Zone1 Biden inspires black graduates by telling them America hates them

Floyd was saying "I can't breathe " BEFORE he was put on the ground. The press didn't show that critical part of the vid.

He was in distress when the put him in a police vehicle, and they couldn't get him sit or lay down in it.

Chauvin then followed MPD protocol, which was part to MPD training, to calm him down and knelt on Floyd's shoulders (not his neck). The official autopsy proved there was no damage to Floyd's throat area.

III. No life-threatening injuries identified
A. No facial, oral mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae
B. No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal
C. No scalp soft tissue, skull, or brain injuries
D. No chest wall soft tissue injuries, rib fractures (other
than a single rib fracture from CPR), vertebral column
injuries, or visceral injuries

So much for being the 'uniter'. One of the most divisive speeches this prick has given.
I despise every fucking cell in this piece of excrement's body!!!
I truly do wish he would not wake up tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s not democracy
It’s lawlessness versus lawfullness
Joe does not know how to address the actual topic
So much for being the 'uniter'. One of the most divisive speeches this prick has given.
I despise every fucking cell in this piece of excrement's body!!!
I truly do wish he would not wake up tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Biden campaigned on unifying the country ... how's that working out for you? ;-)
He was in distress when the put him in a police vehicle, and they couldn't get him sit or lay down in it.

Chauvin then followed MPD protocol, which was part to MPD training, to calm him down and knelt on Floyd's shoulders (not his neck). The official autopsy proved there was no damage to Floyd's throat area.

The videos show floyd saying "I can't breathe" BEFORE he was put on the ground but the press deleted that part so america would think floyd said it only AFTER he was put on the ground. Chauvin did what the regs said.
Biden admin failed to give them a lot of Bling, so they registered their disappointment with the usual shallow posturing and sniveling. The Democrats are hoping to replace the black vote with the illegal alien vote, and the black racists are all mad n shit.
Biden has provided 16 billion in funding to HBCUS which is something like 64 times the amount trump did.

The opportunity zones primarily benefitted rural white communities.

Cory Booker wrote the First Step Act and sponsored it through the senatate. The law however did very little for most blacks because it only applies to federal prisons.

Black Unemployment was lower under Biden.

Starving Civil Rights In the Trump Era

Donald Trump is poised to defund the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, and his Supreme Court pick bodes poorly for the future of civil rights.
you conveniently forgot to mention that republican Grassley and republican Mike Lee also played a big part in the 1st step act bill that Trump signed .... but you go right ahead and believe that Briben is better for the black community ... in reality you love the fact that Briben deals the race card to divide the country ... i'll bet you loved his Morehouse speech ..
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If he hated blacks he would not speak at a HBCU. And don't try to whitesplain this to me, I now how racists do things. One thing they do is try telling blacks how blacks do things.

And don't try to whitesplain this to me, I now how racists do things. One thing they do is try telling blacks how blacks do things.

Kind like how you try and tell white people how they do things? Wait…does that make YOU….racist?
Kind like how you try and tell white people how they do things? Wait…does that make YOU….racist?

No because there is a record of whites doing things in a manner that has caused great harm to us. What whites say about us is fiction. For example, the belief that describing the racism blacks face makes blacks believe we can't suceed. Thats fiction created by whites who think like you. Because blacks tell ourselves that racism exists but then we teach ourselves ways to get around it or to cope with it. But whites who think like you or the OP believe that we are telling ourselves that we can't make it and thats a lie made up by whites.
you conveniently forgot to mention that republican Grassley and republican Mike Lee also played a big part in the 1st step act bill that Trump signed .... but you go right ahead and believe that Briben is better for the black community ... in reality you love the fact that Briben deals the race card to divide the country ... i'll bet you loved his Morehouse speech ..
I haven't convientely left out anything. Booker wrote the bill. You know there are a lot of other things besides mfking prison thst blacks are concerned with. And trump did nothing for 99 percent of the issues blacks face. It's funny how you disingenuous republlicans see thins. A white man can say all the racist shit he wants and thats not a race car pr divoding the country, but if anything is said about it, that's the race card and what is dividing the country.

Trump is the diivder. Biden spoke the truth. We have heard enough whites trying to lie to us about things and Biden spoke straight up. More whites need to do this.
Floyd was saying "I can't breathe " BEFORE he was put on the ground. The press didn't show that critical part of the vid.
Irrelevant. 9 minutes with a knee on his neck negates whatever you claim. Besides the video is out there so don't start trying to lie.
So black-on-black killings in Chicago are not democracy ?? Shocker!

Chicago is not the only city in America. And whites are killing each other there.
So much for being the 'uniter'. One of the most divisive speeches this prick has given.
I despise every fucking cell in this piece of excrement's body!!!
I truly do wish he would not wake up tomorrow morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Trump can make all the racist speeches he wants but hes not divisive.
Riveting narrative by the president. Instead of inspirational messages he lectures them about how America intrinsically hates them. It's no wonder why so many minorities believe this. They are constantly fed this narrative by the media and the politicians and now you have a sitting president, who, ironically, has been guilty of microaggressions throughout his political career, handing it to them on a platter.

America needs to do better.

He's righ tho. We believe it because it is true. We didn't need racist Biden to tell us that.
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Chicago is not the only city in America. And whites are killing each other there.
But there are way more black murders. If there were two white on white, but zero white on black, that would mean that 100% of their murders are white on white. But if you have 1000 black on black murders, and 10 black on white, you can see why that number you cited doesn't mean much. It's about the propensity. Not that they give a damn about blacks killing each other. Blacks who kill other blacks need the death penalty. They do nothing but undermine our ability to build. Black on black crime should be more harshly punished than black on white.

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