Democrat Proposes Removing The Statue Of Liberty

Give me your tired, your poor, huddled masses yearning to live free

Unless they are brown people who do not speak English

.....and let them apply for immigration so they can be welcomed and be part of the society.
But dont storm our border, its rude, its inconsiderate, its unacceptable, it promotes chaos.
..its welcomed by Democrats and weak republicans alike.... but that doesnt make it right.
Stop making excuses
Maxwell Fost is just another dumb racist asshole Democrat politician.
All countries control their border crossings.
No country on our planet would allow 15 million illegal aliens to enter their county.
A lot of Democrat voters are despicable racists such as Maxwell Fost, they hate White folks, and they want to impose a "demographic change."
If they throw enough Spaghetti at the wall, something may stick. So many criminal or ridiculous Ideas at once, it may not seem odd to cut body parts off 12 yr old girls and stuff them full of pills?
These people should write for the Babylon Bee, because their idea of government is hilarious.

I suspect this kid was abused by his parents.....because only a demented mind would even dare to make such a proposal in the formerly hallowed halls of congress.

It just shows you what kind of idiots can inhabit the highest offices in government today.
Anyone can get elected if the machine is behind them.
Here we have an obvious affirmative action candidate propelled into office who has an IQ... maybe 105. At best.
Give me your tired, your poor, huddled masses yearning to live free

Unless they are brown people who do not speak English
We are near 60 years in on this immigration. The complexion change is here. No slowdowns like in the past. And they are being fast tracked. I just wish Progs would accept them in all of their neighborhoods. You know. Prog Middle-class ones. Prog Upper middle-class ones. And even Prog rich areas. Of course they do not. All of those soccer moms over the decades need to take a family into their homes. The ladies having abortions can use the company. We are past the point of color. We need educated though. Lots of them.
Keep the statue, but change the inscription to read >>>

Give me your tireless, hard-working, ultra-skilled musicians, artists, engineers, scientists, and those bringing
capital, with which to open businesses, and hire AMERICANS.
These people should write for the Babylon Bee, because their idea of government is hilarious.

I suspect this kid was abused by his parents.....because only a demented mind would even dare to make such a proposal in the formerly hallowed halls of congress.

Idiots like Maxwell don’t even grasp that the poem on the statue isn’t national policy.

And even if it were, it doesn’t say “give us your teeming masses who are free to enter illegally.”

Earl Warren Remained a Typical Republican As SCROTUS Chieftain

Actually, two amendments to the ruling class's Constitution can be interpreted to give felons the vote. So, as soon as SCROTUS becomes White Replacement again, it will be done.

One amendment gives the vote to those with previous servitude and another defines servitude as "imprisonment."
Give us your criminals, human traffickers, drug dealers and killers. I lift my lamp beside the welfare door.

Give it back to France. Dismantle it and put it into storage with the Confederate statues.

I hate the sight of the damn thing. It's a symbol of democrat perversion.
If We Let Them Be Born on Third Base, We Will Let Them Steal Home

France should have given us its guillotine instead. You can tell from the richkid students at Harvard that birth privileges are the root of all evil.

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