Climate Change Deniers among our Elected Representatives

That this isn't like the last couple thousand years is what is going to fuck US up.

They aren't my models and they are much better than the denier literature has insisted. And getting better with each iteration. I don't expect a daily weather report for the year 2100, but if they say the planet will be more than 2C warmer by then, I firmly believe we have reason to be worried and to act.
I understand that and agree.
Its when you fill in voids with "man" that get my wheels turning.
Its much like the savages of thousands of years ago did with god. Everything was a gods action. Thats why i said to grow up.
I don't understand what gets your wheels turning: that man is responsible for the warming?
Gravity ==> Real
Gravity ==> Proven
AGW ==> Fairy Tale

Can you explain why your opinion is at such variance with the scientists of the world?

The number of scientists towing the AGW line is growing smaller all the time...more than 500 papers questioning the consensus line last year alone..surely more this year and more the picked pseudoscience over science and sooner or later, you will find that you, and the rest of your cult buddies will have to leave the board because of the peals of laughter over how easily you were duped...
You are saying 95% of all national academies of science, most every national science foundation, 97% of all climate scientists, the vast majority scientists from all disciplines, and ever major scientific organization in the world that studies climate are a cult.



What YOU are showing is strong evidence of a POLITICAL behavior, since consensus and authority doesn't advance science research at all, it is REPRODUCIBLE research that matters.

Meanwhile you and another warmists are ignoring the utter failures of the IPPC prediction/projection that have been made since day one in 1990.

SSDD is correct there have been HUNDREDS of new science papers THIS YEAR, that doesn't support the AGW conjecture. Many hundreds last year and the year before that means that over 2,000 papers have been published against the AGW conjecture, in the last few years.

Consensus doesn't publish papers, that is why your argument is dead on arrival.
Regardless of what branch of science we might discuss, consensus is the cornerstone for acceptance of scientific theory. An accepted scientific theory follows the Scientific Method which begins with a question or an unexplained phenomenon. Observations, data collection, and experiments are conducted to gain more insight into the phenomenon. Ideas we call hypothesis's begin to develop spurring more research. Papers are written showing scientific evidence in support or undermining a hypothesis. As the hypothesis gains support the hypotheses are restated as a new theory with supporting evidence. It moves up through more prestigious scientific groups spurring more research. As acceptance grows, the new theory makes it's way into the academies of science, organizations like NASA, the American Society of Physics, American Medical Association, etc. As the New Theory is endorsed by these groups it becomes a tool used to investigate other areas of Science. People may then accept it as fact but the door is always open to competing ideas. To put it in common terms, scientists run their ideas with supporting research up the flagpole to see who salutes.

So you see, acceptance of new ideas and theories is always about getting a consensus, yet no theory is every written in stone. It will always be a theory subject to change.
I personally think it may be too late. Considering how much action humans are likely to actually take, it was probably too late 20 years ago.

How many failed predictions does it take? Even if it is a bit "warmer", so what?!

It's over 3 DECADES now of failed predictions: ice free Arctic, snow a thing of the past, etc. we're not convinced

Stil waiting on one of them to say what the ideal temperature is for life on earth...looking at the history of life on earth, my bet is that the ideal temperature isn't at the geological beginning of an exit from a deep ice age.
So you post what convinced sad as that is...
Every post I've made on this thread contributes to the fact that you are full of shit. That's what I'm convinced of.

Which is a clear demonstration that you are completely ignorant on the topic. Dodging arguments...not providing evidence, and calling names does not represent anything other than your inability to defend your position. Interesting that in your mind, that represents some sort of victory. Guess that is what ultimately brought you to this point..believing that demonstrating your inability to rationally defend your position equals victory...

Sad commentary on the educational system.
Regardless of what branch of science we might discuss, consensus is the cornerstone for acceptance of scientific theory.

You couldn't possibly be more wrong...repeatable evidence is the cornerstone for acceptance of a scientific theory. Science is about evidence...consensus doesn't carry an ounce of authority.

Can you point to any other branch of science in which a consensus opinion is offered up in support of the present prevailing theory rather than evidence gathered via the best adherence to the scientific method possible? Any at all?

An accepted scientific theory follows the Scientific Method which begins with a question or an unexplained phenomenon. Observations, data collection, and experiments are conducted to gain more insight into the phenomenon. Ideas we call hypothesis's begin to develop spurring more research. Papers are written showing scientific evidence in support or undermining a hypothesis.

True enough..but that isn't how climate science operates. You believe that CO2 causes warming and that most of the warming we have experienced has been due to our CO2 emissions...and yet, there has never been a paper published in which the claimed warming due to our activities has been empirically measured, quantified and ascribed to so called greenhouse gasses....Not a single paper....and yet, that is precisely what you believe. How did you arrive at that conclusion when there are no published scientific studies which make that claim and show clear observed, measured evidence to support the claim?

You believe...that is all. You haven't been convinced by the body of haven't been convinced by the repeatable experiments, you haven't been convinced by the scientific method...You believe...and neither belief, nor consensus has any place in actual science.
Regardless of what branch of science we might discuss, consensus is the cornerstone for acceptance of scientific theory. An accepted scientific theory follows the Scientific Method which begins with a question or an unexplained phenomenon. Observations, data collection, and experiments are conducted to gain more insight into the phenomenon. Ideas we call hypothesis's begin to develop spurring more research. Papers are written showing scientific evidence in support or undermining a hypothesis. As the hypothesis gains support the hypotheses are restated as a new theory with supporting evidence. It moves up through more prestigious scientific groups spurring more research. As acceptance grows, the new theory makes it's way into the academies of science, organizations like NASA, the American Society of Physics, American Medical Association, etc. As the New Theory is endorsed by these groups it becomes a tool used to investigate other areas of Science. People may then accept it as fact but the door is always open to competing ideas. To put it in common terms, scientists run their ideas with supporting research up the flagpole to see who salutes.

So you see, acceptance of new ideas and theories is always about getting a consensus, yet no theory is every written in stone. It will always be a theory subject to change.

Can you explain why your opinion is at such variance with the scientists of the world?

The number of scientists towing the AGW line is growing smaller all the time...more than 500 papers questioning the consensus line last year alone..surely more this year and more the picked pseudoscience over science and sooner or later, you will find that you, and the rest of your cult buddies will have to leave the board because of the peals of laughter over how easily you were duped...
You are saying 95% of all national academies of science, most every national science foundation, 97% of all climate scientists, the vast majority scientists from all disciplines, and ever major scientific organization in the world that studies climate are a cult.



What YOU are showing is strong evidence of a POLITICAL behavior, since consensus and authority doesn't advance science research at all, it is REPRODUCIBLE research that matters.

Meanwhile you and another warmists are ignoring the utter failures of the IPPC prediction/projection that have been made since day one in 1990.

SSDD is correct there have been HUNDREDS of new science papers THIS YEAR, that doesn't support the AGW conjecture. Many hundreds last year and the year before that means that over 2,000 papers have been published against the AGW conjecture, in the last few years.

Consensus doesn't publish papers, that is why your argument is dead on arrival.
Regardless of what branch of science we might discuss, consensus is the cornerstone for acceptance of scientific theory. An accepted scientific theory follows the Scienti:2up:fic Method which begins with a question or an unexplained phenomenon. Observations, data collection, and experiments are conducted to gain more insight into the phenomenon. Ideas we call hypothesis's begin to develop spurring more research. Papers are written showing scientific evidence in support or undermining a hypothesis. As the hypothesis gains support the hypotheses are restated as a new theory with supporting evidence. It moves up through more prestigious scientific groups spurring more research. As acceptance grows, the new theory makes it's way into the academies of science, organizations like NASA, the American Society of Physics, American Medical Association, etc. As the New Theory is endorsed by these groups it becomes a tool used to investigate other areas of Science. People may then accept it as fact but the door is always open to competing ideas. To put it in common terms, scientists run their ideas with supporting research up the flagpole to see who salutes.

So you see, acceptance of new ideas and theories is always about getting a consensus, yet no theory is every written in stone. It will always be a theory subject to change.


After 20 years, the public is highly aware. Acceptance has been in place for years now.....the climate crusaders point this out daily in here! But accepting and caring are two completely different things!
You've gotten your quotes mixed up Thomas

What YOU are showing is strong evidence of a POLITICAL behavior, since consensus and authority doesn't advance science research at all, it is REPRODUCIBLE research that matters.

Meanwhile you and another warmists are ignoring the utter failures of the IPPC prediction/projection that have been made since day one in 1990.

SSDD is correct there have been HUNDREDS of new science papers THIS YEAR, that doesn't support the AGW conjecture. Many hundreds last year and the year before that means that over 2,000 papers have been published against the AGW conjecture, in the last few years.

Consensus doesn't publish papers, that is why your argument is dead on arrival.

So, Tommy, to whom do reproducible experiments matter?

SSDD has not produced a single one of these papers he claims exist. Not one. Perhaps you can do your master one better and actually find one. James Powell found a few. A very few. His three studies found that the published literature supports AGW at over 99%.*

And, if consensus doesn't matter, why are you touting the NUMBER of studies you think have appeared on your side? From the argument you fools have been pushing, it should have taken only one.

* -
James L. Powell, a former member of the National Science Board and current executive director of the National Physical Science Consortium, analyzed published research on global warming and climate change between 1991 and 2012 and found that of the 13,950 articles in peer-reviewed journals, only 24 rejected anthropogenic global warming.[142] A follow-up analysis looking at 2,258 peer-reviewed climate articles with 9,136 authors published between November 2012 and December 2013 revealed that only one of the 9,136 authors rejected anthropogenic global warming.[143] His 2015 paper on the topic, covering 24,210 articles published by 69,406 authors during 2013 and 2014 found only five articles by four authors rejecting anthropogenic global warming. Over 99.99% of climate scientists did not reject AGW in their peer-reviewed research.[144]

In his latest paper, Powell reported that using rejection as the criterion of consensus, five surveys of the peer-reviewed literature from 1991 to 2015, including several of those above, combine to 54,195 articles with an average consensus of 99.94%.[145]

For the fifth or sixth time...
Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia
I don't understand what gets your wheels turning: that man is responsible for the warming?
That people in voids with "man"

I still don't understand what you're trying to say. I assume you meant "That people fill in the voids with "man". What voids? Where?
Crazy weather happens and it is mans fault.
Things we dont underatand, is just man fucking it up.
Everything is mans fault even if it completely contradicts natural variability.
The world is getting warmer due to human GHG emissions. Humans burned fossil fuel for over a century before this was widely known, though a few scientists predicted it in the late 1800s. We created an enormous infrastructure powered almost entirely by fossil fuels before finding out that we were doing more than making smog in LA. But now we do know. We know the effects of this warming will be costly. We have to act. It will not be easy or cheap or pleasant, but no one is trying to destroy the economy or take us back to the stone age. We are trying to avoid centuries of human misery and trillions upon trillions of cost. Claiming that this is all a hoax driven by misanthropy among liberals (who apparently include every one of the world's 60,000+ climate scientists) is just simply unsupportable. The process is real, the threat is real, action is required.
The world is getting warmer due to human GHG emissions. Humans burned fossil fuel for over a century before this was widely known, though a few scientists predicted it in the late 1800s. We created an enormous infrastructure powered almost entirely by fossil fuels before finding out that we were doing more than making smog in LA. But now we do know. We know the effects of this warming will be costly. We have to act. It will not be easy or cheap or pleasant, but no one is trying to destroy the economy or take us back to the stone age. We are trying to avoid centuries of human misery and trillions upon trillions of cost. Claiming that this is all a hoax driven by misanthropy among liberals (who apparently include every one of the world's 60,000+ climate scientists) is just simply unsupportable. The process is real, the threat is real, action is required.
Pretty ironic that the ones arguing are called 'conservatives', when they couldn't care less about conservation. When they hear the word green the only thing that comes to mind is money.
It's apparent that some individuals simply have no souls, and truly don't care about the future.
They have no vision outside their own pathetic little existence .
The world is getting warmer due to human GHG emissions. Humans burned fossil fuel for over a century before this was widely known, though a few scientists predicted it in the late 1800s. We created an enormous infrastructure powered almost entirely by fossil fuels before finding out that we were doing more than making smog in LA. But now we do know. We know the effects of this warming will be costly. We have to act. It will not be easy or cheap or pleasant, but no one is trying to destroy the economy or take us back to the stone age. We are trying to avoid centuries of human misery and trillions upon trillions of cost. Claiming that this is all a hoax driven by misanthropy among liberals (who apparently include every one of the world's 60,000+ climate scientists) is just simply unsupportable. The process is real, the threat is real, action is required.

Where is there any evidence of this happening? Anywhere in the world? It not on the radar of any developed nation to any degree to be taken seriously. Its a nice fantasy for the climate crusader-types but for all the talk of the science, its not transcending shit.

These people talk about "trillions" like it was a few $20 bills...… nobody has to pay for it and there are zero necessary tradeoffs. But leaders know, taxing at a 60% to 70% rate kinda pisses people off ( see Paris for the last 20 straight weeks ). Leaders don't like to see major civil unrest in their cities...….the climate crusaders might not mind but everybody else does!

The stone age might happen due to global warming. A GND will bring us to the stone age with 100% certainty. Which do you think politicians across the globe are going to go with?!!!:2up::bye1::bye1:. For the past 20 years with all the bomb throwing going on about global warming, the world has done close to dick in terms of climate action......the evidence is profound.:coffee:
BTW.....curious board members will note......climate alarmists talk about "real threats" that have about the same chance of being accurate as throwing a dart off the Empire State Building and hoping it hits a dart board on the intersection of 5th and 34th. To most people, "real threats" are taxes so enormous that one is unable to live in their home anymore because they cant afford the mortgage. Climate alarmists fail to connect the dots in failing to recognize the reasoned level of thinking that occurs in most of the population. Nobody is going to fork over their wallet because climate scientists say, "Better or else!".

For 20 years, the climate hysterical have been saying incessantly that we are doomed "unless"...…….the whole world knows it but nobody gives a rats ass because they like their wallets. How do we know for certain? Zero climate action over the past 20 years! Egg......nada......boink…

Again...….climate alarmists can display no hard evidence that people are as alarmed as they are. Now......if the Paris Treaty were steaming along, we'll Id have to digress. But instead, it is as dead as a doornail = alarmist thinking is fringe thinking.
Your lot seemed to have forked over your wallet so the upper 1% could live life without taxation. How much "reasoned level of thinking" did that involve?

As you've been told multiple times, doing nothing will cost far, far more than doing something. That's a very general rule with problems of all sort. Ignoring them and putting them off is NEVER the best solution. It's the stupid solution or the cowardly solution. How can you not see that?

I get upset with you fools for several reasons, but the biggest are my children, whose lives you seem determined to fuck up.

Your lot seemed to have forked over your wallet so the upper 1% could live life without taxation. How much "reasoned level of thinking" did that involve?

As you've been told multiple times, doing nothing will cost far, far more than doing something. That's a very general rule with problems of all sort. Ignoring them and putting them off is NEVER the best solution. It's the stupid solution or the cowardly solution. How can you not see that?

I get upset with you fools for several reasons, but the biggest are my children, whose lives you seem determined to fuck up.


Your lot seemed to have forked over your wallet so the upper 1% could live life without taxation.

Strange claim, considering the top 1% paid 37.3% of all individual federal income tax collected (2016).

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