Developing: Iran seizes foreign oil tanker with 12 crew


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(CNN) – Iran has seized an oil tanker it claimed was carrying 1 million liters of “smuggled fuel,” state news agency Press TV said on Thursday. The semi-official Fars news agency said Islamic Revolutionary

DEVELOPING: Iran seizes foreign oil tanker with 12 crew

CNN is telling it take care to remember all the lies these scum tell to their dumb ass sheep
that's it???? whose tanker IS IT? 12 persons? anyone got their nationalities?
Odd move on their part. Almost like a half-cooked PR stunt intended to be a half-cooked PR stunt.
(CNN) – Iran has seized an oil tanker it claimed was carrying 1 million liters of “smuggled fuel,” state news agency Press TV said on Thursday. The semi-official Fars news agency said Islamic Revolutionary

DEVELOPING: Iran seizes foreign oil tanker with 12 crew

CNN is telling it take care to remember all the lies these scum tell to their dumb ass sheep

Why do you hate Iran, because Tramp and Israel do. You seem to want war with them. Do you enjoy sending US men to their death?

Gog and Magog, End Times trash.
Why do you hate Iran, because Tramp and Israel do. You seem to want war with them. Do you enjoy sending US men to their death?
The better question is why do you defend and protect Iran? Is it because Iran has been in a declared state of war against the US for decades? Or because Iran wants to erase Israel?

Or because Obama helped crush the Green Revolution, propped up Iran's nuclear program, lifted sanctions and pumped billions of dollars into the pockets of the Mullahs?

Do you enjoy seeing people die thanks to Iran backed terrorists? Doesn't this all make you a disgusting piece of crap?
(CNN) – Iran has seized an oil tanker it claimed was carrying 1 million liters of “smuggled fuel,” state news agency Press TV said on Thursday. The semi-official Fars news agency said Islamic Revolutionary

DEVELOPING: Iran seizes foreign oil tanker with 12 crew

CNN is telling it take care to remember all the lies these scum tell to their dumb ass sheep

Why do you hate Iran, because Tramp and Israel do. You seem to want war with them. Do you enjoy sending US men to their death?

Gog and Magog, End Times trash.

how do you conclude that "mind" hates Iran?------not only do you
conclude that he hates Iran----but you even have provided your take on
HIS reasons---
harvested from your very own anal aperture. Your reasons remind me
of the stuff I read from old pro-Nazi propaganda pamphlets that fluttered
around my little Nazi town and the radio broadcasts of Father Charles
Coughlin. Some things never change. Whoever are the crew members
of the little oil tanker-----I hope they make it out safely
Why do you hate Iran, because Tramp and Israel do. You seem to want war with them. Do you enjoy sending US men to their death?
The better question is why do you defend and protect Iran? Is it because Iran has been in a declared state of war against the US for decades? Or because Iran wants to erase Israel?

Or because Obama helped crush the Green Revolution, propped up Iran's nuclear program, lifted sanctions and pumped billions of dollars into the pockets of the Mullahs?

Do you enjoy seeing people die thanks to Iran backed terrorists? Doesn't this all make you a disgusting piece of crap?

anyone have a word for the oppressed kurds and Bahais and Zoroastrians-----
and Christians and even sunni ethnic arabs OF IRAN ? (most of the jews
already left)
(CNN) – Iran has seized an oil tanker it claimed was carrying 1 million liters of “smuggled fuel,” state news agency Press TV said on Thursday. The semi-official Fars news agency said Islamic Revolutionary

DEVELOPING: Iran seizes foreign oil tanker with 12 crew

CNN is telling it take care to remember all the lies these scum tell to their dumb ass sheep

I don't get the CNN reference.


anyone have a word for the oppressed kurds and Bahais and Zoroastrians-----
and Christians and even sunni ethnic arabs OF IRAN ? (most of the jews
already left)
These are the people who should be getting asylum here. Not someone who jumps on a bus in El Salvador and
wants to suckle at Uncle Scam's teat endlessly.
Why do you hate Iran, because Tramp and Israel do. You seem to want war with them. Do you enjoy sending US men to their death?
The better question is why do you defend and protect Iran? Is it because Iran has been in a declared state of war against the US for decades? Or because Iran wants to erase Israel?

Or because Obama helped crush the Green Revolution, propped up Iran's nuclear program, lifted sanctions and pumped billions of dollars into the pockets of the Mullahs?

Do you enjoy seeing people die thanks to Iran backed terrorists? Doesn't this all make you a disgusting piece of crap?

She is like a horse pulling a plow years ago. The farmer put blinders on so the horse could only see what he wanted it to see. She is not able to see anything but what her ideological brethren want her to see and makes a great little thoughtless minion for them.

ok. It was a grammar thing.

I'm pretty conversational in my posts so don't take it as a criticism.
#12: Shifting religious pathologies around the planet to buy Stupidity some time does not cure the disease.
What would compel Iran to act so idiotically? Any geopolitical "genius" trying to still portray Iran as a poor misunderstood harmless nation would do well to shut the eff up and sit down.

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