Democrats continue their obstructionism

The 'Party of No?' I thought the Democrats were against that? I love it when scripts get flipped. Now we'll see who the biggest liars and hypocrites are in the Democratic Party. Stay tuned. It's gonna be fun. :)
I am observing that the Trump administration is way behind pretty much every other administration in coming up with names that require Senate confirmation.
Seriously? Obama's 'Smoothest Transition Evuh' was delayed because he couldn't find anyone who had paid their taxes....and if the snowflakes in DC have anything to say they will make it even longer by refusing to confirm any of Trump's picks.
Disorganization and incompetence are far more likely.

You're too used to the meat puppet faggot.

You don't want Chuckie Scummer to allow his picks to get through fast anyway bed wetter, who are you trying to bullshit?

Look at what's happened so far. Rick Perry doesn't even know what the DoE does, he thought it was about oil and gas. Betsy DeVos sounded ridiculous, getting clowned by Al Franken. Lot of the nominee's financial disclosures have been lacking.

It stands to reason. Trump is a micromanager, and evidently not a very good one. The Trump Organization is less than 150 people. He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.
Disorganization and incompetence are far more likely.

You're too used to the meat puppet faggot.

You don't want Chuckie Scummer to allow his picks to get through fast anyway bed wetter, who are you trying to bullshit?

Look at what's happened so far. Rick Perry doesn't even know what the DoE does, he thought it was about oil and gas. Betsy DeVos sounded ridiculous, getting clowned by Al Franken. Lot of the nominee's financial disclosures have been lacking.

It stands to reason. Trump is a micromanager, and evidently not a very good one. The Trump Organization is less than 150 people. He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.
Does anyone know what the DoE does? They are one of my clients and all I know that they do is pay my bills....:lol:
Some believe that the persistent obstruction of President Obama was wrong of the Republican Congress was wrong and forced the president to use executive orders and since it was wrong then, it is wrong now. This is a foolish attitude because it means Democrats put their own policies at a disadvantage. Being outnumbered in Congress and the Executive means that no part of the Democrat manifesto is likely to be even debated. The Republicans have changed the rules by using every protocol to frustrate the Executive. Democrats should do the same.
Out of 960 positions that require Senate confirmation, the Trump administration has so far come up with 28 candidates. If they want to hamstring themselves, I won't complain.
How big do you think the cabinet is? And they would be even further along if there were more candidates? Are you playing retarded?

I am observing that the Trump administration is way behind pretty much every other administration in coming up with names that require Senate confirmation.
Can you support that? Your opinion won't do.
Disorganization and incompetence are far more likely.

You're too used to the meat puppet faggot.

You don't want Chuckie Scummer to allow his picks to get through fast anyway bed wetter, who are you trying to bullshit?

Look at what's happened so far. Rick Perry doesn't even know what the DoE does, he thought it was about oil and gas. Betsy DeVos sounded ridiculous, getting clowned by Al Franken. Lot of the nominee's financial disclosures have been lacking.

It stands to reason. Trump is a micromanager, and evidently not a very good one. The Trump Organization is less than 150 people. He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.
Lots of opinion there and from a hateful biased source.

I guess we are supposed to ignore that a man became a world renowned business tycoon and then president of the most powerful country in the world in favor of some stupid fat fuck banging away on his keyboard?

The 'Party of No' ain't a No-No no mo fo Democrats. Gee, how convenient. Theses are fun times though. Now you get to see who the dirtiest most corrupt Democrats really are. I love it. :)
Look at what's happened so far. Rick Perry doesn't even know what the DoE does, he thought it was about oil and gas.

It needs to be gutted. It's a redundant dept.

. Betsy DeVos sounded ridiculous, getting clowned by Al Franken.

Franken is a clown, and a major league doucehbag. The fact that democrooks put a piece of shit like that into the US Senate is testimony to the utter idiocy of the DNC voter.

DeVos wants to reduce the role of the feds in education. Great idea. Lets regulate colleges and universities and limit their profit margins so that the investments go into education rather than building little empires to "study" bullshit like globull warming and churning out kids with degrees in gender neutral society. The left needs to be purged from education so that it can actually be accomplished.

Lot of the nominee's financial disclosures have been lacking.

None of it's any of your business.

It stands to reason. Trump is a micromanager, and evidently not a very good one. The Trump Organization is less than 150 people. He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.

Nothing you said there was worth a response. The meat puppet faggot never accomplished a thing in life beyond letting a bunch of political savvy sociopaths prop him up on a podium, feed him regressive "Peace, bread, land" drivel on a teleprompter and otherwise inflict decline.

Trump has accomplished shit. He won because of what he said he would do, and people can trust him to get at least some of it done in spite of sniveling, servile, bed wetting pukes.

you call that obstructionism, the republican terrorist party shutdown the entire fucking government remember?
Uh...why have a "debt ceiling" if we don't actually enforce it?!? The Republicans should have really "shut down government" instead of that silly symbolic dog and pony show.

Starts a thread bitching about obstructionism, one post later he's cheering it.

Goddam that's funny.
Disorganization and incompetence are far more likely.

You're too used to the meat puppet faggot.

You don't want Chuckie Scummer to allow his picks to get through fast anyway bed wetter, who are you trying to bullshit?

Look at what's happened so far. Rick Perry doesn't even know what the DoE does, he thought it was about oil and gas. Betsy DeVos sounded ridiculous, getting clowned by Al Franken. Lot of the nominee's financial disclosures have been lacking.

It stands to reason. Trump is a micromanager, and evidently not a very good one. The Trump Organization is less than 150 people. He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.
Does anyone know what the DoE does? They are one of my clients and all I know that they do is pay my bills....:lol:

One of your clients...

...goddam that's funny.
you call that obstructionism, the republican terrorist party shutdown the entire fucking government remember?
Uh...why have a "debt ceiling" if we don't actually enforce it?!? The Republicans should have really "shut down government" instead of that silly symbolic dog and pony show.

The Repubs AND Trump face a debt ceiling 'problem' around March if I'm not mistaken.

Who thinks they won't raise it?
Repulsive....notice that the two people on this list with the least confirmations are both Republicans. And yet progressive will spread their propaganda and declare that Republicans blocked Obama...

View attachment 108187

Trump Nominees Face ‘Unprecedented’ Democrat Delays

You are aware that Trump had only given them 29 names to confirm by Inauguration Day, and that the FBI and ethics office hadn't received all their paperwork before the hearings started?

Oh and Obama appointed a nuclear physicist to head up the energy Department while Trump appointed a guy who didn't go to college and thought the Energy Secretary was a PR guy for the oil industry.

Maybe be you forgot that part.

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Repulsive....notice that the two people on this list with the least confirmations are both Republicans. And yet progressive will spread their propaganda and declare that Republicans blocked Obama...

View attachment 108187

Trump Nominees Face ‘Unprecedented’ Democrat Delays

You are aware that Trump had only given them 29 names to confirm by Inauguration Day, and that the FBI and ethics office hadn't received all their paperwork before the hearings started?
Your source is ...?
you call that obstructionism, the republican terrorist party shutdown the entire fucking government remember?
I remember that. The House sent up spending bills that would have fully funded the entire government except for one program, but Reid and Obama preferred temporarily slowing down government instead.

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