CNN: Democrats to go on offense against Biden investigations.

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
"Go on the offense." "undermine investigations." Not "get to the truth," not "demand accountability of our leaders and agencies." Not "require transparency on behalf of the American people."

"Protect Biden."

‘Go on offense’: Inside Democrats’ strategy to try to undercut GOP investigations and protect Biden​


Congressional Democrats are betting that a coordinated offense is their best defense against the coming Republican investigative onslaught.

Democrats on Capitol Hill, at the White House, in agencies and in outside political groups are gearing up to do battle with the Republican committee chairs probing all corners of the Biden administration as well as the Biden family’s financial dealings.
The significant effort at the outset is a sign of the danger the GOP investigations and their subpoena power pose to Biden’s political prospects heading into his reelection. The stakes of knocking down the GOP probes have only grown over the past month as Biden is now grappling with a special counsel investigating his handling of classified documents found at his private residence and office.

So how will they undermine the special counsel, and the congressional representatives of the people seeking to hold the executive accountable? Bring witnesses to counter the witness that the GOP representatives call? Offer plausible innocent explanations for any seemingly incriminating facts brought out?


Their plans include launching sustained attacks against the two Republicans expected to lead the most aggressive probes: Oversight Chairman James Comer of Kentucky and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio, who is also leading the new so-called weaponization of government subcommittee with a wide investigative mandate. Meanwhile, outside groups are planning to bring the fight local and visit more than a dozen Biden-leaning congressional districts to go after vulnerable Republicans involved in the investigations.

At the center of the strategy will be Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, whose office has already resurrected a standing investigations meeting then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had held when Democrats were in power. The meeting is intended to help staffers of different committees get on the same page with their messaging and counter-strategy. Committee aides have also been working closely to coordinate with administration officials likely to be targets of GOP subpoenas, connecting regularly to discuss plans for dealing with Republican requests for information and attacks on agencies.

"Requests for information?" How dare those racist Republicans request information? Who do they think they are? Representatives of the people who own that information?
"Go on the offense." "undermine investigations." Not "get to the truth," not "demand accountability of our leaders and agencies." Not "require transparency on behalf of the American people."

"Protect Biden."

‘Go on offense’: Inside Democrats’ strategy to try to undercut GOP investigations and protect Biden​


Congressional Democrats are betting that a coordinated offense is their best defense against the coming Republican investigative onslaught.

Democrats on Capitol Hill, at the White House, in agencies and in outside political groups are gearing up to do battle with the Republican committee chairs probing all corners of the Biden administration as well as the Biden family’s financial dealings.
The significant effort at the outset is a sign of the danger the GOP investigations and their subpoena power pose to Biden’s political prospects heading into his reelection. The stakes of knocking down the GOP probes have only grown over the past month as Biden is now grappling with a special counsel investigating his handling of classified documents found at his private residence and office.

So how will they undermine the special counsel, and the congressional representatives of the people seeking to hold the executive accountable? Bring witnesses to counter the witness that the GOP representatives call? Offer plausible innocent explanations for any seemingly incriminating facts brought out?


Their plans include launching sustained attacks against the two Republicans expected to lead the most aggressive probes: Oversight Chairman James Comer of Kentucky and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio, who is also leading the new so-called weaponization of government subcommittee with a wide investigative mandate. Meanwhile, outside groups are planning to bring the fight local and visit more than a dozen Biden-leaning congressional districts to go after vulnerable Republicans involved in the investigations.

At the center of the strategy will be Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, whose office has already resurrected a standing investigations meeting then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had held when Democrats were in power. The meeting is intended to help staffers of different committees get on the same page with their messaging and counter-strategy. Committee aides have also been working closely to coordinate with administration officials likely to be targets of GOP subpoenas, connecting regularly to discuss plans for dealing with Republican requests for information and attacks on agencies.

"Requests for information?" How dare those racist Republicans request information? Who do they think they are? Representatives of the people who own that information?
How dare they? Dems should just roll over and play dead. Isn't that what the Republicans do?
How dare they? Dems should just roll over and play dead. Isn't that what the Republicans do?
When Trump was subjected to seven years of investigations into the hoax conspiracy theory of Russian collusion, the GOP response was to demand information and be repeatedly stonewalled. The didn't go after Democrats personally, except to point out when they said things like "there is more than circumstantial evidence," and then fail to provide any evidence.
When Trump was subjected to seven years of investigations into the hoax conspiracy theory of Russian collusion, the GOP response was to demand information and be repeatedly stonewalled. The didn't go after Democrats personally, except to point out when they said things like "there is more than circumstantial evidence," and then fail to provide any evidence.
LOL Let me guess. You did not read the article that you linked to. Just read the headlines and ran with it? Yeah, thought so. You retards always do.

But, if you had read your own link, you would have seen this: (And I quote)
It’s a strategy that in some ways mimics the way congressional Republicans served as then-President Donald Trump’s attack dogs after Democrats took control of the House in 2019. Republicans villainized House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff of California, who led the House’s first impeachment of Trump, and Trump was in constant communication with his GOP House allies during the subsequent impeachment trial.

Heck, your party went after Liz Cheney - a fellow Republican, not to mention, a Conservative - because she dared to go against your fuhrer and you believe that Republicans do not go after Dems?

No wonder the orange loser loves his poorly educated retards. Gad, you guys sure are gullible. :itsok:
LOL Let me guess. You did not read the article that you linked to. Just read the headlines and ran with it? Yeah, thought so. You retards always do.

But, if you had read your own link, you would have seen this: (And I quote)
It’s a strategy that in some ways mimics the way congressional Republicans served as then-President Donald Trump’s attack dogs after Democrats took control of the House in 2019. Republicans villainized House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff of California, who led the House’s first impeachment of Trump, and Trump was in constant communication with his GOP House allies during the subsequent impeachment trial.

Heck, your party went after Liz Cheney - a fellow Republican, not to mention, a Conservative - because she dared to go against your fuhrer and you believe that Republicans do not go after Dems?

No wonder the orange loser loves his poorly educated retards. Gad, you guys sure are gullible. :itsok:
Lol, Schiff. You need help, he is a bigger liar than Biden.
LOL Let me guess. You did not read the article that you linked to. Just read the headlines and ran with it? Yeah, thought so. You retards always do.

But, if you had read your own link, you would have seen this: (And I quote)
It’s a strategy that in some ways mimics the way congressional Republicans served as then-President Donald Trump’s attack dogs after Democrats took control of the House in 2019. Republicans villainized House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff of California, who led the House’s first impeachment of Trump, and Trump was in constant communication with his GOP House allies during the subsequent impeachment trial.

Heck, your party went after Liz Cheney - a fellow Republican, not to mention, a Conservative - because she dared to go against your fuhrer and you believe that Republicans do not go after Dems?

No wonder the orange loser loves his poorly educated retards. Gad, you guys sure are gullible. :itsok:
I quoted the parts of the article that were true. I did read that part and it is false, so I did not quote it. Even then CNN only said "in some ways."

The Republicans only "villainized" Schiff when he lied repeatedly by saying that he had seen "more than circumstantial evidence" of Trump collusion with Russia, and refused to ever say that that evidence was. He villainized himself and the GOP pointed it out.

That is not any way mimicked by a strategy of going on the attack before the investigation even starts.
Best defense is an aggressive offense...

So much for 'bipartisan equal justice', 'full cooperation', and 'transparency'...

My money's on Jim Jordan. He was a national wrestling champion. That proves how mentally and physically tough he is.

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