Conservative reality check


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Mark Levin: The only real way to break up the political establishment (video)

When will conservatives wake up to the fact that they have no place in the federal government?

Only radical left winged loons like Bernie Sanders or narcissistic Progressive populists belong there. That's because the federal government is now an out of control centralized beast.

Let's face some facts conservatives. We are outnumbered and always have been outnumbered. Since the days of the Revolution, those fighting for freedom were small in comparison to those who did nothing. They were outnumbered and should have lost the war, but didn't.

We continue to be outnumbered, and just like in the days of the revolution we must rise up and fight for the majority who cannot fight for freedom themselves, either because they are too scared or ignorant. So how do we fight back today? I say the way to fight back is through a grass roots effort to elect state representatives. But how can we win elections if we are outnumbered? Easy, the drones have been programmed for one thing and one thing only. The walking dead only come out during Presidential elections and usually only vote for one man, the President to give them that free entitlement that will make their lives oh so much better. This is how collectivists have programmed the drones to function as they look to one man or woman for all their answers. Well it's time we expose their weakness. As the Zombie Apocalypse assembles their troops to vote for these collectivists in the federal government, we will only focus on electing men and women who will push through the Article V movement at the state level, something the drones know nothing about, nor could know because the state through public education and the press makes sure they are left ignorant. More than likely, the drones probably don't even know that the state has elected representatives.

It's really a beautiful thing. Even if state representatives are on the ballot during Presidential elections, what are the odds they will even vote for a state representative, let alone know who they are voting for? At best, they will vote for their drone candidates in the US Congress as well as voting for President. Either way, it will not hinder our efforts at the state level.

So just like in the days of the Revolution, we are outnumbered, but we still have hope. I realize most would say it's too late, it's too hard, etc., etc., etc., I would only retort, what choice do we have?

As Bernie continues to beat up on Hillary who will still win the nomination, just know this, even though Bernie will loose the nomination, it is apparent that his ilk is just around the corner from seizing power. In fact, Hillary will not be that much different from the crazed lunatic Bernie Sanders that is running now.

At the federal level, it will only wax worse and worse. There is no reform at the federal level. It's time to face reality.
I should never assume that even conservatives know what I'm talking about, so here is some info.

The Solution - Convention of States

Like Article V says, there are two methods to propose amendments to the Constitution.
1. Congress can propose amendments to the Constitution at any time if 2/3 of both houses of Congress agree.

2. A Convention of States can propose amendments if 2/3 of states submit applications for such a convention. These applications must all deal with the same issue (i.e., limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government).

The Founders knew the federal government might one day become drunk with the abuses of power. The most important check to this power is Article V. Article V gives states the power to call a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution.

By calling a convention of the states, we can stop the federal spending and debt spree, the power grabs of the federal courts, and other misuses of federal power. The current situation is precisely what the Founders feared, and they gave us a solution we have a duty to use.

After the states propose, debate, and vote upon the proposed amendments, they will be sent to the 50 states for ratification. Three-quarters of the states must agree for any of the proposed amendments to be ratified.

Congress has no authority to stop such a process. The Founders made sure of that.

We are approaching a crossroads.

The entire Federal government can be bypassed in the process. Not even the Fab 9 in robes can stop it.
Of course, the radical left sees the need for change as well. Unfortunately, however, they think the answer is to vote for the one person that promises more "free" stuff.

My only question is, has your Obamaphone stopped working and how is Obamacare working out for ya?
Who can tell me where this quote comes from?

We ask that government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within the confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: ... an end to the power of financial interest. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand ... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education.... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents.... The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor -- by the greatest possible support for all groups concerned with the physical education of youth. [W]e combat the ... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good.

Who here thinks it is Bernie Sanders?
As I was writing this my dog began to growl at me.

I wonder my dog is a democrat.


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