Democrat Party supporters please explain this.


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
It’s tough to have a debate when you make so many different points. Would you like to pick one and we can dig in?
Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful

Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

i'm pretty sure oxyboy limbaugh started saying it that way & little dittoheads followed along.
I am in total agreement with the OP. The Democratic Party is so far out of the mainstream on so many issues it makes me wonder how they think they can keep going on this way.
I’ll happily debate any of those issues with you since the OP seems to have posted and bailed. Pick one and let’s go
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
All I can say is, form a militia with other businesses in the area and stay armed.

The Left has unknowingly showed us why our Second amendment rights are now more important than ever with the recent destruction and police being told to stand down by democrat Mayors across the country.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

You're right the Democratic Party no longer exisits... It's been fully infiltrated by Marxist Socialist Communists.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
It’s tough to have a debate when you make so many different points. Would you like to pick one and we can dig in?

How about the last one please?
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

You're right the Democratic Party no longer exisits... It's been fully infiltrated by Marxist Socialist Communists.

the (R)s have taken on whackadoodles from Q-anon that are being welcomed in & embraced by the status quo.
Last edited:
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
It’s tough to have a debate when you make so many different points. Would you like to pick one and we can dig in?

How about the last one please?
Isn't it amazing how Liberals can only debate 1 issue at a time?
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
It’s tough to have a debate when you make so many different points. Would you like to pick one and we can dig in?

How about the last one please?
Man, the transgender children situation is a tough one. I fully understand the locker room concerns and the sports participation concerns. I also really feel for those children that suffer from an identity disorder as they must be tremendously struggling with it on a daily basis. Imagine if one of your daughters Was dealing with this?? Think how difficult that would be for her and you and you’re family.

With that said, I’d hope any school could make accommodations for these situations that make everybody feel as safe and included as possible. Doesn't that go to the core of a schools responsibility?

so perhaps a trans child could use a private office to get changed instead of a commonplace locker room. And perhaps when it comes to sports if the child is a trans female and a top performer then they compete with the boys. If they are not a top performer then they compete with the girls. Place them where appropriate depending on their skill level.

what do you think of those ideas?
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
It’s tough to have a debate when you make so many different points. Would you like to pick one and we can dig in?

How about the last one please?
Man, the transgender children situation is a tough one. I fully understand the locker room concerns and the sports participation concerns. I also really feel for those children that suffer from an identity disorder as they must be tremendously struggling with it on a daily basis. Imagine if one of your daughters Was dealing with this?? Think how difficult that would be for her and you and you’re family.

With that said, I’d hope any school could make accommodations for these situations that make everybody feel as safe and included as possible. Doesn't that go to the core of a schools responsibility?

so perhaps a trans child could use a private office to get changed instead of a commonplace locker room. And perhaps when it comes to sports if the child is a trans female and a top performer then they compete with the boys. If they are not a top performer then they compete with the girls. Place them where appropriate depending on their skill level.

what do you think of those ideas?
NYC has signs, literally everywhere, telling perverts they can use any toilet with which they identify.
There is no room for reasonable discussion with Blue City mayors.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
It’s tough to have a debate when you make so many different points. Would you like to pick one and we can dig in?

How about the last one please?
Man, the transgender children situation is a tough one. I fully understand the locker room concerns and the sports participation concerns. I also really feel for those children that suffer from an identity disorder as they must be tremendously struggling with it on a daily basis. Imagine if one of your daughters Was dealing with this?? Think how difficult that would be for her and you and you’re family.

With that said, I’d hope any school could make accommodations for these situations that make everybody feel as safe and included as possible. Doesn't that go to the core of a schools responsibility?

so perhaps a trans child could use a private office to get changed instead of a commonplace locker room. And perhaps when it comes to sports if the child is a trans female and a top performer then they compete with the boys. If they are not a top performer then they compete with the girls. Place them where appropriate depending on their skill level.

what do you think of those ideas?
I dislike them. I believe it creates a slippery slope. What if the boy child takes away a spot on a team from a biological girl? How is that fair? Trans is a mental illness and should be treated as such but other kids should not have to suffer.

And right now the fight is to have them be equals because gender is a social construct. If one of my girls identified as a boy it would not impact boy sports as boys are generally a lot more athletic. The other way however it’s not the case. Why not leave athletics as strictly biological? That is science. And Democrats keep yelling at us to trust science.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

You're right the Democratic Party no longer exisits... It's been fully infiltrated by Marxist Socialist Communists.

the (R)s have taken on whackadoodles from Q-anon that are being welcomed in & embraced by the status quo.
Why are you hijacking the thread? Not cool.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

You're right the Democratic Party no longer exisits... It's been fully infiltrated by Marxist Socialist Communists.

the (R)s have taken on whackadoodles from Q-anon that are being welcomed in & embraced by the status quo.
Why are you hijacking the thread? Not cool.

i'm doing no such thing. sorry if you thought i was... i was simply replying to a couple posters based on what they said.
Why, should I as a 39 (soon to be 40) year old business owner, family man (two kids in middle school), living in Boston should not be at best annoyed at worst extremely worried if the Democrats win the White House and the Senate?

The Democrat Party:

  • Called the riots a Myth and said protests were mostly peaceful when cities were burning. They need to be 100% peaceful. They only proceeded with denouncement once the polls showed them slipping.
  • COVID death rates are highest in Blue States, including mine, MA. I am a COVID survivor and convalescent plasma donor but I don't feel confident in terms of their pandemic response. My kids are 100% remote when the WHO stated that school kids are NOT super spreaders and lockdowns are terrible because they cause their own issues such as loss of business, depression, late diagnosis of medical ailments, etc.
  • They state because I am white I have some sort of privilege and that I am inherently racist. I find that not only abhorrent but borderline unconstitutional as they take away my free speech. My skin color should not determine my beliefs. That is like stating I must be cheap because I am Jewish.
  • Instead of denouncing Antifa they call it an "idea". They are hypocrites in that my kids are not allowed in school but are welcome to protest in large gatherings.
  • They vilify our police force instead of teaching our youth to respect authority.
  • They are pro everyone gets a trophy but that is not how real life works. If there is one opening for a job then one person gets it. Teaching winning and losing is very important and should start at a young age.
  • They call America inherently racist but I am a son of immigrants from the old Soviet Union. When my kids get a little older I will make them watch Schindler's List. They can see what real oppression is. What real hatred is. What real genocide looks like. This is the greatest country in the world and that is what we should be teaching our youth. It is not without warts but what country is?
  • As a Jewish family, Israel support is important to us and I am concerned that the Democrats would rather partner with Iran and the terror states of Palestine rather than side with Israel.
  • I am OK with a change in our healthcare system but I am not sure how nationalizing it will encourage our youth to go into medicine when medical school is so pricey and the doctor compensation would be capped. I truly prefer free markets.
  • I am further concerned that if my kids have conservative views as they get older they will be vilified because those views are suddenly deemed racist by the Left. Overall the word "racist" has lost its meaning. Or if my kids lean left they will follow and become intolerant of those with conservative views.
  • From a financial perspective I am not sure the Democrats understand that raising the minimum wage results in loss of jobs due to robots becoming more economically feasible. Also higher regulations, eliminating fracking and raising taxes will further slow the economy.
  • It is tough for me to understand why the Democrat party is focused on forced teaching of diversity and vilification of white persons. People cannot control their skin color so why focus on it?
  • The bias in the media and censorship of conservative views is dangerous and would be equally dangerous if it were the other way around. Schools should teach kids how to think versus what to think and the media should report facts and allow the viewers to form their opinions versus skewing the facts. This has less to do with if Democrats win but it certainly would further empower an already biased media.
  • Lastly, the transgender debate is frightening. I have two daughters. I have seen firsthand how boys now identify as girls and play sports vs. biological girls. The advantage the boys had is notable. I cannot get on the same page that gender is a social construct and that biological boys should be allowed in girls locker rooms and be allowed to compete in sports against them. The left turns a blind eye to it and calls concerned parents like myself transphobic. But why is it wrong for me not to want my girls to change in the locker room if a boy is present? Why is it wrong for me to want my girls to compete vs. other females? Female sports finally have some limelight and recognition and now this comes along?

This assumes that Trump loses and the Republicans lose the Senate so please don't make this thread about Trump but address the above topics. I would like to have an honest debate. Doesn't need to be civil but it needs to be honest.

Thank you
There is no one running for president in a party named Democrat, now there is in the Democratic Party.

You're right the Democratic Party no longer exisits... It's been fully infiltrated by Marxist Socialist Communists.

the (R)s have taken on whackadoodles from Q-anon that are being welcomed in & embraced by the status quo.
Why are you hijacking the thread? Not cool.

i'm doing no such thing. sorry if you thought i was... i was simply replying to a couple posters based on what they said.
So will you address the OP? If not then please bow out. Thank you.

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