DeSantis Goes Full Fascist

“Fascist”: the word you call the politician with whom you oppose, and think it’s uniquely accurate but can be applied to anyone in power at any time
Oh look, another leftist piece of shit.
The best thing you can say about the Meatball is that he owns his fascism. He makes no buts about it and people know what they are in for by voting for this bully.
It is remarkable how consistently the DemoFascists accuse others of exactly who they are. And I'm not talking about you personally I'm talking about your Party.
You MAGA halfwits opened up wide when "woke" was shoved down your gullets by scum like DeSantis who thought he could ride that wave into D.C. Joke's on him as he can't even put a dent into a dirtbag like Trump's campaign despite him being under indictment.

You MAGA jackasses really enjoy supporting losers & cement heads like Trump & DeSantis, don't you?
You voted for the most corrupt President in history. You want to call someone a jackass, point at the mirror.
All Republicans should follow your fine example and sit out the election, proving we're the superior ones who will never vote for the lesser of two evils.
This message brought to you by the Democrat National Committee
DeSantis is the classic fascist – contrive a non-existent ‘enemy,’ in this case the ‘woke’ lie, and use it to keep the GOP base frightened, angry, and going to the polls.
The only thing lefties know about fascism when they shout "fascist" when a Cop is putting the cuffs on them. If they knew anything about fascism they would have called for Fauci's arrest.
They yell “fascist” as they call for Government,Big Corporations and the media to all collude against the American people.

They are morons.
“Fascist”: the word you call the politician with whom you oppose, and think it’s uniquely accurate but can be applied to anyone in power at any time
Hi rookie. That is the beauty of all the 'ists' They have lost almost all their punch in the last six years.

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