Conservative Judge J Michael Luttig's sadness over what's coming is palpable

You cannot possibly be this ignorant of American history.

On the other hand, your ignorance certainly explains how easily you are gaslighted.

It is simply astounding just how dumbed down your propagandists have made you.
They've been taught, and conditioned in, twisted thought processes.

If you were to point at the conservative judges on the Supreme Court, they'd say something like "no, they're not conservative, they just speak The Truth". And they would immediately believe what they just said.

This is a fucking madness. The world hasn't seen this in 90 years, and we didn't learn. What we're seeing appears to be what these people have wanted all along. Who knew.
I fail to see why a judge should be "conservative" and not "impartial". :dunno:

i don't mind a judge "self identifying" as conservative, but if he rules his ideology over the law it is too far.

and , of course, in this "both sides do it" era i want the same fairness on both sides.
One cannot be neutral when it comes to a threat to our democracy and the rule of law, dipshit.
Very poor kneejerk reply revealing both partisan stupidity and willful ignorance. Neutrality in a magistrate is paramount to the preservation of democracy not antithetical.
For a judge to make such a comment in the midst of ongoing legal action is the very threat to democracy you seem to have erroneously attributed to others. In fact your discomfort is simply the revelation of intolerance carried to the extremes of
Of left wing control-freakism.
A typically normal left wing position.
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You have got to be joking.

Trump is a threat to our democracy and the rule of law. A JUDGE knows better than anyone the significance of the kind of threat he is.
Trump is a threat to left wing dictatorship and preferred application of law. The much greater threat is the weaponization of the federal beauraracy and activist partisan magistrates.
It`s pretty early in the morning for posting like a drunk. Put the cork in the bottle and go to bed already.
Compared to many bullshitters who have made millions of dollars on their spiels in any way, I sound intellectual.
Haha are you for real with this? They really don’t let you get educated on the demaklan plantation do they? Haha too think Judges make their rulings on popular vote? Haha. Wow
So tell me boot licker, what did they rule it on? Their own opinions, how many of your white boyfriends have made you get an abortion?
So tell me boot licker, what did they rule it on? Their own opinions, how many of your white boyfriends have made you get an abortion?
Yes, that's what Judges do, they make rulings on the law, based on their interpretation of the law. Wow....why is this so new to you?

and no boyfriend has made me get an abortion, it's sad you think that's your role in a relationship...but then again, being a servant of the demaklan and your master joe, likel makes you frustrated and you feel you need to make others, like your girlfriends, do things
Yes, that's what Judges do, they make rulings on the law, based on their interpretation of the law. Wow....why is this so new to you?
So what Law did they use to rule on abortion?
and no boyfriend has made me get an abortion, it's sad you think that's your role in a relationship...but then again, being a servant of the demaklan and your master joe, likel makes you frustrated and you feel you need to make others, like your girlfriends, do things.
Actually my wife makes her own mind up when it comes to her body, but when black women who are boot lickers like you are in a relationship with white men they usually bow down to what he wants.
Luttig is intelligent, articulate, humble, dignified, informed, thoughtful, gracious and profoundly patriotic
None of that seems to matter for ANY other conservative. Especially black ones.

You're as transparent as they come.

And I've never heard of that judge. Don't care either. He is one American with one opinion. We all have them so there's nothing unique about his.

You may now carry on with your tds
Based on what? So you think old white men should have say so over a woman's body.
If libs had the votes in 1975 they would have legalized abortion through the legislative process 10 years sooner instead of farting around snd waiting for the unpredictable black robes to do it for them
None of that seems to matter for ANY other conservative. Especially black ones.

You're as transparent as they come.

And I've never heard of that judge. Don't care either. He is one American with one opinion. We all have them so there's nothing unique about his.

You may now carry on with your tds
Pretty amazing that you've never heard of him, but then again, you're insulated in MAGA world.

Not sure what I'm "transparent" about, but okay. You guys aren't very good at backing up your words, so I won't ask.

You may now carry on with your TDS.

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