Climate Crisis Is Not Global Warming, It Is Cooling


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
The Real Climate Crisis Is Not Global Warming, It Is Cooling, And It May Have Already Started

"The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (“CAGW”, aka “Global Warming”, “Climate Change”, “Climate Crisis”, “Climate Emergency”) scare is a failed hypothesis and the greatest scientific fraud in history. Global warming alarmism has been promoted by political extremists and believed in by their gullible acolytes for decades, even though there is no credible evidence that catastrophic global warming exists in reality, and ample evidence that the CAGW hypothesis has been falsified."

An excellent read and supported with empirical evidence!

Read and post your take on the empirical evidence that supports the position..
Global warming in the Summer, global cooling occurs in the Winter...

... as predicted.
There is now a whole generation people who have been brainwashed with global warming their whole lives.
They are like the flat earth society.
It's a shame the authors start out so virulently ... almost put me off as more claptrap the `udder` direction ... glad I foraged on to the parts where they back-up their claptrap ... data is the heart of any science, and sometimes it takes a good long while to gather this data ... this is especially true in climatology where we prefer our 100-year averages, which takes 100 years to gather ...

I'm very glad to see folks publishing papers that work against lamestream media ... they're not losing their jobs so now maybe more folk will publish ... it's high time to try and get to the bottom of all the nonsense ...

Let's be cautious ... the CAGW warriors took too little information and ran wild ... we still have too little information so let's not run wild back the other way ... we might not see any global cooling for another 50,000 years and still be well within normal ... let the evidence speak for herself ...
It's a shame the authors start out so virulently ... almost put me off as more claptrap the `udder` direction ... glad I foraged on to the parts where they back-up their claptrap ... data is the heart of any science, and sometimes it takes a good long while to gather this data ... this is especially true in climatology where we prefer our 100-year averages, which takes 100 years to gather ...

I'm very glad to see folks publishing papers that work against lamestream media ... they're not losing their jobs so now maybe more folk will publish ... it's high time to try and get to the bottom of all the nonsense ...

Let's be cautious ... the CAGW warriors took too little information and ran wild ... we still have too little information so let's not run wild back the other way ... we might not see any global cooling for another 50,000 years and still be well within normal ... let the evidence speak for herself ...
While short, the evidence is damning. AGW is a farce and unsupported by available facts. In fact those same facts tell us were overdue for the next glacial cycle and with the recent 10 year change in circulation patterns, it may well have already started.
Cultists should always avoid using fringe cult lingo like "CAGW". Once anyone sees it, they instantly know with 100% certainty that the speaker is a WUWT-cult acolyte, and that anything following will be entirely fraudulent.

Those ice age cultists have been pushing their "GLOBAL COOLING REAL SOON NOW!" line continuously for the past 40+ years. Yet the cooling never arrives, and instead, it just keeps warming strongly. No matter. In the mind of an ice age cultist, the HolyIceAge will arrive. They only need to keep having faith. Each time their icy armageddon fails to arrive, they do what end-times cultists always do. They simply push back the date of armageddon.
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Cultists should always avoid using fringe cult lingo like "CAGW". Once anyone sees it, they instantly know with 100% certainty that the speaker is a WUWT-cult acolyte, and that anything following will be entirely fraudulent.

You failed to read the article or deal in the facts presented..
You failed to read the article or deal in the facts presented..

Those "facts" were a load of irrelevant anecdotes. Fools the rubes, of course.

The facts would be that these things called "thermometers" show global warming everywhere, including the USA. The rate of warming is lower than average in the lower-48 USA, but that's just 2% of the world's surface.
You failed to read the article or deal in the facts presented..

Those "facts" were a load of irrelevant anecdotes. Fools the rubes, of course.

The facts would be that these things called "thermometers" show global warming everywhere, including the USA. The rate of warming is lower than average in the lower-48 USA, but that's just 2% of the world's surface.
Lyin Shitty Kitty...

You never learn.. Its all partisan bull shit with you... You failed to read the article or deal with the GLOBAL loss of 55 growing days in the last three years. This cut production of certain necessary foods in half. If this continues people will be starving by this time next year... Your a fucking idiot!
You failed to read the article or deal in the facts presented..

Those "facts" were a load of irrelevant anecdotes. Fools the rubes, of course.

The facts would be that these things called "thermometers" show global warming everywhere, including the USA. The rate of warming is lower than average in the lower-48 USA, but that's just 2% of the world's surface.
Lyin Shitty Kitty...

You never learn.. Its all partisan bull shit with you... You failed to read the article or deal with the GLOBAL loss of 55 growing days in the last three years. This cut production of certain necessary foods in half. If this continues people will be starving by this time next year... Your a fucking idiot!

If you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail...and when you are an AGW cultist, everything looks like man made climate change, or nonsense questioning the faith in man made climate change...she is a zealot and probably wouldn't change her mind even if all her cats froze to death in a 9 month long winter...
If I had a choice between a little warmer or a little cooler I believe I'd take warmer. The greening of the Earth, due to higher CO2 levels, can only be a good thing.
If I had a choice between a little warmer or a little cooler I believe I'd take warmer. The greening of the Earth, due to higher CO2 levels, can only be a good thing.

A little global warming is a good thing ... better crops yields, less energy heating our homes, folks wearing less clothing, more rainfall, fewer powerful weather events ... we're at the dawn of a new Golden Age of human existence ... the end of warfare, no more starvation, vast areas of the Canadian Arctic and Siberia opening up for human habitation ... unimaginable the peace and prosperity that will exist on Earth in a 100 years ... almost as though GOD Himself put these fossil fuels in place so humans can burn it and finally create Heaven on Earth ...
Cultists should always avoid using fringe cult lingo like "CAGW". Once anyone sees it, they instantly know with 100% certainty that the speaker is a WUWT-cult acolyte, and that anything following will be entirely fraudulent.

Those ice age cultists have been pushing their "GLOBAL COOLING REAL SOON NOW!" line continuously for the past 40+ years. Yet the cooling never arrives, and instead, it just keeps warming strongly. No matter. In the mind of an ice age cultist, the HolyIceAge will arrive. They only need to keep having faith. Each time their icy armageddon fails to arrive, they do what end-times cultists always do. They simply push back the date of armageddon.

Funny its fucking snowing in Boise idaho right now.

Cultists should always avoid using fringe cult lingo like "CAGW". Once anyone sees it, they instantly know with 100% certainty that the speaker is a WUWT-cult acolyte, and that anything following will be entirely fraudulent.

Those ice age cultists have been pushing their "GLOBAL COOLING REAL SOON NOW!" line continuously for the past 40+ years. Yet the cooling never arrives, and instead, it just keeps warming strongly. No matter. In the mind of an ice age cultist, the HolyIceAge will arrive. They only need to keep having faith. Each time their icy armageddon fails to arrive, they do what end-times cultists always do. They simply push back the date of armageddon.

Funny its fucking snowing in Boise idaho right now.

Actual temp right now is just 5 deg F with winds of 24mph-- Feels like -16 deg F. Balmy with blowing snow..

A little global warming is a good thing ... better crops yields, less energy heating our homes, folks wearing less clothing, more rainfall, fewer powerful weather events ... we're at the dawn of a new Golden Age of human existence ... the end of warfare, no more starvation, vast areas of the Canadian Arctic and Siberia opening up for human habitation ...

... more than a billion people forced to move out of the tropics or die.

But hey, to deniers, that's not an issue. It's not like they're white people.
Lyin Shitty Kitty..

You didn't answer, cult boi.

Your Ice Age cult has been predicting "New Ice Age Any Day Now!" non-stop for over 40 years running.

Yet your HolyIceAge never arrives.

Why would anyone think this latest prediction is any less delusional? Reference "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to understand why you have zero credibility.

You never learn.. Its all partisan bull shit with you... You failed to read the article or deal with the GLOBAL loss of 55 growing days in the last three years.

That was one of the more obvious frauds pushed by the article. And you fell hard for it. You never learn.

This cut production of certain necessary foods in half.

So, according to you, global food production has already declined massively. Where can I read about that? After all, the rest of the planet seems to have missed out on that news.

If this continues people will be starving by this time next year... Your a fucking idiot!

We know how this goes. Next year, when it has warmed further, you'll still be yammering "New Ice Age Any Day Now!"! So let's come back to this in a year, when I'll laugh very hard at all of you cult losers.
I remember the first climate alarmist I heard of were crying about the hole in the ozone expanding due to Freon being released into the atmosphere by those nasty a/c mechanics- now we no longer use Freon (as we knew it) and everyone has to be certified (read money spent, money collected) to help insure (not ensure) that the problem has been corrected- and now we have ozone warnings and the earth is warming- just can't please some people- but, the ones with the most to lose, the patent holder on Freon (Dupont) hit on a different formula that doesn't work quite as well but got the rules written in their favor with the alarmist paving the way for them- follow the money- Al Gore will thank you personally for your zealotry.
... more than a billion people forced to move out of the tropics or die.

But hey, to deniers, that's not an issue. It's not like they're white people.

Why would a 2ºC temperature increase over 100 years kill a billion people in the tropics? ... what an odd thing to be afraid of ... do you still believe in hypercanes or something? ...

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