Democrats Taking Back House in 2018...Fantasy! LMFAO!


May 23, 2014
This is your leader...oh God...tears of laughter in my eyes. Republican Party controls 2/3rds of state legislatures...and the federal districts are gerrymandard. Lol! Too funny. American people have rejected the Democratic-Socialist party.
Democrats Taking Back House in 2018...

Maybe, but I doubt it. The Democrats have for ages now pursued a "top down" strategy to politics. Given the populist wave afloat at the moment, that approach has a low probability of winning.

"The dry/cleaners lost my green pant/suit"...
Democrats Taking Back House in 2018...

Maybe, but I doubt it. The Democrats have for ages now pursued a "top down" strategy to politics. Given the populist wave afloat at the moment, that approach has a low probability of winning.
They appeal only to far left of political spectrum.
With Hillary on the ballot, Obama and Bill campaigning for her, the entire MSM in the tank for Dem's, and after spending $1.2 billion dollars Dem's still got their ass handed to them by an amateur politician who never ran for office before. So the odds of those morons re-taking the House, yeah pretty much zero.
With Hillary on the ballot, Obama and Bill campaigning for her, the entire MSM in the tank for Dem's, and after spending $1.2 billion dollars Dem's still got their ass handed to them by an amateur politician who never ran for office before. So the odds of those morons re-taking the House, yeah pretty much zero.

I will never again underestimate the lack of intelligence to vote against one's interest like the people of today! They can be suckered so easily! They like being lied to; "a wall be built and Mexico will pay for it, Planned Parenthood will get no more funding, Obamacare will be repealed and replaced early!" Republicans and independent "blue-collars" fall for the same rhetoric; it's so sad and pathetic! Trump not only didn't get funding for his wall, PP and Obamacare go on and not a cent will be going to erecting that stupid wall! Some like being taken every 2, 4, & 6 years! :9: :bang3: :blahblah:
With Hillary on the ballot, Obama and Bill campaigning for her, the entire MSM in the tank for Dem's, and after spending $1.2 billion dollars Dem's still got their ass handed to them by an amateur politician who never ran for office before. So the odds of those morons re-taking the House, yeah pretty much zero.

I will never again underestimate the lack of intelligence to vote against one's interest like the people of today! They can be suckered so easily! They like being lied to; "a wall be built and Mexico will pay for it, Planned Parenthood will get no more funding, Obamacare will be repealed and replaced early!" Republicans and independent "blue-collars" fall for the same rhetoric; it's so sad and pathetic! Trump not only didn't get funding for his wall, PP and Obamacare go on and not a cent will be going to erecting that stupid wall! Some like being taken every 2, 4, & 6 years! :9: :bang3: :blahblah:

Or maybe we just really hate fucking liberals, HATE!! Liberal assholes are worse, far worse, this election was the lesser of two evils and asshole liberals ran one evil lying piece of shit bitch!
The Moon Bats lost 52 seats in the House in 2010 to the Republicans by passing Obamacare and now they are thinking they are going to pick up seats by the Republicans repealing and replacing????? Moon Bat stupidity is unbelievable, isn't it?
With Hillary on the ballot, Obama and Bill campaigning for her, the entire MSM in the tank for Dem's, and after spending $1.2 billion dollars Dem's still got their ass handed to them by an amateur politician who never ran for office before. So the odds of those morons re-taking the House, yeah pretty much zero.

I will never again underestimate the lack of intelligence to vote against one's interest like the people of today! They can be suckered so easily! They like being lied to; "a wall be built and Mexico will pay for it, Planned Parenthood will get no more funding, Obamacare will be repealed and replaced early!" Republicans and independent "blue-collars" fall for the same rhetoric; it's so sad and pathetic! Trump not only didn't get funding for his wall, PP and Obamacare go on and not a cent will be going to erecting that stupid wall! Some like being taken every 2, 4, & 6 years! :9: :bang3: :blahblah:

Some self-haters even voted for the party that thinks white males are the root of all evil. Delusional, I know!
The Moon Bats lost 52 seats in the House in 2010 to the Republicans by passing Obamacare and now they are thinking they are going to pick up seats by the Republicans repealing and replacing????? Moon Bat stupidity is unbelievable, isn't it?
People will LOVE Trumpcare. It's geinus.
This is your leader...oh God...tears of laughter in my eyes. Republican Party controls 2/3rds of state legislatures...and the federal districts are gerrymandard. Lol! Too funny. American people have rejected the Democratic-Socialist party.

/---- She has to say that. Just like in baseball "we'll get 'em next year."
Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and DNC Chair Che Guevara leading them to more electoral set backs. Love it!
There's enough of an argument to win the House back after this whole fiasco. I'm not sure if they'll get a majority, but I do think Dems will have a net gain.
There's enough of an argument to win the House back after this whole fiasco. I'm not sure if they'll get a majority, but I do think Dems will have a net gain.
About 2.
My congressman, Republican Tom Reed, is getting hammered at town halls today. But, to his credit, at least he's showing up.
Oh...the kooks are showing up to disrupt it for other citizens with real concerns.
There's enough of an argument to win the House back after this whole fiasco. I'm not sure if they'll get a majority, but I do think Dems will have a net gain.
About 2.

I think it will be more than two. The unpopularity of the American Healthcare Act will not do Republicans any favors.
Incumbents are reelected over 90% of the time in the House. Gerrymandering helps GOP.
It is more than a fantasy. The odds are at least 50% that Democrats take over the House. Republicans are clearly going too far to the right in terms of getting rid of regulations. Rather than having a thoughtful look at the regulations and deciding whether they are needed, Republicans have come across as Jason with a chainsaw. Among the regulations that either Trump himself or the Republicans have gotten rid of that could haunt them are allowing coal companies to put coal waste into rivers, allowing ISPs to sell your information, allowing financial advisors to cheat their customers, and allowing airlines to continue their bait and switch
on consumers.

Then you have the healthcare debacle. Obamacare is more popular than Trumpcare. First you have the implementation of it. Republicans are getting rid of 2 of the most popular parts of Obamacare. The subsidies are being taken away from low income people which means they will lose their coverage. Also consumers with pre-existing conditions are at risk. The money the Republicans are including may not be enough. to cover those people. Only a handful of states have laws that protect people with pre-existing conditions.

Then you have the aftermath of the vote. First you have Republicans saying stupid things like Raul Gabrador saying that people won't die without health insurance. Then you have the revelation that GOP congressmen did not read the bill. You had Chris Collins being unaware that NY would lose $3 billion in the GOP plan. The point is not whether NY should get $3 billion or not but the fact that he knew nothing about it.

Also the timing may be problematic. Republicans have made no secret that they want the savings to pay for tax cuts. That leads to a narrative of throwing people off of their health care insurance to pay for tax cuts.

Democrats are clearly more energized at this point. In a deep blue state like Kansas, Republicans won the special election by only 7 points despite the fact that Democrats put no effort into the election.

That being said, it depends on Democrats. They need to find candidates that fit their districts. In some districts they can be center-left but not be a Sanders crazy liberal. Democrats may be awaking to that fact. That may be why they said they did not want people who are pro-life but then backtracked.

Ultimately voters may decide that they want a Democrat House to balance a Republican in the White House and Senate.

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