Democrats received 9 million more votes in the last election

That was a Xenophobic and even Racist comment, and opens up a can of worms, because there is proof leftist activists worked with Mexico in an initiative to get Mexican and Central American voters into the Country just to vote.
*more specific info on this:
It was done behind the voter registration effort, led by Immigrant Voters Win PAC — a group of 30 community organizer groups dedicated to promoting illegal immigrants.
Even residents of other countries got naturalized to get in on this voter fraud.
One woman from Honduras said she responded to the Mexican government’s initiative.

Now, this is reality that you brought up through tin foil hat conspiracy driven pie in the sky conment by you made for making a point that backfired on you.
AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF you answered a post outting your smokescreen by avoiding refuting it through a smokescreen tactic
=proving my post true.
We have no idea how many Russians voted for Trump

I have my best people looking into it and they can’t believe what they are finding
Ask Jerome Corsi, Assange, Stone, Wikileaks, and Trump. They can tell you. We've got the email dump now; blob:
You do realize Stone's Email to Corsi was after the promoted anouncement of Hillary's emails existed and would be disclosed, not before it was known to exist, therefore you are exposing your news source as manipulators that are setting an impression (propaganda ) in order to use (thus abuse) you through controlling your impressions, even if it makes you look like a fool when you parrot the false narrative.
Your explanation makes no sense. What makes you think these conspirators didn't know the emails wouldn't be stolen in the first place? You aren't painting a logical explanation. You left too many holes in it.
Your news source thinks you are too dumb to notice their time line manipulation by not giving you the full story in it's proper perspective.
You haven't given the proper story in this post of yours, because you don't have a time line either. You're just speculating on that.
If what Stone requested in the email was wrong or illegal then all the same news media who asked for the same info would be required to be prosecuted especially Adam Schiff who was caught inquiring about that prank Russian story by that Shock Jock.. (Doh!)
"If?" You come here to talk about "ifs" ? Lol! That's worth shit boss. You better head back to the drawing board.
It also proves Stone didn't know before anyone else knew so his email helps his case not hurt it.
This coming from someone who relies on "ifs". Lol! Get real.
And your news source also failed to tell you Stone never visited England the time claimed by that fake news story, so says his passport records. Yet your same news sources used the known fake news story to help create an impression (narrative) that you the dupe who parrots that narrative hook line and sinker.
It doesn't confirm that either way. Now you're lying.
You should stop being mad at the people being railroaded by sore losers and start being mad at those insulting your intelligence and making you sound foolish by your lack of info and knowledge of the subject.
A typed email coming from the source of a so called serial liar and conspiracy nut of one Jerome Corsi@ .com, do try and show us how law enforcement got it wrong. Ain't going to happen. Next!
Fact: the email proves Stone didn't know, it was Corsi who predicted through common sense that the emails would be Podestas as well, since he's on the same server as Hillary, and that's what got the UNWARRANTED suspicion alarms going.
This would be liken to you not knowing the outcome of an NBA basketball game, but using logic to pic the winner then the cops charging you for point shaving simply by your prediction.
This would be like a stock trader knowing a company struggling would have bad earnings that quarter sells the stock a week before earnings then the FBI arrests him for inside trading simply because he guessed right and some opponent to sell news papers falsey put in an article that the famous stock picker has a meeting the CEO in a country his passport says he never visited that year.
AND you are not only protecting that behavior you yourself are being abused as a puppet dancing through the pull of their strings=they own your minds=mental abuse=enslavement.

"Be free my friend, be free"
Imbecile, Podesta was not using the same email server as Hillary. Hillary has her own private email server while Podesta was using a gmail account. All you demonstrate is a complete lack of understanding on this issue with nonsense like that.
We have no idea how many Russians voted for Trump

I have my best people looking into it and they can’t believe what they are finding
Ask Jerome Corsi, Assange, Stone, Wikileaks, and Trump. They can tell you. We've got the email dump now; blob:
You do realize Stone's Email to Corsi was after the promoted anouncement of Hillary's emails existed and would be disclosed, not before it was known to exist, therefore you are exposing your news source as manipulators that are setting an impression (propaganda ) in order to use (thus abuse) you through controlling your impressions, even if it makes you look like a fool when you parrot the false narrative.
Your news source thinks you are too dumb to notice their time line manipulation by not giving you the full story in it's proper perspective. If what Stone requested in the email was wrong or illegal then all the same news media who asked for the same info would be required to be prosecuted especially Adam Schiff who was caught inquiring about that prank Russian story by that Shock Jock.. (Doh!)
It also proves Stone didn't know before anyone else knew so his email helps his case not hurt it. And your news source also failed to tell you Stone never visited England the time claimed by that fake news story, so says his passport records. Yet your same news sources used the known fake news story to help create an impression (narrative) that you the dupe who parrots that narrative hook line and sinker. You should stop being mad at the people being railroaded by sore losers and start being mad at those insulting your intelligence and making you sound foolish by your lack of info and knowledge of the subject.
Of course Stone knew ahead of time. He talked about it with the Russian hacker before anyone knew Podesta’s email was hacked...





You just proved my post, you buy and create fake stories and accts and narratives. If there was a there-there you would not need to make up fake impressions. Worry about the abuses in propaganda by the media and abuse of power by sore losers, that is where your morality sunk so low.....

If I proved your point, your point must have been that Stone knew about Podesta’s emails before they were dumped on the Internet and he was working with Assange to get them released.
You mean Corsi guessed ahead of time, and your reply proves my point, your news sources dance the time line and your recounting of the poor news source confused what's going on. Don't feel bad, most people have no clue just how bad this abuse of power is. With a good DOJ leader you will find out, but isn't that exactly why the left keeps trying to OBSTRUCT Justice with the obstruction of choice and reach of that DOJ head?
We have no idea how many Russians voted for Trump

I have my best people looking into it and they can’t believe what they are finding
Ask Jerome Corsi, Assange, Stone, Wikileaks, and Trump. They can tell you. We've got the email dump now; blob:
You do realize Stone's Email to Corsi was after the promoted anouncement of Hillary's emails existed and would be disclosed, not before it was known to exist, therefore you are exposing your news source as manipulators that are setting an impression (propaganda ) in order to use (thus abuse) you through controlling your impressions, even if it makes you look like a fool when you parrot the false narrative.
Your explanation makes no sense. What makes you think these conspirators didn't know the emails wouldn't be stolen in the first place? You aren't painting a logical explanation. You left too many holes in it.
Your news source thinks you are too dumb to notice their time line manipulation by not giving you the full story in it's proper perspective.
You haven't given the proper story in this post of yours, because you don't have a time line either. You're just speculating on that.
If what Stone requested in the email was wrong or illegal then all the same news media who asked for the same info would be required to be prosecuted especially Adam Schiff who was caught inquiring about that prank Russian story by that Shock Jock.. (Doh!)
"If?" You come here to talk about "ifs" ? Lol! That's worth shit boss. You better head back to the drawing board.
It also proves Stone didn't know before anyone else knew so his email helps his case not hurt it.
This coming from someone who relies on "ifs". Lol! Get real.
And your news source also failed to tell you Stone never visited England the time claimed by that fake news story, so says his passport records. Yet your same news sources used the known fake news story to help create an impression (narrative) that you the dupe who parrots that narrative hook line and sinker.
It doesn't confirm that either way. Now you're lying.
You should stop being mad at the people being railroaded by sore losers and start being mad at those insulting your intelligence and making you sound foolish by your lack of info and knowledge of the subject.
A typed email coming from the source of a so called serial liar and conspiracy nut of one Jerome Corsi@ .com, do try and show us how law enforcement got it wrong. Ain't going to happen. Next!
Fact: the email proves Stone didn't know, it was Corsi who predicted through common sense that the emails would be Podestas as well, since he's on the same server as Hillary, and that's what got the UNWARRANTED suspicion alarms going.
This would be liken to you not knowing the outcome of an NBA basketball game, but using logic to pic the winner then the cops charging you for point shaving simply by your prediction.
This would be like a stock trader knowing a company struggling would have bad earnings that quarter sells the stock a week before earnings then the FBI arrests him for inside trading simply because he guessed right and some opponent to sell news papers falsey put in an article that the famous stock picker has a meeting the CEO in a country his passport says he never visited that year.
AND you are not only protecting that behavior you yourself are being abused as a puppet dancing through the pull of their strings=they own your minds=mental abuse=enslavement.

"Be free my friend, be free"
Imbecile, Podesta was not using the same email server as Hillary. Hillary has her own private email server while Podesta was using a gmail account. All you demonstrate is a complete lack of understanding on this issue with nonsense like that.
I was recanting what Corsi's thought process was for guessing Podesta's email would be there, he in an interview said because it would be on the same DNC server. HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHICH STUFF CAME FROM WHICH SERVER (HOW WOULD HE KNOW THUS ASSUMED WRONG?)
So your reply did 2 things;
1)proved Corsi did not know ahead of everyone.
2)you knew how? According to Muellers logic you must be the hacker or are you admitting that you inquired about the info like everyone else which is not a crime. Everyone wanted to know when Assange first teased with the news.
Even Hillary was practicing her Illness plee for sympathy act.
Ask Jerome Corsi, Assange, Stone, Wikileaks, and Trump. They can tell you. We've got the email dump now; blob:
You do realize Stone's Email to Corsi was after the promoted anouncement of Hillary's emails existed and would be disclosed, not before it was known to exist, therefore you are exposing your news source as manipulators that are setting an impression (propaganda ) in order to use (thus abuse) you through controlling your impressions, even if it makes you look like a fool when you parrot the false narrative.
Your news source thinks you are too dumb to notice their time line manipulation by not giving you the full story in it's proper perspective. If what Stone requested in the email was wrong or illegal then all the same news media who asked for the same info would be required to be prosecuted especially Adam Schiff who was caught inquiring about that prank Russian story by that Shock Jock.. (Doh!)
It also proves Stone didn't know before anyone else knew so his email helps his case not hurt it. And your news source also failed to tell you Stone never visited England the time claimed by that fake news story, so says his passport records. Yet your same news sources used the known fake news story to help create an impression (narrative) that you the dupe who parrots that narrative hook line and sinker. You should stop being mad at the people being railroaded by sore losers and start being mad at those insulting your intelligence and making you sound foolish by your lack of info and knowledge of the subject.
Of course Stone knew ahead of time. He talked about it with the Russian hacker before anyone knew Podesta’s email was hacked...





You just proved my post, you buy and create fake stories and accts and narratives. If there was a there-there you would not need to make up fake impressions. Worry about the abuses in propaganda by the media and abuse of power by sore losers, that is where your morality sunk so low.....

If I proved your point, your point must have been that Stone knew about Podesta’s emails before they were dumped on the Internet and he was working with Assange to get them released.
You mean Corsi guessed ahead of time, and your reply proves my point, your news sources dance the time line and your recounting of the poor news source confused what's going on. Don't feel bad, most people have no clue just how bad this abuse of power is. With a good DOJ leader you will find out, but isn't that exactly why the left keeps trying to OBSTRUCT Justice with the obstruction of choice and reach of that DOJ head?

How does one "guess" someone else's email was hacked without any such knowledge?

You cons are a riot with the excuses you invent.
Still have a long way to go-

View attachment 231632
True, but Democrats did gain over 400 seats in total since Trump became president.
This was written just before the election, and we gained in the Senate-

Next month’s midterm elections could shatter three decades of political precedent.

Democrats look poised to retake the House, but Republicans appear likely to retain control of the Senate on Nov. 6.

That would be the first time since 1982 that a midterm election wave ended with such divergent results.

Political experts had to go that far back to find an instance when Democrats posted major wins in the House without scoring significant gains in the Senate.

Like many things in politics these days, President Trump is a driving force in the anomaly.
Still have a long way to go-

View attachment 231632
True, but Democrats did gain over 400 seats in total since Trump became president.
This was written just before the election, and we gained in the Senate-

Next month’s midterm elections could shatter three decades of political precedent.

Democrats look poised to retake the House, but Republicans appear likely to retain control of the Senate on Nov. 6.

That would be the first time since 1982 that a midterm election wave ended with such divergent results.

Political experts had to go that far back to find an instance when Democrats posted major wins in the House without scoring significant gains in the Senate.

Like many things in politics these days, President Trump is a driving force in the anomaly.
You gained 2 seats in the Senate.

But Democrats gained 40 seats in the House...

Plus 7 governorships...

Plus 327 seats in state legislatures in the election...

Plus another 40 some odd seats Democrats flipped between Trump's inauguration and the midterm election.

Comes to no less than 412 seats gained by Democrats white Trump has been in office. Not too shabby.
We shall see...
Still have a long way to go-

View attachment 231632
True, but Democrats did gain over 400 seats in total since Trump became president.
The 2020 election will be key prior to the census
2010 was about Obamacare and Republicans came out in mass and stocked the Statehouses prior to the census redistricting.

2020 will be about Trump. Democrats need to do the same
You do realize Stone's Email to Corsi was after the promoted anouncement of Hillary's emails existed and would be disclosed, not before it was known to exist, therefore you are exposing your news source as manipulators that are setting an impression (propaganda ) in order to use (thus abuse) you through controlling your impressions, even if it makes you look like a fool when you parrot the false narrative.
Your news source thinks you are too dumb to notice their time line manipulation by not giving you the full story in it's proper perspective. If what Stone requested in the email was wrong or illegal then all the same news media who asked for the same info would be required to be prosecuted especially Adam Schiff who was caught inquiring about that prank Russian story by that Shock Jock.. (Doh!)
It also proves Stone didn't know before anyone else knew so his email helps his case not hurt it. And your news source also failed to tell you Stone never visited England the time claimed by that fake news story, so says his passport records. Yet your same news sources used the known fake news story to help create an impression (narrative) that you the dupe who parrots that narrative hook line and sinker. You should stop being mad at the people being railroaded by sore losers and start being mad at those insulting your intelligence and making you sound foolish by your lack of info and knowledge of the subject.
Of course Stone knew ahead of time. He talked about it with the Russian hacker before anyone knew Podesta’s email was hacked...





You just proved my post, you buy and create fake stories and accts and narratives. If there was a there-there you would not need to make up fake impressions. Worry about the abuses in propaganda by the media and abuse of power by sore losers, that is where your morality sunk so low.....

If I proved your point, your point must have been that Stone knew about Podesta’s emails before they were dumped on the Internet and he was working with Assange to get them released.
You mean Corsi guessed ahead of time, and your reply proves my point, your news sources dance the time line and your recounting of the poor news source confused what's going on. Don't feel bad, most people have no clue just how bad this abuse of power is. With a good DOJ leader you will find out, but isn't that exactly why the left keeps trying to OBSTRUCT Justice with the obstruction of choice and reach of that DOJ head?

How does one "guess" someone else's email was hacked without any such knowledge?

You cons are a riot with the excuses you invent.
Sherlock Nobody'sHome, if ASSANGE is setting up a publicity tease piece saying he had hacked enails and the chairman of Hillary Clinton 's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is Podesta then Assange is doing most of the organizing and emails so 2+2 Corsi figured it had to have sinister Podesta stuff BECAUSE HE IS ORCHESTRATING
Of course Stone knew ahead of time. He talked about it with the Russian hacker before anyone knew Podesta’s email was hacked...





You just proved my post, you buy and create fake stories and accts and narratives. If there was a there-there you would not need to make up fake impressions. Worry about the abuses in propaganda by the media and abuse of power by sore losers, that is where your morality sunk so low.....

If I proved your point, your point must have been that Stone knew about Podesta’s emails before they were dumped on the Internet and he was working with Assange to get them released.
You mean Corsi guessed ahead of time, and your reply proves my point, your news sources dance the time line and your recounting of the poor news source confused what's going on. Don't feel bad, most people have no clue just how bad this abuse of power is. With a good DOJ leader you will find out, but isn't that exactly why the left keeps trying to OBSTRUCT Justice with the obstruction of choice and reach of that DOJ head?

How does one "guess" someone else's email was hacked without any such knowledge?

You cons are a riot with the excuses you invent.
Sherlock Nobody'sHome, if ASSANGE is setting up a publicity tease piece saying he had hacked enails and the chairman of Hillary Clinton 's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is Podesta then Assange is doing most of the organizing and emails so 2+2 Corsi figured it had to have sinister Podesta stuff BECAUSE HE IS ORCHESTRATING
Great, so show then when Assange first publicly announced he was in possession of Podesta's emails......
You do realize Stone's Email to Corsi was after the promoted anouncement of Hillary's emails existed and would be disclosed, not before it was known to exist, therefore you are exposing your news source as manipulators that are setting an impression (propaganda ) in order to use (thus abuse) you through controlling your impressions, even if it makes you look like a fool when you parrot the false narrative.
Your news source thinks you are too dumb to notice their time line manipulation by not giving you the full story in it's proper perspective. If what Stone requested in the email was wrong or illegal then all the same news media who asked for the same info would be required to be prosecuted especially Adam Schiff who was caught inquiring about that prank Russian story by that Shock Jock.. (Doh!)
It also proves Stone didn't know before anyone else knew so his email helps his case not hurt it. And your news source also failed to tell you Stone never visited England the time claimed by that fake news story, so says his passport records. Yet your same news sources used the known fake news story to help create an impression (narrative) that you the dupe who parrots that narrative hook line and sinker. You should stop being mad at the people being railroaded by sore losers and start being mad at those insulting your intelligence and making you sound foolish by your lack of info and knowledge of the subject.
Of course Stone knew ahead of time. He talked about it with the Russian hacker before anyone knew Podesta’s email was hacked...





You just proved my post, you buy and create fake stories and accts and narratives. If there was a there-there you would not need to make up fake impressions. Worry about the abuses in propaganda by the media and abuse of power by sore losers, that is where your morality sunk so low.....

If I proved your point, your point must have been that Stone knew about Podesta’s emails before they were dumped on the Internet and he was working with Assange to get them released.
You mean Corsi guessed ahead of time, and your reply proves my point, your news sources dance the time line and your recounting of the poor news source confused what's going on. Don't feel bad, most people have no clue just how bad this abuse of power is. With a good DOJ leader you will find out, but isn't that exactly why the left keeps trying to OBSTRUCT Justice with the obstruction of choice and reach of that DOJ head?

How does one "guess" someone else's email was hacked without any such knowledge?

You cons are a riot with the excuses you invent.
Sherlock Nobody'sHome, if ASSANGE is setting up a publicity tease piece saying he had hacked emails and the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is Podesta then Podesta is doing most of the organizing and emails so 2+2 Corsi figured it had to have sinister Podesta stuff BECAUSE HE IS ORCHESTRATING her campaign it's common sense.
And using your genius comment :
BIN LADEN (THAT LEAD TO THE BRITISH RAID ON OCT 5TH) "without any such knowledge?"
People like you threatened by being exposed as failed, would assume something bad and arrest me through your assumptions and tin foil hat conspiracy theories, the same connect the dot methods you claim Corsi uses and which Rachel Maddow and other media hosts rant with.
Checkmate. You wrongfully accused me of making excuses when in reality,
You deflected your excuses.
Last edited:
Of course Stone knew ahead of time. He talked about it with the Russian hacker before anyone knew Podesta’s email was hacked...





You just proved my post, you buy and create fake stories and accts and narratives. If there was a there-there you would not need to make up fake impressions. Worry about the abuses in propaganda by the media and abuse of power by sore losers, that is where your morality sunk so low.....

If I proved your point, your point must have been that Stone knew about Podesta’s emails before they were dumped on the Internet and he was working with Assange to get them released.
You mean Corsi guessed ahead of time, and your reply proves my point, your news sources dance the time line and your recounting of the poor news source confused what's going on. Don't feel bad, most people have no clue just how bad this abuse of power is. With a good DOJ leader you will find out, but isn't that exactly why the left keeps trying to OBSTRUCT Justice with the obstruction of choice and reach of that DOJ head?

How does one "guess" someone else's email was hacked without any such knowledge?

You cons are a riot with the excuses you invent.
Sherlock Nobody'sHome, if ASSANGE is setting up a publicity tease piece saying he had hacked emails and the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is Podesta then Podesta is doing most of the organizing and emails so 2+2 Corsi figured it had to have sinister Podesta stuff BECAUSE HE IS ORCHESTRATING her campaign it's common sense.
And using your genius comment :
BIN LADEN (THAT LEAD TO THE BRITISH RAID ON OCT 5TH) "without any such knowledge?"
People like you would assume something bad and arrest me for assumptions and tin foil hat conspiracy theories, the same connect the dot methods you claim Corsi uses and which Rachel Maddow and other media hosts rant with.
Checkmate. You wrongfully accused me of making excuses when in reality,
You deflected your excuses.

You still haven't said …. show when Assange first publicly announced he was in possession of Podesta's emails...…
You just proved my post, you buy and create fake stories and accts and narratives. If there was a there-there you would not need to make up fake impressions. Worry about the abuses in propaganda by the media and abuse of power by sore losers, that is where your morality sunk so low.....

If I proved your point, your point must have been that Stone knew about Podesta’s emails before they were dumped on the Internet and he was working with Assange to get them released.
You mean Corsi guessed ahead of time, and your reply proves my point, your news sources dance the time line and your recounting of the poor news source confused what's going on. Don't feel bad, most people have no clue just how bad this abuse of power is. With a good DOJ leader you will find out, but isn't that exactly why the left keeps trying to OBSTRUCT Justice with the obstruction of choice and reach of that DOJ head?

How does one "guess" someone else's email was hacked without any such knowledge?

You cons are a riot with the excuses you invent.
Sherlock Nobody'sHome, if ASSANGE is setting up a publicity tease piece saying he had hacked emails and the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is Podesta then Podesta is doing most of the organizing and emails so 2+2 Corsi figured it had to have sinister Podesta stuff BECAUSE HE IS ORCHESTRATING her campaign it's common sense.
And using your genius comment :
BIN LADEN (THAT LEAD TO THE BRITISH RAID ON OCT 5TH) "without any such knowledge?"
People like you would assume something bad and arrest me for assumptions and tin foil hat conspiracy theories, the same connect the dot methods you claim Corsi uses and which Rachel Maddow and other media hosts rant with.
Checkmate. You wrongfully accused me of making excuses when in reality,
You deflected your excuses.

You still haven't said …. show when Assange first publicly announced he was in possession of Podesta's emails...…
Corsi and Stone correspondance is after, and you proved they knew not anything before otherwise Stone would not be asking Corsi and Corsi would have known the server was not the DNC one, but you somehow know this-why? Because you inquired about the info like all journalists did and like Stone did,=100%legal otherwise all journalusts would havw been arrested. This is why they are trying to trap to get a perjury case instead. The fact you havn't grasped who's the bad guy and who's the victim proves the MSM is the enemy of the people and you guys in power is lije handing the keys over to Billy Carter with a 6 pack of Billy Beer in each hand .
Corsi and Stone correspondance is after, and you proved they knew not anything before otherwise Stone would not be asking Corsi and Corsi would have known the server was not the DNC one, but you somehow know this-why? Because you inquired about the info like all journalists did and like Stone did,=100%legal otherwise all journalusts would havw been arrested. This is why they are trying to trap to get a perjury case instead. The fact you havn't grasped who's the bad guy and who's the victim proves the MSM is the enemy of the people and you guys in power is lije handing the keys over to Billy Carter with a 6 pack of Billy Beer in each hand .

Jack Kerouac School of Writing...complete with psychedelics

If I proved your point, your point must have been that Stone knew about Podesta’s emails before they were dumped on the Internet and he was working with Assange to get them released.
You mean Corsi guessed ahead of time, and your reply proves my point, your news sources dance the time line and your recounting of the poor news source confused what's going on. Don't feel bad, most people have no clue just how bad this abuse of power is. With a good DOJ leader you will find out, but isn't that exactly why the left keeps trying to OBSTRUCT Justice with the obstruction of choice and reach of that DOJ head?

How does one "guess" someone else's email was hacked without any such knowledge?

You cons are a riot with the excuses you invent.
Sherlock Nobody'sHome, if ASSANGE is setting up a publicity tease piece saying he had hacked emails and the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is Podesta then Podesta is doing most of the organizing and emails so 2+2 Corsi figured it had to have sinister Podesta stuff BECAUSE HE IS ORCHESTRATING her campaign it's common sense.
And using your genius comment :
BIN LADEN (THAT LEAD TO THE BRITISH RAID ON OCT 5TH) "without any such knowledge?"
People like you would assume something bad and arrest me for assumptions and tin foil hat conspiracy theories, the same connect the dot methods you claim Corsi uses and which Rachel Maddow and other media hosts rant with.
Checkmate. You wrongfully accused me of making excuses when in reality,
You deflected your excuses.

You still haven't said …. show when Assange first publicly announced he was in possession of Podesta's emails...…
Corsi and Stone correspondance is after, and you proved they knew not anything before otherwise Stone would not be asking Corsi and Corsi would have known the server was not the DNC one, but you somehow know this-why? Because you inquired about the info like all journalists did and like Stone did,=100%legal otherwise all journalusts would havw been arrested. This is why they are trying to trap to get a perjury case instead. The fact you havn't grasped who's the bad guy and who's the victim proves the MSM is the enemy of the people and you guys in power is lije handing the keys over to Billy Carter with a 6 pack of Billy Beer in each hand .
Their correspondence was after what?

I challenged you to post proof of when Assange first publicly announced he was in possession of Podesta's emails; but you refuse to say.

And you refuse to say because even you know that occurred after Stone was already talking about Posesta "time in a barrel."
You mean Corsi guessed ahead of time, and your reply proves my point, your news sources dance the time line and your recounting of the poor news source confused what's going on. Don't feel bad, most people have no clue just how bad this abuse of power is. With a good DOJ leader you will find out, but isn't that exactly why the left keeps trying to OBSTRUCT Justice with the obstruction of choice and reach of that DOJ head?

How does one "guess" someone else's email was hacked without any such knowledge?

You cons are a riot with the excuses you invent.
Sherlock Nobody'sHome, if ASSANGE is setting up a publicity tease piece saying he had hacked emails and the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is Podesta then Podesta is doing most of the organizing and emails so 2+2 Corsi figured it had to have sinister Podesta stuff BECAUSE HE IS ORCHESTRATING her campaign it's common sense.
And using your genius comment :
BIN LADEN (THAT LEAD TO THE BRITISH RAID ON OCT 5TH) "without any such knowledge?"
People like you would assume something bad and arrest me for assumptions and tin foil hat conspiracy theories, the same connect the dot methods you claim Corsi uses and which Rachel Maddow and other media hosts rant with.
Checkmate. You wrongfully accused me of making excuses when in reality,
You deflected your excuses.

You still haven't said …. show when Assange first publicly announced he was in possession of Podesta's emails...…
Corsi and Stone correspondance is after, and you proved they knew not anything before otherwise Stone would not be asking Corsi and Corsi would have known the server was not the DNC one, but you somehow know this-why? Because you inquired about the info like all journalists did and like Stone did,=100%legal otherwise all journalusts would havw been arrested. This is why they are trying to trap to get a perjury case instead. The fact you havn't grasped who's the bad guy and who's the victim proves the MSM is the enemy of the people and you guys in power is lije handing the keys over to Billy Carter with a 6 pack of Billy Beer in each hand .
Their correspondence was after what?

I challenged you to post proof of when Assange first publicly announced he was in possession of Podesta's emails; but you refuse to say.

And you refuse to say because even you know that occurred after Stone was already talking about Posesta "time in a barrel."
Once again you keep mixing Stone with Corsi proving my point and it's yours to research and prove because I already know the question to Corsi was after the anouncement.
You are just baiting for top posts, because you have no value to offer this conversation and can't even admit you helped my argument by proving your news sources like fake news
Washington Post skewed your ability to recognize the true time line from their twisted narrative using an accusation even Washington Post admits is probably false or wrong.
Last edited:

How does one "guess" someone else's email was hacked without any such knowledge?

You cons are a riot with the excuses you invent.
Sherlock Nobody'sHome, if ASSANGE is setting up a publicity tease piece saying he had hacked emails and the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is Podesta then Podesta is doing most of the organizing and emails so 2+2 Corsi figured it had to have sinister Podesta stuff BECAUSE HE IS ORCHESTRATING her campaign it's common sense.
And using your genius comment :
BIN LADEN (THAT LEAD TO THE BRITISH RAID ON OCT 5TH) "without any such knowledge?"
People like you would assume something bad and arrest me for assumptions and tin foil hat conspiracy theories, the same connect the dot methods you claim Corsi uses and which Rachel Maddow and other media hosts rant with.
Checkmate. You wrongfully accused me of making excuses when in reality,
You deflected your excuses.

You still haven't said …. show when Assange first publicly announced he was in possession of Podesta's emails...…
Corsi and Stone correspondance is after, and you proved they knew not anything before otherwise Stone would not be asking Corsi and Corsi would have known the server was not the DNC one, but you somehow know this-why? Because you inquired about the info like all journalists did and like Stone did,=100%legal otherwise all journalusts would havw been arrested. This is why they are trying to trap to get a perjury case instead. The fact you havn't grasped who's the bad guy and who's the victim proves the MSM is the enemy of the people and you guys in power is lije handing the keys over to Billy Carter with a 6 pack of Billy Beer in each hand .
Their correspondence was after what?

I challenged you to post proof of when Assange first publicly announced he was in possession of Podesta's emails; but you refuse to say.

And you refuse to say because even you know that occurred after Stone was already talking about Posesta "time in a barrel."
Once again you keep mixing Stone with Corsi proving my point and it's yours to research and prove because I already know the question to Corsi was after the anouncement.
If you knew it, you would have said it. You can't say when WikiLeaks first revealed they had possession of Podesta's email because WikiLeaks never indicated when. Your lies sink your narrative.

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