Democrats are right, let's defund the police


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Let's start at the top. The very top. No sense in letting law enforcement ruin America.

---The GOP votes to defund the FBI---

Let's start at the top. The very top. No sense in letting law enforcement ruin America.

---The GOP votes to defund the FBI---

I mean, it goes to show you that you'll oppose something one day, and then support it the next, depending on whether it's in your interests. That's dangerous in itself.
Ha! Good one!

You MAGA folk are so incredibly clever sometimes. That was hilarious.


So, anyway, can we agree that defunding the police and FBI is a stupid idea?
It was a stupid idea a few years ago, yet some (democrat) cities did it anyway...go figure.
Let's start at the top. The very top. No sense in letting law enforcement ruin America.

---The GOP votes to defund the FBI---

Means spend more on social work and training.....
It was a stupid idea when Democrats were pushing it.

It’s a stupid idea now with your MAGA folk suggesting it.

Do we agree?

We are over policed. The FBI has been well documented creating as much crime as they have addressed.

We just sentenced 6 police officers in Mississippi for believing they were a force all to their own. You know this is not something that was just about these 6 officers also.

I wonder if Trump now regrets calling those who tried to bring this to his attention SOB's. I doubt it. Being Trump means you never admit to being wrong.
We are over policed. The FBI has been well documented creating as much crime as they have addressed.

We just sentenced 6 police officers in Mississippi for believing they were a force all to their own. You know this is not something that was just about these 6 officers also.

I wonder if Trump now regrets calling those who tried to bring this to his attention SOB's. I doubt it. Being Trump means you never admit to being wrong.
The right-wing nuts don't understand the proposal of defunding the police. That it means to take monies used to militarize police departments and, instead, fund programs providing trained personnel to handle the responses to situations involving the mentally handicapped.

Too often these unarmed and temporarily out-of-control individuals are shot and killed due to police officers' ignorance and inability to properly assess the situation.

Of course, any expectations that the right-wing nuts could overcome their own ignorance and gain even a minimum understanding of this would be asking too much of them.

The right-wing nuts don't understand the proposal of defunding the police. That it means to take monies used to militarize police departments and, instead, fund programs providing trained personnel to handle the responses to situations involving the mentally handicapped.

Too often these unarmed and temporarily out-of-control individuals are shot and killed due to police officers' ignorance and inability to properly assess the situation.

Of course, any expectations that the right-wing nuts could overcome their own ignorance and gain even a minimum understanding of this would be asking too much of them.

Of course we know exactly what defund the police means. And how it works.

Defund the police and allow each to see ro their own defense. The wealthy can hire their own. Security force. None answering to a municipal authority.
We are over policed. The FBI has been well documented creating as much crime as they have addressed.

We just sentenced 6 police officers in Mississippi for believing they were a force all to their own. You know this is not something that was just about these 6 officers also.

I wonder if Trump now regrets calling those who tried to bring this to his attention SOB's. I doubt it. Being Trump means you never admit to being wrong.
I agree that there are far too many bad ones.
The right-wing nuts don't understand the proposal of defunding the police. That it means to take monies used to militarize police departments and, instead, fund programs providing trained personnel to handle the responses to situations involving the mentally handicapped.

Too often these unarmed and temporarily out-of-control individuals are shot and killed due to police officers' ignorance and inability to properly assess the situation.

Of course, any expectations that the right-wing nuts could overcome their own ignorance and gain even a minimum understanding of this would be asking too much of them.

When officially the name Police was removed, and Law Enforcement replaced it the wheels were set into motion.
It's populism, and it sucks. :rolleyes:
Chuck Schumer and Democrats are populists?
Seems like only yesterday they hated the invasion of brown cockroaches…now they can’t recruit enough…huh?

I mean, it goes to show you that you'll oppose something one day, and then support it the next, depending on whether it's in your interests. That's dangerous in itself.

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