Clovis: Ninja Government (Occult Dictionary)


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Sep 22, 2013
Has American luxury clouded our imagination regarding non-mainstream jargon (e.g., Occultism folklore, crime censorship, etc.)?

This 'dark side' yarn was inspired by American Psycho and reflects our social fascination with dogma.

As a person of normal Catholic faith, I have to admit that new age storytelling seems to delve deeply into the world of superstition. Is this good or bad? You decide...



A brilliant young ninja warrior named Storm was investigating the patterns of murders across the world to determine if there was any kind of 'species fingerprint' left in the 'nature' of the murders (the weapons used, the type of violence, the location of the wounds/injuries, etc.). Storm noticed that nearly all murders committed by human beings involved an intentional blood-letting from an area of the body known to release bleeding. Therefore, unusual regions where blood was not common sensitization were not attacked (i.e., earlobes, armpits, wrists). Storm wondered if citations of murders where those unusual regions were somehow injured/attacked might be crimes committed by individuals involved in the Occult.


As Storm began studying Occultism to do background research, he started feeling uneasy about the depth and complexity of the unusual Occult 'universe' so he got himself a courage-forging wise pure-white wolf-dog named Nero and decided to make him (Nero) his spirit-guide. Nero would provide Storm the necessary metaphysical 'balance' while Storm pursued his investigations into the criminality of Occult individuals/groups such as the Manson Family and the Blair Witch. Nero would give Storm great mental strength.


At last, Storm (and Nero) confronted an ultimate 'diplomat' of the Occult who held the answers to Storm's unusual questions about the patterns of murder (and hence violence itself). This 'diplomat' was a Wiccan warlock who lived in a cave in the Himalayas and wore a body-suit of black leather and eerie black hood (and carried two sabres). This warlock was named Clovis, and he wanted to tell Storm about the quality of Occult governments and social networks devoted to anarchy and paganism. Storm wanted to know about Clovis's perspective on the fingerprints of murders.


STORM: Do you think Occult criminals intentionally target the body's unusual points?
CLOVIS: Such as the earlobes and armpits?
CLOVIS: Well...sometimes...depending on the intention itself.
STORM: It seems the intention is to undermine the body's logical morphology!
CLOVIS: Precisely; select unusual areas to 'pierce' and extract them...for consumption.
STORM: Cannibalism?
CLOVIS: Why not? Occultism is involved in the bizarre side of the consciousness.
STORM: Well, I suppose there are criminals who also happen to be Christians.
CLOVIS: No one is immune from hypocrisy, but Christians tend to be law-abiding.
STORM: I'm not implying Occultism devotees are more prone to criminality...
CLOVIS: Of course not; but you're smart in theorizing that a warlock may seek abnormality.
STORM: In other words, and Occult group may sacrifice a human and use earlobes for a stew?
CLOVIS: I know that sounds cliched, but Occultism can be as bizarre as it can be intelligible.
STORM: I guess Christianity can be as unjust (e.g., KKK) as it can be sane (e.g., Vatican).
CLOVIS: All religions have flaws; and Occultism is no different; but warlocks do study blood.
STORM: So let's suppose an Occultism-oriented secret society (or government!) is formed...
CLOVIS: Alright; and I guess that I would be some kind of 'executive' of this network?
STORM: Yes. You'd be the 'bishop' overseeing the body's evaluation of life and medicine.
CLOVIS: That sounds wise; I know a good deal about acupuncture and blood-letting.
STORM: Would such an Occult government/body reveal a 'dark side' to medicine?
CLOVIS: You're wary of anarchy; commercial traffic fortifies peace (e.g., IBM).
STORM: In that case, let's agree that networking doesn't have to feel orthodox.
CLOVIS: No it doesn't; aesthetics of networking are found everywhere (e.g., Facebook).


After this stirring discussion with the eerie Clovis, Storm (and his dog Nero) departed from the Himalayas and returned to their prayer-hut in Alaska (USA). Storm concluded that Clovis was a pensive Wiccan warlock who was willing to listen to the curious questions of an inquisitor wondering about the 'eccentricities' of Occultism-oriented groups (even those that were very non-mainstream). Storm realized that Clovis was trying to tell him about the 'ergonomics' of mainstream society and therefore the 'aesthetics' of underground metaphysics. Witches and warlocks deified naturalism and engaged in bizarre rituals (e.g., animal sacrifices), so questions about 'extreme experiments' (e.g., cannibalism) would be welcomed by 'scholars' of Wicca (such as Clovis himself). Storm decided that Occultists (unlike 'mainstream priests') may consider vulnerability (e.g., rape, murder, theft, terrorism) a 'face' of free-speech (if not legality).



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