CNN Host Corners Darrell Issa Over Claim That Obama Conspired To Target Tea Party


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) claimed on Sunday that political officials in the Obama administration directed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents in Cincinnati to target conservative groups applying for 501 (c)(4) status, but his charge fell apart when probed by CNN host Candy Crowley.

Relying on interviews the Committee staff conducted with IRS officers who applied the additional scrutiny to Tea Party and patriot groups, Issa claimed “the indication is they were directly being ordered from Washington.” “The reason Lois Lerner tried to take the Fifth [Amendment], it’s because this was a problem coordinated in all likelihood right out of Washington headquarters and we’re getting to proving it,” Issa told Crowley, referring to the the embattled head of the IRS’ exempt organizations division who refused to testify before Congress and has since been placed on administrative leave.

To substantiate his claim, Issa provided CNN with selected excerpts from his staff’s interviews with IRS agents. But as Crowley quickly pointed out, the portion Issa cherry picked did not definitely prove that officials in Washington D.C. directed IRS officers to target conservative groups. In fact, after hearing Crowley read the transcript of an interview, Issa himself admitted that he has yet to uncover evidence that demonstrates IRS coordination with Washington:

“You don’t have that direct link,” Crowley continued. “You have the frontline agents going, yeah, we figured it was from Washington or I believe it was, but as of yet you don’t have that definitive, yeah, this guy called me and said, people, go look for tea party and patriot applications.” Issa claimed his investigation would eventually turn up direct evidence of his charges and described White House Press Secretary Jay Carney as a “paid liar” for claiming that Washington officials did not direct IRS agents.

The Inspector General’s report into the matter concluded that the IRS relied on “inappropriate criteria” while vetting groups applying for nonprofit status by using a BOLO—”Be On the Look Out”—list and blamed IRS officials in Washington, DC, for “insufficient oversight” of lower-level staffers. However, it specifically concluded that “All of these officials stated that the criteria were not influenced by any individual or organization outside the IRS.”

More: CNN Host Corners Darrell Issa Over Claim That Obama Conspired To Target Tea Party | By Igor Volsky

[ame=]CNN Host Confronts Darrell Issa - YouTube[/ame]

In other words, Issa has nothing. He's calling people "liars" without any proof. Special thanks to CNN's Candy Crowley.
Issa & the keystone cops . Theses clowns should have to pay back all the tax payers dollars they have wasted on bogus shit.
It's fun watching you nutbars bend over in impossible positions to try to find something/anything to diminish what our President has already called an Outrage

Would this be the same CNN host who as the moderator of a Presidential debate felt the need to defend President Obama during the debate even though defending anyone in a debate is not the job of the moderator in any way shape or form?

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) claimed on Sunday that political officials in the Obama administration directed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents in Cincinnati to target conservative groups applying for 501 (c)(4) status, but his charge fell apart when probed by CNN host Candy Crowley.

Relying on interviews the Committee staff conducted with IRS officers who applied the additional scrutiny to Tea Party and patriot groups, Issa claimed “the indication is they were directly being ordered from Washington.” “The reason Lois Lerner tried to take the Fifth [Amendment], it’s because this was a problem coordinated in all likelihood right out of Washington headquarters and we’re getting to proving it,” Issa told Crowley, referring to the the embattled head of the IRS’ exempt organizations division who refused to testify before Congress and has since been placed on administrative leave.

To substantiate his claim, Issa provided CNN with selected excerpts from his staff’s interviews with IRS agents. But as Crowley quickly pointed out, the portion Issa cherry picked did not definitely prove that officials in Washington D.C. directed IRS officers to target conservative groups. In fact, after hearing Crowley read the transcript of an interview, Issa himself admitted that he has yet to uncover evidence that demonstrates IRS coordination with Washington:

“You don’t have that direct link,” Crowley continued. “You have the frontline agents going, yeah, we figured it was from Washington or I believe it was, but as of yet you don’t have that definitive, yeah, this guy called me and said, people, go look for tea party and patriot applications.” Issa claimed his investigation would eventually turn up direct evidence of his charges and described White House Press Secretary Jay Carney as a “paid liar” for claiming that Washington officials did not direct IRS agents.

The Inspector General’s report into the matter concluded that the IRS relied on “inappropriate criteria” while vetting groups applying for nonprofit status by using a BOLO—”Be On the Look Out”—list and blamed IRS officials in Washington, DC, for “insufficient oversight” of lower-level staffers. However, it specifically concluded that “All of these officials stated that the criteria were not influenced by any individual or organization outside the IRS.”

More: CNN Host Corners Darrell Issa Over Claim That Obama Conspired To Target Tea Party | By Igor Volsky

[ame=]CNN Host Confronts Darrell Issa - YouTube[/ame]

In other words, Issa has nothing. He's calling people "liars" without any proof. Special thanks to CNN's Candy Crowley.

oh dear me

Democrats call for controls on tax-exempt groups at IRS hearing | Reuters
Whats scarier is that paid hacks like Candy Crowley have any credibility left with anyone who isn't already a hack....Like the OP. :rofl:

Please tell us "specifically" how she was inaccurate or wrong. We'll wait...
All the facts aren't in, which means that she may or may not be wrong.

But that won't stop the old bat from acting a bootlicking WH surrogate, like she did in the debates.
Whats scarier is that paid hacks like Candy Crowley have any credibility left with anyone who isn't already a hack....Like the OP. :rofl:

Sooo..... IOW's, theres no proof. :thup: For a lolibertarian you sure do come a runnin' whenever any Repub meme-of-the-day gets challenged. :eusa_eh: :eusa_think:
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Crowley basically called Vulture Romeny a liar in a debate - the word never came out, she said something like Willard was "incorrect" or what he said was "not true" and she was proved correct.

She's the only debate moderator with any balls since Bernard Shaw froze the audience and stunned a candidate many years ago.
IRS employees blisfully do as they please with no direction from the top.

Everyone knows that.
Crowley basically called Vulture Romeny a liar in a debate - the word never came out, she said something like Willard was "incorrect" or what he said was "not true" and she was proved correct.

She's the only debate moderator with any balls since Bernard Shaw froze the audience and stunned a candidate many years ago.

Crowley shilled for Obama and was proved spectacularly wrong.

What planet are you from?
Whats scarier is that paid hacks like Candy Crowley have any credibility left with anyone who isn't already a hack....Like the OP. :rofl:

Please tell us "specifically" how she was inaccurate or wrong. We'll wait...
All the facts aren't in, which means that she may or may not be wrong.

But that won't stop the old bat from acting a bootlicking WH surrogate, like she did in the debates.

If obama did not push the IRS too do this would mean only one thing he's the most incompetent president we have ever had.
Disconnected from Benghazi
used executive privilege for something he was not supposed to have any information on fast and the furious
justice department AP subpoena of phone calls
Crowley basically called Vulture Romeny a liar in a debate - the word never came out, she said something like Willard was "incorrect" or what he said was "not true" and she was proved correct.

She's the only debate moderator with any balls since Bernard Shaw froze the audience and stunned a candidate many years ago.
Big a douchebag that Vinnie Vitalis is, he was right in that instance and Crowley was playing White House bottom bitch for Big Daddy Obiedoodle.

And speaking of Bernard Shaw, pimping and stunned, nothing can match the deer-in-the-headlights look in his face when he was playing White House ho for Bubba Clintoon, in that fake "town hall" that CNN staged to try and pimp for a ground war in Bosnia, and the audience was having none of it.
#16- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bs zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Oh #17 too...So why can't dupes have an intelligent arument? Because all they have is propaganda and hate?
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Would this be the same CNN host who as the moderator of a Presidential debate felt the need to defend President Obama during the debate even though defending anyone in a debate is not the job of the moderator in any way shape or form?

Yeah, I still remember Romney's deer-in-the-headlights glaze after Candy popped his Benghazi gotcha bubble. Hilarious...
It's fun watching you nutbars bend over in impossible positions to try to find something/anything to diminish what our President has already called an Outrage


fer sure..
poor things..some Cnn Host...give us a break

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