Columbus Day 2017


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Hopefully we can all cherish what this tremendous, brilliant world explorer did in discovering the New World!
You whites love genocide dont you?

You whites love genocide dont you?


Columbus was perhaps not a nice man, but I fail to see how he was directly behind genocide?
You must fail to see on purpose or you cant read. :laugh:

So, you didn't hint at Whites supporting Columbus, somehow supports genocide.
No dummy. Whites supporting Columbus is supporting his genocide. I said you either are in denial or you cant read your own white boy history books.
You whites love genocide dont you?


Columbus was perhaps not a nice man, but I fail to see how he was directly behind genocide?
You must fail to see on purpose or you cant read. :laugh:

So, you didn't hint at Whites supporting Columbus, somehow supports genocide.
No dummy. Whites supporting Columbus is supporting his genocide. I said you either are in denial or you cant read your own white boy history books.

What's the Colombus genocide?
If he killed a few people, that's not genocide.
You whites love genocide dont you?


Columbus was perhaps not a nice man, but I fail to see how he was directly behind genocide?
You must fail to see on purpose or you cant read. :laugh:

So, you didn't hint at Whites supporting Columbus, somehow supports genocide.
No dummy. Whites supporting Columbus is supporting his genocide. I said you either are in denial or you cant read your own white boy history books.

What's the Colombus genocide?
If he killed a few people, that's not genocide.
He killed off the Tiano. About 12 million or so. Are you fucking with me or are you really that dumb?
I don't support Columbus, I think it would be better if Whites had stayed in Europe, and never came to the Americas.

I believe Europe is our homeland, and that the Spaniards wrecked White purity by mixing with Natives, and Blacks in the New World.

Now, those Hispanics are eradicating Whites in the U.S.
Columbus was perhaps not a nice man, but I fail to see how he was directly behind genocide?
You must fail to see on purpose or you cant read. :laugh:

So, you didn't hint at Whites supporting Columbus, somehow supports genocide.
No dummy. Whites supporting Columbus is supporting his genocide. I said you either are in denial or you cant read your own white boy history books.

What's the Colombus genocide?
If he killed a few people, that's not genocide.
He killed off the Tiano. About 12 million or so. Are you fucking with me or are you really that dumb?

So sorry to inform you, but there's no way there were 12 million Tiano Natives, much less that amount killed. LOL

Furthermore I fail to see how any of Columbus's voyages could be constituted as genocide against the Tiano.
You must fail to see on purpose or you cant read. :laugh:

So, you didn't hint at Whites supporting Columbus, somehow supports genocide.
No dummy. Whites supporting Columbus is supporting his genocide. I said you either are in denial or you cant read your own white boy history books.

What's the Colombus genocide?
If he killed a few people, that's not genocide.
He killed off the Tiano. About 12 million or so. Are you fucking with me or are you really that dumb?

So sorry to inform you, but there's no way there were 12 million Tiano Natives, much less that amount killed. LOL

Furthermore I fail to see how any of Columbus's voyages could be constituted as genocide against the Tiano.
Who told you there was no way?

His diary says what he did to them. You really have no clue do you?
I don't support Columbus, I think it would be better if Whites had stayed in Europe, and never came to the Americas.

I believe Europe is our homeland, and that the Spaniards wrecked White purity by mixing with Natives, and Blacks in the New World.

Now, those Hispanics are eradicating Whites in the U.S.
The Spaniards, italians, portugues were already wrecked because the Moors held sway over europe for a couple of centuries reeducating and bringing whites back to humanity. Without them you guys probably would have died out from inbreeding and cannibalism.
So, you didn't hint at Whites supporting Columbus, somehow supports genocide.
No dummy. Whites supporting Columbus is supporting his genocide. I said you either are in denial or you cant read your own white boy history books.

What's the Colombus genocide?
If he killed a few people, that's not genocide.
He killed off the Tiano. About 12 million or so. Are you fucking with me or are you really that dumb?

So sorry to inform you, but there's no way there were 12 million Tiano Natives, much less that amount killed. LOL

Furthermore I fail to see how any of Columbus's voyages could be constituted as genocide against the Tiano.
Who told you there was no way?

His diary says what he did to them. You really have no clue do you?

Well, Wikipedia says that Columbus was brutal to 1 man, wow, what genocide of 1.

Christopher Columbus - Wikipedia

According to the report, Columbus once punished a man found guilty of stealing corn by having his ears and nose cut off and then selling him into slavery.
So, you didn't hint at Whites supporting Columbus, somehow supports genocide.
No dummy. Whites supporting Columbus is supporting his genocide. I said you either are in denial or you cant read your own white boy history books.

What's the Colombus genocide?
If he killed a few people, that's not genocide.
He killed off the Tiano. About 12 million or so. Are you fucking with me or are you really that dumb?

So sorry to inform you, but there's no way there were 12 million Tiano Natives, much less that amount killed. LOL

Furthermore I fail to see how any of Columbus's voyages could be constituted as genocide against the Tiano.
Who told you there was no way?

His diary says what he did to them. You really have no clue do you?

There were about 250,000 Tainos on the island and it took 60 years (well after Columbus' death) for the population to dwindle.
I don't support Columbus, I think it would be better if Whites had stayed in Europe, and never came to the Americas.

I believe Europe is our homeland, and that the Spaniards wrecked White purity by mixing with Natives, and Blacks in the New World.

Now, those Hispanics are eradicating Whites in the U.S.
The Spaniards, italians, portugues were already wrecked because the Moors held sway over europe for a couple of centuries reeducating and bringing whites back to humanity. Without them you guys probably would have died out from inbreeding and cannibalism.

Perhaps the Moors were the ones who taught those Spaniards, Italians, and Portuguese slavery, and colonialism?
I don't support Columbus, I think it would be better if Whites had stayed in Europe, and never came to the Americas.

I believe Europe is our homeland, and that the Spaniards wrecked White purity by mixing with Natives, and Blacks in the New World.

Now, those Hispanics are eradicating Whites in the U.S.
The Spaniards, italians, portugues were already wrecked because the Moors held sway over europe for a couple of centuries reeducating and bringing whites back to humanity. Without them you guys probably would have died out from inbreeding and cannibalism.

This is what a famous Moor said about your people.

Ibn Khaldun -

So it is no surprise that Khaldun had the racist view that black people were inferior. He wrote: “Their qualities of character, moreover, are close to those of dumb animals. It has even been reported that most of the Negroes of the first [i.e. equatorial] zone dwell in caves and thickets, eat herbs, live in savage isolation and do not congregate, and eat each other.”9


“The Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery because (Negroes) have little that is (essentially) human and possess attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.”
It's all political spin. When the Irish were in charge they created St. Patrick's day and when the Italians became a political power Columbus Day was established. Take the day off and forget about it.
Columbus Day is worthy of celebration. The fact that he's hated by un-educated racists like Asclepias alone makes him worthy of acknowledgement, because that is a sure sign he did something worthwhile. The natives were a bunch of animalistic murdering cannibals and going nowhere until Europeans showed up and weeded out the unproductive and converted them to something useful. They already practiced human sacrifice, slavery, and torture for entertainment, so anything would have been an improvement of their future.prospects, and indeed that has been the case.
The man came with syphilis,gonorhea, chicken pox viruses.Raped louted pillaged and burn the Indigenous Carribe,Taieno, and Arawak indians of the Carribean. And many whites still support and love Columbus day, and Thanksgiving?!. Are many of you whites partially insane with gross amnesia?!!Do the historical research.

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