Democratic, Republican voter bases are more different than ever


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Democratic, Republican voter bases are more different than ever

The abbreviated version?

Older rural whites and white men without degrees are rushing to the GOP.

Everyone else? Mmmm, not so much.

Check this out:

The Democrats have changed the most, as the mix of voters who support them has grown less white, less religious, more college-educated, younger and more liberal over the past decade, according to the study by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.

Republican voters, by contrast, more closely reflect the demographics of an earlier, mostly white, Christian America. In one regard, the party's voters have actually stepped slightly back in time — Republicans are less likely today than a decade ago to be college graduates, Pew found. That's a striking fact in a country that has steadily grown more college-educated.
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Watch live: Trump holds campaign rally in Missouri

This is Trump's rally from last Friday. Watch as he walks through the crowd. They are more white than a Klan rally. They manage to find one black guy who stands behind the president during his speech. Funny the only one in the crowd makes it on TV.
I am a recently retired corporate attorney. I worked with engineers, designers, accountants, sales professionals and so on. 90% were Trump voters; all were college grads.

My neighborhood has similar demographics. Two college grads per household. 70% Trumpers, men and women.

People who claim that Trump supporters are uniformly uneducated, lower middle class are full of shit. It is an example of what psychologists call "projection." The Democrat Base is increasingly made up of poor, uneducated, foreign born losers, who look to Government for their needs. So they claim that Republicans are uneducated.
Democratic, Republican voter bases are more different than ever

The abbreviated version?

Older rural whites and white men without degrees are rushing to the GOP.

Everyone else? Mmmm, not so much.

Check this out:

The Democrats have changed the most, as the mix of voters who support them has grown less white, less religious, more college-educated, younger and more liberal over the past decade, according to the study by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.

Republican voters, by contrast, more closely reflect the demographics of an earlier, mostly white, Christian America. In one regard, the party's voters have actually stepped slightly back in time — Republicans are less likely today than a decade ago to be college graduates, Pew found. That's a striking fact in a country that has steadily grown more college-educated.
The Democratic base is diverse, embraces change, and encourages dissent; it seeks to protect the rights and protected liberties of all Americans, and opposes authoritarian government and its efforts to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The Republican base is afraid of change, detests diversity, and works to punish dissent; Republicans are for the most part reactionary and authoritarian, hostile to the rights and protected liberties of the American people, and seek to compel conformity.
I wonder how many identify as Republican because local rules give them little other choice?

I consider myself an Independent or Constitutionalist but have no real ability to vote that way here in Nevada. So I register Republican.
Democratic, Republican voter bases are more different than ever

The abbreviated version?

Older rural whites and white men without degrees are rushing to the GOP.

Everyone else? Mmmm, not so much.

Check this out:

The Democrats have changed the most, as the mix of voters who support them has grown less white, less religious, more college-educated, younger and more liberal over the past decade, according to the study by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.

Republican voters, by contrast, more closely reflect the demographics of an earlier, mostly white, Christian America. In one regard, the party's voters have actually stepped slightly back in time — Republicans are less likely today than a decade ago to be college graduates, Pew found. That's a striking fact in a country that has steadily grown more college-educated.

My first thought, based on the thread title was this was going to be about the increasing gap in policies positions.

How silly of me.
The Democratic base is diverse, embraces change, and encourages dissent; it seeks to protect the rights and protected liberties of all Americans, and opposes authoritarian government and its efforts to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The Republican base is afraid of change, detests diversity, and works to punish dissent; Republicans are for the most part reactionary and authoritarian, hostile to the rights and protected liberties of the American people, and seek to compel conformity.

The Republican base is afraid of change, detests diversity, and works to punish dissent; Republicans are for the most part reactionary and authoritarian, hostile to the rights and protected liberties of the American people, and seek to compel conformity.

Replace Republican with Democrat and you just described eight years of the Obama administration, but I wouldn’t expect you to see the similarities since you’re nothing but a partisan hack who pretends to be intelligent
Watch live: Trump holds campaign rally in Missouri

This is Trump's rally from last Friday. Watch as he walks through the crowd. They are more white than a Klan rally. They manage to find one black guy who stands behind the president during his speech. Funny the only one in the crowd makes it on TV.

Shocking that once again our resident Regressive racist only sees the color of people skin as opposed to the content of their character.
I am a recently retired corporate attorney. I worked with engineers, designers, accountants, sales professionals and so on. 90% were Trump voters; all were college grads.

My neighborhood has similar demographics. Two college grads per household. 70% Trumpers, men and women.

People who claim that Trump supporters are uniformly uneducated, lower middle class are full of shit. It is an example of what psychologists call "projection." The Democrat Base is increasingly made up of poor, uneducated, foreign born losers, who look to Government for their needs. So they claim that Republicans are uneducated.
Racists see things differently. They are called "alternative facts".
Watch live: Trump holds campaign rally in Missouri

This is Trump's rally from last Friday. Watch as he walks through the crowd. They are more white than a Klan rally. They manage to find one black guy who stands behind the president during his speech. Funny the only one in the crowd makes it on TV.

Shocking that once again our resident Regressive racist only sees the color of people skin as opposed to the content of their character.
If Republicans saw the content of their character, they wouldn't mindlessly follow a leader who says some Mexicans don't Rape, a Mexican can't be a good judge and I like soldiers who weren't captured. A man whose sexual assaults out number his good deeds.

It take a lot of nerve for someone to follow such an odious man and attempt to claim the moral high ground. It's sickening.
Racists see things differently. They are called "alternative facts".
So that's your excuse, huh?
That's not my excuse. My facts come from research.
Republicans just make sh!t up and call the made up sh!t "alternative facts".

Remember, Trump said don't believe what you see and hear. He wasn't kidding.
The Republican base is afraid of change, detests diversity, and works to punish dissent; Republicans are for the most part reactionary and authoritarian, hostile to the rights and protected liberties of the American people, and seek to compel conformity.

Replace Republican with Democrat and you just described eight years of the Obama administration, but I wouldn’t expect you to see the similarities since you’re nothing but a partisan hack who pretends to be intelligent
A party of young, old, rich, poor, men, women, black, brown, gay, Muslim, Christian, atheist, Indian and so on, with a leadership as diverse as the membership, is like Republicans?
Such a position is called hilarious nonsense.
Democrats have many leaders.
Republicans have Trump, who has Putin. That's is. Period!
Watch live: Trump holds campaign rally in Missouri

This is Trump's rally from last Friday. Watch as he walks through the crowd. They are more white than a Klan rally. They manage to find one black guy who stands behind the president during his speech. Funny the only one in the crowd makes it on TV.

That could have been another "Look at MY African American" moment.
That's not my excuse. My facts come from research.
Republicans just make sh!t up and call the made up sh!t "alternative facts".

Remember, Trump said don't believe what you see and hear. He wasn't kidding.
Your "facts" come from party man hack talking points....You're easily the most intellectually vapid poster on the forum, and brother you have some pretty stiff competition.
That's not my excuse. My facts come from research.
Republicans just make sh!t up and call the made up sh!t "alternative facts".

Remember, Trump said don't believe what you see and hear. He wasn't kidding.
Your "facts" come from party man hack talking points....You're easily the most intellectually vapid poster on the forum, and brother you have some pretty stiff competition.
I provide links from from reputable sources.
That’s how I run. That’s why I don’t need to lie.
It’s hilarious that in the entire country the number of people with degrees is going up but in the Republican Party the number of people without degrees is also going up. I think that says a lot.

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