would have been in place. Dude, you're really looking bad trying to present the liberal agenda.

I could have sworn you said background checks don't work, and that's why you oppose them.

If that misrepresents your position, please state your position clearly and I will stand corrected.

You are the idiot child, aren't you? Criminals won't be getting those background checks....is it really that hard to figure out? They'll just come through the back door their crime.
Like I stated early on, the 2 most previous incidents were with stolen weapons and they circumvented any background check that would have been in place. Dude, you're really looking bad trying to present the liberal agenda.
So right now the criminals have 3 ways to get around background checks. 1. Gun shows. 2. Private sales. 3. Thievery. The NRA wants to keep all three available to the criminals as that keeps gun sales up. Smart people say eliminate 2 of the three and you limit availability of guns to the criminals as it is much harder to steal a gun than buy one at a gun show.
I could have sworn you said background checks don't work, and that's why you oppose them.

If that misrepresents your position, please state your position clearly and I will stand corrected.

You are the idiot child, aren't you? Criminals won't be getting those background checks....is it really that hard to figure out? They'll just come through the back door their crime.
Like I stated early on, the 2 most previous incidents were with stolen weapons and they circumvented any background check that would have been in place. Dude, you're really looking bad trying to present the liberal agenda.
So right now the criminals have 3 ways to get around background checks. 1. Gun shows. 2. Private sales. 3. Thievery. The NRA wants to keep all three available to the criminals as that keeps gun sales up. Smart people say eliminate 2 of the three and you limit availability of guns to the criminals as it is much harder to steal a gun than buy one at a gun show.

Ed, nearly all the guns are stolen or bought through your "private sales" called the "black market" that's used in a crime.

I could have sworn you said background checks don't work, and that's why you oppose them.

If that misrepresents your position, please state your position clearly and I will stand corrected.

You are the idiot child, aren't you? Criminals won't be getting those background checks....is it really that hard to figure out? They'll just come through the back door their crime.
Like I stated early on, the 2 most previous incidents were with stolen weapons and they circumvented any background check that would have been in place. Dude, you're really looking bad trying to present the liberal agenda.

Why is that an argument for not having them? Every law gets broken. You're arguing for anarchy.

I could have sworn you said background checks don't work, and that's why you oppose them.

If that misrepresents your position, please state your position clearly and I will stand corrected.

You are the idiot child, aren't you? Criminals won't be getting those background checks....is it really that hard to figure out? They'll just come through the back door their crime.
Like I stated early on, the 2 most previous incidents were with stolen weapons and they circumvented any background check that would have been in place. Dude, you're really looking bad trying to present the liberal agenda.

It's not the 'liberal agenda'. It's the NRA agenda of a few years ago, before they went off the deep end.
You are the idiot child, aren't you? Criminals won't be getting those background checks....is it really that hard to figure out? They'll just come through the back door their crime.
Like I stated early on, the 2 most previous incidents were with stolen weapons and they circumvented any background check that would have been in place. Dude, you're really looking bad trying to present the liberal agenda.
So right now the criminals have 3 ways to get around background checks. 1. Gun shows. 2. Private sales. 3. Thievery. The NRA wants to keep all three available to the criminals as that keeps gun sales up. Smart people say eliminate 2 of the three and you limit availability of guns to the criminals as it is much harder to steal a gun than buy one at a gun show.

Ed, nearly all the guns are stolen or bought through your "private sales" called the "black market" that's used in a crime.

Underage drinkers get ahold of alcohol all the time. Should we simply abolish the drinking age?

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