Democrats Ran As Independent Dems Then Immediately Reversed Their Stance Once Elected


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Let's face it folks. Every Democrat is a potential liar. They promise the world and deliver garbage. Many of them ran as moderates only to reverse their stance once they were announced the winner.
Beware a Democrat that promises to try to improve the lot for voters in Washington. This is not what they really end up doing. They're going to Washington to get rich and do what Nancy Pelosi/ Chuck Schumer tells them to do. They are the ultimate rubber-stamp vote.
The reason Democrats took back the House is because people are too gullible. They don't believe that Democrat politicians would lie to them so blatantly, but they do election after election.
It doesn't matter who it is, no Democrat is independent from the party.

The point of an election is that the person that will be representing you in government be honest about their beliefs, that way they will truly represent your interests. Now it's clear that Democrats all end up being the same. Party above all else. That means higher taxes, more illegals invading our country, more crime, and one lie after another.

The swamp overpowers’: Kyrsten Sinema didn’t quite oppose Sen. Chuck Schumer like she promised


'The swamp overpowers': Kyrsten Sinema didn't quite oppose Sen. Chuck Schumer like she promised

As Twitchy reported, it was a bit awkward for Sen. Chuck Schumer to tweet about how proud he was to be working with Kyrsten Sinema in January, seeing as Sinema had promised during her campaign that she would not support Schumer for Senate minority leader.

Well, the vote has come and gone, and Schumer won back his position without objection, with Sinema explaining she might have voted for his challenger, if he had one.

The Arizona Republic reports:

Here is candidate Kyrsten Sinema in July, on Chuck Schumer’s future as Senate minority leader:

“I am not going to vote for him,” she flatly told Politco.

Well, here is Sinema on Wednesday, shortly after Schumer was re-elected Senate minority leader by acclamation. Nobody objected.

“Had there been a challenger for minority leader, I would have considered new leadership and a fresh perspective,” she said, in a statement. “I will continue to put Arizona over party.”
Not a great start, senator.

Kyrsten Sinema reneges on her pledge to spurn Chuck Schumer

McCain was the self-proclaimed maverick who wasn’t afraid to buck his party.

Sinema is the self-proclaimed independent who wasn’t afraid to dump on her party.

Of course, that was then, when she was running to snag those all-important votes from center and center-right voters.

And this, apparently, is now, when she's ... not.

Democrats are rushing to Sinema's defense, pointing out that there was no one else to vote for and besides that, she's a freshman senator who needs to stay on Schumer's good side to get anything done and besides that, it's "petty" for me to point out her broken pledge -- which, they reason, wasn't a broken pledge at all because there was no vote.


Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-New York, (right) meets with incoming Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Arizona, and incoming Sen. Jacky Rosen, D-Nevada, in his office on Capitol Hill Nov. 13, 2018, in Washington, DC. (Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP Getty Images

Muslim Congresswoman-Elect Reverses Platform After Election, Supports Anti-Israel Agenda


Muslim Congresswoman-Elect Reverses Platform After Election, Supports Anti-Israel Agenda

Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar, a Muslim refugee from Somalia and a newly elected U.S. representative, is facing backlash for her inconsistent stance on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel.

In a statement to the Muslim Girl blog days after the midterm election, her campaign made it clear that the congresswoman-elect supports the movement.

“Ilhan believes in and supports the BDS movement, and has fought to make sure people’s right to support it isn’t criminalized,” a statement explained.

However, as Jordan Schachtel of Conservative Review noted, “The statement marked a stark reversal from Omar’s previous position on BDS. Prior to the election, Omar told Minnesota Jews that she was opposed to the boycott movement.”

“I think that the particular purpose for it is to put pressure, and I think that that pressure is really counteractive,” she said at the time. “Because in order for us to have a process to getting to a two-state solution, people need to be willing to come to the table.”

TRENDING: Mark Levin Rips Kellyanne’s ‘Moron’ Husband for Anti-Trump Group

Omar went on to say that the BDS campaign “stops that dialogue” and is “not helpful in getting that two-state solution.”

As Forward reported, the editor of a Jewish news site contacted Omar to discuss the confusion surrounding her position.

“My position has always been the same,” she claimed.

While acknowledging she supports the movement personally, she said she has “reservations on effectiveness of the movement in accomplishing a lasting solution,” noting that was the sentiment she expressed during the pre-election forum.​
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Kyrsten Sinema is a Green Party Socialist who calls herself a moderate. She is a Lesbian who calls herself a bi-sexual. She is an Atheist which she does her best to hide. I'm not judging her on who she is, I am calling her out as a fraud because she misrepresented herself to Arizona. She had enormous funding and they did a great job marketing her as a cutesy nice alternative to the harsh McSally.
Let's face it folks. Every Democrat is a potential liar. They promise the world and deliver garbage. Many of them ran as moderates only to reverse their stance once they were announced the winner.
Beware a Democrat that promises to try to improve the lot for voters in Washington. This is not what they really end up doing. They're going to Washington to get rich and do what Nancy Pelosi/ Chuck Schumer tells them to do. They are the ultimate rubber-stamp vote.
The reason Democrats took back the House is because people are too gullible. They don't believe that Democrat politicians would lie to them so blatantly, but they do election after election.
It doesn't matter who it is, no Democrat is independent from the party.

The point of an election is that the person that will be representing you in government be honest about their beliefs, that way they will truly represent your interests. Now it's clear that Democrats all end up being the same. Party above all else. That means higher taxes, more illegals invading our country, more crime, and one lie after another.

The swamp overpowers’: Kyrsten Sinema didn’t quite oppose Sen. Chuck Schumer like she promised


'The swamp overpowers': Kyrsten Sinema didn't quite oppose Sen. Chuck Schumer like she promised

As Twitchy reported, it was a bit awkward for Sen. Chuck Schumer to tweet about how proud he was to be working with Kyrsten Sinema in January, seeing as Sinema had promised during her campaign that she would not support Schumer for Senate minority leader.

Well, the vote has come and gone, and Schumer won back his position without objection, with Sinema explaining she might have voted for his challenger, if he had one.

The Arizona Republic reports:

Here is candidate Kyrsten Sinema in July, on Chuck Schumer’s future as Senate minority leader:

“I am not going to vote for him,” she flatly told Politco.

Well, here is Sinema on Wednesday, shortly after Schumer was re-elected Senate minority leader by acclamation. Nobody objected.

“Had there been a challenger for minority leader, I would have considered new leadership and a fresh perspective,” she said, in a statement. “I will continue to put Arizona over party.”
Not a great start, senator.

Kyrsten Sinema reneges on her pledge to spurn Chuck Schumer

McCain was the self-proclaimed maverick who wasn’t afraid to buck his party.

Sinema is the self-proclaimed independent who wasn’t afraid to dump on her party.

Of course, that was then, when she was running to snag those all-important votes from center and center-right voters.

And this, apparently, is now, when she's ... not.

Democrats are rushing to Sinema's defense, pointing out that there was no one else to vote for and besides that, she's a freshman senator who needs to stay on Schumer's good side to get anything done and besides that, it's "petty" for me to point out her broken pledge -- which, they reason, wasn't a broken pledge at all because there was no vote.


Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-New York, (right) meets with incoming Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Arizona, and incoming Sen. Jacky Rosen, D-Nevada, in his office on Capitol Hill Nov. 13, 2018, in Washington, DC. (Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP Getty Images

Muslim Congresswoman-Elect Reverses Platform After Election, Supports Anti-Israel Agenda


Muslim Congresswoman-Elect Reverses Platform After Election, Supports Anti-Israel Agenda

Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar, a Muslim refugee from Somalia and a newly elected U.S. representative, is facing backlash for her inconsistent stance on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel.

In a statement to the Muslim Girl blog days after the midterm election, her campaign made it clear that the congresswoman-elect supports the movement.

“Ilhan believes in and supports the BDS movement, and has fought to make sure people’s right to support it isn’t criminalized,” a statement explained.

However, as Jordan Schachtel of Conservative Review noted, “The statement marked a stark reversal from Omar’s previous position on BDS. Prior to the election, Omar told Minnesota Jews that she was opposed to the boycott movement.”

“I think that the particular purpose for it is to put pressure, and I think that that pressure is really counteractive,” she said at the time. “Because in order for us to have a process to getting to a two-state solution, people need to be willing to come to the table.”

TRENDING: Mark Levin Rips Kellyanne’s ‘Moron’ Husband for Anti-Trump Group

Omar went on to say that the BDS campaign “stops that dialogue” and is “not helpful in getting that two-state solution.”

As Forward reported, the editor of a Jewish news site contacted Omar to discuss the confusion surrounding her position.

“My position has always been the same,” she claimed.

While acknowledging she supports the movement personally, she said she has “reservations on effectiveness of the movement in accomplishing a lasting solution,” noting that was the sentiment she expressed during the pre-election forum.​

Sorry, I respect you but you posted a totally inaccurate statement...let me help you fix that...

Let's face it folks. Every Democrat is a potential liar.

Every democrat politician is a liar.....they are also a totalitarian screaming to reveal themselves to the world once they actually get total power......

There...with all due respect I think that is more accurate...
There's some news....democrats are liars and will say anything to get elected but once in office will do what they want to do anyway.
And when their term is up and they go back to plead for votes again the dumb shits that elected them will swallow the lies all over again.

McCain, Flake, Sinema...what is in the water in Arizona? They must be extra stupid and gullible there.
Kyrsten Sinema is a Green Party Socialist who calls herself a moderate. She is a Lesbian who calls herself a bi-sexual. She is an Atheist which she does her best to hide. I'm not judging her on who she is, I am calling her out as a fraud because she misrepresented herself to Arizona. She had enormous funding and they did a great job marketing her as a cutesy nice alternative to the harsh McSally.

IOW, The Swamp still owns Arizona.
This is why the R or the D matters.

If you’re not a liberal who wants socialism, why the hell would you vote for a Democrat?
Kyrsten Sinema is a Green Party Socialist who calls herself a moderate. She is a Lesbian who calls herself a bi-sexual. She is an Atheist which she does her best to hide. I'm not judging her on who she is, I am calling her out as a fraud because she misrepresented herself to Arizona. She had enormous funding and they did a great job marketing her as a cutesy nice alternative to the harsh McSally.
She's everything Hillary wishes she could be.
Young, good looking, and able to convince everyone she's not lying.
Member when they claimed to be fiscal conservatives, won House and Senate and then spent like libs
Who didn't see that coming?
Obviously AZ and MN voters.
To be specific...
The voters of the Twin Cities.
Ilhan Omar's district covers Mpls and the wealthy liberal suburbs in the SW.
All of who are too busy patting themselves on the backs for their diversity of electing a Muslim to office to know her real views.

Same area is responsible for Keith Ellison winning office also.
Who didn't see that coming?
Obviously AZ and MN voters.
To be specific...
The voters of the Twin Cities.
Ilhan Omar's district covers Mpls and the wealthy liberal suburbs in the SW.
All of who are too busy patting themselves on the backs for their diversity of electing a Muslim to office to know her real views.

Same area is responsible for Keith Ellison winning office also.
These idiots voted for the first black president and they ignored his history.
Obama rubbed elbows with communists, domestic terrorists, and radical Muslims.
What happened?
He got on the inside and appointed radical judges, gave away billions of dollars to our enemies, and jacked up the costs of doing business in America.

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