Did obama lie? Yes he did.

So right now the criminals have 3 ways to get around background checks. 1. Gun shows. 2. Private sales. 3. Thievery. The NRA wants to keep all three available to the criminals as that keeps gun sales up. Smart people say eliminate 2 of the three and you limit availability of guns to the criminals as it is much harder to steal a gun than buy one at a gun show.

Ed, nearly all the guns are stolen or bought through your "private sales" called the "black market" that's used in a crime.

Underage drinkers get ahold of alcohol all the time. Should we simply abolish the drinking age?

So right now the criminals have 3 ways to get around background checks. 1. Gun shows. 2. Private sales. 3. Thievery. The NRA wants to keep all three available to the criminals as that keeps gun sales up. Smart people say eliminate 2 of the three and you limit availability of guns to the criminals as it is much harder to steal a gun than buy one at a gun show.

Ed, nearly all the guns are stolen or bought through your "private sales" called the "black market" that's used in a crime.

Underage drinkers get ahold of alcohol all the time. Should we simply abolish the drinking age?

Which again, has nothing to do with this discussion. Stop trying to steer us away from the holes in your argument.

Liberals love spending too much money. Should we just abolish excessive spending?

I could have sworn you said background checks don't work, and that's why you oppose them.

If that misrepresents your position, please state your position clearly and I will stand corrected.

You are the idiot child, aren't you? Criminals won't be getting those background checks....is it really that hard to figure out? They'll just come through the back door their crime.
Like I stated early on, the 2 most previous incidents were with stolen weapons and they circumvented any background check that would have been in place. Dude, you're really looking bad trying to present the liberal agenda.

It's not the 'liberal agenda'. It's the NRA agenda of a few years ago, before they went off the deep end.

The NRA to you is like being afraid of clowns.. it's irrational. Guns are like being afraid of the boogey man. The fear isn't based in reality. It isn't the boogey man that scares you, it's you scaring yourself.

Quit whining.
Ed, nearly all the guns are stolen or bought through your "private sales" called the "black market" that's used in a crime.

Underage drinkers get ahold of alcohol all the time. Should we simply abolish the drinking age?

Which again, has nothing to do with this discussion. Stop trying to steer us away from the holes in your argument.

Liberals love spending too much money. Should we just abolish excessive spending?


Your say-so means nothing because you're an idiot.

Tell us why you want to eliminate all background checks, and therefore let some convicted armed robber walk out of prison at the end of his term,

head straight for the Walmart, or some gun shop, and buy an AR-15,

no questions asked.

Tell us why that will make America better.
You are the idiot child, aren't you? Criminals won't be getting those background checks....is it really that hard to figure out? They'll just come through the back door their crime.
Like I stated early on, the 2 most previous incidents were with stolen weapons and they circumvented any background check that would have been in place. Dude, you're really looking bad trying to present the liberal agenda.

It's not the 'liberal agenda'. It's the NRA agenda of a few years ago, before they went off the deep end.

The NRA to you is like being afraid of clowns.. it's irrational. Guns are like being afraid of the boogey man. The fear isn't based in reality. It isn't the boogey man that scares you, it's you scaring yourself.

Quit whining.

I was in the NRA when they were fighting FOR background checks, you ignorant twat.
You are the idiot child, aren't you? Criminals won't be getting those background checks....is it really that hard to figure out? They'll just come through the back door their crime.
Like I stated early on, the 2 most previous incidents were with stolen weapons and they circumvented any background check that would have been in place. Dude, you're really looking bad trying to present the liberal agenda.
So right now the criminals have 3 ways to get around background checks. 1. Gun shows. 2. Private sales. 3. Thievery. The NRA wants to keep all three available to the criminals as that keeps gun sales up. Smart people say eliminate 2 of the three and you limit availability of guns to the criminals as it is much harder to steal a gun than buy one at a gun show.

Ed, nearly all the guns are stolen or bought through your "private sales" called the "black market" that's used in a crime.

Most methamphetamine sold for recreational purposes is sold on the black market. Should we legalize meth?
Underage drinkers get ahold of alcohol all the time. Should we simply abolish the drinking age?

Which again, has nothing to do with this discussion. Stop trying to steer us away from the holes in your argument.

Liberals love spending too much money. Should we just abolish excessive spending?


Your say-so means nothing because you're an idiot.

Tell us why you want to eliminate all background checks, and therefore let some convicted armed robber walk out of prison at the end of his term,

head straight for the Walmart, or some gun shop, and buy an AR-15,

no questions asked.

Tell us why that will make America better.

Real good argument. Not.

Did I say anything about background checks? I have not said one word about background checks. You were the one talking about pedophiles. So what are you talking about? You need to make up your mind!

I don't need an AR-15, all I need is a Glock. Believe it or not, I favor background checks; so long as they stay background checks. An armed populous makes this country better by being the first line of defense against a power hungry government.

Once again, I never said anything about abolishing anything. I was just poking holes in the rest of your argument. Your non sequiturs were hilarious, red herrings, strawmen.. the works.

What would make America better is if people like you learned the art of straight talk. Simple.
So right now the criminals have 3 ways to get around background checks. 1. Gun shows. 2. Private sales. 3. Thievery. The NRA wants to keep all three available to the criminals as that keeps gun sales up. Smart people say eliminate 2 of the three and you limit availability of guns to the criminals as it is much harder to steal a gun than buy one at a gun show.

Ed, nearly all the guns are stolen or bought through your "private sales" called the "black market" that's used in a crime.

Most methamphetamine sold for recreational purposes is sold on the black market. Should we legalize meth?

Still you are at it again.

There are too many stupid people like you around. Should we just... you know... shoot all the smart people?
It's not the 'liberal agenda'. It's the NRA agenda of a few years ago, before they went off the deep end.

The NRA to you is like being afraid of clowns.. it's irrational. Guns are like being afraid of the boogey man. The fear isn't based in reality. It isn't the boogey man that scares you, it's you scaring yourself.

Quit whining.

I was in the NRA when they were fighting FOR background checks, you ignorant twat.

Wow. You're lying too. I've never seen a liberal with your viewpoints in the NRA before. Once again, I favor background checks. But to hear you say it, I'm an "ignorant twat."

Grow up, idiot.
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No, I'm tired of pussies thinking they have some golden nugget of inside information that none of the rest of us know about, for one. For two, they hate Obama so much, and I mean HATE on a personal level, why don't they either A) take him out, or B) expect anyone to take them seriously when they're so blind with hate?

Politicians lie? Gee, I never knew that!

Why did you start with "no" if you were going to turn around and clarify that you agree with what I said? Politicians can lie, you're OK with that. Pointing that out makes you a moron. I got it.

Look at my avatar, quiz kid. Then, kindly go fuck yourself.

That you're practicing overt hypocrisy makes it OK you're bashing someone for saying politicians are liars?

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