Democrats and Republicans are one


Nov 14, 2012
Using current events and facts to blame or defend one of the parties is really a naively shortsighted activity. Both are one, the differences are limited to the details. Republicans blame what they call "Obama care" ignoring that this simple compulsory insurance was introduced before by the Republicans in an US state. This example should be enough to demonstrate the madness of this pseudo-competitive tandem.
Using current events and facts to blame or defend one of the parties is really a naively shortsighted activity. Both are one, the differences are limited to the details. Republicans blame what they call "Obama care" ignoring that this simple compulsory insurance was introduced before by the Republicans in an US state. This example should be enough to demonstrate the madness of this pseudo-competitive tandem.

Not to mention, the republicans suggested something very similar to Obamacare (with the mandate and all) in the 90's as an alternative to Clintons plans.

But now it is an evil conspiracy out to destroy mankind as we know it.
We could easily make the case that only the Politicians' Party exists.

At the beginning of the country, there was no party, or only one if you will. Deciding to divvy things up into two parties is the invention of the The Republicrats and the Democans.
Over the past two generations, both major parties have migrated right-ward as Democrats became increasingly dependent on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns. There seems little choice between the two parties when it comes to Wall Street and Pentagon criminality that's ultimately funded by US taxpayers.
Using current events and facts to blame or defend one of the parties is really a naively shortsighted activity. Both are one, the differences are limited to the details. Republicans blame what they call "Obama care" ignoring that this simple compulsory insurance was introduced before by the Republicans in an US state. This example should be enough to demonstrate the madness of this pseudo-competitive tandem.

Not to mention, the republicans suggested something very similar to Obamacare (with the mandate and all) in the 90's as an alternative to Clintons plans.

But now it is an evil conspiracy out to destroy mankind as we know it.

The party out of power is always willing to take up the banner of protecting us from overreaching government. But once in power, they're more than happy to expand its scope and reach.
Over the past two generations, both major parties have migrated right-ward as Democrats became increasingly dependent on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns. There seems little choice between the two parties when it comes to Wall Street and Pentagon criminality that's ultimately funded by US taxpayers.

that about sums it up. We're all being played for suckers. The politicians know that if they don't cater to certain groups/lobbies that those same groups/lobbies will fill an opponent's campaign coffer to unseat them in the next cycle. There are a few outliers but, for the most part, the politicians know that winning reelection keeps them at the taxpayer-funded trough. We have the best government special interests & foreign lobbies can buy.
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Over the past two generations, both major parties have migrated right-ward as Democrats became increasingly dependent on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns. There seems little choice between the two parties when it comes to Wall Street and Pentagon criminality that's ultimately funded by US taxpayers.

The 'criminality' starts with unscrupulous politicians (and the misguided voters who elect them).
Using current events and facts to blame or defend one of the parties is really a naively shortsighted activity. Both are one, the differences are limited to the details. Republicans blame what they call "Obama care" ignoring that this simple compulsory insurance was introduced before by the Republicans in an US state. This example should be enough to demonstrate the madness of this pseudo-competitive tandem.

Is that some sort of Zen-politics?
Using current events and facts to blame or defend one of the parties is really a naively shortsighted activity. Both are one, the differences are limited to the details. Republicans blame what they call "Obama care" ignoring that this simple compulsory insurance was introduced before by the Republicans in an US state. This example should be enough to demonstrate the madness of this pseudo-competitive tandem.

Is that some sort of Zen-politics?

From my perspective it's not. There's no natural 'yin and yang' that requires both parties to pursue the same policies. There is real dysfunction in the structure of our government that keeps the status quo in place.
Over the past two generations, both major parties have migrated right-ward as Democrats became increasingly dependent on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns. There seems little choice between the two parties when it comes to Wall Street and Pentagon criminality that's ultimately funded by US taxpayers.

that about sums it up. We're all being played for suckers. The politicians know that if they don't cater to certain groups/lobbies that those same groups/lobbies will fill an opponent's campaign coffer to unseat them in the next cycle. There are a few outliers but, for the most part, the politicians know that winning reelection keeps them at the taxpayer-funded trough. We have the best government special interests & foreign lobbies can buy.
And with an economy as heavily dependent upon "defense" spending as this one, winning reelection means constantly engaging in foreign intrigues that sometimes blowback on Boston?
Using current events and facts to blame or defend one of the parties is really a naively shortsighted activity. Both are one, the differences are limited to the details. Republicans blame what they call "Obama care" ignoring that this simple compulsory insurance was introduced before by the Republicans in an US state. This example should be enough to demonstrate the madness of this pseudo-competitive tandem.

Is that some sort of Zen-politics?

From my perspective it's not. There's no natural 'yin and yang' that requires both parties to pursue the same policies. There is real dysfunction in the structure of our government that keeps the status quo in place.
Would you say that dysfunction is class based?
Over the past two generations, both major parties have migrated right-ward as Democrats became increasingly dependent on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns. There seems little choice between the two parties when it comes to Wall Street and Pentagon criminality that's ultimately funded by US taxpayers.

The 'criminality' starts with unscrupulous politicians (and the misguided voters who elect them).
At the end of WWII there was a discussion in the US State Department that tried to estimate the amount of time the average US voter spent thinking about US foreign policy; as I recall, the consensus was ten minutes. Is there a digital multiplier effect for that, I wonder?
both parties work for the same interests= big money (Multi national corporations, defense industrial [TAX PAYER FUNDED] complex co's, foreign lobbies, banksters, Big Pharma, Agri biz, etc...
Zen-politics! I like it!
But, wait, isn't that one of those oxy-watcha-ma-callits?
Over the past two generations, both major parties have migrated right-ward as Democrats became increasingly dependent on the richest 1% of US voters to fund their campaigns. There seems little choice between the two parties when it comes to Wall Street and Pentagon criminality that's ultimately funded by US taxpayers.

The 'criminality' starts with unscrupulous politicians (and the misguided voters who elect them).
At the end of WWII there was a discussion in the US State Department that tried to estimate the amount of time the average US voter spent thinking about US foreign policy; as I recall, the consensus was ten minutes. Is there a digital multiplier effect for that, I wonder?

That's ten minutes in their lifetime, right?
Democrats and Republicans are just the flip side of the same coin.
Ever wonder why nothing gets done even when one party controls all 3 branches of government?

[/url] Flipside1 by Desperado8, on Flickr[/IMG]
The 'criminality' starts with unscrupulous politicians (and the misguided voters who elect them).
At the end of WWII there was a discussion in the US State Department that tried to estimate the amount of time the average US voter spent thinking about US foreign policy; as I recall, the consensus was ten minutes. Is there a digital multiplier effect for that, I wonder?

That's ten minutes in their lifetime, right?
My bad.

It was actually ten minutes per day; however, this discussion took place immediately following WWII which might have influenced voter thought patterns a little.
Democrats and Republicans are just the flip side of the same coin.
Ever wonder why nothing gets done even when one party controls all 3 branches of government?

[/url] Flipside1 by Desperado8, on Flickr[/IMG]
And for the last 150 years the Judicial Branch of government has devoted a great amount of its time to ensuring corporate personhood, which may explain current levels of wealth/income inequality in this country.

The communication tool we are using this instant could change all of that in a single news cycle if enough US voters stop "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican when they go to the polls next November.

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