Darrell Issa Loses Again .... Embarrasses Republicans....Again

So you are saying that Weinberger was innocent?

Hey, this is going to surprise you, but yes.

When Reagan was conceiving his brain-dead, idiotic policy of trading weapons to Iran for hostages, Cap Weinberger was one of the few people on his cabinet who said, "This is a really stupid idea!" And it was a stupid idea. But it wasn't illegal. Diverting money to the Contras was illegal.

But when the convictions of Poindexter and North were thrown out, because they were smart enough to get immunity deals before they said anything, Lawrence Walsh had to try someone for something so show he hadn't just pissed away 43 million in taxpayers money.

So what he charged Cap with was lying to Congress, because Congress asked him if he had kept a diary, which Cap said, "No, diaries are for girly-men" [citation needed] . He did however, take meeting notes, that were turned over to the national archive. Notes that supported his testimony. Trading weapons for hostages was discussed, he thought it was a bad idea, Bush and Poindexter were for it.

Well, shit man, that was good enough for a perjury charge. Doesn't he know meeting notes are a diary. And so what if a judge threw it out. We'll just refile 5 days before the 1992 election to make Bush look bad. October Surprise, baby.

I also think Scooter Libby got a bad deal.
Well, there was no truth in any of the claims made by republicans, but as long as the investigations continued, fox could convince the tea people that it was all true. All just an excuse to distribute more lies and convince the weak minded that there was a legitimate scandal.

Helps to keep ad revenue up as well. Gotta keep the sheep tuned in to watch the FOX tell them what to think.
Thats why the unemployent rate under Bush overall was much better than under Obama, andhousehold incomes were rising. Right?

Guy, it's like a baseball game, it only matters what the score is in the 9th inning.

We had LESS People employed when Bush left than when Bush came to office.

Are you sure of your facts?

After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working
Yes, he is. Of course he is wrong on every single one of them but he is still absolutely certain he is correct.
As is the case with the Benghazi conspiracy theory, the IRS conspiracy theory fails because it's devoid of any facts or evidence that the president was 'involved,' there is no evidence the president instructed IRS officials to target conservative applicants, there is no evidence the president ordered a 'cover up.'

'IRS' exists as a phony scandal motivated solely by unwarranted hatred for the president.
I didn't even know they were trying to prove Obama was involved. I think the IRS doing something like that is scandal enough for any administration.
then you have not paid attention to the hearings or right wing bloggers or FOX news....THAT CONNECTION to the white house was the WHOLE argument of the Republicans having their Dog and Pony shows (hearings)....THE SUBPOENAS were to cast the largest net possible to try to find Lois Learner being directed by the President, or White house to squash these right wing groups to help them in the election.........

SHEESH, pay attention...

And stop trying to change the focus midstream... this was about Obama's IRS following his direction to squash T'pers through the irs....Obama using the irs for political purposes.

'IRS' was solely about 'getting rid' of Obama, having nothing to do with concerns about the tax exempt status of conservative groups.

And it failed completely, just like the Benghazi phony scandal.

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