CNN Panel: White Women Trump Voters are Racist and Heavily Invested in White Supremacy

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Well of course. Who do they think cleans and irons the sheets and hoods and sews on the patches. Sheesh! No doubt the mental health counseling community must be making a killing with all the nutbaggery going on from these ABNORMALS!!!!!

God bless the work that the good people at Newsbusters do on a daily basis - watching liberal crap on TV and calling out leftist nonsense so that the rest of America does not have to. This time, Newsbuster's Brad Wilmouth snagged a clip from Friday night of CNN's Don Lemon's panel of liberal hacks (except one) accusing white, pro-Trump women of being racist fools who support white supremacy.

From Wilmouth:

Liberal contributor Kirsten Powers argued that such women must be "racist" because they voted for Trump, while UC Berkeley Professor Stephanie Jones-Rogers argued that women have long benefited from "white supremacy" even while being "oppressed" by white men. Alice Stewart was the exception to the liberal rule.

Kirsten Powers admonished white women for bad behavior. Despite also being "oppressed" under white patriarchy, Powers asserted that white women vote in ways that harm other disadvantaged groups because their "fathers...husbands...and brothers" are benefiting from systemic racism and thus they are as well.

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Now that white women have been identified as racist, anything can be done to them without the slightest punishment. They deserve it.
The word racist is losing all its sting and usefulness as a way of shaming stupid ass racists that do exist inn every class, ethnicity and religion.
Women who voted for the orange whore and pigpence have already sacrificed their dignity and self-esteem as women, so none of this should be surprising. Once one has mastered the art of self-loathing, I guess anything goes.
Women who voted for the orange whore and pigpence have already sacrificed their dignity and self-esteem as women, so none of this should be surprising. Once one has mastered the art of self-loathing, I guess anything goes.
What, praytell, would you know about dignity?

That I have it. A woman can be a heterosexual without falling to her knees and making a sucking sound whenever a man walks by. These women are more than willing to sacrifice themselves and their sisters to praise a penis. The record of the orange whore and pigpence on issues relating to women should have told them something, if nothing else did.
That I have it. A woman can be a heterosexual without falling to her knees and making a sucking sound whenever a man walks by. These women are more than willing to sacrifice themselves and their sisters to praise a penis. The record of the orange whore and pigpence on issues relating to women should have told them something, if nothing else did.
So, this is what you now about "dignity I thought as much, which is why I asked.
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Women who voted for the orange whore and pigpence have already sacrificed their dignity and self-esteem as women, so none of this should be surprising. Once one has mastered the art of self-loathing, I guess anything goes.
What, praytell, would you know about dignity?

That I have it. A woman can be a heterosexual without falling to her knees and making a sucking sound whenever a man walks by. These women are more than willing to sacrifice themselves and their sisters to praise a penis. The record of the orange whore and pigpence on issues relating to women should have told them something, if nothing else did.
That really is as deranged a post as I've ever read. Thank you: YOUR feminism really is CANCER!!

That I have it. A woman can be a heterosexual without falling to her knees and making a sucking sound whenever a man walks by. These women are more than willing to sacrifice themselves and their sisters to praise a penis. The record of the orange whore and pigpence on issues relating to women should have told them something, if nothing else did

Women who voted for the orange whore and pigpence have already sacrificed their dignity and self-esteem as women, so none of this should be surprising. Once one has mastered the art of self-loathing, I guess anything goes.

Bet you're a blast to be around at Thanksgiving.
Women who voted for the orange whore and pigpence have already sacrificed their dignity and self-esteem as women, so none of this should be surprising. Once one has mastered the art of self-loathing, I guess anything goes.
What, praytell, would you know about dignity?

That I have it. A woman can be a heterosexual without falling to her knees and making a sucking sound whenever a man walks by. These women are more than willing to sacrifice themselves and their sisters to praise a penis. The record of the orange whore and pigpence on issues relating to women should have told them something, if nothing else did.
I think you are referring to the party that publicly promised to give blowjobs for keeping abortion legal and funded ,and to men that voted for Hillary Clinton. Democrat women love the sexual favors apparently. That sucking sound you hear is liberals keeping their campaign promises.
Women who voted for the orange whore and pigpence have already sacrificed their dignity and self-esteem as women, so none of this should be surprising. Once one has mastered the art of self-loathing, I guess anything goes.
What, praytell, would you know about dignity?

That I have it. A woman can be a heterosexual without falling to her knees and making a sucking sound whenever a man walks by. These women are more than willing to sacrifice themselves and their sisters to praise a penis. The record of the orange whore and pigpence on issues relating to women should have told them something, if nothing else did.
That really is as deranged a post as I've ever read. Thank you: YOUR feminism really is CANCER!!


How so? For demanding equal treatment and justice from government and law? For suggesting that the sexes can live together in an atmosphere of love and mutual respect, and resolve their differences accordingly?

I saw a guy from one of the "Christian" cults being interviewed on TV one day. The little pisspot was bragging that he always had the final say in any discussion with his "wife," as he has the penis and she only has a lowly vagina (I assume that you have a passing knowledge of the basic differences between the sexes). He tried to sugar-coat it with all sorts of smarmy language, but that was his bottom line.

How is a belief in equality between the sexes a "cancer" when we have scumbags like this walking around? One has to use harsh and pointed, and very literal language with these primitive types because this is the only thing they understand.
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