Dick Turbin Throws Out The Race-Card

I hear you.

Considering how quick the Democrats around here
are so willing to throw it out for any petty idea that
Papa Obama spits out of his mouth,,,

For example,
Papa Obama
thinking mandatory voting might be a
good idea here is the US
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so you are saying he played the race card, too soon
got ii

She was confirmed twice before as a US attorney. The Republicans are engaged in one more of their hostage taking stunts demanding unrelated legislation be passed before they release her.

Dick Durbin accused Republicans of racism over Obama's nominee for Attorney General. Even MSNBC is beside themselves over this:

MSNBC s Capehart Steele Slam Durbin Over Back of the Bus Rhetoric Against GOP

Rosa Parks must be spinning in her grave knowing how much that same Party that tried to keep her in the back of the bus, uses her Legacy as a commodity to either shift a debate or shakedown for money. Dick's race card is worn and seen better days. It is expected and laughable every time a liberal does not get its way how quick the race card comes out. At the same time, Republicans are weak. They play right into it. Can we get a Republican with balls to tell a whiny Lefty that his or her race card has expired and its time to debate on content and character? Can we get a Republican to call bullshit on a Lefty who channels Rosa Parks for an African American Woman nomination in Lynch yet somehow looked past skin color to fight the nomination of Condoleeza Rice

Uh huh. Nearly interesting historical perspective. Regarding the Republican Party, black folks should probably ask: What have you done for me lately?
I wonder what would happen if they asked Dems the same thing.

Has median income for blacks gone up, or down, under Obama?

It's funny to watch Republicans feign concern for black people after decades of using them as a political foil and ideological caricature.

It's funny hearing them cry about the race card when they can't get enough of playing the race card themselves whenever a black conservative is criticized.

When Black Conservatives are criticized, you people always pull the Uncle Tom card. You people need to put your cards away and be more consistent in debate. Cards just get in the way and obfuscate what should be healthy debate.

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