CPAC: Issues Straw Poll


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Not hearing much about this. Ok, abortion comes in #5, but gay marriage? Seems taxes and deficit are key issues. Wonder about those independents?

Gotta love that only 1% favor reducing healthcare costs
Gotta love that only 1% favor reducing healthcare costs

Once again you manage to get it wrong. Has this been diagnosed?

The question was what is the most important or second most important issue to you. Reducing health care costs is no doubt important to many people. But it pales next to the immediate crisis of a government that is out of control.

What is remarkable is that 1% actually felt it was the most important issue in their lives.
Where do they figure the government is too large specifically? Too many consumer protections? Too many environmental protections? Too many financial protections? Too much worker safety protections?

I wonder which cops they want taken off the beat? I wonder if they fully understand the consequences?
Where do they figure the government is too large specifically? Too many consumer protections? Too many environmental protections? Too many financial protections? Too much worker safety protections?

I wonder which cops they want taken off the beat? I wonder if they fully understand the consequences?

Reality escapes them...
Wonder how many CPAC members are retired with paid for health care and insurance.
Every self employed conservative I know favors health care reform.
NO brainer.
I'm really surprised "Doing away with" abortion came in significantly higher than restoring honesty to government and reforming social security, among other things. Then look at where the "War on Terror" scored. And yet a non-interventionist Libertarian potential candidate won the Presidential straw poll? Based on how some of these issues scored it makes no sense.

I wonder what was important to people who voted "Other"?
Gotta love that only 1% favor reducing healthcare costs

Should that really surprise you when a majority dont think it's the problem Democrats pretend it is? And they sure as heck dont think government should fix it.

What a surprise! I am stunned. Stunned i tell you!
Gotta love that only 1% favor reducing healthcare costs

Should that really surprise you when a majority dont think it's the problem Democrats pretend it is? And they sure as heck dont think government should fix it.

What a surprise! I am stunned. Stunned i tell you!

It shows what everyone already suspected. All that talk of wanting to get healthcare "right" was just talk in an attempt to keep any healthcare reform from passing
I'm really surprised "Doing away with" abortion came in significantly higher than restoring honesty to government and reforming social security, among other things. Then look at where the "War on Terror" scored. And yet a non-interventionist Libertarian potential candidate won the Presidential straw poll? Based on how some of these issues scored it makes no sense.

I wonder what was important to people who voted "Other"?

These numbers certainly do not reflect a Ron Paul victory.

I find it interesting they also have The War on Terrorism and Iraq as two different ones.

Something doesn't smell right about this. :lol:
Where do they figure the government is too large specifically? Too many consumer protections? Too many environmental protections? Too many financial protections? Too much worker safety protections?

I wonder which cops they want taken off the beat? I wonder if they fully understand the consequences?

The funny part is, they believe government is too large, but don't you touch their MediCare and of course we have to have the largest and most expensive military in the fucking world, right? How else can we police the entirety of the rest of the world?
Where do they figure the government is too large specifically? Too many consumer protections? Too many environmental protections? Too many financial protections? Too much worker safety protections?

I wonder which cops they want taken off the beat? I wonder if they fully understand the consequences?

The funny part is, they believe government is too large, but don't you touch their MediCare and of course we have to have the largest and most expensive military in the fucking world, right? How else can we police the entirety of the rest of the world?

Don't touch their SS either.
Where do they figure the government is too large specifically? Too many consumer protections? Too many environmental protections? Too many financial protections? Too much worker safety protections?

I wonder which cops they want taken off the beat? I wonder if they fully understand the consequences?

Too many consumer protections? Yes, there are. Do you really need a sticker on every liquor bottle telling you that pregnant women shouldn't drink liquor? Did you know liquor companies hire people specifically to examine every bottle to make sure the sticker is there because it is a $5000 fine if it isn't.
Too many environmental regs? Why yes there are. Remember the move to classify as "wetlands" every drainage ditch in the country?
Too many financial protections? Ever hear of Sarbanes Oxley, which has made going public too onerous for many small companies and driven IPOs abroad?
Worker safety? Yes there are too many instances of meddling.

But what about the Dept of Education? Dept of Agriculture? Really want to continue farm subsidies that mostly go to wealthy people who have never held a hoe in their hands? National Endowment for the Arts, picking and choosing what art we should see?
Really, there is no shortage of things to cut.
Oh, and cops are a local matter, not Federal, in case you missed that one.
I'm really surprised "Doing away with" abortion came in significantly higher than restoring honesty to government and reforming social security, among other things. Then look at where the "War on Terror" scored. And yet a non-interventionist Libertarian potential candidate won the Presidential straw poll? Based on how some of these issues scored it makes no sense.

I wonder what was important to people who voted "Other"?

These numbers certainly do not reflect a Ron Paul victory.

I find it interesting they also have The War on Terrorism and Iraq as two different ones.

Something doesn't smell right about this. :lol:

I smell a bone being tossed to the tea partiers in the form of votes for Paul, but nothing about the C-PAC organization or its membership is changed. It's still a neocon hotbed. Which is about the opposite of what the Libertarian minded conservatives stand for. Should be an interesting year, who will throw whom under the bus first?
I'm really surprised "Doing away with" abortion came in significantly higher than restoring honesty to government and reforming social security, among other things. Then look at where the "War on Terror" scored. And yet a non-interventionist Libertarian potential candidate won the Presidential straw poll? Based on how some of these issues scored it makes no sense.

I wonder what was important to people who voted "Other"?

These numbers certainly do not reflect a Ron Paul victory.

I find it interesting they also have The War on Terrorism and Iraq as two different ones.

Something doesn't smell right about this. :lol:

I smell a bone being tossed to the tea partiers in the form of votes for Paul, but nothing about the C-PAC organization or its membership is changed. It's still a neocon hotbed. Which is about the opposite of what the Libertarian minded conservatives stand for. Should be an interesting year, who will throw whom under the bus first?

The Tea Baggers appear to be the dumbest and most likely to fall for such GOP shenanigans, so I believe they will be the ones to go first. Just my opinion though.
These numbers certainly do not reflect a Ron Paul victory.

I find it interesting they also have The War on Terrorism and Iraq as two different ones.

Something doesn't smell right about this. :lol:

I smell a bone being tossed to the tea partiers in the form of votes for Paul, but nothing about the C-PAC organization or its membership is changed. It's still a neocon hotbed. Which is about the opposite of what the Libertarian minded conservatives stand for. Should be an interesting year, who will throw whom under the bus first?

The Tea Baggers appear to be the dumbest and most likely to fall for such GOP shenanigans, so I believe they will be the ones to go first. Just my opinion though.

I wouldn't call the "real" tea partiers dumb, but I doubt they're as savvy when it comes to the kind of manipulation the neocon wing's leadership is used to pulling off. Plus they appear to be infiltrated. I'm wondering what the true conservatives are going to do, if anything. Will it be party over principle, or will the principled bust up the party? Fun times. :popcorn:
Where do they figure the government is too large specifically? Too many consumer protections? Too many environmental protections? Too many financial protections? Too much worker safety protections?

I wonder which cops they want taken off the beat? I wonder if they fully understand the consequences?

Too many consumer protections? Yes, there are. Do you really need a sticker on every liquor bottle telling you that pregnant women shouldn't drink liquor? Did you know liquor companies hire people specifically to examine every bottle to make sure the sticker is there because it is a $5000 fine if it isn't.
Too many environmental regs? Why yes there are. Remember the move to classify as "wetlands" every drainage ditch in the country?
Too many financial protections? Ever hear of Sarbanes Oxley, which has made going public too onerous for many small companies and driven IPOs abroad?
Worker safety? Yes there are too many instances of meddling.

But what about the Dept of Education? Dept of Agriculture? Really want to continue farm subsidies that mostly go to wealthy people who have never held a hoe in their hands? National Endowment for the Arts, picking and choosing what art we should see?
Really, there is no shortage of things to cut.
Oh, and cops are a local matter, not Federal, in case you missed that one.
The cops you want off the beat will ensure more workplace accidents and fatalities, more unchecked pollution of our air, water and soil. The cops you want off the beat will make it safe for companies to produce shoddy, unsafe and even toxic consumer goods.

You want to take regulators out of the SEC. Look what happened after Phil "bunch of whiners" Gramm (R) Texas gutted Glass Steagal! The shock waves after our derivatives market crashed echoed around the globe!

You want to eliminate the Department of Agriculture? Fine! Soil erosion, unstable market prices and food shortages are the crops you will reap.

You want people to be exposed to less art? Why? So we can develop the next generation of mouth breathing hillbillies?

Sure! Smaller government! Take the regulators off the case! Just remember to dig a root cellar, build a device to purify urine into drinking water, put your cash under the mattress and brace yourself for the inevitable correction of yet another Conservative experiment in the degradation of America.

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