Democrats Taking Back House in 2018...Fantasy! LMFAO!

People will LOVE Trumpcare. It's geinus.

I dont know about 'geinus' but it will be a vast improvement to let people have more choice about their options.

One thing I hope the Senate adds to the House bill is some online assistance for people so that they can find the best insurance available to them.
With Hillary on the ballot, Obama and Bill campaigning for her, the entire MSM in the tank for Dem's, and after spending $1.2 billion dollars Dem's still got their ass handed to them by an amateur politician who never ran for office before. So the odds of those morons re-taking the House, yeah pretty much zero.

I will never again underestimate the lack of intelligence to vote against one's interest like the people of today! They can be suckered so easily! They like being lied to; "a wall be built and Mexico will pay for it, Planned Parenthood will get no more funding, Obamacare will be repealed and replaced early!" Republicans and independent "blue-collars" fall for the same rhetoric; it's so sad and pathetic! Trump not only didn't get funding for his wall, PP and Obamacare go on and not a cent will be going to erecting that stupid wall! Some like being taken every 2, 4, & 6 years! :9: :bang3: :blahblah:

Or maybe we just really hate fucking liberals, HATE!! Liberal assholes are worse, far worse, this election was the lesser of two evils and asshole liberals ran one evil lying piece of shit bitch!
So this is what it feels like to be winning, huh? LOL.
People will LOVE Trumpcare. It's geinus.
One thing I hope the Senate adds to the House bill is some online assistance for people so that they can find the best insurance available to them.
The Senate is going to light that bill on fire and attempt to write their own bill. LOL.
And are the house gopers going to tell voters,
well I voted for the bill because I knew it would never be a law?
There's enough of an argument to win the House back after this whole fiasco. I'm not sure if they'll get a majority, but I do think Dems will have a net gain.
There are only a total of 8 republican seats up for grabs, but more than 20 democrats.

Where do you see a net gain?
There's enough of an argument to win the House back after this whole fiasco. I'm not sure if they'll get a majority, but I do think Dems will have a net gain.
There are only a total of 8 republican seats up for grabs, but more than 20 democrats.

Where do you see a net gain?

In his mind no doubt.
Incumbents are reelected over 90% of the time in the House. Gerrymandering helps GOP.
It helps incumbents of BOTH parties.
But GOP controls two thirds of state houses. As per the Constitution they draw up the House districts. Cha-Ching....favors the good guys.
Yes, it does in the short run at the expense of sensitivity to the electorate, and thus over a period of time it becomes a Dutch Dike with hhuge presure for change developing that they are insulated from and it ends in disaster.

The best system is to have two competitive parties that keep each other honest and on their toes.
Incumbents are reelected over 90% of the time in the House. Gerrymandering helps GOP.
It helps incumbents of BOTH parties.
But GOP controls two thirds of state houses. As per the Constitution they draw up the House districts. Cha-Ching....favors the good guys.
Yes, it does in the short run at the expense of sensitivity to the electorate, and thus over a period of time it becomes a Dutch Dike with hhuge presure for change developing that they are insulated from and it ends in disaster.

The best system is to have two competitive parties that keep each other honest and on their toes.
It is a zero sum game. Democrats gain control we become like France. Weak, helpless, lacking sovereignty, overran by people who hate our nation and our culture. It is a matter of survival. I want liberals down...way down...and conservatives up at least until we can correct the poison of the 1960's...which may be deadly to our nation.
There are 25 House districts where Clinton won that are represented by Republicans. With Lleana Ros-Lehtinen's decision to retire, that seat likely moves to the Democrat side. Clinton beat Trump by 20 points in that district. Florida has a very large number of people on Obamacare. Democrats are certain to pick up seats because of Trumpcare and at best, Republican control becomes even more tenuous.
This is your leader...oh God...tears of laughter in my eyes. Republican Party controls 2/3rds of state legislatures...and the federal districts are gerrymandard. Lol! Too funny. American people have rejected the Democratic-Socialist party.

Given that the left is doubling down on the stupid shit that has lost them everything it's not likely they will win anything, Now all we have to do is get rid of a bunch of establishment Republicans.

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