Democrat councilwoman thinks Arizona does not border Mexico

Umm dude you are an idiot. I didn't make any claims in my post. I stated my opinion that this woman is the poster child for the Movement.

More evidence that conservatives run away from their own words.

Reasonable people have opinions that are based on facts. You have no facts, so you run and hide behind the "It's an opinion!!" instead of defending it.

I have plenty of facts. I provided a link to the councilwoman's gaff.

No one has ever been made a "poster girl" for any gaffe they've made

I stated that she made the news.

Tim McVeigh made the news too. I guess that terrorist is the poster boy for conservatives:lol:

Her remarks were shown multiple times on more than one News network.

Tim McVeigh made the news too. I guess that terrorist is the poster boy for conservatives:lol:

Her Remarks are all over the internet now.

NO, they're not

On fox news alone 10's of millions of people saw it.

I don't see how conservatives seeing her makes her a liberal poster girl. She sounds more like a conservative poster girl

As it was shown over and over on each on of their talking heads shows. A combined viewership of 10's of Millions. [/quote

Millions of conservatives dude. So far, you haven't shown how any dems outside of her state know about her. I guess you think FoxNews is a liberal show

Those are facts dude. So please show me where I made up anything at all.

The part where you say that because conservatives heard about her, she is a poster girl for liberals. That's a lie and you haven't posted any facts to support that.
More evidence that conservatives run away from their own words.

Reasonable people have opinions that are based on facts. You have no facts, so you run and hide behind the "It's an opinion!!" instead of defending it.

I have plenty of facts. I provided a link to the councilwoman's gaff.

No one has ever been made a "poster girl" for any gaffe they've made

Tim McVeigh made the news too. I guess that terrorist is the poster boy for conservatives:lol:

Tim McVeigh made the news too. I guess that terrorist is the poster boy for conservatives:lol:

NO, they're not

I don't see how conservatives seeing her makes her a liberal poster girl. She sounds more like a conservative poster girl

As it was shown over and over on each on of their talking heads shows. A combined viewership of 10's of Millions. [/quote

Millions of conservatives dude. So far, you haven't shown how any dems outside of her state know about her. I guess you think FoxNews is a liberal show

Those are facts dude. So please show me where I made up anything at all.

The part where you say that because conservatives heard about her, she is a poster girl for liberals. That's a lie and you haven't posted any facts to support that.

ok I get it now. You are just a jack ass.

The term Poster child is a durogitory term applied by a group of people towards another group of people they have an issue with. In this case she is the poster child to Conservatives of the Liberal movement against the law.

Your comment about Tim McVeigh kinda makes my point. as to many liberals like yourself he is the poster child of right wingers.

Why is that so hard for you to understand.

and the fact that you are denying her comments are all over the internet is even worse. All you have to do is take the title of this thread and paste it into Google moron.

I'm done wasting my time with you Bobo, it's to much like clapping with one hand.

you are the poster child for dumb ass lemming Democrats everywhere. :)
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They want the GOP to pass bills that the Dems themselves haven't read totally.Nancy Pelosi wants the Health Care Bill passed so then they can see what's in it.These clowns are running the country now. You have to be kidding me people.When are we going to wake up and get involved and change this nonsense.
Obama and his crowd are driving us over the edge of the cliff as a country.

Your a fucking idiot

I think he's spot on. What did he say that wasn't true? The Congress is passing bills they haven't read. Pelosi did say that they have to pass the health care deform bill in order to see what's in it. As for driving us over a cliff, that's a matter of opinion, but I don't see how anybody can possibly be pleased with the way this Congress has conducted.
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

:lol: I used to have that in my signature.
They want the GOP to pass bills that the Dems themselves haven't read totally.Nancy Pelosi wants the Health Care Bill passed so then they can see what's in it.These clowns are running the country now. You have to be kidding me people.When are we going to wake up and get involved and change this nonsense.
Obama and his crowd are driving us over the edge of the cliff as a country.

Your a fucking idiot
No you are an idiot, he is right obama is a lying socialist and him and his clowns in wash. are killing this country. They haave no idea what they are doing or talking about.
Umm dude you are an idiot. I didn't make any claims in my post. I stated my opinion that this woman is the poster child for the Movement.

More evidence that conservatives run away from their own words.

Reasonable people have opinions that are based on facts. You have no facts, so you run and hide behind the "It's an opinion!!" instead of defending it.

I have plenty of facts. I provided a link to the councilwoman's gaff. I stated that she made the news. Her remarks were shown multiple times on more than one News network. Her Remarks are all over the internet now. On fox news alone 10's of millions of people saw it. As it was shown over and over on each on of their talking heads shows. A combined viewership of 10's of Millions.

Those are facts dude. So please show me where I made up anything at all.

But then why am I wasting my time on a moron like you who would not know a fact if it walked up to you like a french whore on bourbon street and spread its legs.

First you accusing me of making claims, when I simply stated my opinion. Then you claim I have no facts when I provided facts, and claim I am running from you. I see your tactics have not changed, nor your intelligence level.
Typical when a dimwit can't argue the facts they try to dispel the truth. They wouldn't know the truth if it slaped them up side their big heads.
Translation: Charles knows that this woman is an unknown, but he's too scared to admit it

She's not unknown anymore Dim wit.

She became a poster child for the Anti Arizona law movement when she said what she said and it made the news.

or I could go your route

Translation: bobo I mean sangha is a dumb ass who repeated makes retarded comments that do not actually relate to anything.

99% of all americans have no idea who she is

:lol: not anymore...
That's pretty funny.

However, as a Canadian, I can regale you with stories about American politicians' staggering ignorance of my country over the years.

And frankly, Americans really aren't all that hot on geography anyways.

After more than three years of combat and nearly 2,400 U.S. military deaths in Iraq, nearly two-thirds of Americans aged 18 to 24 still cannot find Iraq on a map, a study released Tuesday showed. - Study: Geography Greek to young Americans - May 2, 2006

So why would we expect our legislator's to be any different?
That's pretty funny.

However, as a Canadian, I can regale you with stories about American politicians' staggering ignorance of my country over the years.

And frankly, Americans really aren't all that hot on geography anyways.

After more than three years of combat and nearly 2,400 U.S. military deaths in Iraq, nearly two-thirds of Americans aged 18 to 24 still cannot find Iraq on a map, a study released Tuesday showed. - Study: Geography Greek to young Americans - May 2, 2006

So why would we expect our legislator's to be any different?

Iraq, that's somewhere in Africa, right? :lol:

Seriously though, I wouldn't find those numbers to be surprising
She's not unknown anymore Dim wit.

She became a poster child for the Anti Arizona law movement when she said what she said and it made the news.

or I could go your route

Translation: bobo I mean sangha is a dumb ass who repeated makes retarded comments that do not actually relate to anything.

99% of all americans have no idea who she is

:lol: not anymore...

Yeah, it's probably been lowered all the way down to 98.7% now.
That has GOT to be the worse spelled title EVERRRR

They are called typos bud and I already apologized. I was making the post as the news broke and was racing to be the first one to do so. Spell check unfortunately does not check the title, and you are not allowed to edit it. Which you can do on most other boards.


You have to admit that it is funny that you ridicule her for not knowing Arizona is on the Mexican border then you show your knowledge of the state by spelling it Arizone

I guess anyone can make a mistake

do you think it was a honest mistake Rw?....if so...she still comes off as pretty stupid....but what i understand is many kids today could not pick the US out on a map of the world not surprised....
Peggy West says Mexico doesn't share border with Arizona: Speech video and pics -

Simply classic, and a pretty good example of how "informed" most Democrats are on this issue.
I tried to link it right from you tube but it has been removed do to a copy write dispute. :)

Not only is she an idiot for not knowing where the hell Arizona is, but her argument is pathetic as well. States that don't Border Mexico have no issues with illegal immigrants?? Really, tell that to Colorado, or Utah, or Florida, Dim wit.


PS, srry about the typos in the title of this thread. It wont let me edit it. I was LOL so hard my fingers didn't work right :)

So, you would say "most Democrats" don't know Arizona borders Mexico?

No but I would be willing to say that most Democrats who profess to be against the Arizona law, have never really read it, and Do not really know how bad things have gotten in Arizona.

That is evidenced by their repeatedly saying this Law will lead to profiling, when the law has protections against profiling in it. More so than even the Federal Law it seeks to mimic.

"Let's just all sign this bill so we can see what's in it? " lol
Umm dude you are an idiot. I didn't make any claims in my post. I stated my opinion that this woman is the poster child for the Movement.

More evidence that conservatives run away from their own words.

Reasonable people have opinions that are based on facts. You have no facts, so you run and hide behind the "It's an opinion!!" instead of defending it.

I have plenty of facts. I provided a link to the councilwoman's gaff. I stated that she made the news. Her remarks were shown multiple times on more than one News network. Her Remarks are all over the internet now. On fox news alone 10's of millions of people saw it. As it was shown over and over on each on of their talking heads shows. A combined viewership of 10's of Millions.

Those are facts dude. So please show me where I made up anything at all.

But then why am I wasting my time on a moron like you who would not know a fact if it walked up to you like a french whore on bourbon street and spread its legs.

First you accusing me of making claims, when I simply stated my opinion. Then you claim I have no facts when I provided facts, and claim I am running from you. I see your tactics have not changed, nor your intelligence level.

Did she make a gaffe by spelling Arizona, you did before in the title of this gem of a thread?

Idiot indeed.
Peggy West says Mexico doesn't share border with Arizona: Speech video and pics -

Simply classic, and a pretty good example of how "informed" most Democrats are on this issue.

I tried to link it right from you tube but it has been removed do to a copy write dispute. :)

“If this was Texas, which is the state that is directly on the border with Mexico, and they were calling for a measure like this…I would have to look twice at this. But, this is state that is a ways removed from the border.
Wisconsin County Supervisor Peggy West ”

Not only is she an idiot for not knowing where the hell Arizona is, but her argument is pathetic as well. States that don't Border Mexico have no issues with illegal immigrants?? Really, tell that to Colorado, or Utah, or Florida, Dim wit.


PS, srry about the typos in the title of this thread. It wont let me edit it. I was LOL so hard my fingers didn't work right :)

Those cheeseheads are a bit strange. Not sure if it is the cold winters or the inhaling of so much bovine generated methane?
Did she make a gaffe by spelling Arizona, you did before in the title of this gem of a thread?

Idiot indeed.

so are you saying that a misspelling of Arizona shows more stupidity than what this woman said Zona?.....somehow i think if this woman was a Republican you would be calling her the idiot....dont ask me why i would think this....lets call it a hunch....
That's pretty funny.

However, as a Canadian, I can regale you with stories about American politicians' staggering ignorance of my country over the years.

And frankly, Americans really aren't all that hot on geography anyways.

After more than three years of combat and nearly 2,400 U.S. military deaths in Iraq, nearly two-thirds of Americans aged 18 to 24 still cannot find Iraq on a map, a study released Tuesday showed. - Study: Geography Greek to young Americans - May 2, 2006

So why would we expect our legislator's to be any different?

I know right, that's why we keep spending more and more money on our public schools. Because the work so god damn well.

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