Cost Of Illegal Immigration Clock

Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

The biggest ego I see on this thread is that of Third Party. The censors have kept me from saying what I'd really like to say to Third Party, but I digress.

When the guy with the biggest ego goes after the people willing to engage in civil discourse and projects, you have to realize he doesn't have much in the way of an education. Now he admits to his real age. So, we've done what we needed to do.

Our 12 year old doesn't understand that this thread is about the supposed "costs" of undocumented foreigners being here. Any costs are the direct result of having a citizenry wherein half of them are dependent upon the government for at least some portion of their livelihood. Since the citizenry does not pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job, that is THEIR fault. NOBODY is forcing Americans to put their children on drugs and create the most drug addicts of any nation in the world except the government, school officials, doctors, mental health officials and Big Pharma - it's an internal problem.

Lately we've witnessed children scaling Trump's wall; Mexicans using $80 saws to cut through it and learned of a negative environmental impact that would be irreversible with a wall. Military personnel are being arrested by the dozens for engaging in human trafficking. So, we're trading one set of problems for another and my objection is related to the peripheral laws that have already cost more than the pro-wall side claims the foreigners cost. They're spending dollars to save nickles. That is BEFORE you ever get to my objection regarding lost Liberties and the assault on the Constitution.
The wall has become secondary to two guys attacking me. I'll keep fighting, and I hereby give the moderators permission to let any naughty word you post about me "slip" by.-I can take it. And without reading the bulk of your post, I'll say you throw any anti wall thought you come up with at the readers here, without any thought to another point of view. Very open minded of you.

What makes me open minded is the fact that I can read more than 10 or 12 paragraphs. What makes me open minded is that I read a post before responding. What makes me open minded is that I'm willing to discuss the issues at hand without trying to insult people for being ignorant.

You've added nothing to this discussion except proof that the wall worshipers are narrow minded bigots that engage in logical fallacies, insults, and off topic material when they cannot engage in civil discourse due to a lack of facts to substantiate their view.
Reading does not make you open minded. You can read the adventures of Joe Bazooka on bubble gum wrappers, but not gain much knowledge. Being selective in what you read makes you intelligent. Thinking as you read makes you open minded.

Well Junior, that is about the best self indictment that I have ever read in all the time I've been on discussion boards. You don't read our posts through and then comment on them. Now you're realizing that?

I'm quite open minded. As you missed by not reading my posts, I spent six years in immigration law. I've spent years at the table with the people whose propaganda you worship. I can argue your case better than you. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue as to where I stand, but you finally realize that you have to pay attention to BOTH sides to understand them.

I grew up around Don Black and David Duke. They rented a basement in a house my father owned. When I was on breaks from college, we discussed this stuff into the wee hours of the morning. When you count the six years I spent in that one field of law, I'm generally the first guy around here attorneys ask for advice on their cases. Thanks for that shy apology regarding your bigotry.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for making my point-you confuse experience with knowledge. So you were not open minded about MY post. And I don't have to read more than two sentences of your posts to know where they are going-its all me,me,me. Even now name dropping David Duke-oh wow-can I get an autograph? There are none so blind as those who will not see-open YOUR eyes.[/QUOTE]

RESPONSE - Your refusal to read more than three sentences works to your disadvantage. My knowledge base allows me to make YOUR argument better than you can and still defeat it.

The fact that you don't know the players in the game puts you at a disadvantage of not being able to fully understand even your own position.
Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves.

Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?[/QUOTE]

If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.[/QUOTE]
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.[/QUOTE]

Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.
Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

The biggest ego I see on this thread is that of Third Party. The censors have kept me from saying what I'd really like to say to Third Party, but I digress.

When the guy with the biggest ego goes after the people willing to engage in civil discourse and projects, you have to realize he doesn't have much in the way of an education. Now he admits to his real age. So, we've done what we needed to do.

Our 12 year old doesn't understand that this thread is about the supposed "costs" of undocumented foreigners being here. Any costs are the direct result of having a citizenry wherein half of them are dependent upon the government for at least some portion of their livelihood. Since the citizenry does not pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job, that is THEIR fault. NOBODY is forcing Americans to put their children on drugs and create the most drug addicts of any nation in the world except the government, school officials, doctors, mental health officials and Big Pharma - it's an internal problem.

Lately we've witnessed children scaling Trump's wall; Mexicans using $80 saws to cut through it and learned of a negative environmental impact that would be irreversible with a wall. Military personnel are being arrested by the dozens for engaging in human trafficking. So, we're trading one set of problems for another and my objection is related to the peripheral laws that have already cost more than the pro-wall side claims the foreigners cost. They're spending dollars to save nickles. That is BEFORE you ever get to my objection regarding lost Liberties and the assault on the Constitution.
The wall has become secondary to two guys attacking me. I'll keep fighting, and I hereby give the moderators permission to let any naughty word you post about me "slip" by.-I can take it. And without reading the bulk of your post, I'll say you throw any anti wall thought you come up with at the readers here, without any thought to another point of view. Very open minded of you.

What makes me open minded is the fact that I can read more than 10 or 12 paragraphs. What makes me open minded is that I read a post before responding. What makes me open minded is that I'm willing to discuss the issues at hand without trying to insult people for being ignorant.

You've added nothing to this discussion except proof that the wall worshipers are narrow minded bigots that engage in logical fallacies, insults, and off topic material when they cannot engage in civil discourse due to a lack of facts to substantiate their view.
Reading does not make you open minded. You can read the adventures of Joe Bazooka on bubble gum wrappers, but not gain much knowledge. Being selective in what you read makes you intelligent. Thinking as you read makes you open minded.

Well Junior, that is about the best self indictment that I have ever read in all the time I've been on discussion boards. You don't read our posts through and then comment on them. Now you're realizing that?

I'm quite open minded. As you missed by not reading my posts, I spent six years in immigration law. I've spent years at the table with the people whose propaganda you worship. I can argue your case better than you. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue as to where I stand, but you finally realize that you have to pay attention to BOTH sides to understand them.

I grew up around Don Black and David Duke. They rented a basement in a house my father owned. When I was on breaks from college, we discussed this stuff into the wee hours of the morning. When you count the six years I spent in that one field of law, I'm generally the first guy around here attorneys ask for advice on their cases. Thanks for that shy apology regarding your bigotry.
Thanks for making my point-you confuse experience with knowledge. So you were not open minded about MY post. And I don't have to read more than two sentences of your posts to know where they are going-its all me,me,me. Even now name dropping David Duke-oh wow-can I get an autograph? There are none so blind as those who will not see-open YOUR eyes.[/QUOTE]

RESPONSE - Your refusal to read more than three sentences works to your disadvantage. My knowledge base allows me to make YOUR argument better than you can and still defeat it.

The fact that you don't know the players in the game puts you at a disadvantage of not being able to fully understand even your own position.[/QUOTE]
Clever-typing response. That's one reason I use large lettering-its easy to discern.
I just saw a post from someone I respect on here, but it was too long, so I skipped it. You need to understand some people will do things you don't like or understand-that's life. I have no disadvantage or lack of understanding-that is YOUR misconception. As an FYI-if I took the time to read 10 of your paragraphs, that time could have been used to read a paragraph from 10 other posters, and I like to play the numbers.
Who are you addressing this stuff to?

Third Party makes this a sexual thing and you're chastising me for not caring whether or not he reads my posts? WTH is going on here?

I think you had better go back and reread what you've written. It makes no sense; misquotes people out of context and if you thought Third Party is ahead of the game, you have to explain all the times you've thanked me over him.

I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves.

Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?

If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.[/QUOTE]
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.[/QUOTE]

Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, my mother is dead-or do you have a wisecrack about that? What work are you going to do? Or is it a secret? So you and guitar are going to tag team me now? Good idea-two half wits are better than one. Control like beauty is in the eye of the beholder-I do not seek control, but I can see you are out of control.
The biggest ego I see on this thread is that of Third Party. The censors have kept me from saying what I'd really like to say to Third Party, but I digress.

When the guy with the biggest ego goes after the people willing to engage in civil discourse and projects, you have to realize he doesn't have much in the way of an education. Now he admits to his real age. So, we've done what we needed to do.

Our 12 year old doesn't understand that this thread is about the supposed "costs" of undocumented foreigners being here. Any costs are the direct result of having a citizenry wherein half of them are dependent upon the government for at least some portion of their livelihood. Since the citizenry does not pick themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job, that is THEIR fault. NOBODY is forcing Americans to put their children on drugs and create the most drug addicts of any nation in the world except the government, school officials, doctors, mental health officials and Big Pharma - it's an internal problem.

Lately we've witnessed children scaling Trump's wall; Mexicans using $80 saws to cut through it and learned of a negative environmental impact that would be irreversible with a wall. Military personnel are being arrested by the dozens for engaging in human trafficking. So, we're trading one set of problems for another and my objection is related to the peripheral laws that have already cost more than the pro-wall side claims the foreigners cost. They're spending dollars to save nickles. That is BEFORE you ever get to my objection regarding lost Liberties and the assault on the Constitution.
The wall has become secondary to two guys attacking me. I'll keep fighting, and I hereby give the moderators permission to let any naughty word you post about me "slip" by.-I can take it. And without reading the bulk of your post, I'll say you throw any anti wall thought you come up with at the readers here, without any thought to another point of view. Very open minded of you.

What makes me open minded is the fact that I can read more than 10 or 12 paragraphs. What makes me open minded is that I read a post before responding. What makes me open minded is that I'm willing to discuss the issues at hand without trying to insult people for being ignorant.

You've added nothing to this discussion except proof that the wall worshipers are narrow minded bigots that engage in logical fallacies, insults, and off topic material when they cannot engage in civil discourse due to a lack of facts to substantiate their view.
Reading does not make you open minded. You can read the adventures of Joe Bazooka on bubble gum wrappers, but not gain much knowledge. Being selective in what you read makes you intelligent. Thinking as you read makes you open minded.

Well Junior, that is about the best self indictment that I have ever read in all the time I've been on discussion boards. You don't read our posts through and then comment on them. Now you're realizing that?

I'm quite open minded. As you missed by not reading my posts, I spent six years in immigration law. I've spent years at the table with the people whose propaganda you worship. I can argue your case better than you. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue as to where I stand, but you finally realize that you have to pay attention to BOTH sides to understand them.

I grew up around Don Black and David Duke. They rented a basement in a house my father owned. When I was on breaks from college, we discussed this stuff into the wee hours of the morning. When you count the six years I spent in that one field of law, I'm generally the first guy around here attorneys ask for advice on their cases. Thanks for that shy apology regarding your bigotry.
Thanks for making my point-you confuse experience with knowledge. So you were not open minded about MY post. And I don't have to read more than two sentences of your posts to know where they are going-its all me,me,me. Even now name dropping David Duke-oh wow-can I get an autograph? There are none so blind as those who will not see-open YOUR eyes.

RESPONSE - Your refusal to read more than three sentences works to your disadvantage. My knowledge base allows me to make YOUR argument better than you can and still defeat it.

The fact that you don't know the players in the game puts you at a disadvantage of not being able to fully understand even your own position.[/QUOTE]
Clever-typing response. That's one reason I use large lettering-its easy to discern.
I just saw a post from someone I respect on here, but it was too long, so I skipped it. You need to understand some people will do things you don't like or understand-that's life. I have no disadvantage or lack of understanding-that is YOUR misconception. As an FYI-if I took the time to read 10 of your paragraphs, that time could have been used to read a paragraph from 10 other posters, and I like to play the numbers.

RESPONSE: I'm not here to impress you nor even exchange posts with you personally. You have an inflated opinion of your worth on this discussion board - a real legend in your own mind.

When you answer a posting without reading it, you are proving the level of idiocy by which you operate from. If you don't read the paragraphs I provide, someone else may read them. Then they get to see a 12 year old smart ass that thinks he knows all about the world versus posters like Gdjjr and figure out that you a fake, phony poseur with NO knowledge base to work from and NO facts to substantiate your case.

Unable to stay on point - and the issue here is the alleged costs of undocumented immigrants, you switch to a nutty wall idea and when that didn't work out, you tried personal attacks. You've been exposed and we can now return to the topic at hand.

The reality is - wall or no wall, the foreigners will continue to come here and new and novel approaches will be utilized to facilitate their entry into the United States. They are profitable for those who work, own businesses, AND they supply the drugs that our society believes they need in order to cope with life. Laws and walls have no impact on the supply and demand of foreigners that fill a void left by people too sorry and lazy to work. Furthermore, as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the foreigners will find new and novel ways to supply them... BTW, the government is profiting off the drug trade as well, so don't think that stops because a wall gets put up. Then again, the people who worship a wall don't seek to solve any problem - real or perceived.
I think there is some serious confusion going on here- I think he's confusing himself with his own words.

This is a copy and paste -
(Third Party) Fairy? What are you, eighty? If you did not care whether or not I read your rantings, you would not respond to me. And I do love you say people are drawn to the thread-sounds like something Trump would say. Then again, you both have giant egos. As far as grammar school education-you are right-you have been toe to toe with a 12 year old and losing:21:. Lastly, the question is not whether the cows in Texas are racist, but if a wall would keep them from wandering into Mexico.

(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves.

Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?

If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.[/QUOTE]

Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, my mother is dead-or do you have a wisecrack about that? What work are you going to do? Or is it a secret? So you and guitar are going to tag team me now? Good idea-two half wits are better than one. Control like beauty is in the eye of the beholder-I do not seek control, but I can see you are out of control.[/QUOTE]

Son, if Gdjjr or I divided our IQ by 4 we'd still have 5 times the IQ you've displayed on this board. Whether you choose to lose or learn is up to you.

My work is simple. I have a ministry. I go out and solicit handyman jobs in the low income house district that are owned by retirees and those with a low income. Then I get guys that have little to no money - even the homeless to do the work. Low income people get their homes repaired for a modest price; the unemployed and homeless make a few dollars and our church provides a free service to both.

Anyone that don't kiss your ass and worship at the altar of the wall is out of control in your opinion. You cannot even focus on the topic at hand - which don't have squat to do with what you want. If you can't focus on the topic, there is no need for us to compare knowledge or IQ scores. You lose. You're incompetent and cannot stay on point. So, insult me all you want. You cannot change the facts. You don't pack the gear and nobody cares what you think. We're discussing the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners in the U.S. You can join the conversation or play the victim role.
The wall has become secondary to two guys attacking me. I'll keep fighting, and I hereby give the moderators permission to let any naughty word you post about me "slip" by.-I can take it. And without reading the bulk of your post, I'll say you throw any anti wall thought you come up with at the readers here, without any thought to another point of view. Very open minded of you.

What makes me open minded is the fact that I can read more than 10 or 12 paragraphs. What makes me open minded is that I read a post before responding. What makes me open minded is that I'm willing to discuss the issues at hand without trying to insult people for being ignorant.

You've added nothing to this discussion except proof that the wall worshipers are narrow minded bigots that engage in logical fallacies, insults, and off topic material when they cannot engage in civil discourse due to a lack of facts to substantiate their view.
Reading does not make you open minded. You can read the adventures of Joe Bazooka on bubble gum wrappers, but not gain much knowledge. Being selective in what you read makes you intelligent. Thinking as you read makes you open minded.

Well Junior, that is about the best self indictment that I have ever read in all the time I've been on discussion boards. You don't read our posts through and then comment on them. Now you're realizing that?

I'm quite open minded. As you missed by not reading my posts, I spent six years in immigration law. I've spent years at the table with the people whose propaganda you worship. I can argue your case better than you. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue as to where I stand, but you finally realize that you have to pay attention to BOTH sides to understand them.

I grew up around Don Black and David Duke. They rented a basement in a house my father owned. When I was on breaks from college, we discussed this stuff into the wee hours of the morning. When you count the six years I spent in that one field of law, I'm generally the first guy around here attorneys ask for advice on their cases. Thanks for that shy apology regarding your bigotry.
Thanks for making my point-you confuse experience with knowledge. So you were not open minded about MY post. And I don't have to read more than two sentences of your posts to know where they are going-its all me,me,me. Even now name dropping David Duke-oh wow-can I get an autograph? There are none so blind as those who will not see-open YOUR eyes.

RESPONSE - Your refusal to read more than three sentences works to your disadvantage. My knowledge base allows me to make YOUR argument better than you can and still defeat it.

The fact that you don't know the players in the game puts you at a disadvantage of not being able to fully understand even your own position.
Clever-typing response. That's one reason I use large lettering-its easy to discern.
I just saw a post from someone I respect on here, but it was too long, so I skipped it. You need to understand some people will do things you don't like or understand-that's life. I have no disadvantage or lack of understanding-that is YOUR misconception. As an FYI-if I took the time to read 10 of your paragraphs, that time could have been used to read a paragraph from 10 other posters, and I like to play the numbers.

RESPONSE: I'm not here to impress you-too late nor even exchange posts with you personally-you just did. You have an inflated opinion of your worth-how would you know? on this discussion board - a real legend in your own mind.

When you answer a posting without reading it, you are proving the level of idiocy by which you operate from-no, it shows an advanced mind capable of accurate prediction. If you don't read the paragraphs I provide, someone else may read them. Then they get to see a 12 year old smart ass that thinks he knows all about the world versus posters like Gdjjr and figure out that you a fake, phony poseur with NO knowledge base to work from and NO facts to substantiate your case-ONLY YOUR OPINION-WHICH IS WHY I DON'T READ ALL YOUR STUFF.

Unable to stay on point - and the issue here is the alleged costs of undocumented immigrants, you switch to a nutty wall idea and when that didn't work out, you tried personal attacks. You've been exposed and we can now return to the topic at hand. No one knows all the costs, obvious and hidden of illegal aliens. But its more than YOU think.

The reality is - wall or no wall, the foreigners will continue to come here and new and novel approaches will be utilized to facilitate their entry into the United States. They are profitable-not proven for those who work, own businesses, AND they supply the drugs that our society believes they need in order to cope with life-like heroin and fentanyl Laws and walls have no impact on the supply and demand of foreigners that fill a void left by people too sorry and lazy to work-so you are calling your fellow Americans lazy and sorry? WOW!. Furthermore, as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the foreigners will find new and novel ways to supply them... BTW, the government is profiting off the drug trade as well, so don't think that stops because a wall gets put up. Then again, the people who worship a wall don't seek to solve any problem - real or perceived.[/QUOTE]
Like ACA, a wall is an incremental step. First tighten illegal entry law. Next, the wall. Next, better technology all along it. Next, more agents at the border. Next, interior roundup and deputizing American citizens to report illegals and their helpers. God bless America!
(me) Why do you insist on insulting your own intelligence in public?

This format sucks- it posts too many quotes in one response to make sense of it.
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves.

Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?

If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.

Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, my mother is dead-or do you have a wisecrack about that? What work are you going to do? Or is it a secret? So you and guitar are going to tag team me now? Good idea-two half wits are better than one. Control like beauty is in the eye of the beholder-I do not seek control, but I can see you are out of control.[/QUOTE]

Son, if Gdjjr or I divided our IQ by 4 we'd still have 5 times the IQ you've displayed on this board. Whether you choose to lose or learn is up to you.

My work is simple. I have a ministry. I go out and solicit handyman jobs in the low income house district that are owned by retirees and those with a low income. Then I get guys that have little to no money - even the homeless to do the work. Low income people get their homes repaired for a modest price; the unemployed and homeless make a few dollars and our church provides a free service to both.

Anyone that don't kiss your ass and worship at the altar of the wall is out of control in your opinion. You cannot even focus on the topic at hand - which don't have squat to do with what you want. If you can't focus on the topic, there is no need for us to compare knowledge or IQ scores. You lose. You're incompetent and cannot stay on point. So, insult me all you want. You cannot change the facts. You don't pack the gear and nobody cares what you think. We're discussing the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners in the U.S. You can join the conversation or play the victim role.[/QUOTE]
It sounds like you are looking for a handout for your church or you are a wanna be Jimmy Carter. Don't want my ass kissed-I am not a perv. And call undocumented foreigners what they really are-ILLEGAL ALIENS! Undocumented foreigners are spies.
What makes me open minded is the fact that I can read more than 10 or 12 paragraphs. What makes me open minded is that I read a post before responding. What makes me open minded is that I'm willing to discuss the issues at hand without trying to insult people for being ignorant.

You've added nothing to this discussion except proof that the wall worshipers are narrow minded bigots that engage in logical fallacies, insults, and off topic material when they cannot engage in civil discourse due to a lack of facts to substantiate their view.
Reading does not make you open minded. You can read the adventures of Joe Bazooka on bubble gum wrappers, but not gain much knowledge. Being selective in what you read makes you intelligent. Thinking as you read makes you open minded.

Well Junior, that is about the best self indictment that I have ever read in all the time I've been on discussion boards. You don't read our posts through and then comment on them. Now you're realizing that?

I'm quite open minded. As you missed by not reading my posts, I spent six years in immigration law. I've spent years at the table with the people whose propaganda you worship. I can argue your case better than you. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue as to where I stand, but you finally realize that you have to pay attention to BOTH sides to understand them.

I grew up around Don Black and David Duke. They rented a basement in a house my father owned. When I was on breaks from college, we discussed this stuff into the wee hours of the morning. When you count the six years I spent in that one field of law, I'm generally the first guy around here attorneys ask for advice on their cases. Thanks for that shy apology regarding your bigotry.
Thanks for making my point-you confuse experience with knowledge. So you were not open minded about MY post. And I don't have to read more than two sentences of your posts to know where they are going-its all me,me,me. Even now name dropping David Duke-oh wow-can I get an autograph? There are none so blind as those who will not see-open YOUR eyes.

RESPONSE - Your refusal to read more than three sentences works to your disadvantage. My knowledge base allows me to make YOUR argument better than you can and still defeat it.

The fact that you don't know the players in the game puts you at a disadvantage of not being able to fully understand even your own position.
Clever-typing response. That's one reason I use large lettering-its easy to discern.
I just saw a post from someone I respect on here, but it was too long, so I skipped it. You need to understand some people will do things you don't like or understand-that's life. I have no disadvantage or lack of understanding-that is YOUR misconception. As an FYI-if I took the time to read 10 of your paragraphs, that time could have been used to read a paragraph from 10 other posters, and I like to play the numbers.

RESPONSE: I'm not here to impress you-too late nor even exchange posts with you personally-you just did. You have an inflated opinion of your worth-how would you know? on this discussion board - a real legend in your own mind.

When you answer a posting without reading it, you are proving the level of idiocy by which you operate from-no, it shows an advanced mind capable of accurate prediction. If you don't read the paragraphs I provide, someone else may read them. Then they get to see a 12 year old smart ass that thinks he knows all about the world versus posters like Gdjjr and figure out that you a fake, phony poseur with NO knowledge base to work from and NO facts to substantiate your case-ONLY YOUR OPINION-WHICH IS WHY I DON'T READ ALL YOUR STUFF.

Unable to stay on point - and the issue here is the alleged costs of undocumented immigrants, you switch to a nutty wall idea and when that didn't work out, you tried personal attacks. You've been exposed and we can now return to the topic at hand. No one knows all the costs, obvious and hidden of illegal aliens. But its more than YOU think.

The reality is - wall or no wall, the foreigners will continue to come here and new and novel approaches will be utilized to facilitate their entry into the United States. They are profitable-not proven for those who work, own businesses, AND they supply the drugs that our society believes they need in order to cope with life-like heroin and fentanyl Laws and walls have no impact on the supply and demand of foreigners that fill a void left by people too sorry and lazy to work-so you are calling your fellow Americans lazy and sorry? WOW!. Furthermore, as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the foreigners will find new and novel ways to supply them... BTW, the government is profiting off the drug trade as well, so don't think that stops because a wall gets put up. Then again, the people who worship a wall don't seek to solve any problem - real or perceived.[/QUOTE]
Like ACA, a wall is an incremental step. First tighten illegal entry law. Next, the wall. Next, better technology all along it. Next, more agents at the border. Next, interior roundup and deputizing American citizens to report illegals and their helpers. God bless America![/QUOTE]

IF you have a point to make, you should make it. Yes, I called my fellow Americans lazy. HALF of them are dependent upon the government for at least part of their daily bread while Trump boasts that unemployment is down to under 3 percent (which is statistical ZERO.) Many of them are just like you: living off someone else, spending all day trying pick personal fights instead of doing something beneficial for your country.

Again, there is NO authority in the Constitution to do what you want done NOR IS THERE ANY LEGITIMATE REASON TO DO SO.

Since there ARE ways of determining approximate costs of foreigners being here, so are there ways of determining their approximate CONTRIBUTIONS. For example, if you have some home remodeling done and save - let us say 5 grand, then that value is in your home where the bank (which operates on fractional reserve banking) can then loan 20 grand more to people starting businesses and buying homes based off the value of your home. Remember, banks can loan 4 dollars for every 1 they hold in assets.

IF Bubba had over-charged you and you paid 5 grand more than you normally would, he would spend most of his money on junk made in China, Japan, etc. There are two columns in the ledger sheet.
So now you blame the format-I told you guys your posts are too long and now you have confused yourselves.

Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?

If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.

Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.
Sorry, my mother is dead-or do you have a wisecrack about that? What work are you going to do? Or is it a secret? So you and guitar are going to tag team me now? Good idea-two half wits are better than one. Control like beauty is in the eye of the beholder-I do not seek control, but I can see you are out of control.[/QUOTE]

Son, if Gdjjr or I divided our IQ by 4 we'd still have 5 times the IQ you've displayed on this board. Whether you choose to lose or learn is up to you.

My work is simple. I have a ministry. I go out and solicit handyman jobs in the low income house district that are owned by retirees and those with a low income. Then I get guys that have little to no money - even the homeless to do the work. Low income people get their homes repaired for a modest price; the unemployed and homeless make a few dollars and our church provides a free service to both.

Anyone that don't kiss your ass and worship at the altar of the wall is out of control in your opinion. You cannot even focus on the topic at hand - which don't have squat to do with what you want. If you can't focus on the topic, there is no need for us to compare knowledge or IQ scores. You lose. You're incompetent and cannot stay on point. So, insult me all you want. You cannot change the facts. You don't pack the gear and nobody cares what you think. We're discussing the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners in the U.S. You can join the conversation or play the victim role.[/QUOTE]
It sounds like you are looking for a handout for your church or you are a wanna be Jimmy Carter. Don't want my ass kissed-I am not a perv. And call undocumented foreigners what they really are-ILLEGAL ALIENS! Undocumented foreigners are spies.[/QUOTE]

If I called undocumented foreigners "illegal aliens," I'd have to refer to you as a raging idiot. This where I part company with racists.

1) All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of their peers. Consequently the legal status of any human being must be determined BEFORE you can call them illegal any freaking thing

2) There is NO provision in the Constitution of the United States giving the federal government any authority over foreigners unless and until they decide to become citizens. Now, personally, I think that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. Nevertheless, the 14th Amendment guarantees to all persons (as differentiated from citizens) a government granted right to Liberty. There is no authority to infringe upon the Liberty of others

3) The 14th Amendment makes no distinction as to a person's immigration status (sic) when doling out the government grant of Liberty.

I don't ask for handouts from a swinging soul. I've been involved in the church since the mid 1970s. We have never passed a collection plate nor solicited for money for any reason. You kept asking the same question. I give you an answer and you use that for another of your stupid allegations - crap you would never say to any person face to face.
Reading does not make you open minded. You can read the adventures of Joe Bazooka on bubble gum wrappers, but not gain much knowledge. Being selective in what you read makes you intelligent. Thinking as you read makes you open minded.

Well Junior, that is about the best self indictment that I have ever read in all the time I've been on discussion boards. You don't read our posts through and then comment on them. Now you're realizing that?

I'm quite open minded. As you missed by not reading my posts, I spent six years in immigration law. I've spent years at the table with the people whose propaganda you worship. I can argue your case better than you. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue as to where I stand, but you finally realize that you have to pay attention to BOTH sides to understand them.

I grew up around Don Black and David Duke. They rented a basement in a house my father owned. When I was on breaks from college, we discussed this stuff into the wee hours of the morning. When you count the six years I spent in that one field of law, I'm generally the first guy around here attorneys ask for advice on their cases. Thanks for that shy apology regarding your bigotry.
Thanks for making my point-you confuse experience with knowledge. So you were not open minded about MY post. And I don't have to read more than two sentences of your posts to know where they are going-its all me,me,me. Even now name dropping David Duke-oh wow-can I get an autograph? There are none so blind as those who will not see-open YOUR eyes.

RESPONSE - Your refusal to read more than three sentences works to your disadvantage. My knowledge base allows me to make YOUR argument better than you can and still defeat it.

The fact that you don't know the players in the game puts you at a disadvantage of not being able to fully understand even your own position.
Clever-typing response. That's one reason I use large lettering-its easy to discern.
I just saw a post from someone I respect on here, but it was too long, so I skipped it. You need to understand some people will do things you don't like or understand-that's life. I have no disadvantage or lack of understanding-that is YOUR misconception. As an FYI-if I took the time to read 10 of your paragraphs, that time could have been used to read a paragraph from 10 other posters, and I like to play the numbers.

RESPONSE: I'm not here to impress you-too late nor even exchange posts with you personally-you just did. You have an inflated opinion of your worth-how would you know? on this discussion board - a real legend in your own mind.

When you answer a posting without reading it, you are proving the level of idiocy by which you operate from-no, it shows an advanced mind capable of accurate prediction. If you don't read the paragraphs I provide, someone else may read them. Then they get to see a 12 year old smart ass that thinks he knows all about the world versus posters like Gdjjr and figure out that you a fake, phony poseur with NO knowledge base to work from and NO facts to substantiate your case-ONLY YOUR OPINION-WHICH IS WHY I DON'T READ ALL YOUR STUFF.

Unable to stay on point - and the issue here is the alleged costs of undocumented immigrants, you switch to a nutty wall idea and when that didn't work out, you tried personal attacks. You've been exposed and we can now return to the topic at hand. No one knows all the costs, obvious and hidden of illegal aliens. But its more than YOU think.

The reality is - wall or no wall, the foreigners will continue to come here and new and novel approaches will be utilized to facilitate their entry into the United States. They are profitable-not proven for those who work, own businesses, AND they supply the drugs that our society believes they need in order to cope with life-like heroin and fentanyl Laws and walls have no impact on the supply and demand of foreigners that fill a void left by people too sorry and lazy to work-so you are calling your fellow Americans lazy and sorry? WOW!. Furthermore, as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the foreigners will find new and novel ways to supply them... BTW, the government is profiting off the drug trade as well, so don't think that stops because a wall gets put up. Then again, the people who worship a wall don't seek to solve any problem - real or perceived.
Like ACA, a wall is an incremental step. First tighten illegal entry law. Next, the wall. Next, better technology all along it. Next, more agents at the border. Next, interior roundup and deputizing American citizens to report illegals and their helpers. God bless America![/QUOTE]

IF you have a point to make, you should make it. Yes, I called my fellow Americans lazy. HALF of them are dependent upon the government for at least part of their daily bread while Trump boasts that unemployment is down to under 3 percent (which is statistical ZERO.) Many of them are just like you: living off someone else, spending all day trying pick personal fights instead of doing something beneficial for your country.

Again, there is NO authority in the Constitution to do what you want done NOR IS THERE ANY LEGITIMATE REASON TO DO SO.

Since there ARE ways of determining approximate costs of foreigners being here, so are there ways of determining their approximate CONTRIBUTIONS. For example, if you have some home remodeling done and save - let us say 5 grand, then that value is in your home where the bank (which operates on fractional reserve banking) can then loan 20 grand more to people starting businesses and buying homes based off the value of your home. Remember, banks can loan 4 dollars for every 1 they hold in assets.

IF Bubba had over-charged you and you paid 5 grand more than you normally would, he would spend most of his money on junk made in China, Japan, etc. There are two columns in the ledger sheet.[/QUOTE]
Glad you are honest about the lazy comment-that is refreshing. Sorry to disappoint, but i worked for 50 years and now enjoy the fruits of that labor. When I did work, I saw the effects of illegals in the community. Besides the normal dirt, drugs and sex traffic, you had identity theft, burglary, and fraud. For every illegal you saw as upstanding, I saw three criminals(even tho technically they all are anyway. So your experiences and my experiences don't match. What a surprise. I tried to do something for my country several times-I called INS and ICE to pick up illegals. They said they could not or would not-what a game! So you keep patting them on the head and letting them in, and I will vouch for your character when you are locked up for aiding and abetting.
Had Gdjjr not posted as soon as I did, there would have been no confusion. Most of the confusion is due to the fact that you are so uneducated, you fail to use quotation marks when quoting people.
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?

If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.

Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.
Sorry, my mother is dead-or do you have a wisecrack about that? What work are you going to do? Or is it a secret? So you and guitar are going to tag team me now? Good idea-two half wits are better than one. Control like beauty is in the eye of the beholder-I do not seek control, but I can see you are out of control.

Son, if Gdjjr or I divided our IQ by 4 we'd still have 5 times the IQ you've displayed on this board. Whether you choose to lose or learn is up to you.

My work is simple. I have a ministry. I go out and solicit handyman jobs in the low income house district that are owned by retirees and those with a low income. Then I get guys that have little to no money - even the homeless to do the work. Low income people get their homes repaired for a modest price; the unemployed and homeless make a few dollars and our church provides a free service to both.

Anyone that don't kiss your ass and worship at the altar of the wall is out of control in your opinion. You cannot even focus on the topic at hand - which don't have squat to do with what you want. If you can't focus on the topic, there is no need for us to compare knowledge or IQ scores. You lose. You're incompetent and cannot stay on point. So, insult me all you want. You cannot change the facts. You don't pack the gear and nobody cares what you think. We're discussing the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners in the U.S. You can join the conversation or play the victim role.[/QUOTE]
It sounds like you are looking for a handout for your church or you are a wanna be Jimmy Carter. Don't want my ass kissed-I am not a perv. And call undocumented foreigners what they really are-ILLEGAL ALIENS! Undocumented foreigners are spies.[/QUOTE]

If I called undocumented foreigners "illegal aliens," I'd have to refer to you as a raging idiot. This where I part company with racists.

1) All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of their peers. Consequently the legal status of any human being must be determined BEFORE you can call them illegal any freaking thing

2) There is NO provision in the Constitution of the United States giving the federal government any authority over foreigners unless and until they decide to become citizens. Now, personally, I think that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. Nevertheless, the 14th Amendment guarantees to all persons (as differentiated from citizens) a government granted right to Liberty. There is no authority to infringe upon the Liberty of others

3) The 14th Amendment makes no distinction as to a person's immigration status (sic) when doling out the government grant of Liberty.

I don't ask for handouts from a swinging soul. I've been involved in the church since the mid 1970s. We have never passed a collection plate nor solicited for money for any reason. You kept asking the same question. I give you an answer and you use that for another of your stupid allegations - crap you would never say to any person face to face.[/QUOTE]
Calm down-I am not even trying to bug you, but I do disagree with some of your views. I do not consider an illegal alien a "person". I consider them a foreign invader-just like the Japs in WWII. I have to go read the 14th amendment to reply to the rest of your post.
Well Junior, that is about the best self indictment that I have ever read in all the time I've been on discussion boards. You don't read our posts through and then comment on them. Now you're realizing that?

I'm quite open minded. As you missed by not reading my posts, I spent six years in immigration law. I've spent years at the table with the people whose propaganda you worship. I can argue your case better than you. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue as to where I stand, but you finally realize that you have to pay attention to BOTH sides to understand them.

I grew up around Don Black and David Duke. They rented a basement in a house my father owned. When I was on breaks from college, we discussed this stuff into the wee hours of the morning. When you count the six years I spent in that one field of law, I'm generally the first guy around here attorneys ask for advice on their cases. Thanks for that shy apology regarding your bigotry.
Thanks for making my point-you confuse experience with knowledge. So you were not open minded about MY post. And I don't have to read more than two sentences of your posts to know where they are going-its all me,me,me. Even now name dropping David Duke-oh wow-can I get an autograph? There are none so blind as those who will not see-open YOUR eyes.

RESPONSE - Your refusal to read more than three sentences works to your disadvantage. My knowledge base allows me to make YOUR argument better than you can and still defeat it.

The fact that you don't know the players in the game puts you at a disadvantage of not being able to fully understand even your own position.
Clever-typing response. That's one reason I use large lettering-its easy to discern.
I just saw a post from someone I respect on here, but it was too long, so I skipped it. You need to understand some people will do things you don't like or understand-that's life. I have no disadvantage or lack of understanding-that is YOUR misconception. As an FYI-if I took the time to read 10 of your paragraphs, that time could have been used to read a paragraph from 10 other posters, and I like to play the numbers.

RESPONSE: I'm not here to impress you-too late nor even exchange posts with you personally-you just did. You have an inflated opinion of your worth-how would you know? on this discussion board - a real legend in your own mind.

When you answer a posting without reading it, you are proving the level of idiocy by which you operate from-no, it shows an advanced mind capable of accurate prediction. If you don't read the paragraphs I provide, someone else may read them. Then they get to see a 12 year old smart ass that thinks he knows all about the world versus posters like Gdjjr and figure out that you a fake, phony poseur with NO knowledge base to work from and NO facts to substantiate your case-ONLY YOUR OPINION-WHICH IS WHY I DON'T READ ALL YOUR STUFF.

Unable to stay on point - and the issue here is the alleged costs of undocumented immigrants, you switch to a nutty wall idea and when that didn't work out, you tried personal attacks. You've been exposed and we can now return to the topic at hand. No one knows all the costs, obvious and hidden of illegal aliens. But its more than YOU think.

The reality is - wall or no wall, the foreigners will continue to come here and new and novel approaches will be utilized to facilitate their entry into the United States. They are profitable-not proven for those who work, own businesses, AND they supply the drugs that our society believes they need in order to cope with life-like heroin and fentanyl Laws and walls have no impact on the supply and demand of foreigners that fill a void left by people too sorry and lazy to work-so you are calling your fellow Americans lazy and sorry? WOW!. Furthermore, as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the foreigners will find new and novel ways to supply them... BTW, the government is profiting off the drug trade as well, so don't think that stops because a wall gets put up. Then again, the people who worship a wall don't seek to solve any problem - real or perceived.
Like ACA, a wall is an incremental step. First tighten illegal entry law. Next, the wall. Next, better technology all along it. Next, more agents at the border. Next, interior roundup and deputizing American citizens to report illegals and their helpers. God bless America!

IF you have a point to make, you should make it. Yes, I called my fellow Americans lazy. HALF of them are dependent upon the government for at least part of their daily bread while Trump boasts that unemployment is down to under 3 percent (which is statistical ZERO.) Many of them are just like you: living off someone else, spending all day trying pick personal fights instead of doing something beneficial for your country.

Again, there is NO authority in the Constitution to do what you want done NOR IS THERE ANY LEGITIMATE REASON TO DO SO.

Since there ARE ways of determining approximate costs of foreigners being here, so are there ways of determining their approximate CONTRIBUTIONS. For example, if you have some home remodeling done and save - let us say 5 grand, then that value is in your home where the bank (which operates on fractional reserve banking) can then loan 20 grand more to people starting businesses and buying homes based off the value of your home. Remember, banks can loan 4 dollars for every 1 they hold in assets.

IF Bubba had over-charged you and you paid 5 grand more than you normally would, he would spend most of his money on junk made in China, Japan, etc. There are two columns in the ledger sheet.[/QUOTE]
Glad you are honest about the lazy comment-that is refreshing. Sorry to disappoint, but i worked for 50 years and now enjoy the fruits of that labor. When I did work, I saw the effects of illegals in the community. Besides the normal dirt, drugs and sex traffic, you had identity theft, burglary, and fraud. For every illegal you saw as upstanding, I saw three criminals(even tho technically they all are anyway. So your experiences and my experiences don't match. What a surprise. I tried to do something for my country several times-I called INS and ICE to pick up illegals. They said they could not or would not-what a game! So you keep patting them on the head and letting them in, and I will vouch for your character when you are locked up for aiding and abetting.[/QUOTE]

RESPONSE: Now you're retired. Earlier, you were 12. You need to go really slow and explain what it is you think you're accomplishing.

We live in a free nation. We cannot just go around picking up people without probable cause. That is why ICE turned you down. Of course, I ended up with the government trying to prosecute me on some of the legislation you lobbied for because you cannot understand the 14th Amendment. Then, because people like you disagreed with the concept of Liberty for all, a couple of wall worshipers tried to con the government into killing me. It almost worked.

You need to to the bank and get $50 then go to the dog pound and buy yourself a dog. You need to name that dog Life. That way you can say you have one.

At the end of the day, if I accept your argument at face value, if the United States Supreme Court declares that all undocumented foreigners can stay in the United States after paying a fine, any back taxes and registering as guest workers, you would be fine with their presence. Correct?
I will admit I don't like quotes-per se. If I repeat something you say of WORTH, I will say you said it. If it is silly, I won't bag you with it. Fair enough?

If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.

Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.
Sorry, my mother is dead-or do you have a wisecrack about that? What work are you going to do? Or is it a secret? So you and guitar are going to tag team me now? Good idea-two half wits are better than one. Control like beauty is in the eye of the beholder-I do not seek control, but I can see you are out of control.

Son, if Gdjjr or I divided our IQ by 4 we'd still have 5 times the IQ you've displayed on this board. Whether you choose to lose or learn is up to you.

My work is simple. I have a ministry. I go out and solicit handyman jobs in the low income house district that are owned by retirees and those with a low income. Then I get guys that have little to no money - even the homeless to do the work. Low income people get their homes repaired for a modest price; the unemployed and homeless make a few dollars and our church provides a free service to both.

Anyone that don't kiss your ass and worship at the altar of the wall is out of control in your opinion. You cannot even focus on the topic at hand - which don't have squat to do with what you want. If you can't focus on the topic, there is no need for us to compare knowledge or IQ scores. You lose. You're incompetent and cannot stay on point. So, insult me all you want. You cannot change the facts. You don't pack the gear and nobody cares what you think. We're discussing the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners in the U.S. You can join the conversation or play the victim role.
It sounds like you are looking for a handout for your church or you are a wanna be Jimmy Carter. Don't want my ass kissed-I am not a perv. And call undocumented foreigners what they really are-ILLEGAL ALIENS! Undocumented foreigners are spies.[/QUOTE]

If I called undocumented foreigners "illegal aliens," I'd have to refer to you as a raging idiot. This where I part company with racists.

1) All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of their peers. Consequently the legal status of any human being must be determined BEFORE you can call them illegal any freaking thing

2) There is NO provision in the Constitution of the United States giving the federal government any authority over foreigners unless and until they decide to become citizens. Now, personally, I think that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. Nevertheless, the 14th Amendment guarantees to all persons (as differentiated from citizens) a government granted right to Liberty. There is no authority to infringe upon the Liberty of others

3) The 14th Amendment makes no distinction as to a person's immigration status (sic) when doling out the government grant of Liberty.

I don't ask for handouts from a swinging soul. I've been involved in the church since the mid 1970s. We have never passed a collection plate nor solicited for money for any reason. You kept asking the same question. I give you an answer and you use that for another of your stupid allegations - crap you would never say to any person face to face.[/QUOTE]
Calm down-I am not even trying to bug you, but I do disagree with some of your views. I do not consider an illegal alien a "person". I consider them a foreign invader-just like the Japs in WWII. I have to go read the 14th amendment to reply to the rest of your post.[/QUOTE]

Disagreeing with my viewpoints is perfectly acceptable in a civil discourse. Now let us talk FACTS. According to the legal terminology, the term invasion means:

"INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to
congress "to provide for calling the militia to execute the laws of the
Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions." A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.

Taking advantage of the free market economy is not waging war. So your opinion is not fact. It is in error. IF this were a war, Trump would be required to seek a Declaration of War.

IF you don't believe that undocumented foreigners are "persons," then you will be happy to know that even my point of view favors your opinion at times. In Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, non-whites are considered only three fifths of a person. Without the 14th Amendment, undocumented foreigners - as well as Blacks - would not be a "person." Right now, however, they are. The mishmash of laws on the books and contradictory statutes make your position untenable at the moment. Maybe you should study the 14th Amendment... particularly that part where it was illegally ratified.
Thanks for making my point-you confuse experience with knowledge. So you were not open minded about MY post. And I don't have to read more than two sentences of your posts to know where they are going-its all me,me,me. Even now name dropping David Duke-oh wow-can I get an autograph? There are none so blind as those who will not see-open YOUR eyes.

RESPONSE - Your refusal to read more than three sentences works to your disadvantage. My knowledge base allows me to make YOUR argument better than you can and still defeat it.

The fact that you don't know the players in the game puts you at a disadvantage of not being able to fully understand even your own position.
Clever-typing response. That's one reason I use large lettering-its easy to discern.
I just saw a post from someone I respect on here, but it was too long, so I skipped it. You need to understand some people will do things you don't like or understand-that's life. I have no disadvantage or lack of understanding-that is YOUR misconception. As an FYI-if I took the time to read 10 of your paragraphs, that time could have been used to read a paragraph from 10 other posters, and I like to play the numbers.

RESPONSE: I'm not here to impress you-too late nor even exchange posts with you personally-you just did. You have an inflated opinion of your worth-how would you know? on this discussion board - a real legend in your own mind.

When you answer a posting without reading it, you are proving the level of idiocy by which you operate from-no, it shows an advanced mind capable of accurate prediction. If you don't read the paragraphs I provide, someone else may read them. Then they get to see a 12 year old smart ass that thinks he knows all about the world versus posters like Gdjjr and figure out that you a fake, phony poseur with NO knowledge base to work from and NO facts to substantiate your case-ONLY YOUR OPINION-WHICH IS WHY I DON'T READ ALL YOUR STUFF.

Unable to stay on point - and the issue here is the alleged costs of undocumented immigrants, you switch to a nutty wall idea and when that didn't work out, you tried personal attacks. You've been exposed and we can now return to the topic at hand. No one knows all the costs, obvious and hidden of illegal aliens. But its more than YOU think.

The reality is - wall or no wall, the foreigners will continue to come here and new and novel approaches will be utilized to facilitate their entry into the United States. They are profitable-not proven for those who work, own businesses, AND they supply the drugs that our society believes they need in order to cope with life-like heroin and fentanyl Laws and walls have no impact on the supply and demand of foreigners that fill a void left by people too sorry and lazy to work-so you are calling your fellow Americans lazy and sorry? WOW!. Furthermore, as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the foreigners will find new and novel ways to supply them... BTW, the government is profiting off the drug trade as well, so don't think that stops because a wall gets put up. Then again, the people who worship a wall don't seek to solve any problem - real or perceived.
Like ACA, a wall is an incremental step. First tighten illegal entry law. Next, the wall. Next, better technology all along it. Next, more agents at the border. Next, interior roundup and deputizing American citizens to report illegals and their helpers. God bless America!

IF you have a point to make, you should make it. Yes, I called my fellow Americans lazy. HALF of them are dependent upon the government for at least part of their daily bread while Trump boasts that unemployment is down to under 3 percent (which is statistical ZERO.) Many of them are just like you: living off someone else, spending all day trying pick personal fights instead of doing something beneficial for your country.

Again, there is NO authority in the Constitution to do what you want done NOR IS THERE ANY LEGITIMATE REASON TO DO SO.

Since there ARE ways of determining approximate costs of foreigners being here, so are there ways of determining their approximate CONTRIBUTIONS. For example, if you have some home remodeling done and save - let us say 5 grand, then that value is in your home where the bank (which operates on fractional reserve banking) can then loan 20 grand more to people starting businesses and buying homes based off the value of your home. Remember, banks can loan 4 dollars for every 1 they hold in assets.

IF Bubba had over-charged you and you paid 5 grand more than you normally would, he would spend most of his money on junk made in China, Japan, etc. There are two columns in the ledger sheet.
Glad you are honest about the lazy comment-that is refreshing. Sorry to disappoint, but i worked for 50 years and now enjoy the fruits of that labor. When I did work, I saw the effects of illegals in the community. Besides the normal dirt, drugs and sex traffic, you had identity theft, burglary, and fraud. For every illegal you saw as upstanding, I saw three criminals(even tho technically they all are anyway. So your experiences and my experiences don't match. What a surprise. I tried to do something for my country several times-I called INS and ICE to pick up illegals. They said they could not or would not-what a game! So you keep patting them on the head and letting them in, and I will vouch for your character when you are locked up for aiding and abetting.[/QUOTE]

RESPONSE: Now you're retired. Earlier, you were 12. You need to go really slow and explain what it is you think you're accomplishing.

We live in a free nation. We cannot just go around picking up people without probable cause. That is why ICE turned you down. Of course, I ended up with the government trying to prosecute me on some of the legislation you lobbied for because you cannot understand the 14th Amendment. Then, because people like you disagreed with the concept of Liberty for all, a couple of wall worshipers tried to con the government into killing me. It almost worked.

You need to to the bank and get $50 then go to the dog pound and buy yourself a dog. You need to name that dog Life. That way you can say you have one.

At the end of the day, if I accept your argument at face value, if the United States Supreme Court declares that all undocumented foreigners can stay in the United States after paying a fine, any back taxes and registering as guest workers, you would be fine with their presence. Correct?[/QUOTE]
First, the 14th talks about citizens-not humans. Liberty for ALL American CITIZENS-not invaders. I don't know how you almost got killed, but that sounds overly dramatic. The last pet I had i had to put down-won't get another. Your last sentence is tough-if they stay and pay, will they be recognized as citizens or just their offspring?
If you plan on having a lot of these pissing matches, you may want to take writing classes and do it right the first time.
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.

Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.
Sorry, my mother is dead-or do you have a wisecrack about that? What work are you going to do? Or is it a secret? So you and guitar are going to tag team me now? Good idea-two half wits are better than one. Control like beauty is in the eye of the beholder-I do not seek control, but I can see you are out of control.

Son, if Gdjjr or I divided our IQ by 4 we'd still have 5 times the IQ you've displayed on this board. Whether you choose to lose or learn is up to you.

My work is simple. I have a ministry. I go out and solicit handyman jobs in the low income house district that are owned by retirees and those with a low income. Then I get guys that have little to no money - even the homeless to do the work. Low income people get their homes repaired for a modest price; the unemployed and homeless make a few dollars and our church provides a free service to both.

Anyone that don't kiss your ass and worship at the altar of the wall is out of control in your opinion. You cannot even focus on the topic at hand - which don't have squat to do with what you want. If you can't focus on the topic, there is no need for us to compare knowledge or IQ scores. You lose. You're incompetent and cannot stay on point. So, insult me all you want. You cannot change the facts. You don't pack the gear and nobody cares what you think. We're discussing the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners in the U.S. You can join the conversation or play the victim role.
It sounds like you are looking for a handout for your church or you are a wanna be Jimmy Carter. Don't want my ass kissed-I am not a perv. And call undocumented foreigners what they really are-ILLEGAL ALIENS! Undocumented foreigners are spies.

If I called undocumented foreigners "illegal aliens," I'd have to refer to you as a raging idiot. This where I part company with racists.

1) All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of their peers. Consequently the legal status of any human being must be determined BEFORE you can call them illegal any freaking thing

2) There is NO provision in the Constitution of the United States giving the federal government any authority over foreigners unless and until they decide to become citizens. Now, personally, I think that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. Nevertheless, the 14th Amendment guarantees to all persons (as differentiated from citizens) a government granted right to Liberty. There is no authority to infringe upon the Liberty of others

3) The 14th Amendment makes no distinction as to a person's immigration status (sic) when doling out the government grant of Liberty.

I don't ask for handouts from a swinging soul. I've been involved in the church since the mid 1970s. We have never passed a collection plate nor solicited for money for any reason. You kept asking the same question. I give you an answer and you use that for another of your stupid allegations - crap you would never say to any person face to face.[/QUOTE]
Calm down-I am not even trying to bug you, but I do disagree with some of your views. I do not consider an illegal alien a "person". I consider them a foreign invader-just like the Japs in WWII. I have to go read the 14th amendment to reply to the rest of your post.[/QUOTE]

Disagreeing with my viewpoints is perfectly acceptable in a civil discourse. Now let us talk FACTS. According to the legal terminology, the term invasion means:

"INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to
congress "to provide for calling the militia to execute the laws of the
Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions." A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.

Taking advantage of the free market economy is not waging war. So your opinion is not fact. It is in error. IF this were a war, Trump would be required to seek a Declaration of War.

IF you don't believe that undocumented foreigners are "persons," then you will be happy to know that even my point of view favors your opinion at times. In Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, non-whites are considered only three fifths of a person. Without the 14th Amendment, undocumented foreigners - as well as Blacks - would not be a "person." Right now, however, they are. The mishmash of laws on the books and contradictory statutes make your position untenable at the moment. Maybe you should study the 14th Amendment... particularly that part where it was illegally ratified.[/QUOTE]
Invader- 1. One who invades; an assailant; an encroacher; an intruder. Tomato Tomoto.
Taking advantage-well put-but not acceptable.
Did read it, I feel justified in my views. Especially since the law calls illegals illegal.
And FYI, my rambling style is used to answer all your questions, tho not always in order-some find it hard to get used to.
RESPONSE - Your refusal to read more than three sentences works to your disadvantage. My knowledge base allows me to make YOUR argument better than you can and still defeat it.

The fact that you don't know the players in the game puts you at a disadvantage of not being able to fully understand even your own position.
Clever-typing response. That's one reason I use large lettering-its easy to discern.
I just saw a post from someone I respect on here, but it was too long, so I skipped it. You need to understand some people will do things you don't like or understand-that's life. I have no disadvantage or lack of understanding-that is YOUR misconception. As an FYI-if I took the time to read 10 of your paragraphs, that time could have been used to read a paragraph from 10 other posters, and I like to play the numbers.

RESPONSE: I'm not here to impress you-too late nor even exchange posts with you personally-you just did. You have an inflated opinion of your worth-how would you know? on this discussion board - a real legend in your own mind.

When you answer a posting without reading it, you are proving the level of idiocy by which you operate from-no, it shows an advanced mind capable of accurate prediction. If you don't read the paragraphs I provide, someone else may read them. Then they get to see a 12 year old smart ass that thinks he knows all about the world versus posters like Gdjjr and figure out that you a fake, phony poseur with NO knowledge base to work from and NO facts to substantiate your case-ONLY YOUR OPINION-WHICH IS WHY I DON'T READ ALL YOUR STUFF.

Unable to stay on point - and the issue here is the alleged costs of undocumented immigrants, you switch to a nutty wall idea and when that didn't work out, you tried personal attacks. You've been exposed and we can now return to the topic at hand. No one knows all the costs, obvious and hidden of illegal aliens. But its more than YOU think.

The reality is - wall or no wall, the foreigners will continue to come here and new and novel approaches will be utilized to facilitate their entry into the United States. They are profitable-not proven for those who work, own businesses, AND they supply the drugs that our society believes they need in order to cope with life-like heroin and fentanyl Laws and walls have no impact on the supply and demand of foreigners that fill a void left by people too sorry and lazy to work-so you are calling your fellow Americans lazy and sorry? WOW!. Furthermore, as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the foreigners will find new and novel ways to supply them... BTW, the government is profiting off the drug trade as well, so don't think that stops because a wall gets put up. Then again, the people who worship a wall don't seek to solve any problem - real or perceived.
Like ACA, a wall is an incremental step. First tighten illegal entry law. Next, the wall. Next, better technology all along it. Next, more agents at the border. Next, interior roundup and deputizing American citizens to report illegals and their helpers. God bless America!

IF you have a point to make, you should make it. Yes, I called my fellow Americans lazy. HALF of them are dependent upon the government for at least part of their daily bread while Trump boasts that unemployment is down to under 3 percent (which is statistical ZERO.) Many of them are just like you: living off someone else, spending all day trying pick personal fights instead of doing something beneficial for your country.

Again, there is NO authority in the Constitution to do what you want done NOR IS THERE ANY LEGITIMATE REASON TO DO SO.

Since there ARE ways of determining approximate costs of foreigners being here, so are there ways of determining their approximate CONTRIBUTIONS. For example, if you have some home remodeling done and save - let us say 5 grand, then that value is in your home where the bank (which operates on fractional reserve banking) can then loan 20 grand more to people starting businesses and buying homes based off the value of your home. Remember, banks can loan 4 dollars for every 1 they hold in assets.

IF Bubba had over-charged you and you paid 5 grand more than you normally would, he would spend most of his money on junk made in China, Japan, etc. There are two columns in the ledger sheet.
Glad you are honest about the lazy comment-that is refreshing. Sorry to disappoint, but i worked for 50 years and now enjoy the fruits of that labor. When I did work, I saw the effects of illegals in the community. Besides the normal dirt, drugs and sex traffic, you had identity theft, burglary, and fraud. For every illegal you saw as upstanding, I saw three criminals(even tho technically they all are anyway. So your experiences and my experiences don't match. What a surprise. I tried to do something for my country several times-I called INS and ICE to pick up illegals. They said they could not or would not-what a game! So you keep patting them on the head and letting them in, and I will vouch for your character when you are locked up for aiding and abetting.

RESPONSE: Now you're retired. Earlier, you were 12. You need to go really slow and explain what it is you think you're accomplishing.

We live in a free nation. We cannot just go around picking up people without probable cause. That is why ICE turned you down. Of course, I ended up with the government trying to prosecute me on some of the legislation you lobbied for because you cannot understand the 14th Amendment. Then, because people like you disagreed with the concept of Liberty for all, a couple of wall worshipers tried to con the government into killing me. It almost worked.

You need to to the bank and get $50 then go to the dog pound and buy yourself a dog. You need to name that dog Life. That way you can say you have one.

At the end of the day, if I accept your argument at face value, if the United States Supreme Court declares that all undocumented foreigners can stay in the United States after paying a fine, any back taxes and registering as guest workers, you would be fine with their presence. Correct?[/QUOTE]
First, the 14th talks about citizens-not humans. Liberty for ALL American CITIZENS-not invaders. I don't know how you almost got killed, but that sounds overly dramatic. The last pet I had i had to put down-won't get another. Your last sentence is tough-if they stay and pay, will they be recognized as citizens or just their offspring?[/QUOTE]


1) The 14th Amendment talks about PERSONS. Every PERSON born or naturalized in the United States is a citizen of the United States and is entitled to government granted "privileges and immunities." ALL PERSONS (as differentiated from citizens) are granted Life, Liberty and Property" subject to Due Process of the law.

Citizen - granted unspecified immunities and privileges along with Life, Liberty, Property subject to Due Process

Person - granted Life, Liberty, Property subject to Due Process.

2) What happened to me was not overly dramatic. Cliff notes just for you:

A) I win an election to an office

B) Opponent didn't like the results; goes to work for a government agency as a Confidential Informant accusing me of a felony

C) Using the so - called "Patriot Act," a government agency hatched a plan to raid my home, kill me and claim I resisted arrest

D) News reporter gets wind of the plot and knows the allegations against me are total B.S. and blows the whistle on the government

E) The LEO that started the actions against me is dealt with in court

3) Without the 14th Amendment, non-whites will not be citizens in any generation - born here or not. Dred Scott v Sanford was a ruling that said, basically, the Constitution is a contract between we, the people and that entity called government. We, the people, were restricted to the white race.

So, with the 14th Amendment, what you want will NEVER happen. Nullify the 14th and non-whites are not citizens, but mere guests. HOWEVER, the states will retain the jurisdiction over foreigners as per the original intent of the Constitution.
So you would rather continue arguing? OK-but I have to go for my morning constitutional now. I look forward to swapping sentences with you and consonant happy gdjjr.

Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.
Sorry, my mother is dead-or do you have a wisecrack about that? What work are you going to do? Or is it a secret? So you and guitar are going to tag team me now? Good idea-two half wits are better than one. Control like beauty is in the eye of the beholder-I do not seek control, but I can see you are out of control.

Son, if Gdjjr or I divided our IQ by 4 we'd still have 5 times the IQ you've displayed on this board. Whether you choose to lose or learn is up to you.

My work is simple. I have a ministry. I go out and solicit handyman jobs in the low income house district that are owned by retirees and those with a low income. Then I get guys that have little to no money - even the homeless to do the work. Low income people get their homes repaired for a modest price; the unemployed and homeless make a few dollars and our church provides a free service to both.

Anyone that don't kiss your ass and worship at the altar of the wall is out of control in your opinion. You cannot even focus on the topic at hand - which don't have squat to do with what you want. If you can't focus on the topic, there is no need for us to compare knowledge or IQ scores. You lose. You're incompetent and cannot stay on point. So, insult me all you want. You cannot change the facts. You don't pack the gear and nobody cares what you think. We're discussing the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners in the U.S. You can join the conversation or play the victim role.
It sounds like you are looking for a handout for your church or you are a wanna be Jimmy Carter. Don't want my ass kissed-I am not a perv. And call undocumented foreigners what they really are-ILLEGAL ALIENS! Undocumented foreigners are spies.

If I called undocumented foreigners "illegal aliens," I'd have to refer to you as a raging idiot. This where I part company with racists.

1) All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of their peers. Consequently the legal status of any human being must be determined BEFORE you can call them illegal any freaking thing

2) There is NO provision in the Constitution of the United States giving the federal government any authority over foreigners unless and until they decide to become citizens. Now, personally, I think that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. Nevertheless, the 14th Amendment guarantees to all persons (as differentiated from citizens) a government granted right to Liberty. There is no authority to infringe upon the Liberty of others

3) The 14th Amendment makes no distinction as to a person's immigration status (sic) when doling out the government grant of Liberty.

I don't ask for handouts from a swinging soul. I've been involved in the church since the mid 1970s. We have never passed a collection plate nor solicited for money for any reason. You kept asking the same question. I give you an answer and you use that for another of your stupid allegations - crap you would never say to any person face to face.
Calm down-I am not even trying to bug you, but I do disagree with some of your views. I do not consider an illegal alien a "person". I consider them a foreign invader-just like the Japs in WWII. I have to go read the 14th amendment to reply to the rest of your post.[/QUOTE]

Disagreeing with my viewpoints is perfectly acceptable in a civil discourse. Now let us talk FACTS. According to the legal terminology, the term invasion means:

"INVASION. The entry of a country by a public enemy, making war.
2. The Constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to
congress "to provide for calling the militia to execute the laws of the
Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions." A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.

Taking advantage of the free market economy is not waging war. So your opinion is not fact. It is in error. IF this were a war, Trump would be required to seek a Declaration of War.

IF you don't believe that undocumented foreigners are "persons," then you will be happy to know that even my point of view favors your opinion at times. In Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, non-whites are considered only three fifths of a person. Without the 14th Amendment, undocumented foreigners - as well as Blacks - would not be a "person." Right now, however, they are. The mishmash of laws on the books and contradictory statutes make your position untenable at the moment. Maybe you should study the 14th Amendment... particularly that part where it was illegally ratified.[/QUOTE]
Invader- 1. One who invades; an assailant; an encroacher; an intruder. Tomato Tomoto.
Taking advantage-well put-but not acceptable.
Did read it, I feel justified in my views. Especially since the law calls illegals illegal.
And FYI, my rambling style is used to answer all your questions, tho not always in order-some find it hard to get used to.

The law says no such thing. It don't even refer to it as a crime. People come here and IF they're caught, it is improper entry. The United States Supreme Court ruled that being in the United States without papers is not a crime.

Legal definitions are not subject to a layman's dictionary. I cited from a legal dictionary. Guess which one a judge would rely on.
Last edited:
Actually the pissing match part is getting boring. You need to quit laying around in mommy's house and go the Hell to school.

I have to get out of here and get some real work done today. I'm not arguing with you. You've been dealt a serious spanking today and are too stupid to realize it. All Gdjjr and I need to do from here on out with this thread is to add to the beat down you were subjected to. When we point out that what you're for is control, nothing more need be said.
Sorry, my mother is dead-or do you have a wisecrack about that? What work are you going to do? Or is it a secret? So you and guitar are going to tag team me now? Good idea-two half wits are better than one. Control like beauty is in the eye of the beholder-I do not seek control, but I can see you are out of control.

Son, if Gdjjr or I divided our IQ by 4 we'd still have 5 times the IQ you've displayed on this board. Whether you choose to lose or learn is up to you.

My work is simple. I have a ministry. I go out and solicit handyman jobs in the low income house district that are owned by retirees and those with a low income. Then I get guys that have little to no money - even the homeless to do the work. Low income people get their homes repaired for a modest price; the unemployed and homeless make a few dollars and our church provides a free service to both.

Anyone that don't kiss your ass and worship at the altar of the wall is out of control in your opinion. You cannot even focus on the topic at hand - which don't have squat to do with what you want. If you can't focus on the topic, there is no need for us to compare knowledge or IQ scores. You lose. You're incompetent and cannot stay on point. So, insult me all you want. You cannot change the facts. You don't pack the gear and nobody cares what you think. We're discussing the alleged costs of undocumented foreigners in the U.S. You can join the conversation or play the victim role.
It sounds like you are looking for a handout for your church or you are a wanna be Jimmy Carter. Don't want my ass kissed-I am not a perv. And call undocumented foreigners what they really are-ILLEGAL ALIENS! Undocumented foreigners are spies.

If I called undocumented foreigners "illegal aliens," I'd have to refer to you as a raging idiot. This where I part company with racists.

1) All persons are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law by a jury of their peers. Consequently the legal status of any human being must be determined BEFORE you can call them illegal any freaking thing

2) There is NO provision in the Constitution of the United States giving the federal government any authority over foreigners unless and until they decide to become citizens. Now, personally, I think that the 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. Nevertheless, the 14th Amendment guarantees to all persons (as differentiated from citizens) a government granted right to Liberty. There is no authority to infringe upon the Liberty of others

3) The 14th Amendment makes no distinction as to a person's immigration status (sic) when doling out the government grant of Liberty.

I don't ask for handouts from a swinging soul. I've been involved in the church since the mid 1970s. We have never passed a collection plate nor solicited for money for any reason. You kept asking the same question. I give you an answer and you use that for another of your stupid allegations - crap you would never say to any person face to face.
Calm down-I am not even trying to bug you, but I do disagree with some of your views. I do not consider an illegal alien a "person". I consider them a foreign invader-just like the Japs [sic] in WWII. ....

Japan did not invade the United States during WWII.
Clever-typing response. That's one reason I use large lettering-its easy to discern.
I just saw a post from someone I respect on here, but it was too long, so I skipped it. You need to understand some people will do things you don't like or understand-that's life. I have no disadvantage or lack of understanding-that is YOUR misconception. As an FYI-if I took the time to read 10 of your paragraphs, that time could have been used to read a paragraph from 10 other posters, and I like to play the numbers.

RESPONSE: I'm not here to impress you-too late nor even exchange posts with you personally-you just did. You have an inflated opinion of your worth-how would you know? on this discussion board - a real legend in your own mind.

When you answer a posting without reading it, you are proving the level of idiocy by which you operate from-no, it shows an advanced mind capable of accurate prediction. If you don't read the paragraphs I provide, someone else may read them. Then they get to see a 12 year old smart ass that thinks he knows all about the world versus posters like Gdjjr and figure out that you a fake, phony poseur with NO knowledge base to work from and NO facts to substantiate your case-ONLY YOUR OPINION-WHICH IS WHY I DON'T READ ALL YOUR STUFF.

Unable to stay on point - and the issue here is the alleged costs of undocumented immigrants, you switch to a nutty wall idea and when that didn't work out, you tried personal attacks. You've been exposed and we can now return to the topic at hand. No one knows all the costs, obvious and hidden of illegal aliens. But its more than YOU think.

The reality is - wall or no wall, the foreigners will continue to come here and new and novel approaches will be utilized to facilitate their entry into the United States. They are profitable-not proven for those who work, own businesses, AND they supply the drugs that our society believes they need in order to cope with life-like heroin and fentanyl Laws and walls have no impact on the supply and demand of foreigners that fill a void left by people too sorry and lazy to work-so you are calling your fellow Americans lazy and sorry? WOW!. Furthermore, as long as we keep creating drug addicts, the foreigners will find new and novel ways to supply them... BTW, the government is profiting off the drug trade as well, so don't think that stops because a wall gets put up. Then again, the people who worship a wall don't seek to solve any problem - real or perceived.
Like ACA, a wall is an incremental step. First tighten illegal entry law. Next, the wall. Next, better technology all along it. Next, more agents at the border. Next, interior roundup and deputizing American citizens to report illegals and their helpers. God bless America!

IF you have a point to make, you should make it. Yes, I called my fellow Americans lazy. HALF of them are dependent upon the government for at least part of their daily bread while Trump boasts that unemployment is down to under 3 percent (which is statistical ZERO.) Many of them are just like you: living off someone else, spending all day trying pick personal fights instead of doing something beneficial for your country.

Again, there is NO authority in the Constitution to do what you want done NOR IS THERE ANY LEGITIMATE REASON TO DO SO.

Since there ARE ways of determining approximate costs of foreigners being here, so are there ways of determining their approximate CONTRIBUTIONS. For example, if you have some home remodeling done and save - let us say 5 grand, then that value is in your home where the bank (which operates on fractional reserve banking) can then loan 20 grand more to people starting businesses and buying homes based off the value of your home. Remember, banks can loan 4 dollars for every 1 they hold in assets.

IF Bubba had over-charged you and you paid 5 grand more than you normally would, he would spend most of his money on junk made in China, Japan, etc. There are two columns in the ledger sheet.
Glad you are honest about the lazy comment-that is refreshing. Sorry to disappoint, but i worked for 50 years and now enjoy the fruits of that labor. When I did work, I saw the effects of illegals in the community. Besides the normal dirt, drugs and sex traffic, you had identity theft, burglary, and fraud. For every illegal you saw as upstanding, I saw three criminals(even tho technically they all are anyway. So your experiences and my experiences don't match. What a surprise. I tried to do something for my country several times-I called INS and ICE to pick up illegals. They said they could not or would not-what a game! So you keep patting them on the head and letting them in, and I will vouch for your character when you are locked up for aiding and abetting.

RESPONSE: Now you're retired. Earlier, you were 12. You need to go really slow and explain what it is you think you're accomplishing.

We live in a free nation. We cannot just go around picking up people without probable cause. That is why ICE turned you down. Of course, I ended up with the government trying to prosecute me on some of the legislation you lobbied for because you cannot understand the 14th Amendment. Then, because people like you disagreed with the concept of Liberty for all, a couple of wall worshipers tried to con the government into killing me. It almost worked.

You need to to the bank and get $50 then go to the dog pound and buy yourself a dog. You need to name that dog Life. That way you can say you have one.

At the end of the day, if I accept your argument at face value, if the United States Supreme Court declares that all undocumented foreigners can stay in the United States after paying a fine, any back taxes and registering as guest workers, you would be fine with their presence. Correct?
First, the 14th talks about citizens-not humans. Liberty for ALL American CITIZENS-not invaders. I don't know how you almost got killed, but that sounds overly dramatic. The last pet I had i had to put down-won't get another. Your last sentence is tough-if they stay and pay, will they be recognized as citizens or just their offspring?[/QUOTE]


1) The 14th Amendment talks about PERSONS. Every PERSON born or naturalized in the United States is a citizen of the United States and is entitled to government granted "privileges and immunities." ALL PERSONS (as differentiated from citizens) are granted Life, Liberty and Property" subject to Due Process of the law.

Citizen - granted unspecified immunities and privileges along with Life, Liberty, Property subject to Due Process

Person - granted Life, Liberty, Property subject to Due Process.

2) What happened to me was not overly dramatic. Cliff notes just for you:

A) I win an election to an office

B) Opponent didn't like the results; goes to work for a government agency as a Confidential Informant accusing me of a felony

C) Using the so - called "Patriot Act," a government agency hatched a plan to raid my home, kill me and claim I resisted arrest

D) News reporter gets wind of the plot and knows the allegations against me are total B.S. and blows the whistle on the government

E) The LEO that started the actions against me is dealt with in court

3) Without the 14th Amendment, non-whites will not be citizens in any generation - born here or not. Dred Scott v Sanford was a ruling that said, basically, the Constitution is a contract between we, the people and that entity called government. We, the people, were restricted to the white race.

So, with the 14th Amendment, what you want will NEVER happen. Nullify the 14th and non-whites are not citizens, but mere guests. HOWEVER, the states will retain the jurisdiction over foreigners as per the original intent of the Constitution.[/QUOTE]
First, if those are cliff notes, I'd hate to see the prose.
Due process to me says we honor the law about illegal aliens.
Too bad about your ordeal-can't help you there
You keep saying "what i want"-you don't KNOW. And you keep saying non-white and I keep saying illegal. Russians without papers are illegal aliens too and they ARE white.
What I want is work visas to deserving workers and deportation for illegal aliens. Period.

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