Crowd psychology, not science, drives "climate change".


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
"It is common knowledge that the science is politically influenced by state funding.

But it is not widely appreciated that the process of hyping up climate change into a full-blown crisis has become the consequence of a crowd psychology rather than a pursuit of the facts."

A long read but a great one. Since the climate change caper has failed, now they are going with the Plandemic. This is a great primer to pass along to folks who have been suckered by the billboard science embraced by the climate obsessed. It explains how we got here and methodically decimates the climate change industry fakery......and subsequent failure to move the public.

"It is common knowledge that the science is politically influenced by state funding.

But it is not widely appreciated that the process of hyping up climate change into a full-blown crisis has become the consequence of a crowd psychology rather than a pursuit of the facts."

A long read but a great one. Since the climate change caper has failed, now they are going with the Plandemic. This is a great primer to pass along to folks who have been suckered by the billboard science embraced by the climate obsessed. It explains how we got here and methodically decimates the climate change industry fakery......and subsequent failure to move the public.

"It is common knowledge that the science is politically influenced by state funding.

But it is not widely appreciated that the process of hyping up climate change into a full-blown crisis has become the consequence of a crowd psychology rather than a pursuit of the facts."

A long read but a great one. Since the climate change caper has failed, now they are going with the Plandemic. This is a great primer to pass along to folks who have been suckered by the billboard science embraced by the climate obsessed. It explains how we got here and methodically decimates the climate change industry fakery......and subsequent failure to move the public.

Crowd psychology is causing all these extreme weather patterns?..damn, somebody stop them.
"It is common knowledge that the science is politically influenced by state funding.

But it is not widely appreciated that the process of hyping up climate change into a full-blown crisis has become the consequence of a crowd psychology rather than a pursuit of the facts."

A long read but a great one. Since the climate change caper has failed, now they are going with the Plandemic. This is a great primer to pass along to folks who have been suckered by the billboard science embraced by the climate obsessed. It explains how we got here and methodically decimates the climate change industry fakery......and subsequent failure to move the public.

Indeed.........and the skeptics continue to do ALL the winning! One quick glimpse at the recent EIA projections on energy to 2040 are indisputable. The climate change industry has turned up a big fat zero after 20 years of bomb thowing :bye1: :bye1:
Oh the climate change industry has generated lots of success...for people's bank accounts.

Agenda 2030.
Oh the climate change industry has generated lots of success...for people's bank accounts.
Far, far more applicable to the dirty fuel profiteers, of course.


Are the ideological dogmatists being kicked up their candy asses by the blatant ravages of anthropogenic climate change finally be forced to accept science?

For politicians, all acknowledgement of climate change may be local, but the global implications of the climatological data - such as July, 2021 being the hottest month ever recorded - is manifesting itself in their tribal enclaves.

After a decade of disputing the existence of climate change, many leading Republicans are shifting their posture amid deadly heat waves, devastating drought and ferocious wildfires that have bludgeoned their districts and unnerved their constituents back home.
Members of Congress who long insisted that the climate is changing due to natural cycles have notably adjusted that view, with many now acknowledging the solid science that emissions from burning oil, gas and coal have raised Earth’s temperature.
But their growing acceptance of the reality of climate change has not translated into support for the one strategy that scientists said in a major United Nations report this week is imperative to avert an even more harrowing future: stop burning fossil fuels.
Instead, Republicans want to spend billions to prepare communities to cope with extreme weather, but are trying to block efforts by Democrats to cut the emissions that are fueling the disasters in the first place.

Oh, well. It's a start.
Far, far more applicable to the dirty fuel profiteers, of course.

Are the ideological dogmatists being kicked up their candy asses by the blatant ravages of anthropogenic climate change finally be forced to accept science?

For politicians, all acknowledgement of climate change may be local, but the global implications of the climatological data - such as July, 2021 being the hottest month ever recorded - is manifesting itself in their tribal enclaves.

After a decade of disputing the existence of climate change, many leading Republicans are shifting their posture amid deadly heat waves, devastating drought and ferocious wildfires that have bludgeoned their districts and unnerved their constituents back home.
Members of Congress who long insisted that the climate is changing due to natural cycles have notably adjusted that view, with many now acknowledging the solid science that emissions from burning oil, gas and coal have raised Earth’s temperature.
But their growing acceptance of the reality of climate change has not translated into support for the one strategy that scientists said in a major United Nations report this week is imperative to avert an even more harrowing future: stop burning fossil fuels.
Instead, Republicans want to spend billions to prepare communities to cope with extreme weather, but are trying to block efforts by Democrats to cut the emissions that are fueling the disasters in the first place.

Oh, well. It's a start.
Just because others make money...that doesn't detract from the cash the climate alarmists make...BILLIONS. in Carbon Derivatives which basically amounts to fuck all.

At least the oil sheiks and their western corporate oil partners ACTUALLY produce more than fear and horseshit...oil.
Just because others make money...that doesn't detract from the cash the climate alarmists make...BILLIONS. in Carbon Derivatives which basically amounts to fuck all.

At least the oil sheiks and their western corporate oil partners ACTUALLY produce more than fear and horseshit...oil.
Ideologues rushing to the defense of tyrannical despots whilst savaging innovative, clean energy alternatives betrays a disturbing fanaticism.

I think the reality that corroborates the science is now far too blatant for the ideological dogmatists to sell the crackpot notion that they know more about climatology than climatologists, as confirmed by the above-cited capitulation of hardcore denialists in Congress.

Screen Shot 2021-07-10 at 8.28.03 AM.png

Monumentally silly.​
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"It is common knowledge that the science is politically influenced by state funding.

But it is not widely appreciated that the process of hyping up climate change into a full-blown crisis has become the consequence of a crowd psychology rather than a pursuit of the facts."

A long read but a great one. Since the climate change caper has failed, now they are going with the Plandemic. This is a great primer to pass along to folks who have been suckered by the billboard science embraced by the climate obsessed. It explains how we got here and methodically decimates the climate change industry fakery......and subsequent failure to move the public.

The kook rides again! Posting another BIG LIE & CONSPIRACY STORY; another example and epitome of an atavism, unoriginal and not build on facts, evidence or honesty.
"It is common knowledge that the science is politically influenced by state funding.

But it is not widely appreciated that the process of hyping up climate change into a full-blown crisis has become the consequence of a crowd psychology rather than a pursuit of the facts."

A long read but a great one. Since the climate change caper has failed, now they are going with the Plandemic. This is a great primer to pass along to folks who have been suckered by the billboard science embraced by the climate obsessed. It explains how we got here and methodically decimates the climate change industry fakery......and subsequent failure to move the public.

I'm seeing climate change on a personal level. Over my 60+years of my life, the climate has changed noticeably, along with and seemingly mirroring the huge growth in the populace. I digress here, I voted for Trump, and I am no naïve weirdo leftist zoomer born yesterday, far from it. I am afraid that man made climate change is as real. It seems rather obvious.
I'm seeing climate change on a personal level. Over my 60+years of my life, the climate has changed noticeably, along with and seemingly mirroring the huge growth in the populace. I digress here, I voted for Trump, and I am no naïve weirdo leftist zoomer born yesterday, far from it. I am afraid that man made climate change is as real. It seems rather obvious.

NO the climate has NOT changed. You are naive and fear being ostracized by those pretentious fops who claim to "care about the environment," like private jet setters and billionaires and Hollywood Glitterati and Obamas and Clintons and.......

"It is common knowledge that the science is politically influenced by state funding.

But it is not widely appreciated that the process of hyping up climate change into a full-blown crisis has become the consequence of a crowd psychology rather than a pursuit of the facts."

A long read but a great one. Since the climate change caper has failed, now they are going with the Plandemic. This is a great primer to pass along to folks who have been suckered by the billboard science embraced by the climate obsessed. It explains how we got here and methodically decimates the climate change industry fakery......and subsequent failure to move the public.

Perfect analysis. Not ONLY does this apply to the global warming fraud, a Leftist cabal, but it also applies in spades to Darwinism and atheism. All politics, like homosexuality, transgender craze, you name it. The Left is dismantling science, reason and rationality using their political narcissism. "We're smarter, we're right, so shut the hell up."
Indeed.........and the skeptics continue to do ALL the winning! One quick glimpse at the recent EIA projections on energy to 2040 are indisputable. The climate change industry has turned up a big fat zero after 20 years of bomb thowing :bye1: :bye1:
Really? Sure, you assholes are really winning. Thousands of homes burned in wildfires every year now in the US. Record drought in the West affecting agriculture from the northern tier to the whole of the West Coast. The climate change industry is the fossil fuel industry, and they have made hundreds of billions as they ruin the future for the rest of us.
Perfect analysis. Not ONLY does this apply to the global warming fraud, a Leftist cabal, but it also applies in spades to Darwinism and atheism. All politics, like homosexuality, transgender craze, you name it. The Left is dismantling science, reason and rationality using their political narcissism. "We're smarter, we're right, so shut the hell up."
LOL Another dumb fuck just chimed in and demonstrated their incredible ignorance. The world is warming, evolution is a fact, and a belief in a deity, or lack thereof is up to the individual. Neither position has the slightest proof. Homosexuality is political? My, all those queer Republicans are secret Democrats? LOL More dumb fuckery from another irrational individual.
Obviously you have no idea what socialism is.

No one does. The definition is elastic enough that it can be both encouraged or denied in the same breath.

What what means by "Socialism" depends on whether they are arguing in favor of it, denying they embrace it, or rejecting it.
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