Could america be the anti-christ.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Slavery, the Indian Child Welfare Act, Amnesty, path to citizenship, Dream Act, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. are all ploys for greed and power.

It’s all history of America repeating it’s self. We are taking children of other countries and making them what we want them to be for the benefit of America. The hell with how it affects Mexico. Assimilation is nothing more the Americanization.

This was done at least twice before with slavery and the American Indians with the Indian Child Welfare act where Indian children were ripped from their families, their nation and put in English homes, stripped of their Indian names and forced to take English names, force into Christianity and forced to give up their religion and culture and dressed in English “garb.” And it destroyed the Indian nation and the family structure and make him dependent on the U.S. government. Dream Act will do the very same thing in essence. It will separate children from their families and destroy the unit, making them dependent on the U.S. government. Mexican children as an example. Already the children are saying, when deportation is threatened, they don’t know the language or the culture and they feel “American.” What is wrong with feeling “Mexican”? I feel the U.S. is using the Mexican children to one day take control of Mexico. Along with amnesty or path to citizenship or the Dream Act alone. How many times have we heard; “educate their children, give them citizenship in exchange for military service or other service.”? Bingo, the rest falls into place. Like the Indian Child Welfare Act. Into the hands of the U.S. government. For greed, power and control.
If illegal aliens were smart and they themselves were not so greedy, the would take their children and run as fast as they could back across the border.
At the same time the U.S. was destroying the Black man’s infrastructure and the native ameican were being destroyed, they were plotting their next takeover.
Separate the children from the family structure and you have the power to control the unit. Divide and conquer. It ‘s all about greed, power and control. What are we doing in Iraq and Afghanistan? It ‘s all about greed, power and control.
Could America be the Anti-Christ?

Copywrite violation, link your source-Meister

I am the link. I provided the link to the reply;
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Could LilOlLady be Truthmatters on crack?
I would giver her credit for better spelling, grammar, and punctuation than Truthmatters-Not-On-Crack, but I suspect that all of her posts are just Copy&Paste.
I would giver her credit for better spelling, grammar, and punctuation than Truthmatters-Not-On-Crack, but I suspect that all of her posts are just Copy&Paste.

She's lookin' to get someone in trouble if it's copy and paste without a link.
The OP is definitely a C&P job.
I would giver her credit for better spelling, grammar, and punctuation than Truthmatters-Not-On-Crack, but I suspect that all of her posts are just Copy&Paste.

Wrong answer. I unlike most of you, got a mind of of my own and use it. Spelling, punctuation and Grammar is not as important as getting my message across. And that I do in writting and speaking. I sometimes forget who I am talking to. Generic amaterrs. I have not been sitting on my ass watching TV for 71 years.:eusa_hand:

Of all the wastes of human ignorance perhaps the most extravagant and costly to human growth has been the waste of the distinctive powers of womanhood after the child-bearing age.
- Anna Garlin Spencer
It is amazing how many "christians" oppose the things Jesus taught us.
America is clearly a christian dominated nation however we are very antichrist in many ways.

waiting on a neg from Allie on this one
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By definition, America cannot be the anti-Christ.

The anti-Christ is singular. It is one. America is a plurality. It is many.

The Antichrist

Dictionary or your Christian bible?

What does this beast from the sea represent? Antichrist! But Antichrist as a world government, a political power, the likes of which this world has never seen..........
The centuries of division and separation on this earth will end in one world government. The Antichrist is a political reality, a new world order, a global unity.

The beast of Revelation 13 is the final development of the old, Roman kingdom (which indicates that Antichrist will come out of the Christian West, and not the pagan East), but it takes into itself also the other great kingdoms.

The Antichrist

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It is amazing how many "christians" oppose the things Jesus taught us.
America is clearly a christian dominated nation however we are very antichrist in many ways.

waiting on a neg from Allie on this one

It is more amazing that professed Christains know nothing about the teaching of their GOD and CHRIST.
The Muslims study the Koran and Christians do not but believe what they are told.
Yep to be a Christian means to livle life like Christ taught.
He did not teach killing hate or fear.
He did teach non prejudice, love and kindness.

True Christians are some of the finest people.

and I say that while being an atheist.
I would giver her credit for better spelling, grammar, and punctuation than Truthmatters-Not-On-Crack, but I suspect that all of her posts are just Copy&Paste.

She's lookin' to get someone in trouble if it's copy and paste without a link.

Not copy and paste. I used to get paid to do this, jerk.:eusa_hand:
It do not take much intelligence to put your thoughts into words and down on paper. I do and have done a lot of research and reading and have a treasure of information inside my head. Not all emptyness.:lol:
If you think I copied and pasted, then all you fucking have to do is GOOGLE.:cuckoo:
You know when I copy and paste because I always provide a link.
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I would giver her credit for better spelling, grammar, and punctuation than Truthmatters-Not-On-Crack, but I suspect that all of her posts are just Copy&Paste.

You because you cannot put two thoughts together does not mean I can't.:eusa_hand:

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