Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would "destroy our democracy" if he is elected president, according to a leading expert on fascism.
Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a professor of history and Italian studies at New York University who has written several books on propaganda, authoritarianism, and dictators such as Benito Mussolini, made the claim while tweeting out a video of former Florida governor and 2016 presidential hopeful Jeb Bush endorsing DeSantis.
While not confirming his bid for the White House in 2024, DeSantis has long been thought to be the main challenger to Donald Trump for the GOP presidential nomination.

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
Uh huh, sure.

This of course coming from the statist shills who never dare question the government, and love when multinational billion dollar corporations infringe on citizens’ rights on behalf of the government.
DeSantis is a scary scary man.

I'm sure if you come out from under the covers, you'll find that nothing is as scary as you think.


Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.

DeSantis is just doing what his supporters want him to do. Conservatives don't actually give a fiddler's fuck about 'free speech.'. Most have no idea what the first amendment says.

Yet they give lip service to the idea.

When Disney criticized the 'don't say gay' bill, Ron used the power of the State to punish Disney for their free speech. Hawley took it a step further and tried to strip Disney of their property to punish them for their free speech.

And conservatives cheered. Because DeSantis did what they ACTUALLY believe in, rather than what conservatives CLAIM they believe in. DeSantis used the power of the state to punish free speech of those that criticize conservatives.

Which is an actual conservative value.

Look at Trump. He *repeatedly* tried to use the power of his office to punish those using their free speech to criticize him. With Trump trying to shut Jimmy Kimmel down after Kimmel criticized and mocked Trump. And the White House trying to force Twitter to remove tweets calling Trump a 'pussy ass bitch'.

Unwittingly proving Chrissy Teigan right in her assessment of Trump. As that was a total pussy ass bitch move.

Lou Dobbs, during Trump's presidency insisted that Trump had the power to shut down any news agency that Trump determined was spreading 'disinformation'.

"And when I say shut down, I mean shut down!" Dobbs insisted on air.

Conservatives would absolutely, without a doubt, use the power of the state to stifle free speech and ban criticism....if they could get away with it. As fascists do.
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Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.

This Ruth Ben-Ghiat is obviously a liberal Democrat, so I would garner she knows a lot about being a fascist. A professor watchlist shows that she "frequently criticizes conservatives, characterizing them as violent and an outright threat to democracy. She additionally alleges that supporters of the second-amendment birthed a culture that directly resulted in the January 6th “insurrection.”

In an article for CNN—titled, “Parental control is a smokescreen tactic for right-wing activists”—Dr. Ben-Ghiat denounces parents who object to COVID-19 restrictions in schools.

Dr. Ben-Ghiat describes these parents as elements of the “authoritarian culture” that is eroding democracy. She specifically cites their opposition to mandatory masking and vaccination of children, alleging it stems from a “Q-Anon” belief.

She states that “anti-vaccine militants” and “white-christian evangelicals” are using “parental rights” as a smokescreen to abolish private education. She decries parents allegedly “censoring” books that would teach children about the “centrality of racism and slavery” to this country’s founding. She further criticizes calls for parental control in education, describing it as the installation of “authoritarian culture” in towns and local school boards.

In a separate article for the Washington Post—titled,”America’s Gun Culture is Priming Us for Authoritarianism,”—Dr. Ben-Ghiat alleges the Capitol Riots are the inevitable result of an armed citizenry.

She is referring to the incident surrounding January 6, 2021 at the Capital in which a number of protestors breached the Capitol’s Doors during certification of the 2020 Presidential Election, some violently so. Despite claims to the contrary, even the FBI has determined that no evidence exists that any rioters coordinated to commit an “insurrection.

Dr. Ben-Ghiat alleges that general access to lethal weapons enables “mass death” and a “democratic decline” in America. She bizarrely connects the January 6th “insurrection” to civilian ownership of firearms, alleging the later enables “mass death” and desensitizes others to human life.

Dr. Ben-Ghiat further alleges that gun owners are willing to harm others in exchange for their freedoms, alleging that no loss of life seems to deter them:

She then connects gun ownership to a rise of fascism in America, alleging that dictators controlled masses through a climate of fear and mass death. She states that gun owners are using this same formula to encourage “fundamentalist and cult ideologies”:

Ruth Ben-Ghiat - Professor Watchlist
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Trump and DeSantis are two peas in the same pod..... whether they have fascist tendencies or not, is opinion.... Trump can read his supporters better than DeSanctimonius imo.

DeSantis forbade vaccine mandates in order to protect Floridians while Democrats mandated them in other communities and punished those who didn't goose-step to their orders and you think DeSantis is the fascist?
Ron used the power of the State to punish Disney for their free speech.

Actually, Governor DeSantis stripped Disney of extra-ordinary rights to set up their own political entity that no other corporation in Florida enjoys and that they should never have been given in the first place.

The first rule of any human interaction is that if you're dependent on someone, you shouldn't try to screw them over ...

There are many people leaving the free areas of Prog total control to the fascist area known as Florida. Or they are escaping.
Democrat governor or Republican, people have been flooding to family did in the early 80s.... No state income tax, and the weather, and when I was younger, cheaper real estate was an incentive also, to bring more people in to the State.
This isn't accurate at all.

That's 100% accurate. DeSantis didn't even try and hide it. Disney criticized him....and DeSantis pushed legislation through the Florida Legislature that stripped Disney of its authority over its neighborhoods around Disney World.

In direct response to Disney's criticism of DeSantis.

DeSantis responded to free speech by using the power of the state to PUNISH those that criticized him.

Hawley tried to strip Disney of its copy rights in response its criticism of DeSantis, as Hawley and DeSantis tried to one-up each other.

And your ilk *cheered*. They loved it. The delighted in using government power to make the liberals pay.

Trump tried to punish Kimmel for mocking and criticizing him. Trump tried to get Twitter to remove Chrissy Teigan's posts calling him a 'pussy ass bitch'. Again, using the power of the State to punish those criticizing Trump.

Using the power of the state to punish free speech criticizing absolutely a conservative value.

DeSantis is only catering to the authoritarian tendencies of his base.

Ron DeSantis 'Will Destroy Our Democracy,' Says Fascism Expert​

By Ewan Palmer On 2/27/23 at 8:27 AM EST

DeSantis is a scary scary man. He really does remind me of Mussolini in many ways. He hates opposing opinions.
This is a Boy The Cried wolf syndrome. They don't like DeSantis so they rally around fear mongering, hyperbole and such. It's not fair, nor right. If you don't agree with his policies than debate them. Is Florida, the state he runs no longer free? It's a silly allegation. I doubt a GOP wins in 2024.anyways but media loses credibility, on both sides, when they use extreme rhetoric to paint a guy as fascist. Primarily.I presume because he isn't a member of their party. Not fair
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