Open Warfare at the Hungarian Border


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Open Warfare at the Hungarian Border

The following report describes the situation on Hungary’s southern border, which has descended into open warfare involving automatic weapons.
27 Sep 2023 ~~ By Baron Bodiessy

The violence of asylum-seekers streaming into Europe is becoming more and more brutal. As Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, reported today, Tuesday, in Parliament, over the past few nights migrants have shot at Hungarian border agents with automatic weapons. 168 border guards have already been injured, some seriously, on the southern border of the country, said Orbán, who noted that the illegals “had crossed the Rubicon.”
As Express reports, there were already similar incidents in June on the border with Serbia. Here there were also shootouts with border guards — where the migrants reportedly were wearing combat clothing.
Hungary wants to protect border with civilians
Despite the excess violence on the border, Hungary’s migration policy is successful. Just in this year, almost 130,000 illegal border crossings have reportedly been prevented. The Hungarian government also plans to use civilian forces against the illegal migrants in the future.
Orbán: Lampedusa asylum-seekers are an “invasion army”
The already catastrophic situation is unlikely to be defused in the near future, after all, tens of thousands more asylum-migrants, mostly young and male, want to come to Europe. Orbán himself described the illegals, who are arriving in droves to the Italian Mediterranean island of Lampedusa, as an “invasion army”.
EU wants to make Hungary a “migrant country”
The Fidesz politician declared that the “Brussels Migration Pact” had failed: The EU had abused its power and wanted to use force to turn Hungary into a “migrant country”, he posted on X (formerly Twitter) in July.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the conservative Austrian site Unzensuriert:

Hmm...., How could this report line have been allowed to reach the readers? Internet censorship czars were slipping.
Meanwhile, Serbia is building up forces against Kosovo
So much for European Union solidarity.
Beside the war in the Ukraine, we now have unrest in Serbia and Hungary.
The EU wants this invasion, so as to create a huge humanitarian crisis in Europe, in order to put massive moral pressure on the ‘refusnik’ countries that don’t want to participate in the EU’s ‘Great Replacement’ plan. It wants to finally breakdown their resistance so that the continuous and permanent relocation of migrants throughout EU-Land comes into force.
Like Joe Biden and his Democrat Socialists of America (CPUSA) cabal.
They want ALL countries in EU-Land to be destroyed simultaneously so there is nowhere safe where the indigenous people can escape to.
WEF/Soros Migrants militia are firing automatic weapons at Hungarian border guards, they’re not migrants, they’re enemy combatants.
How long before the “migrants” crossing our border start shooting our border agents?
Wait! that`s already happened.
See : Gunman in 'Fast and Furious' border killing sentenced to life in prison
WE need to send him support. These Islamo-Vermin mob always intend to violently take over any country stupid enough to be nice and kind to them, and of course all of them now deeply regret their charity and selflessness. Time to take off the kid gloves, and toss the left wing fans of these fake 'refugees' out along with them.
Orban ain't playin' that. He has shoot to kill orders and ovens.

He's going to defend his borders.

Ofc armed Muslim assholes are a lot worse than South American refugees.

That's where the WEF plan for America will fail. South Americans are Catholic and very much

like Americans.

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