CNN documentary on Putin "The most powerful man in the world".


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
CNN' latest attempt to demean and diminish Donald Trump and push the fantasy that Hillary lost the election due to Russian hacking. She lost because she sucks and is totally corrupt. Yes, it really is that simple. And Fareed Zacharia is still a partisan Obama Liberal douche bag. And don't forget he was kicked off CNN for plagiarism. They brought him back of course because he is a smooth liar just like his buddy Obama.

CNN Special Report: The Most Powerful Man in the World - CNN Video
"Is that simple" does not provide any reasoning at all. :bs1: Me wishes the Trump trolls did t'least try. Just echo echo echo, but never a single logical explanation, just wishful thinking.
CNN' latest attempt to demean and diminish Donald Trump and push the fantasy that Hillary lost the election due to Russian hacking. She lost because she sucks and is totally corrupt. Yes, it really is that simple. And Fareed Zacharia is still a partisan Obama Liberal douche bag. And don't forget he was kicked off CNN for plagiarism. They brought him back of course because he is a smooth liar just like his buddy Obama.

CNN Special Report: The Most Powerful Man in the World - CNN Video

And these lefties have the nerve to dismiss the idea that the media is in the business of propaganda.

Or, in the most bat shit crazy examples, to claim that the media is conservative.

Putin: "The most powerful man in the world".
and the biggest THUG.
Putin was hand picked by the Yeltsin committee so the Russians must have seen something good in him to make them their Prince Regent.

Now he is their king.

The power of Russia has always been a countermeasure to the powers of the West, whether the West meant the USA, or Germany, or Turkey, or even Japan (which is East).

The balance of power in the world is a good thing.

BHO abused his power in Syria and Russia stepped in.

The CIA abused their power in Ukraine and Russia stepped in. I am surprised these spymasters did not foresee this.

Right now Turkey and Russia are strengthening their ties which is unusual for these two natural enemies and neighbors.

Overall you have to give Putin an A+ on performance so far.
Well maybe Mr. Putin is not the most powerful man in the world but he's one of the 10/15 most powerful men in the world for sure :)
I would say:

#1 - Putin

#2 - Xi

#3 - Trump

#4 - Urdogan

#5 - Kim Jung Un

#6 - Abe

#7 - Nieto (Mexico)

#8 - Temer (Brazil)

#9 - Trudeau

#10 - Quang (Viet Nam)
Well maybe Mr. Putin is not the most powerful man in the world but he's one of the 10/15 most powerful men in the world for sure :)
I would say:

#1 - Putin

#2 - Xi

#3 - Trump

#4 - Urdogan

#5 - Kim Jung In

#6 - Abe
I agree with you yiostheoy

But I would put Trump #2 and Xi #3 :)
Well maybe Mr. Putin is not the most powerful man in the world but he's one of the 10/15 most powerful men in the world for sure :)
I would say:

#1 - Putin

#2 - Xi

#3 - Trump

#4 - Urdogan

#5 - Kim Jung In

#6 - Abe
I agree with you yiostheoy

But I would put Trump #2 and Xi #3 :)
Xi controls all of Asia if he wants to.

China is a sleeping giant.

They have more world influence than Trump.

I agree with you about China being no. 2.

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