Conservative retired federal judge calls GOP ‘spineless’ in scathing rebuke of Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I'll vote for whoever runs against the stupid fuck that's in the WH now, but IMO voting for Trump in the primary will simply guarantee four more years of Biden. Oh well, the country is fucked anyway, we've sat back and allowed our country to be stampeded by the third-world without making even a whimper.

Conservative retired federal judge J. Michael Luttig has called the Republican Party base “spineless” for its continued support of former President Donald Trump and submitted that the GOP is destroying itself.

“If the indictment of Mr. Trump on Espionage Act charges – not to mention his now almost certain indictment for conspiring to obstruct Congress from certifying Mr. Biden as the president on Jan. 6 – fails to shake the Republican Party from its moribund political senses, then it is beyond saving itself. Nor ought it be saved,” Luttig said in a scathing New York Times op-ed published Sunday.

Luttig called Republican support of Trump, the current front-runner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, “a colossal political miscalculation.”

I'll vote for whoever runs against the stupid fuck that's in the WH now, but IMO voting for Trump in the primary will simply guarantee four more years of Biden. Oh well, the country is fucked anyway, we've sat back and allowed our country to be stampeded by the third-world without making even a whimper.

Oh you MAGAt Trumptards have whimpered PLENTY.
Pretty much nonstop.
I'll vote for whoever runs against the stupid fuck that's in the WH now, but IMO voting for Trump in the primary will simply guarantee four more years of Biden. Oh well, the country is fucked anyway, we've sat back and allowed our country to be stampeded by the third-world without making even a whimper.

NYT..........IF GUILTY????

Not to be judgmental (play on words fully intentional), but he seems like an idiot.

Nobody in his right mind believes that Trump has done anything that substantially violates the Espionage Act. And in fact, anyone with a law degree can discern that the "documents" case against Trump is so riddled with legal and Constitutional deficiencies that it will probably never actually come to trial.

As for the political side of things, ANYONE with a lock on at least a third of all Republican primary voters WILL WIN THE NOMINATION. Period. End of discussion.

So what would be the political advantage of coming out against Trump right now? Especially when at least 75% of registered Republicans believe that all four (4) prosecutions are entirely political.

He is free to express his opinions, but they are stupid, and if any "Conservative" wants to be taken seriously by Republicans, the NYT is not the place to express those opinions. The entire Editorial Staff is infected with terminal cases of TDS.
I'll vote for whoever runs against the stupid fuck that's in the WH now, but IMO voting for Trump in the primary will simply guarantee four more years of Biden. Oh well, the country is fucked anyway, we've sat back and allowed our country to be stampeded by the third-world without making even a whimper.

He is correct. Trump very well may have destroyed the Republican Party, now seemingly voiced only by Trumpers who really are Republican In Name Only, as no longer the stable conservative party that judge and I grew up with. They seem to no longer support the constitution, our country's historical norms and legal norms or institutions of government, or even have any lingering understanding of why we support the free countries of Europe and support countries trying to remain free of Russian agression, Russia being a historic antagonist to the US NATO and free countries around the world. They seem more interested in antagonizing half the country than being a stable bulwark against hasty decision and populism, once the realm of the other party.
He is correct. Trump very well may have destroyed the Republican Party, now seemingly voiced only by Trumpers who really are Republican In Name Only, as no longer the stable conservative party that judge and I grew up with. They seem to no longer support the constitution, our country's historical norms and legal norms or institutions of government, or even have any lingering understanding of why we support the free countries of Europe and support countries trying to remain free of Russian agression, Russia being a historic antagonist to the US NATO and free countries around the world. They seem more interested in antagonizing half the country than being a stable bulwark against hasty decision and populism, once the realm of the other party.
Thanks for that, Mika. :icon_rolleyes:
Some unknown RINO with a title goes to Pravda with an anti-Trump op-ed and this means what?

Yeah but I saw him on Nicole Wallace's show!!!

Who is she, you ask?

The Bush Jr. Press Secretary that helped lie us into an illegal war in Iraq where we lost thousands of US soldiers for no reason, and untold treasure.

And she hates Trump for challenging the entrenched scumbags in the GOP.

In other words, she's one of the good ones!

So they put her on MSNBC.

Dems, you are now everything you professed to hate - and all it took was some mean tweets.

I'll vote for whoever runs against the stupid fuck that's in the WH now, but IMO voting for Trump in the primary will simply guarantee four more years of Biden. Oh well, the country is fucked anyway, we've sat back and allowed our country to be stampeded by the third-world without making even a whimper.

Yeah, sure it will, if the Marxists/Demofascists try to do the 2am shit again, and the establishment Republicans turn the other way again, then it doesnt matter who runs. But when President Trum does get into office, the precedence is set that he can go after every Democrat in the Country and charge them with any BS crime, forcing them to go bankrupt in defense of the charges. I cant wait.....Justice will be served on a cold platter.
Oh you MAGAt Trumptards have whimpered PLENTY.
Pretty much nonstop.
And you just keep on sucking the Marxists cocks.

I'll vote for whoever runs against the stupid fuck that's in the WH now, but IMO voting for Trump in the primary will simply guarantee four more years of Biden. Oh well, the country is fucked anyway, we've sat back and allowed our country to be stampeded by the third-world without making even a whimper.

It's a shame only retirees speak out. The active Republicans who know Trump is a danger to our democracy are too chickenshit to speak out.

Anyone who does speak out is instantly called a RINO and primaried out of office. A true sign of a cult. You must be one with the hive mind.

They are the most spineless submissive cucks in American history.
Trump is a danger to our democracy

Where'd you hear that?

Oh yeah, your dumbass gets bombarded with that propaganda day in and day out from four companies who own virtually all of corporate media - and you think you've somehow produced an original thought for the cause of virtue.

Meanwhile, you brainwashed idiots who unquestioningly wave the flag of an obscure and corrupt eastern european dictatorship could get us into a nuclear fucking war.

But Trump is the real danger here.

You're so stupid, it's hopeless.
It's a shame only retirees speak out. The active Republicans who know Trump is a danger to our democracy are too chickenshit to speak out.

Anyone who does speak out is instantly called a RINO and primaried out of office. A true sign of a cult. You must be one with the hive mind.

They are the most spineless submissive cucks in American history.
Says the lickspittle, lapdog, Marxist, dumbass, who bit his own nose off just to spite his face.
How is the gas prices of late?
How are the food prices of late?
How is the war going in Ukraine?
Why are so many black people killing black people of late?
Why is crime so high, stores are closing down>

Stupid fucks like you are the reason why the US is now a banana republic....

I'll vote for whoever runs against the stupid fuck that's in the WH now, but IMO voting for Trump in the primary will simply guarantee four more years of Biden. Oh well, the country is fucked anyway, we've sat back and allowed our country to be stampeded by the third-world without making even a whimper.

Did you read your link?
Not to be judgmental (play on words fully intentional), but he seems like an idiot.

Nobody in his right mind believes that Trump has done anything that substantially violates the Espionage Act. And in fact, anyone with a law degree can discern that the "documents" case against Trump is so riddled with legal and Constitutional deficiencies that it will probably never actually come to trial.

As for the political side of things, ANYONE with a lock on at least a third of all Republican primary voters WILL WIN THE NOMINATION. Period. End of discussion.

So what would be the political advantage of coming out against Trump right now? Especially when at least 75% of registered Republicans believe that all four (4) prosecutions are entirely political.

He is free to express his opinions, but they are stupid, and if any "Conservative" wants to be taken seriously by Republicans, the NYT is not the place to express those opinions. The entire Editorial Staff is infected with terminal cases of TDS.
The most respected conservative judge in America is an idiot, you say?

Luttig also reiterated his belief that Republicans not speaking out against the "utter madness" of Trump's election fraud claims is "the definition of failed leadership."

One of those who he named personally responsible was his old protégée Ted Cruz, who worked under Luttig as a Supreme Court clerk. The Texas Senator described the judge as "like a father" to him in a 2016 profile for The New York Times.

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