Despite Coronavirus, Trump Approval Rating At 48% - 4 Pts Higher Than Barry At Same Time

Trump's a much better president than Obama who half-assed it, mailed it in and blamed his mediocrity on others.
I guess when all else fails and snowflakes have nothing left, they post extremely confusing / 'fuzzy' graphs that confuses people (themselves) and shows nothing.....

Meanwhile President Trump's Approval Rating is at 48%, 4 points higher than Barry's at this same point in their Presidencies. :p
i never believed the fake Obama approval polls for those 8 years,,,i think it was actually closer to 35%,,u see, no one wants to post the real results of thier polls or else DC would sent the spanish inquisition to their office
Rasmussen doesn't count.

Approval Rating at 48% — 4 Points Higher than Media
Darling Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

"In the midst of the coronavirus panic and the on-going media onslaught President Trump STILL holds a greater approval rating than media darling Barack Obama did, at the same point in his presidency."

DESPITE CORONAVIRUS PANIC: President Trump Approval Rating at 48% -- 4 Points Higher than Media Darling Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

View attachment 311709 View attachment 311706



Gateway Pundit.....:71:

Approval Rating at 48% — 4 Points Higher than Media
Darling Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

"In the midst of the coronavirus panic and the on-going media onslaught President Trump STILL holds a greater approval rating than media darling Barack Obama did, at the same point in his presidency."

DESPITE CORONAVIRUS PANIC: President Trump Approval Rating at 48% -- 4 Points Higher than Media Darling Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

View attachment 311709 View attachment 311706



View attachment 311891
Irony to the max.:21:

Approval Rating at 48% — 4 Points Higher than Media
Darling Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

"In the midst of the coronavirus panic and the on-going media onslaught President Trump STILL holds a greater approval rating than media darling Barack Obama did, at the same point in his presidency."

DESPITE CORONAVIRUS PANIC: President Trump Approval Rating at 48% -- 4 Points Higher than Media Darling Obama at Same Point in His Presidency

View attachment 311709 View attachment 311706



Gateway Pundit.....:71:

More or less partisan than CNN?

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