Democrats' 'Top Supporter / Funder' About to Be "BANNISHED" In Hungary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Look for Democrats to distance themselves from George Soros ... but not his money ... at least for a while.

Hungary is on the verge of effectively banishing George Soros - Hot Air

"The ongoing battle between Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban and American billionaire George Soros is heating up even further. Never particularly popular with the Hungarian government, Soros has been spreading around his wealth in that nation through various NGOs in an effort to promote liberal policies and candidates, as well as pushing for open borders and greater migrant resettlement. Now the legislature
has brought forward a new bill which has been none too subtly dubbed, “Stop Soros.” The implications for not only Soros but other foreign actors in the country could be quite serious indeed.

Most of this boils down to the mass immigration question, where Budapest and Brussels hold decidedly different opinions. Orban published a position paper supporting the new legislation in which the government states, “Illegal mass immigration is a problem that affects Europe as a whole, posing serious security risks.” And since Soros has become the face of high, mandatory immigration quotas..."

Looks like Hungary is tired of open borders / Illegal Immigration Quotas and George Soros' attempt to BUY enforced Liberal legislation / agenda / ideology...

Why would "Democrats" give a flying fuck about what Orban says?
Having their top donor / sponsor / supporter 'banished' from a country would NOT look good for the Democrats...but what do I know?! They sold their Presidential nomination to a Felon they had to protect from indictment and didn't give a damn when they did it....
Look for Democrats to distance themselves from George Soros ... but not his money ... at least for a while.

Hungary is on the verge of effectively banishing George Soros - Hot Air

"The ongoing battle between Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban and American billionaire George Soros is heating up even further. Never particularly popular with the Hungarian government, Soros has been spreading around his wealth in that nation through various NGOs in an effort to promote liberal policies and candidates, as well as pushing for open borders and greater migrant resettlement. Now the legislature
has brought forward a new bill which has been none too subtly dubbed, “Stop Soros.” The implications for not only Soros but other foreign actors in the country could be quite serious indeed.

Most of this boils down to the mass immigration question, where Budapest and Brussels hold decidedly different opinions. Orban published a position paper supporting the new legislation in which the government states, “Illegal mass immigration is a problem that affects Europe as a whole, posing serious security risks.” And since Soros has become the face of high, mandatory immigration quotas..."

Looks like Hungary is tired of open borders / Illegal Immigration Quotas and George Soros' attempt to BUY enforced Liberal legislation / agenda / ideology...

Soros should be named an international terrorist for his meddling in elections and funding revolutions like in Ukraine.
Hungary’s a shithole

Hungary survived Communism, and in better condition than the Third-World, today.

But, why do you hate White people so much?

Because he is a BlackFag.

He's definitely a minion of Soros Globalist mania, whether by choice, or by ignorance.

I'm assuming he means the band BlackFlag, the very Liberal band.

Rollins of BlackFlag was angry that Fascist punks make better Punk music than he.
Hungary’s a shithole

Hungary survived Communism, and in better condition than the Third-World, today.

But, why do you hate White people so much?

Because he is a BlackFag.

He's definitely a minion of Soros Globalist mania, whether by choice, or by ignorance.

I'm assuming he means the band BlackFlag, the very Liberal band.

Rollins of BlackFlag was angry that Fascist punks make better Punk music than he.

The "black flag" is the flag of anarchy.
Hungary’s a shithole

Hungary survived Communism, and in better condition than the Third-World, today.

But, why do you hate White people so much?

Hungary is a shithole that's actively getting worse by the day.

I say that as a white man whose family comes from, among other places, Hungary.

That's nonsense, Hungary's wealth has grown, what's growing which is bothering you is Hungary's right wing, which is great, Globalist scums should be afraid.
Not everybody's going to give up their heritage, and anyone who thinks they give up their heritage, is like someone who thinks they should give up their heritage to Hitler.
Hungary’s a shithole

Hungary survived Communism, and in better condition than the Third-World, today.

But, why do you hate White people so much?

Hungary is a shithole that's actively getting worse by the day.

I say that as a white man whose family comes from, among other places, Hungary.

That's nonsense, Hungary's wealth has grown, what's growing which is bothering you is Hungary's right wing, which is great, Globalist scums should be afraid.
Not everybody's going to give up their heritage, and anyone who thinks they give up their heritage, is like someone who thinks they should give up their heritage to Hitler.


I love it when neo-fascists complain that they're being persecuted.

The people of Hungary got what they voted for, that much is true. Let me know when their GDP reaches 1/10 that of California.
Hungary’s a shithole

Hungary survived Communism, and in better condition than the Third-World, today.

But, why do you hate White people so much?

Hungary is a shithole that's actively getting worse by the day.

I say that as a white man whose family comes from, among other places, Hungary.

That's nonsense, Hungary's wealth has grown, what's growing which is bothering you is Hungary's right wing, which is great, Globalist scums should be afraid.
Not everybody's going to give up their heritage, and anyone who thinks they give up their heritage, is like someone who thinks they should give up their heritage to Hitler.


I love it when neo-fascists complain that they're being persecuted.

The people of Hungary got what they voted for, that much is true. Let me know when their GDP reaches 1/10 that of California.

Hungary is behind economically because of Communism, anyone who thinks it's because of Orban has to get their heads checked.

Neo-Fascists are the most persecuted people, it's pure truth.

That's because Globalist scums have gone nuts kicking, and screaming Fascist since WW2.

Even though Fascism killed less than Communism, or Capitalism.

Obviously something about Fascism bothers Globalist scums so bad, that it makes them shriek, well then every good patriot must be a Fascist, because that's what's right with the World.

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