Cross wrong for wtc memorial


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

People of other religions died on 9-11 and it would be disrespectful to them to erect a cross that represent Christianity without a representation of other religions.

The cross is a pagan relic and has no place in Christianity. It’s a lie like many other lies that has been added to Christianity. Christ did not die on a cross but an upright stake. According to the Greek word stauros. It is a symbol of the ancient Chaldea pagan god Tammuz. It has been added to to the bible and the bible say do not add anything or take away anything to the word of GOD. The cross has polluted Christianity like may other things and has made the word of GOD ineffective. We worship GOD in truth and righteousness.

The cross is only used by those who are Christians in name only. Religious relics has no place is true Christianity and true worship. It was once used as a symbol of phallic worship.The word that represent cross has never been used in the bible.
Use of cross as object of reverence is idolatry.

I have seen people pray while kneeling before the image of the cross in church.
The second commandment clearly forbids the worshiping of God by images, or any other way not appointed in his word. The Scriptures nowhere teach us to erect the symbol of a cross as an aid to prayer or as a help to worshiping God. Thus, we should not make a cross as an object of worship or even as a means of worship, and we certainly should not bow down to such a graven image.

Ex. 20;4-6..... Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

The cross is at St. Peters - on their property.

Get over it.


Private property...they can put 10 million crosses.

Cretin Moron the WTC site is not considered private property.:confused:

The iconic World Trade Center cross, made up of two intersecting steel beams found intact amid the rubble of the 2001 terrorist attacks in downtown New York City, was placed inside the 9/11 memorial museum during a ceremony on Saturday. It was originally erected on Church St. on the side of St. Peter's Church, the oldest Catholic parish in New York.
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If you don't believe in the cross, then don't use it. I don't focus on the cross at all. I try to remember the living Christ, triumphant over death, not the dying Lord. But I can understand and respect those that do.

Every man is free to worship the Lord (or not) according to His own conscious. And I don't believe them worshiping and remembering as they choose disrespects me or anyone else.
Instead of a cross, they should have cut Bin Laden's balls off and put them in a jar of alcohol and displayed them proudly at the WTC Memorial.
Instead of a cross, they should have cut Bin Laden's balls off and put them in a jar of alcohol and displayed them proudly at the WTC Memorial.

I dont think i'd really want to see those...

Besides, perhaps they tried to. We don't know what they found or didn't find.

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